Vnto the Christian Reader.

ALl you that this shall reade or here,
marke well what doth insue:
Of those that Christe his word abuse,
what lot falles to that crue.
I neede not here at large resite,
true subiectes knowes right well:
The troubles greate that chaunst of late,
by such as did rebell
Against our Sauiour and his word,
which he to vs hath sende,
Also against our noble Quéene,
which doth the same defende.
By bloudie broyles, these Rebels thought
to haue the vpper hande:
And to molest our noble Queene,
and to defile the lande,
With such Idolatrie as earst
was vsed longe ago:
The Papist sect for to aduaunce,
their cursed minde was so.
And to deface Gods holy worde,
it was their whole intente:
And to treade downe the Christen flocke,
these Rebels so were bente.
[Page] But often times thus haue we heard,
and now the proofe haue seen:
Who digs a pit for other men,
may fall himself therin.
So hath it pleasde the Lorde aboue,
to trap those wicked traine:
And to help those that doth by right,
his godly worde mainteine.
For when these rebels thought by force,
to beare the bloudie sway:
The lorde (some of them) to our Queene,
did yeeld then for a pray.
Which for their Treason iustly were
condempned for to die:
Theyr ende to know, if you geue care,
I show immediatlie.

¶ The Confession and ende of Thomas Norton.

FRom Tower were these Rebels drawn
to Tyburn for their crime:
The elder of them first must die,
his lot fell so that time.
A godly Preacher then in place,
exhorted him to pray:
His prayers then he did begin
in Lattin there to say.
The Preacher then, to him thus sayde,
pray you in English here:
Then will the People pray with you:
this answer made he there.
In Lattin will I pray (sayd he)
my consience trouble not:
His Consience as it seemde by this,
was good toward the Pape.
The Secondarie then did say,
vnto this Popish elf,
If that in Lattin you will pray,
Pray then vnto your selfe.
Vnto himself he then began,
to pray there secretly:
A Preacher then that willyng was,
his dutie to aply.
[Page] Exhorted him that he would pray,
in English as he should:
With much a do, at last to him
he graunted that he would.
The Lordes praier then did he say,
the Aue and the Creede:
All Sainctes he did desire likewise,
to pray for him in deede.
Bothe then, and when, that he frō thens
departed was and gone:
With better Faith he might haue build
on the hed corner stone.
The Preacher that instructed him,
did will him to confesse
His facte against our Lorde and God,
and eke our Quéene doubtlesse.
And how their risinge and their strife,
was to beate downe thereby
The worde of God, and that he had
deserued there to die.
To him he made this answer then,
th'offence that I haue done,
I truely here for it must die,
hether therfore I come.
The Lorde forgeuenesse did he aske,
and so his ende he made:
The Hangman made a quicke dispatche,
as is his wonted trade.
[Page] He asking none forgeuenesse there,
nor none he did forgeue:
In stéede of Pope, the Hangman then,
full quickly did him shriue.
Therefore I warne you Rebels all,
a mende while ye haue space,
Vnlesse the Tiburne nagge you ride,
or els at such like place.

¶ The ende and Confession of Christopher Norton.

THus when the eldest of them had,
paied well for Popish play:
The yonger then must folow him,
and trudge the self same way.
Which then did see before his face,
what death his Vnckle dide:
And how in lumpes to quarter him,
the pearceing blade did slide.
Then on the earth he kneeled downe,
his face vnto the East:
And then his Prayers he begonne,
as to him seemed best.
For of them both the yonger dide,
more godly of the twaine:
Wherby is seene in Papists olde,
what stubborne harts remaine.
[Page] The yonger being asked then,
wher he did there beleeue:
Saued to be by Christe his death,
this aunswere did he geue.
I do beléeue saued to be,
by Iesus Christe on hie:
For in no other do I trust,
he then immediatly.
Did ther desire the people all,
in presence as they were:
That he there died a Christian true,
they all should witnesse beare.
To him one saide, confesse ye heare,
you haue deserude to die:
And that you haue offended God,
and the Queenes Maiestie.
I haue deserued this death saide he,
and you that are present:
Example ye may take by me:
he then incontinent
Did aske were any there did know,
Phillip Sturly by name:
Which Capitaine now in Scotland is,
sayes some, we know the same.
He is the causer of my death,
the Lord it him forgeue:
The more he was all Englands friend,
such Traytours to repreue,
[Page] Then of his tale he made an end,
and from his talke did stay:
And did desire the people all,
that they with him would pray.
The Lords prayer when he had said,
and peoples repeate past:
Then in this wise vnto the Lord,
he praieth at the last
I Christopher Norton that am,
com heather for to die:
Hauing my body whole and sound,
and perfect memory.
Do heare confesse before the Throne,
of thy highe Maiestie:
O Lord my fact here at this time,
I do confesse to thee.
Desiring thée with hart O Lord,
to haue on me mercy:
Which now am comming vnto thée,
heare ready for to die.
Receaue me Lord most mercifull,
a wretch which haue offend:
Mercifull Lord, refuse me not,
but to my crie attende.
And being hanged and cut downe,
as quartred he should be:
His bowels being taken out,
These words that time spake he.
[Page] Lorde, Lorde, haue mercy on me now,
and so he yelded breath:
God graunt all other to beware,
by these two Rebels death.

An exhortation to all true subiects, and a vvarning to the Papists.

IF all men did perceaue the heapes,
of mischief that insue
And what mishap Treason doth bring,
no doubt they would be true.
For first the Lord they do offend,
as Paule doth iustly proue:
Which saies thy swoord against thy prince
thou shalt not draw ne moue.
And those that Treason do conspire,
this is their purpose plaine:
To bring destruction to the land,
wherin they do remaine.
With losse of landes, of Goods, and lyfe,
this haps by Treson fell:
And for the most part to all such,
as vse for to rebell.
Therfore all subiectes call to minde,
these plagues that sure will flow,
Vnto all those wheras in hart,
such Treason vse to growe.
[Page] Therefor ye subiects highe and lowe,
sée that your harts be sure,
And that you ground both hart and faith,
vpon the Gospell pure.
Let not these Papists with their bragges
with all their maine and might:
Cause vs to feare, they haue the wrong,
and we the quarell right.
Be true vnto our noble Quéene,
which hath the swoord in hand:
Let not your harts once feare or shrinke,
but boldly by her stand.
Against the Papists and the Pope,
with all your might and powre:
Which séeke the waies, like raueninge woulen
the Gospel to deuowre.
Which is the chéefest iuell I say,
that on the earth doth raigne:
Let vs not change this Treasure then,
for trifles that are vaine.
Beléeue you not the Fables olde,
that Papists vse to tell:
Bowe not your eare vnto their talke,
which are the steps to Hell.
For some there be that vse to faine,
and godlinesse professe:
Whiche beare two faces in one hoode,
such is their wickednesse,
[Page] To trap and turne such swaruing mindes
vnto their wicked trade
Of Poprie, whiche wee may be sure,
the Deuill himself hath made.
Away ye Serpentes that so lurke,
the Gospell is so pure:
It will confounde your poysoned stinge,
ye may not longe indure.
Repent therfore, in time amende,
forsake your wicked waies:
Vse not such trade, which iustly doth
the Lorde our God displease.
Vnlesse such plagues do fall on you,
As did on these of late:
For if you do not soone amende,
you hardly will escape.
And all true Subiects now take héede
let no intisement cause
That you do yelde vnto the Pope,
or bowe vnto his lawes.
Remember that wee haue a Quéene,
God saue hir noble grace:
That setteth foorth Gods worde a right,
which doth the Pope deface.
Then for hir grace, all subiects true,
are bounde for hir to pray:
That from hir foes, the Lorde God will,
preserue hir night and day.

To the Papists.

YOu Popish route,
Looke well aboute,
And warning hereby take;
Vnlesse you swinge,
In Tyburne stringe,
As some did but of late.
¶ Your selues submit,
As it is fit,
Vnto the Lorde aboue:
Then as I deeme,
Our noble Queene,
Ye cannot choose but loue.
¶ Which doth maintaine,
I tell you plaine,
Gods word which is so pure;
Why do ye then,
Resist againe,
And treason so procure.
I do not faine,
But tell you plaine,
If you do not amend:
Such plagues may fall,
As will you gall,
And thus I make an end.
[printer's device of Valentine Simmes, a boy with wings on his right arm and a weight fastened to his left hand, emblematic of talent kept from rising by the burden of poverty]

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