A warnyng to Englan [...], let London begin: To repent their iniquitie, & flie from their sin.
¶ ISAIE. 1.
¶ The Ore knoweth his owner, and the Asse his masters crib, but Israell hath not knowen: my people hath not vnderstand. Ah, sinfull nation, a people laden with iniquitie: a séede of the wicked, corrupt chyldren: they haue forsaken the Lorde, they haue prouoked the holy one of Israell to anger: they are turned backewarde.
OH Endland be vigilant, and repent thee with spede,
And marke well the myrours of thy visitation:
Prepare thee to prayer, for it was neuer more neede,
And lang wish for thy lewde life, with great lamētation.
¶ When God drowned the worlde in the dayes of Noye,
for that sin onely (I saye) which we dayly do frequent:
He sent Noye to preach to them, or he dyd them destroye,
And gaue them sixe score yeares, a space for to repent.
¶ Zodome and Gomorra also, were sunke in fyre ful hot,
Burnyng all in Brimstone, vntyll they were destroyed:
And yet they were fore warned long▪ by the prophete Lot,
VVith Repentance vnto them, continually he cryed.
❧ But that happye citie Niniuie, among all the rest,
They heard Ionas his preachyng whē he came thither:
Repentyng straight wayes, and of
GOD they were blest,
A goodly myrour to
LONDON, yf they wolde consider.
¶ O London, London, Ierusalem I may thee call,
for whye▪ thy conuersation agreeth thereto now:
They wolde take no warnyng before the plague did fall,
And at this presēt day O
LONDON, nomore doest thou.
¶ VVhat tokens haue bene of late, of Gods feareful yre?
The lyke before was neuer seene, in no time (I trowe)
Thy cheef and beautifull Temple was defaced with tyre,
A goodly admonition sure (yf thou couldest it knowe)
¶ Neither coulde the Pestilence prouoke vs to repent,
Nor cruell warres warne vs that the end is at hand:
No, we mocke at Gods threatnigs lyke beasts impudent,
No doubt, Gods iustice must needes plague the lande.
¶ For we wyll not repent, nor our wicked lyues amend,
But continue styll in wickednes, procuring Gods curse:
VVhat earnest preachers doth the Lorde vs dayly send?
It is but pearles before swyne, for we at wurse & wurse.
¶ If a man rebuke drunkennes, swearyng or blasphemie,
[...] shall in this wyse be mocked of one iabell or an other:
[...] is good godly man,
[...] toe holy for our companie,
[...] ar a precisian I
[...] some vnspotted brother.
¶ Alas, is this your repentance after so long preachyng?
I pray you read the xii. chap. of S. Mathe wes gospell:
Christ saith, of euery idle worde we shal geue a reconyng,
Then sweaters and blasphemers, shal be punished in hell.
Deare christians, consider our state this present yeare,
Both w
t war and other plagues, we are round enclosed:
Let vs turne to the Lorde our God w
t tremblyng & feare,
With harty thankes geuyng for his great mercies offred.
¶ Remember the .x. Lepers, in the .xvii. of Luke certaine,
When the Lorde had clēsed them of their sore infirmitie:
One poore Samaritane come to Iesus Christ agayne,
To geue him hartie thankes for his great benignitie.
¶ So let vs geue thanks to God in hart both al & some,
[...]d repent our former liues, without any longer delay:
[...]eare lest a greuous plague among vs hastely come,
[...]ithout speedye repentance, looke for it we may.
Bryng forth the frutes of the gospel, I meane a godly life,
Leaue your filty hipocrisie which stinketh in Gods sight
Leaue your abominable pryde, amend both man & wyfe,
Leaue your horrible blasphemie wherein you so delight.
Pray England pray, and London leaue thy wicked trade,
Especiallye Couetousnes, Glotonie, and al fylthy lust:
And remember our merciful God who hath vs all made,
A body that is mor
[...]all, and shall turne to dust.
¶ For our noble queene Elizabeth, let vs al harte
And for her honorable counsell, that God geue th
To maintayne his glorious Gospell both night
To the advancement of Vertue, all wickednes to
ꝙ William Birch
¶ Imprinted at London, in little Britaine: by Alexander Lacie.