GROCERS-HALL, London, August 20. 1644. At the Committee appointed by Ordinance of Parliament, for Raising and Maintaining of Horse and Foot, for the Garrison of Glocester, and for the Counties of Glocester, Hereford, Monmouth, Glamorgan, Brecknock, and Radnor.


WE have formerly desired your assistance for Glocester, and the Counties above mentioned; and understand, That in some Parishes our Letters have not been publikely read; in some, Sub­scriptions have been taken, and the Money not Collected; in some, Col­lections made, and the Money not brought in; and in others, neither Subscriptions, nor Collections, where the Letters have been read.

What should be the cause of such backwardnesse in so good a work, (as is the stopping of Supplies to the Enemy, the opening of Trade from the West, the hope of reducing South Wales to the King and Parliaments O­bedience; but especially the promoting of the Gospel in those blinde and ignorant Countreys) we cannot apprehend.

And because some Malignants, as we are informed, have reported, That we have mis-imployed what hath already been brought in; We give this just accompt of the carefull Managing of the Contributions already recei­ved, (being not above 2500 l. except the Subscriptions of some of the Committee,) That besides 100. Case of Pistols, 100. Saddles, 300. Muskets, and 50. Barrels of Gun-powder, we sent down 250. Horse com­pleatly furnished, with a fortnights advance, both to Officers and Troopers, who seasonably coming to Colonell Massey, Governour of Glocester, with other of his Forces, and the assistance of the Countrey, did by the blessing of God, give a great defeat to the Enemy at Red Marley, the particulars whereof, we presume, cannot be unknown unto you.

Yet we must acquaint you, That if further supplies come not timely to that worthy Colonell, he will not be able to draw into the field, nor act more then the defensive part.


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