Whereas [...] ⟨ [...]enry Erle of Huntingdon⟩ hath paid in ready mony to Sir Thomas Smith knight, Treasurer of Virginea, the summe of [...] ⟨Fortye Powndes⟩ for his aduentures towards the said voiage. It is agreed, that for the same, he the said [...] ⟨Earle of Huntingdon⟩ his heires, executors, administrators or assignes, shall haue ratably according to his aduenture, his full part of all such lands, tenements and hereditaments, as shall from time to time bee there recouered, planted, and inhabited. And of such Mines and Mineralles of Golde, Siluer, and other mettals or treasure, Pearles, Precious stones, or any kinde of wares or Marchandizes, commodities or profits whatsoeuer, which shall be obtained or gotten in the said voiage, according to the portion of money by him imployed to that vse, in as ample maner as any other Aduenturer therein shall receiue for the like summe. Written this [...] ⟨fourth⟩ of [...] ⟨aprill⟩ Anno Domini 1610