The seuen soueraigne medicines and Salues, to be diligently applied to the seuen deadly wounds and sores.

Pride, and Humility.
PRide is the first and chiefest sore,
the worst of other seuen:
And Meeknes is a salue therfore,
the chiefest vnder heauen.
Enuy, and Loue.
ENuy is the second sore,
that ranckleth as a Byle:
Keepe perfit Loue, a salue therefore,
to helpe it in a while.
Wrath, and Charity.
WRath likewise is the third sore,
with Rigour [...] [...] of heart:
Charity is a salue therefore,
which will thee soone conuert.
Slouth, Watching and Prayer.
SLouth also is the fourth sore,
which hurteth small and great:
Watching & Prayer's a salue there­fore,
which any man may get.
Gluttony, and Temperance.
GLuttony is the fifth foule sore,
which many men doth grieue:
True Tēperance is a salue therefore,
which will them soone relieue.
Couetousnesse, and Liberality.
COuetousnesse is the sixt sore,
that builds in euery street:
Liberality is a salue therefore,
but fewe with it can meet.
Lechery, and Chastity.
LEchery is the seuenth sore,
that worketh shame eche where:
Chastity is a salue therefore,
but oft this salue is deare.
TAke vp these seuen soueraigne salues,
and bi [...] eche salue to sore [...]
And then the seuen stinking sores
shall neuer grieue thee more.

LONDON Printed by Simon Stafford, dwelling in Hosier lane, neere Smith­field. 1603.

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