❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for suspending the time of healing the Disease called, The Kings Evill, untill Easter next.

WHereas the Kings most excellent Majestie, by His Proclamation dated the first day of Iuly last, did prescribe the times of His healing the Disease called, The Kings Evill, to be Michaelmas and Easter, or with­in fourteen dayes next before, or next after those Feasts: Neverthe­lesse, His Majestie being new informed, that he Sicknesse increa­soth in many parts of the Kingdome, and foreseeing the danger that may redound to His sacred Person, by the confluence of diseased peo­ple at this Michaelmas now approaching, Hath thought fit further to suspend all accesse to His Court and Presence for Healing, till Easter next, or fourteen dayes before or after the same. And doth therefore straitly charge and command all persons what­soever, hereby to take knowledge of His Majesties Royall will and commandment herein. And that none presume untill Easter next, or within fourteen dayes next before, or next after the said Feast, to resort to His Majesties Court or Presence for Healing, under pain of His Majesties high displeasure, and to be further punished as shall be meet: His Majesties said Proclamation of the first of Iuly last, or any thing therein to the contrary notwithstanding, which never­thelesse in all other the Directions and Declarations therein expressed, His Majestie willeth and commandeth to be duly and strictly observed, under the penalties therein mentioned.

❧ God save the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1638.

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