BUMM-FODER OR, VVASTE-PAPER Proper to wipe the Nation's RƲMP with, or your Own.
FRee quarter in the North is grown so scarce,
Lambert with all his men of
Have submitted to kiss the Parliaments Arse,
Which no body can deny.
If this should prove true, (as we do suppose)
Tis such a wipe as the RUMP and all's Foes
Could never give to old
Olivers nose:
Which, &c.
Theres a Proverb come to my mind not unfit,
When the head shal see the RUMP all be-shit,
Sure this must prove a most lucky hit:
Which &c.
Theres another Proverb which every Noddy
Wil jeer the
RUMP with, and cry
Hoddy Doddy,
Here's a
Parliament all Arse and no Body.
Which &c.
Tis a likely matter the world wil mend
When so much blood and treasure we spend,
And yet begin again at the wrong End:
Which &c.
We have been round and round about twirl'd,
And through much sad confusions hurl'd,
And now we are got into the arse of the world:
Which &c.
But 'tis not all this our courage wil quail,
Or make the brave Seamen to the
RUMP strike sail,
If we can have no head, we wil have no Tail:
Which &c.
Then let a Free-Parliamet be turnd trump,
And nere think any longer the Nation to mump
With your pocky, perjur'd, damnd, old
Which &c.
But what doth Rebel
Rump make here
When their proper place (as
Will. Pryn doth swear)
Is at the Devils arse in
Which &c.
Then thither let us send them a tilt,
For if they stay longer, they wil us beguilt
With a Government that is loose in the Hilt:
Which &c.
Youl find it set down in
Harringtons Moddle,
Whose brains a Commonwealth do so coddle
That t'as made a Rotation in his noddle:
Which &c.
'Tis a pitiful pass you men of the Sword
Have brought your selves to, that the
Rumps your Lord,
Arsie-Versie, must be the word,
Which, &c.
Our powder and shot you did freely spend,
That the Head you might from the Body rend,
And now you are at us with the But-end,
VVhich; &c.
Martin and
Scot have still such an itch,
That they will with the
Rump try to'ther twitch;
Lenthal can grease a fat Sow in the britch:
VVhich, &c.
Thats a thing that would please the Butchers and Cooks,
To see this stinking
Rump quite off the hooks,
And Jack-Daw go to pot with the Rooks.
Which, &c.
This forward Sir
John (who the
Rump did never fail)
Charles Stuart, in a Speech did rail;
But men say it was without head or tail,
Which, &c.
Just such is the Government wee live under,
Of Parliament thrice cut in sunder;
And this hath made us the worlds wonder,
Which, &c.
Noll when we talk of
Magna Charta,
Did prophecy well we should all smart-a,
And now wee have found his
RUMPS Magna Fart-a,
Which, &c.
But I can't think
Monck (though a Souldier and sloven)
To be kin to the Fiend, whose feet are cloven,
Nor will creep i'th
Rumps Arse, to bake in their Oven,
Which, &c.
Then since he is coming, e'ne let him come
From the North to the South, with Sword and Drum,
To beat up the quarters of this lewd
Which, &c.
And now of this
Rump I'le say no more,
Nor had I begun, but upon this score,
There was something behind, which was not before;
Which, &c.
FINIS, in English