❧By the King.

WHereas wee did lately prorogue our Parlia­ment till the ninth day of Nouember now next comming: Foras­much as the Sicknesse hath of late somewhat increased in and a­bout our Citie of London, by reason whereof we haue already by our Proclamation published the adiournement of part of Mi­chaelmas Terme now at hand, The same cause doeth much more require the proroguing of the Parliament, lest so great a concourse of people as the Terme and Parliament (hol­ding at one time) must draw together, should giue occasion to continue or spread the Infec­tion, both in the Citie it selfe, and other parts of the Realme, which our care is to preuent. Wee haue therefore thought fit, to prorogue our said Parliament againe vntill the ninth day of February now next ensuing, At which day our purpose is (God willing) to hold the same, And doe therefore hereby giue notice to all whom it may concerne, that they may frame their affaires accordingly, and attend at the same ninth day of February to that Seruice.

God saue the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.

ANNO 1609.

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