A Proclamation commanding Captaines and Commanders of Souldiers to attend their charge.

OVR Soueraigne Lord the King being informed, That diuers Comman­ders, Captaines, Lieutenants, and other Officers of the Armies, Garri­sons, and Forces now in His Maiesties pay aswell in Ireland, as in the Low-Countries, haue too frequently resorted, & are at this present within this Realme, and doe absent themselues from their seuerall charges and commands, and considering that thereupon not only much dissolutenes and neglect of warlike discipline in their Troopes and Companies must necessarily ensue, but also great danger to the seruice and imployment wherein they are placed, is manifestly threatned thereby. His Maiesty willing to reforme an abuse of so perilous consequence by the aduice of His Privy Councell doth signifie and declare His Royall pleasure, and doth straightly charge and command, that all the said Commanders, Captaines, Lieutenants, and other Officers (except only those that are already designed, and appointed to serue in the Fleete, or Army now at, or neare Plymmouth for the time that they shall attend that seruice) doe forth with returne and repaire to their seuerall charges, and there attend and performe the duties and seruices incident to their places. And that they, nor any of them doe hereafter absent themselues from their seuerall commands, but only vpon iust leaue obtained for some pressing and vrgent occasion vpon paine to loose their said Offices and places, and to be fur­ther punished according to their demerits.

God saue the King.

Printed at Oxford by I.L. and W.T. for Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. 1625.

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