Right Honourable,

THe Lord hath this day, here at Philiphauch, neer Selkirk, appeared gloriously for his peo­ple. The Rebels Foot are all cut off, and the Horse totally Routed; many Prisoners are taken, amongst whom are Sir Alexander Leslie their Generall Major, their Agitant Generall Stuart, Sir John Hay, Sir William Rollock, Colonel Hay, and Sir Robert Spotswood, whom the Earl of Lanerick took, and from him the Signet, with his own hand: The Particulars are not as yet so well known, that we can write all; onely, God be praised, we have lost no Noblemen, or chief Officer. This we thought fit to acquaint you with from the Field, that as you joy­ned with our dear Brethren in Fasting for us, so you may joyn with them and us in giving God the praise, who hath wrought this and all our works for us. We hear Generall Major Monro is landed; and the Gene­rall Lieutenant David Leslie will be as active in prose­cuting, as God hath made him in being the Instru­ment of this begun-Deliverance. Let God have all the Glory from you, and from

Your affectionate friends,
  • Argyle.
  • Crawfurd.
  • Lindsay.
  • William Scot.
  • Balcleuche.
  • Lauderdaill.
  • Lanerick.
  • Yester.
  • Bargeine.
  • J. Rutherfurd.
  • Forrester.
To the Right Honourable the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland, residing at London.

London, Printed for Robert Bostock. Septemb. 18. 1645.

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