THE CASE OF THE Makers of QUILTS for BEDS only.
I. THAT depriving the Quilt-Makers of the Liberty of using Printed Callicoe Carpets, will be a Detriment to the Government, as to the Customs and Duties, and also to the Woollen Manufactures; there being great Quantities of Norwich, Kidderminster, Kendal, and other Stuffs, used for the Backsides of Quilts; besides abundance of Ordinary Wooll, which must otherwise be thrown away; it being too short for Spinning, and fit for no other Use.
II. That the Callicoes used in making Quilts, are cut into square Pieces, and printed in Form of a Carpet, which renders them unfit for Cloaths or Garments of any kind: Neither can they be used in Houshold Furniture any otherways but in Quilts, being only fit for that Purpose.
III. That Linnen Cloths and Woollen Stuffs, are not proper for Quilts, the one being Cold and Heavy, and the Woollen will harbour Filth and Dirt, and be much of the same kind as Rugs are; and not being capable of being clean'd so well as Callicoe Carpets, renders them altogether unfit for that Purpose: For the whole Design in having Quilts for Beds, is, to have them Light and Warm, and made of That which will clean often, and not harbour Filth and Dirt, as the Rugs used to do.
IV. Therefore, It is humbly prayed, That a Clause may be inserted in the said Bill, To preserve the Use and Wear of Printed Callicoe Carpets in Quilts for Beds only; there being nothing so proper for that Use: The same being no-ways prejudicial to any of the Manufactures of this Kingdom, but rather an Encouragement; and also imploys abundance of Poor in Working up the same.