Avvay vvith't Quoth VVashington, OR, THE PHANATICK GENERAL Vindicated over the left Shoulder.

GEntlemen, stand to your Arms
In Wars the valiant proves most free from harms,
The Rear's no more secure then is the Van,
Death meets not alwayes with the formest man,
What will become of me else that now dare,
[...]ead the Front, and fall into the Rear,
When I behold that Englisby my foe,
Will no wayes yield to let my Lordship go.
I'm like Commanders that can well endure,
The Guns to quarrel, and themselves secure;
Or fain would purchase Honor if they durst,
He that Commands indeed should be the first,
We are the ground be set
With Henbane, Hemlock and deadly Aconet,
My wor [...]s away with't would you know the cause
It comprehends few of the Martial Laws,
Let not a Souldier that bears a Gun
having received his weekly pay to run,
Away with't
For fear the Martial Arm'd with Death
(That cruel Foe) doth take his breath,
Away with't
And let the Souldier (though I know)
Take's Landlords money or Plate and go
Away with't
Or if a Souldier from the grass,
Steal sheep or Oxe, I'le let him pass
Away with't
Nay Souldiers if you know a Town,
That is obedient to the Crown
Away with't
Money, Plate what e're you know,
I'le bid you strait with speed to go
Away with't
Musket, Bullet, Powder, March,
I'le say no more, but quick dispatch,
Away with't
Linnen, Woollen, Swords or Knives,
Cavaliers, their Maids or Wives,
Away with't.
For 'tis no more but summum jus
To plunder those Sequester us,
Away with't.
Span up your Waggons when you've done
To Ege-hill ev'ry Mothers son
Away with't.
Methinks my Lordship would not care
If I had Guns and Powder there,
Away with't.
My Horse I lookt for out of Kent,
I sure do think the Devil went
Away with't.
And in the North I Force had some
Had the Blind Cobler sped to come,
Away with't.
Had Okeys men with him come to,
You could not fear but I would go
Away with't
For now we have the work begun,
If we do fail, our Foes will run
Away with't.
We have a party still behinde,
Sir James will come when Pluto's blind
Away with't,
Nolls Instrument did heavy fall,
It was so long he swept us all
Away with't
Lo Engoldsby does come, and I
Think vain to stand, wee'd better fly
Away with't.
We will not fight, or shoot a Gun,
You'd rather eat I know, wee'le run
Away &c.
I'le rather yield for if I stand,
They I take my life, if not my Land
Away &c.
And now me thinks I am in pain,
Here comes his Troop I shall be ta'ne
Away with't
For sure I must into the Tower,
Hee'l take my life, and so my power
Away with't
The thing I do desire is all,
Our party may to Portugal
Away with't.
If that wont stand, no help we shall
Have for our Cause, but needs must fall
Away with't.
If Law bring us before a Judge
For Treason then we needs must trudge
Away &c.
They say Phanaticks whistle Treason,
But since our Cause doth smell of reason
Away &c.
Our Cause is dead, our meanes is small
Our hopes is lesse, We needs must fall
Away with't
But if we stay to act our part
Here, in a Pulpit calld a Cart
Away &c.
Yet since the people cry a King,
I fear at Tiburn we shall swing
Away with't.

London, Printed for J. Phanatick, 1660.

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