A Booke OF THE FORME of common prayers, admi­nistration of the Sacraments, &c. agreeable to Gods Worde, and the vse of the reformed Churches. To this fourth editiō is added the maner of ordination and admission of a Pastor to his charge, according to the maner of the refor­med Churches. The contents of this booke, are contey­ned in the page following.

MIDDELBVRGH, Imprinted by Richard Schilders, Prin­ter to the States of Zeeland. 1602.

Cum Priuilegio,

The contents of this Booke.

  • THe confession of the Christian faith Of publike exercise in the Assem­blie.
    • First of prayers before the Ser­mon, with a confession of our sinnes.
    • Then the preaching of the worde.
    • Lastlie, diuers formes of generall prayers for the whole estate of the Church after the Sermon.
  • Of the administration of the Sacra­ments, Baptisme, and the L. Supper.
  • The forme of Mariage.
  • The visitation of the sicke.
  • The maner of buriall.
  • The weekelie assemblie of Ministers, for interpretation of Scriptures.
  • Of Church officers, their election and ordination.
  • And first of the Ministers ordinatiō.
  • Of their deposing for iust causes.
  • The order of Ecclesiasticall Disci­pline.
  • Of the ciuill Magistrates office in cau­ses of the Church.

A CONFES­sion of the faith of the Churches of Englande.

I BeleeueRom. 1 & con­fesse,Gen. 1 Psalm. 6 139. my Lorde God, eternall, in­finite, vnmeasu­rable, incompre­hensible, inuisi­ble,Gen. 1 Ephe. 4 and almigh­tie, most mercifull, most iust, and only wise: one substance andGen. 2 1 Iohn: Mat: 3. three per­sons, the Father, the Sonne, and the holie ghost.

I beleeue in GOD the Fa­ther Al­mightie, maker of heauen & earthI beleeue also, that the Father, by his almightieHebr. [...] Prouer. power and wisedome, hath not onlie ofGenes. [...] Iere. 32 Psal. 33 nothing created heauen, earth, & all things therein cō­tained, & man after his ownGene. [...] Ephe. 4. image, that he might in him bee1. Cor. Iohn. 17. glorified: but also by hisMatth. 6 Luke. 17 fatherlie prouidence gouerneth, maintaineth, and prefer­ueth the same, according to theEphe. 1 pur­pose of his will.

I Beleeue also and confesseMatt. 1. Actes 4. 1 Tim. 1. IESVS Christ the onely Sauiour & Messi­as: who being equall withIohn 1. Phil. 2. 1 Tim. 3. 1 Iohn 5 Rom. 9 God,And in IESVS Christ his only Sōne our Lord. made him selfe of no reputation, but tooke on him the shape of a seruant, and be­cameHeb. 2. Phil. 2. 1 Pet. 2 man in all things like vnto vs, sinne excepted, toRom. 8. 1 Iohn 2. assure vs of mercie and forgiuenes. For whē through our fatherGen. 3. Rom. 5 Ephe. 2. Galat. 3 Adams transgression, we were become children of perdition, there was no meanes to bring vs from that yoke of sinne and damnation,Actes 4. [...] Petr. 2. Isa. 28 Rom. 9 but only Iesus Christ our Lorde:Whiche was con­ceyued by the holie Ghoste, borne of the vir­gine Ma­rie. who gi­uing vs that byIohn. 1. Heb. 1. Rom. 1 grace, which was his by nature, made vs, through faith theGalat. 3. Iohn 1. children of God. For when theGalat. 4 Actes 2. ful­nes of time was come, he was concei­ued by the power of theIsa. 7. Luke. 1 holy Ghost, borne of the Virgine Marie (accor­ding to the fleshe) andAct. 10. preached in earth the Gospell of saluation, till at length, by the enuie of theIohn. 7. Matt. 12 Priestes, he was guiltles cōdemned vnder Pon­tius Pilate, then President of Iurie,Suffe­red vnder Pontius Pilate, was cru­cified. & most reprochfullie hanged and nay­led on the Crosse betwixt two theeues, as a notorious trespasser: where, ta­king vpon him theGal. 3. punishment of our sinnes, hee deliuered vs from the curse of the Law.

And forasmuch as he, being onely God, could not feele death, neither beeing onely man, could ouercome death, being both God and man, hee suffred in his humanitie, most cruell death, feeling in him self the anger & seuere iudgment of God,Dead & buried. euen the ex­treemeActes. 2 1 Petr. 2. Isa. 5 3. torments of hell, and there­fore cried with a loude voice,Mat. 27 My God,He des­cended into Hell. my God, why hast thou forsaken me! And so died, and was buried, re­maining vnder the power of death three dayes.

Thus of hisIsa. 5 Heb. 9. Galat. 1. Rom. 4. free mercie without compulsion, he offered vp him self as the onely sacrifice to purge the sinnes of all the worlde: so that all other sa­crifices for sinne are blasphemous & derogate frō the sufficiencie thereof. The which death, albeit it did suffici­entlieColo. 2. recōcile vs to God, yet the scri­ptures commonlie doe attribute our regeneration to hisRom. 1 1 Pet. 1. resurrection. For as byMatt. 28. Actes 10. 1 Cor. 1 rising againe frō the graue the third day,The third day he rose a­gaine frō death. heOse. 1 1 Cor. 1 2 Cor. 1 conquered death, euen so, the victorie of our faith standeth in his resurrection: and therfore with­out the one, we can not fele the bene­fite of the other. For as by deathRom. 4. sin was taken away, so he rose againe for our righteousnes.

And because he wouldEph. 4 Iohn 14 Ephe. 2 accomplish all things,He ascended into heauen. & take possession for vs in his kingdom, heMar. 16 Luke. 24. Actes 1.9 ascended into hea­uen, to enlarge his kingdome by the aboundant giftes and power of hisLuke. 24 Iohn. 14 Actes 2 spirit: by whom we are most assured of his continuallRom. 8 Hebr. 9 1 Iohn 2. intercession to God the Father for vs.And sit­teth at the right hande of God the Father almigh­tie. And although he be inActes 1. heauen, as touching his cor­poral presence, where the Father hath now set him at hisColo. 3. Roma. 8. Heb. 3. right hand, com­mitting vnto him the administration of allEphe. 1. Philip. 2. Colo. 2 things, as well in heauē aboue, as in the earth beneath, yet is heMat. 28 pre­sent with vs his members, euen to the end of the world, in preseruing & go­uerning vs with his effectuall power and grace, who (when all things areActes 3. fulfilled,From thence shall hee come to iudge the quicke & the dead. which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his Prophetes since the worlde began) will come in theActes 1. same visible forme, in the which hee ascended, with an vnspeakableMat. 25 Philip. 3. Ma­jestie, power, & companie, to separate the Lambes from the goates, the elect from the reprobate: So thatMat. 24. Actes 10. 1 Cor. 15. 1 Thes. 4. 2 Tim. 4. none, whether he be aliue then, or dead be­fore, shall escape his iudgement.

MOreouer,I beleeue in the ho­lie ghost. I beleeue and confesse the holie Ghost,Matth. 3. 1 Iohn. 5. 1 Petr. 1 1 Cor. 6 Actes 17. God equall [Page] with the Father, and the Sonne, who regenerateth & sanctifieth vs, ruleth and guideth vs into all trueth, persua­ding most assuredlie in ourRom. [...]. con­sciences, that we bee the children of God, brethren to IESVS Christ, and fellow-heires with him of life euer­lasting. Notwithstanding it is not suf­ficient to beleeue that God is omni­potent, & mercifull: that Christ hath made satisfaction:Abac. 8. Rom. 1. 1 Iohn. 3. or that the holie Ghost hath his power and effect, ex­cept we doe (‡) applie the same bene­fites to our selues whiche are GodsIohn. 17 elect by the Spirit.

The holy catholike Church. The com­muniō of Saintes.I Beleeue therefore and confesse one holie vniuersallMatt. 26 Iohn. 10. Ephe. 5. Rom. 8. Cantic. 2 Church, which, isEphe. 1. Coloss. 2. 1 Cor. 12. the bodie of Iesus Christ theEphe. 4. on­lie head thereof,Ephe. 4. Philip. 3. Colos. 2. consenteth in faith, hope, and charitie, vsing the giftes of God,Actes. 2 Roma. 12 1 Cor. 12. whether they be temporall, or spirituall, to the profite and furthe­rance of the same. Which Church is notRō. 11. seene to mans eye, but onelie knowne to God, who hath ordained some asRom. 9. as vessels of wrath to damnati­on, to the praise of his iustice: & hath chosen others,Ephe. 1. as vessels of honour to be saued, to the praise of the glorie of his grace: the which also in due [Page] time he calleth to faith, toRom. 8 Ephe. 5. integritie of life & godlie cōuersation, to make them a glorious Church to him self.

But that ChurchMatt. 18. 2 Cor. 15 whiche is visible in the seuerall congregations, & seene to the eye, hath three tokens or marks whereby it may be knowen. First theMat. 28. Rom. 10. Ephe. 2. Iohn 10. 2 Cor. 3.4 2 Tim. 3. 2 Per. 1. Word of God conteined in the olde and new Testament: which as it isEphe. 2 Matth. 17 Iohn 10 a­boue the autoritie of ye same church, and onelyIohn. 26. 2 Tim. 3. sufficient to instruct vs in all things concerning saluation: so is it left forIos. 1. Iohn. 5. all degrees of men, to read & vnderstand: for without thisEphe. 5. Mat. 15. Word neither Church, Councell, or Decree, can establish anie point touching sal­uation.

The seconde is, the holyMatth. 26.28 Rom. 4. Ephe. 5. Sacra­ments, to wit, of Baptisme & the Lords Supper, whiche Sacramentes Christ hath left vnto vs as holy signes, and seales of Gods promises in him. For as by Baptisme, once receyued, is signi­fied that we, as well infantes as others of age and discretion, beingRom. 5. Ephe. 2. Tit. 3. Rom. 7. Rom. 4. Psalm. 31. 1 Cor. 11 straun­gers from God by originall sinne, are receyued into his familie and Con­gregation, with full assurance that al­though this roote of sinne lye hydde in vs, yet to the electe it shall not bee [Page] Rom. 4. Psal. 32. imputed: so the1 Co. 1 [...]. Supper declareth, that God, as a most prouident Father, doeth of his great goodnes spiritually nourish our soules,Iohn. 6 making vs par­takers of his Sonne & all good things in him by faith: which the Scripture calleth eating of his flesh, & drinking of his bloud. Neither must wee in the administration of these Sacramentes, follow mans phantasie, but as Christ him self hath ordayned, so must they be ministred, and by such as byHebr. 5. Iohn. 3. ordi­narie vocation are therevnto called. Therefore, whosoeuer worshippeth these Sacraments, or cōtrariwise con­temneth them, or without lawfull calling shall administer them, procu­reth to him selfe damnation.

The third marke of this Church isMat. [...] Luke. 17. Leuit. 17. Prouerb. 5. Ecclesiasticall Discipline, which stā­deth in admonitiō, separation, excom­munication, and the curse called A­nathema, in some speciall cases.

Concerning the ciuillRom. 1 [...]. Tit. 3. 1 Pet. [...] Magistrates, ordained of God to minister to euerie man iustice, defending the good, and punishing the euil, I acknowledge we must render vnto them honour & o­bedience in all things, whiche are a­greeable to the worde of God.

And asExo. 32. 2 King. 18 2 chro. 29 Moses, Ezechias, Iosias, and other godly rulers purged the church of God from superstition and idola­trie: so, where such are, the reforma­tion and defence of Christes Church appertaineth to the Christian Magi­strates, against all idolaters and here­tiks, as Papists, Anabaptists, familie of Loue, with such like members of An­tichrist, to roote out all2 Tim. 4 Colos. 2. Matth. 25 Isa. 29. Hebr. 9 Actes 10. Rom. 7. Gal. 5. Col. 2. Rom. 14 Matth. 19 [...] Cor. 7 [...] Co. 8. Luke 17. Rom. 3 2 Cor. 3. Galat. 4. doctrine of diuels and men, as the Masse, Purga­torie, Limbus patrū, prayer to saints, and for the dead, free-will, superstiti­ous distinction of meates, apparell, & dayes, vowes of single life, presence at idol seruice, mans merits, with such like: which drawe vs from the socie­tie of Christes Church,The for­giuenesse of sinnes. whereinIsa. 33 Matth. 1 Iohn 20. 2 Cor. 5. Rom. 1. Ephe. 2. on­lie is remission of sinnes, purchased by Christs bloud, to all them that be­leeue, whether they bee Iewes or Gen­tils, and lead vs to vaine confidence in creatures, & trust in our owne ima­ginations. The punishment whereof, although God oftentimesPetr. 2. Iade 6. Rom. 9. deferreth in this life, yet after the generallActes 24 1 Co. 15 Phil. 3. re­surrection,The re­surrectiō of the bo­die. when the bodies shall rise againe to bee ioyned to their soules in immortalitie, they shall be2 Thes. 4 2 Iohn. 1. Isa. 30 Iohn 5. damned to vnquencheable fire: and then wee [Page] which haue forsaken all mans wise­dome, to cleaue vnto Christ, shall heare that ioyfull voyce:Mat. 25. Come yee blessed of my Father, inherite yee the kingdome prepared for you, from the beginning of the world: and so shall goe triumphing with him, in1 The. 4. Iohn. 5. Isa. 1 bodie and soule, to remaine euer­lastinglie in glorie, where we shall see God c face to face, and shall no more neede one to instruct another:And life euerla­sting. for we shall allIere. 31 Hebr. 8. know him from the highest to the lowest. To which true God, the Father, the Sonne, and the holie Ghost, be all praise, honour and glo­rie, now and euer. So be it.

Publike exercises in the Assemblies.

VPon the dayes appointed for the preaching of the worde, when a conuenient number of the congregation are come togither, that they maye make fruite of their presence, till the Assemblie be full, one appointed by the El­dership, shall read some Chapters of the Ca­nonical bookes of Scripture, singing Psalmes betweene at his discretion: and this reading to bee in order as the bookes and Chapters followe, that so from time to time the holy Scriptures maye bee read throughout. But vppon speciall occasion, speciall chapters may be appointed. When the houre apoin­ted for the Sermon is come, beginning with these wordes: Our helpe bee in the name of the Lorde, who hath made both Heauen & Earth: vsed after the Confession following: or the like in effecte, sayinge to the people, Lette vs fall downe before the Maiestie of Almightie God, humblie confessinge our sinnes, and followe in your hartes the tenor of my wordes.

THE CONFESSION OF OVR sinnes vsed before Sermon.

O Eternall God, & most mercifull Father, we confesse and acknowledge heere be­fore thy diuine Maiestie, that wee are misera­bleRom. 3. Psalm. 1 [...] sinners,Psal. 5 conceyued and borne in sinne and iniquitie, so that in vs there is noRom. 7 good­nesse. For theGal. 5. fleshe euermore rebelleth a­gainst the spirit, wherby we cōtinuallie trans­gresse thine holy precepts & cōmandements, & so purchase to our selues through thy iust iudgementRom. 2 Ieremie 3. Isa. 10. death and damnation. Notwith­standing ô Heauenlie Father, forasmuch as thou hast vouchsafed to offer pardon to all that repent, & seeke it in the name of thy be­loued Sonne Christ Iesus, & that by thy grace we are displeased with our selues for the sinns that we haue committed against thee, and do vnfainedlie repent vs of the same, wee most humblie beseech thee for Iesus Christes sake, to shew thy mercie vpon vs, to forgiue vs all our sinnes, & to increase thine holy Spirit in vs, that weColos. 3 Rom. 6 Ephe. 4. 1 Petr. 2 acknowledging frō the bottome of our hearts our owne vnrighteousnes, may from hencefoorth not onely mortifie our sin­full lustes and affections, but also bring forth such fruites, as may please thee: not for anie worthinesse therof, but for theRom. 5 Hebr. 9 Ephe. [...]. merits of thy dearly beloued Sonne Iesus Christ our onely [Page] Sauiour, whom thou hast alreadie giuen an oblation and sacrifice for our sinnes, and for whoseIohn 14. Matth. 7. Iam. 1. sake we are certainlie persuaded, that thou wilt denie vs nothing, that we shall aske in his name, according to thy will. For thyIohn. 3 Rom. 8. Spirite doeth assure our consciences, that thou art our mercifull Father, and so louest vs thy children through him, thatRom. 8. nothing is able to remooue thine heauenlie grace and fauour from vs. To thee therefore, o Father, with the Sonne and the holie Ghost, bee all honour and glorie, worlde without ende: So be it.

This confession made, the people are to sing a Psalme, as the Minister appointeth: which ended, the Pastour prayeth for the assistance of Gods holie Spirit, that the word may be expounded faithfullie, to the honor of his name, and the edification of the Church, and that it may be receyued with such humilitie and obe­dience as therevnto belongeth: concluding with the Lords prayer. Then he is to reade the Text: alwayes to be taken out of some part of the Canonicall Scrip­tures, and so to proceede to the Sermon. The Sermon ended, the Pastour is to vse one of these prayers fol­lowing.

A PRAYER FOR THE WHOLE state of Christes Church.

ALmightie God, and most mercifull Fa­ther, we1 Pet. 3 humblie submit our selues andNum. 26 Deut. 9. Iosu. 7. fall downe before thy Maiestie, beseeching thee from the bottome of our hearts, that this [Page] Mat. 13. seede of thy worde, now sowen amongst vs, may take such deepe roote, that neither the burning heate of persecution cause it to wi­ther, neither the thornie cares of this life doe choake it: but that as seede sowen in good ground, it may bring foorth thirtie, sixtie, or an hundred fold, as thine heauenlie wisedom hath appointed. And because we haue neede continuallie to craue many thinges at thine hands, we humblie beseech thee, o Heauenlie Father, to graunt vs thine holieLuk. 1 [...] Rom. 1 Iames 5. 1 Iohn. 5 Wisd. 9. Spirit, to di­rect our petitions, that they may proceede from such a feruent minde, as may be agree­able to thy most blessed will.

And seeing that our infirmitie is able2 Cor. 3. Iohn. 1 [...] Phil. 2. to doe nothing without thine help, & that thou art not ignorant with how many and how greatPsal. 4 [...] 1 Petr. 1. tentations wee poore wretches are on euerie side inclosed and compassed, let thy strength, ô Lord, sustaine our weakenesse, that wee beeing defended with the force of thy grace, may be safelie preserued against all as­saults of Satan, who goeth about continually like a1 Pet. 5. roaring Lion, seeking to deuoure vsLuk. 1 Increase our faith, ô mercifull Father, that we doe not swarue at any time from thine heauenlie Word, but augment in vs hope and loue, with a care to keepe all thy commande­ments, that noPsal. 95. Heb. 3.4. hardnesse of heart, no hypo­crisie, no concupiscence of the eyes, nor en­tisementes [Page] of the worlde, doe draw vs away from thine obedience. And seeing wee liue now in these most1 Tim. 4. 2 Petr. 3. 2 Tim. 3. perillous times, let thy Fatherlie prouidence defende vs against the violence of all our enemies, which doe euerie where pursue vs, but chieflie against the wic­ked rage and furious vprores of the Anti­christ of Rome.

Furthermore, forasmuch as by thine holie Apostle wee be taught to make our1 Tim. 2. prayers and supplications for all men, wee pray not onlie for our selues here present, but beseech thee also to reduce al such as be yet ignorant, from the miserable captiuitie of blindnesse & error, to the pure vnderstanding of thine hea­uenlie trueth, that we all with oneRom. 15. Ephe. 4. consent and vnitie of mindes, may worship thee our onlie God and Sauiour: and that all Pastors, Shepheardes, and Ministers, to whom thou hast committed theIohn 21. Matth. 28 1 Cor. 9. Marke 16 dispensation of thine holie word, and charge of thy chosen people, may both in their life and doctrine, be found faithfull, setting onlie before their eyes thy glorie, and that by them all poore sheepe which wander and goe astray, may be gathe­red and brought home to thy fold.

Moreouer, because thePro. 21. hearts of rulers are in thine handes, we beseech thee to direct & gouerne the heartes of all Kings, Princes and Magistrates, to whom thou hast committed [Page] theRom. 13. Iohn: 19 sworde: especiallie, ô Lordes, accor­ding to our bounden duetie, wee beseeche thee to maintaine and increase the prospe­rous estate of our moste noble Queene ELIZABETH: Whom as thou hast placed ouer vs in thy great mercie, and preserued her by thy mightie power: so wee beseeche thee, o Lorde, by the same mercie, to mul­tiplie on her ye excellēt gifts of the H. Spirit: And by the same power as thou hast always preserued her, so to preserue her still. And as thou hast discouered the vnnatural trea­sons, & wicked practises, so to discouer thē stil: that as for all other thy singular graces, so also for this great mercie, both Prince & people may reioyce and magnifie thy great Name. Also we pray thee for her Maiesties right Honorable Counsell, that thy good Spirit may furnish euerie one of them with wisedom and strength, and other excellent gifts, fitte for their calling. Furthermore, we pray thee for all other Magistrates, and for the whole Realm, that all men in their calling may be found faithfull in seeking to set foorth thy glorie, and to procure the godlie peace & prosperitie of all the lande. And lette thy fatherlie fauour so preserue them, and thine holie Spirit so gouerne their hartes, that they may in such sorte execute their office, that thy Religion may [Page] be purelie mainteined,1. Tim. 2 Iames 1. maners reformed, and sinne punished, according to the pre­cise rule of thine holie Worde.

And for that we be all1. Cor. 12. Rom. 12. members of the mysticall body of Christ Iesus, wee make our requestes vnto thee, O Heauenlie Fa­ther, for all such as areIames 5. afflicted with anie kinde of crosse or tribulation, as warre, plague, famine, sicknesse, pouertie, impri­sonment, persecution, banishment, or anie other kinde of thy roddes: whether it bee2. Cor. 1 Hebr. 13. griefe of bodie, or vnquietnes of minde, that it would please thee to giue them pa­tience and constancie, till thou sende them full deliuerance of all their troubles. Final­lie, O Lorde, we most humblie beseeche thee, to shewe thy great mercies vppon our brethren, which are persecuted, cast inHeb. 13. Rom. 8. Psalm. 43. pri­son, and daylie condemned to death for the testimonie of thy trueth. And though they be vtterlie destitute of allIohn 16. mans ayde, yet let thy sweet comfort neuer depart frō them: but so inflame their heartes with thine holy Spirite, that they may boldlie and chearefullie abyde1. Pet. 1. such triall, as thyActes 2. Mat. 10. Luke 21. godlie wisedome shall appoint, so that at length as well by their death as by theirRom. 14. life, the kingdome of thy Sonne IESVS Christ may increase and shine throughout all the world.

¶ AN OTHER PRAYER that may sometimes be vsed after the Sermon.

ALmightie God and heauenlie Father, since thou hast promised to graunt our requestes, which wee shall make vnto thee in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ thy welbeloued Sonne, and that we are al­so taught by him & his Apostles, to assem­ble our selues in his Name, promising that he will be among vs, and make intercessi­on for vs vnto thee, for the obtayning of all such things, as we shall agree vpon here in earth: we therefore (hauing first thy cō­mandement to pray for such as thou hast appointed rulers and gouuernours ouer vs, & also for all things needfull both for thy people, & for all sortes of men, forasmuch as our faith is groūded on thine holy word and promises, and that we are heere gathe­red togither before thy face, & in the name of thy Sōne our Lord Iesus) we, I say, make our earnest supplicatiō vnto thee, our most mercifull God and bountifull Father, that for Iesus Christes sake our onely Sauiour & Mediator, it may please thee of thine in­finite mercie freelie to pardō our offences, and in such sorte to draw and lift vp our heartes & affections towards thee, that our [Page] requestes may both proceed of a feruent minde, and also be agreeable vnto thy most blessed will and pleasure, which is onlie to be accepted.

(·) We beseeche thee therefore, O Hea­uenlie Father, for all Princes and Rulers, vnto whom thou hast cōmitted the admi­nistration of thy iustice, and namelie, for the excellent estate of the Queenes Maie­stie, and all her Honorable Counsell, with the rest of her Magistrates and Commons of the Realme, that it would please thee to graunt her thine holy Spirit, and increase the same frō time to time in her, that shee may with a pure faith acknowledge IESVS Christ thine onely Sonne our Lord, to bee King of all kings, & gouuernor of all gou­uernours, euen as thou hast giuen all pow­er vnto him both in heauen and in earth: and so giue her selfe wholie to serue him, and to aduaunce his kingdome in her Do­minions, ruling according to thy worde, her subiectes, which are thy creatures, and the sheepe of thy pasture, that wee beeing mainteyned in peace and tranquillitie, may serue thee in all holinesse and vertue: and finallie, being deliuered from all feare of enimies,Luke. 15. may render thankes vnto thee all the dayes of our life.

We beseeche thee also most deare Father, [Page] for all such as thou hast appointed Mini­sters vnto thy faithfull people, and vnto whom thou hast committed the charge of soules, and the ministerie of thine holy go­spell, that it would please thee so to guide them with thine holy Spirit, that they may be found wise, faithfull and zealous of thy glorie, directing alwayes their whole stu­dies vnto this ende, that the poore sheepe whiche are gone astray out of thy flocke, may be sought out & brought againe vn­to the Lord Iesus, who is the chiefe Shep­heard and Prince of Pastors, to the intent they may from day to day grow & increase in him to all righteousnesse and holinesse. And on the other parte, that it would please thee to deliuer all the Churches from the daūgers of rauening Wolues, and frō hire­linges, who seeke their owne ambition and profit, and not the setting forth of thy glo­rie onely, and the safegarde of thy flocke.

Moreouer, wee make our prayers vnto thee, ô Lorde God, most mercifull Father, for all men, that as thou wouldest haue all sortes of men saued, & come to the know­ledge of the trueth: so it may please thee, that such as haue bene hitherto holdē cap­tiue in darknesse & ignorance, for lacke of the knowledge of thy Gospel, may through the preaching thereof, and the cleare light [Page] of thine holy Spirit, bee brought into the right way of saluation, which is, to knowe thee the onely true God, and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent. Likewise, that they whom thou hast alreadie endued with thy grace, & illuminated their hearts with the knowledge of thy Worde, may continually increase in godlinesse, and bee plenteouslie enriched with spirituall benefites: So that we may altogither worship thee, both with heart and mouth, and render due honor & seruice vnto Christ our Lord.

In like maner, ô Lord of all true comfort, we commende vnto thee in our prayers all such persons as thou hast visited & chasti­sed with any crosse and tribulatiō: all such people as thou hast punished with pesti­lence, warre, or famine: and all other per­sons afflicted with pouertie, imprisonmēt, sicknesse, banishmēt, or any like bodily ad­uersitie, or hast otherwise afflicted in spirit: that it may please thee to make them feele thy fatherlie affection towardes them, and to know that these crosses are chastisemēts for their amendement, to the end that they may vnfainedlie turne vnto thee, and so re­ceyue full comfort, and be deliuered from their euills. But especiallie wee commende vnto thy diuine protection, all such as are vnder the tyrannie of Antichrist, and both lacke the preaching of the Word, the food [Page] of life, & haue not libertie to call vpon thy Name in opē Assemblie: chieflie our poore brethren which are imprisoned and perse­cuted by the enimies of thy Gospell, that it may please thee, O Father of consolations, to strengthen them by the power of thine H. Spirit, in such sort, as they neuer shrink backe, but may cōstantly perseuere in their holy faith, & so to succour and assist them, as thou knowest to be most expedient: comforting them in their afflictions, maintay­ning them in thy safegard against the rage of the enimies, and increasing in them the giftes of thy holy Spirit, that they may glorifie thee their Lord God, both in their life and in their death.

Finallie, ô Lord God most deare Father, wee beseeche thee, to graunt vnto vs also, which are heere gathered togither in the Name of thy Sonne Iesus Christ, to heare his Word preached,If ye lords Supper bee ministred, then is here added this clause, And to cele­brate his holy Supper. that we may acknowledge truelie & without hypocrisie, in how miserable a state of damnation wee are by nature, and how worthilie we procure vn­to our selues euerlasting death, prouoking from time to time thy grieuous punishe­mentes against vs, thorough our wicked and sinfull life, to the ende, that seeinge there remayneth no sparke of goodnes in our nature, and that there is nothing in vs, [Page] as touching our first birth, meete to enioye the heritage of thy kingdom, we may whollie render vp our selues with all our hearts, and with an assured confidence vnto thy dearelie beloued Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord, our onely Sauiour & Redeemer, that he dwelling in vs, we may mortifie our old man and sinfull affections, that we may be renued into a more godlie life, whereby thine Holie Name may bee aduanced and magnified in vs:Hallowed bee thy Name. likewise, that thou mayest haue the tuition and gouuernance ouer vs, and that we may learne daily more & more to humble and submit our selues vnto thy Maiestie, in such sorte that thou mayest be counted King and Gouuernour ouer all,Thy king­dome come. guyding thy people with the scepter of thy Worde, & by the vertue of thine holy Spi­rit, to the confusion of all thine enimies, thorough the might of thy trueth & righ­teousnesse, so that by this meanes all power and height which withstandeth thy glorie, may be continuallie throwne downe and abolished, vntill such time as the full and perfect face of thy kingdom shall appeare, when thou shalt shewe thy selfe in iudge­ment in the person of thy Sonne: whereby also we with the rest of thy children, may render vnto thee perfect & true obedience, euen as thine heauenlie Angels doe applie [Page] them selues onely to the performing of thy commaundements:Thy will be don in earth as it is in heauen. so that thine onely will may be fulfilled without any cōtradiction, and that euerie man may bende him selfe to serue and please thee, renouncing their owne willes, with all the affections and de­sires of the flesh. Graūt vs also, good Lord, that we thus walking in the loue and dread of thine Holie Name, may bee nourished through thy goodnesse, and that wee may receyue at thy handes all things expedient and necessarie for vs,Giue vs this day our dai­lie bread. and so vse thy giftes peaceablie and quietlie, to this ende, that when we see that thou hast care of vs, wee may the more effectuallie acknowledge thee to be our Father, looking for all good giftes at thine hande, and by withdrawinge and pulling backe all our vaine cōfidence from creatures, may set it wholy vpō thee, and so rest onelie in thy most bountifull mercie. And for so much as whilest we continue heere in this transitorie life, we are so miserable, so fraile, and so much enclined vnto sinne, that we fall continuallie and swarue from the right way of thy com­maundements, we beseeche thee pardon vs our innumerable offences, whereby we de­serue thy iust iudgement and condemnati­on, and forgiue vs so freelie, that death and sinne may hereafter haue nothing against [Page] vs,And forgiue vs our tre­spasses. neither laye vnto our charge that wic­ked roote of sinne, which doeth euermore remaine in vs: graunt that by thy com­maundement, we may forgette the wrongs which other doe vnto vs, and in steede of seeking vēgeance, may procure the wealth of our enemies. And for as much as of our selues wee are weake, vtterlie vnable to stande,And lead vs not into ten­tation. and assalted euermore with such multitude of most dangerous enemies, the Deuill, the Worlde, sinne, and our owne concupiscences which doe neuer leaue off to fight against vs, lett it be thy good plea­sure, to strengthen vs with thy holie Spirit, and to arme vs with thy grace, that there­by we may be able constantlie to withstand all tentations, and to perseuere in this spi­rituall battel against sinne, vntill such time as we shall obtaine the full victorie, and so at length may triumphantlie raigne in thy Kingdome, with our Captaine and gouer­nour Iesus Christ our Lord, in whose name we further pray as he hath taught vs.

This prayer following may be also vsed to bee saide after the sermon, on the day whiche is appointed for common prayer: and it is very proper for our state and time, to mooue vs to true repentance, and to turne backe Gods sharpe roddes which yet threaren vs.

O God almightie and heauenly Father, we acknowledge in our cōsciences & cōfesse, as the trueth is, that we are not wor­thie to lift vp our eyes to heauē, much lesse meet to come into thy presence, & to be so bold as to thinke that thou wilt heare our prayers, if thou haue respect to that which is in vs: for our consciences accuse vs, and our owne sinnes doe beare witnesse against vs: yea, and wee know that thou art a righ­teous Iudge, which punished the faultes of such as transgresse thy commaundements. Therefore, ô Lorde, when we consider our whole life, we haue cause to be cōfoundeth in our own hearts, and to be swallowed vp in the deep gulfe of death. Notwithstāding most mercifull Lorde, since it hath pleased thee of thine infinit mercie to cōmaund vs to call vpon thee for helpe, euen from the deepe bottome of hell: and that the more lack & defaut we fele in ourselues, so much the rather we shuld haue recourse vnto thy gratious boūtie: since also thou hast promised to heare & accept our requestes & sup­plications, without hauing anie respect to our vnworthines, for the merits of our lord Iesus Christ, whom alone thou hast appointed to bee our Intercessour and Aduocate, we humble our selues before thee, renoun­cing all vaine confidence in mans helpe, [Page] and cleaue onelie to thy mercie, calling v­pon thy holy Name, to obteine pardon for our sinnes.

First, O Lorde, besides the innumerable benefites which thou doest vniuersallie be­stowe vpon al men, thou hast giuen vs such speciall graces, that it is not possible for vs to rehearse them, no nor sufficientlie to cō­ceiue them in our mindes. It hath pleased thee to call vs to the knowledge of thy ho­ly Gospell, drawing vs out of the miserable bondage of the Deuill, whose slaues wee were, and deliuering vs from most cursed idolatrie and wicked superstition, wherein we were plunged, to bring vs into the mer­uailous light of thy trueth. Notwithstan­ding such is our vnthankfulnesse, that not onely we forget those thy benefites whiche we haue receyued at thy bountifull hande, but haue gone astray from thee, and haue turned our selues from thy Law, to goe af­ter our owne concupiscences & lustes, and neither haue giuen worthie honour & due obedience to thine holy Worde, neither haue aduanced thy glorie, as our duties re­quired. And although thou hast not ceas­sed continually to admonish vs most faith­fullie by thy Worde, yet we haue not giuen eare to thy Fatherlie admonition.

Wherefore, ô Lord, wee haue sinned and [Page] haue grieuouslie offended against thee, so that shame and confusion appertayneth to vs: and we acknowledge that wee are alto­gither guiltie before thy iudgement, and that if thou wouldest deale with vs accor­ding to our demerites, we could looke for no other then euerlasting death and dam­nation. For although we would excuse our selues, yet our owne conscience would ac­cuse vs, and our wickednes would appeare before thee to condemne vs. And in verie deed, O Lorde, wee see by the corrections which thou hast alreadie laid vpon vs, that we haue giuē thee great occasion to be dis­pleased with vs: for seeing thou art a iust & vpright Iudge, it can not be without cause, that thou punishest thy people. Wherefore, for as much as we haue felt thy stripes, wee acknowledge that we haue iustlie stirred vp thy displeasure against vs: yea, and yet wee see thine hande lifted vp to strike vs again: for the roddes & weapons wherewith thou art accustomed to execute thy vengeance, are alreadie in thine hande, and in full rea­dinesse. Wherewith though thou shouldest punish vs much more grieuouslie thē thou hast hitherto done, and that, whereas wee haue receyued one stroke, thou wouldest giue vs a thousande: yea, if thou wouldest bring vpon vs all the curses written in thy [Page] Law, and pursue vs with the grieuous pu­nishments, wherewith thou diddest punish thy people Israell, wee confesse that thou shouldest doe therein most righteouslie, & we can not denie, but we haue fullie deser­ued the same. Notwithstanding, ô Lorde, our heauenlie Father, seeing thou art our maker, and we the workmanship of thine hands, seeing thou art our Pastor, & we thy flocke: seing also that thou art our Redee­mer, and wee the people whom thou hast bought: finallie, because thou art our God, & we thy chosen Heritage, suffer not thine anger so to kindle against vs, that thou shouldest punish vs in thy wrath, neither remember our wickednes so, as to take vē­geance therof, but rather chastise vs accor­ding to thy mercie. We confesse, O Lord, that our misdeedes haue enflamed thy wrath against vs, yet, cōsidering that by thy grace we call vpon thy Name, & make pro­fession of thy trueth: mainteine, we beseech thee, the worke that thou hast begon in vs, to the ende that all the worlde may knowe that thou art our God and Sauiour. Thou knowest that such as thou hast destroyed & brought to confusion, do not set forth thy prayses, but the heauie soules, the humble hearts, the consciences oppressed, & loaden with the grieuous burden of their sinnes, [Page] and therefore thirste after thy grace, they shall set foorth thy prayse and glorie.

Thy people of Israel oftētimes prouoked thee to anger through their wickednesse, whervpon thou diddest iustlie punishe thē: but so soone as they acknowledged their offences, and returned to thee, thou diddest receiue them alwayes to mercie: and were their enormities & sins neuer so grieuous, yet for thy Couenantes sake which thou haddest made with thy seruāts, Abrahā Isa­ac & Iacob, thou diddest alwaies withdraw frō them thy roddes & curses, which were prepared for them, in such sorte, that thou diddest neuer refuse to heare their prayers.

We haue obtained by thy goodnesse, in a farre more excellent maner, the same Co­uenant, stablished by the meanes of IESVS Christ our Sauior, written with his bloud, & sealed with his death and passion. Ther­fore, O Lord, we renouncing our selues, & all vaine cōfidence in mans helpe, haue our onely refuge to this thy most blessed Coue­nant, whereby our Lord Iesus, through the offering vp of his body in sacrifice, hath reconciled vs vnto thee. Behold vs there­fore, O Lorde, in the face of Christ thine annoynted, that by his intercession, thy wrath & indignation may be appeased, and that the grieuous plagues and iudgements [Page] which we haue deserued, may be remoued from vs, and that the bright beames of thy countenance may shine vpon vs, to our great comfort and assured saluation: and from this time forwarde, vouchsafe to re­ceyue vs vnder thine holy tuition, and gou­uerne vs with thy holy Spirit, whereby we may bee regenerate a new vnto a farre bet­ter life.

And albeit we be most vnworthie in our owne selues, to open our mouthes, and to intreate thee in our necessities, yet for so much as it hath pleased thee to commaund vs to pray one for another, wee make also our hūble prayers vnto thee, for our poore brethren, whom thou doest visite and cha­stise with thy roddes and corrections, most instantly desiring thee, to turne away thine anger from them. Remember, ô Lorde, that they are thy children, as wee are: and though they haue offended thy Maiestie, yet we beseech thee that it may please thee not to cease to proceede in thine accusto­med bountie and mercie, which thou hast promised, should euermore continue to­wardes thine elect. Vouchsafe therefore, ô Lorde, to extende thy pitie vppon all thy Churches, and towardes all thy people, whom thou doest now chastise, either with pestilence or warre, or such like thine ac­customed [Page] roddes, as sicknesse, prison, po­uertie, or any other affliction of body or minde, that it would please thee to cōfort them as thou knowest to bee most expedi­ent for them, so that thy roddes may be in­structions for them, to assure them of thy fauour, & for their amendement, whē thou shalt giue them constancie and patience, & also asswage and stay thy corrections: and so at length by deliuering them frō al their troubles, giue them iust occasion to reioice in thy mercie, and to praise thine Holie Name. Especiallie, ô Lord, haue compassiō on those that employe them selues for the maintenance of thy trueth: strēgthen them with an invincible constancie: defende and assist them: ouerthrow the craftie practises and conspiracies of their enemies: bridle their rage, and lett their bolde enterprises, which they vndertake against thee and the members of thy Sonne, turne to their own confusion: and suffer not thy kingdome to be vtterlie desolate, neither suffer the remē­brance of thine holy Name to be cleane a­bolished, nor that they,To this the Minister ad­deth that part which is in the for­mer prayer marked thus (·) among whō it hath pleased thee to haue thy praise set forth, be destroyed, and that the Turkes, Paganes, & other infidels, the church of Rome, or o­ther heretikes, by such occasiō boast them selues thereby, & blaspheme thy Name. (·)

Then the people are to sing a Psealme, as the Pa­stor appointeth: Which ended, he is to pronounce one of these blessings, and so the Congregation departeth.

THe Lord blesse vs and saue vs: the Lord make his face to shine vpon vs, and bee mercifull vnto vs:Num. 6. the Lord turne his coū­tenance towards vs, & graunt vs his peace.

THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ, the loue of God, and communion of the holie Ghost, [...]. Cor. 13. be with vs all: So be it.


It shall not be necessarie for the Pastour daylie to repeate all these thinges before mentioned, but be­ginning with some like confession, to proceede to the Sermon: which ended, he eyther is to vse the prayer for all estates, before mencioned, or else to pray, as the Spirit of God shall mooue his hearte, framing the same according to the time and mat­ter which he hath intreated of. And if there shall be at anie time any present plague, famine, pesti­lence, warre, or such like, which be euident tokens of Gods wrath, as it is our parte, to acknowledge our sinnes to be the occasion thereof, so are we ap­pointed by the Scriptures, to giue our selues to mourning, fastinge, and prayer, as the meanes to turne away Gods heauie displeasure. Therefore it shall be conuenient, that the Minister, during such time, doe not onely admonish the people thereof, but also vse some forme of praier, according as the present necessitie requireth, to the whiche he may appointe by consent of the Eldershippe, some se­uerall day after the Sermon, weekelie to be obser­ued, where it may be done conuenientlie.

¶ OF THE ADMINISTRA­TION OF THE SACRA­mentes, BAPTISME, and the Lordes SVPPER. First of the order of BAPTISME.

Forasmuch as it is not permitted by Gods Worde, that women, or any priuate person should preache or minister the Sacramentes, and it is euident that the Sacraments are not ordained of god to be vsed but in places of the publike Congregation, & ne­cessarilie annexed to the preaching of the Worde, as seales of the same, therefore the infant which is to be baptized, shalbe brought to the Church at some day appointed to common prayer and prea­ching, accompanied with the Father & godfathers, as the Eldership of that Congregation shall think conuenient. After the Sermon, the childe beeing presented to the Minister, hee demaundeth this question:

DOe you present this Childe to bee Bap­tized?

The Aunswere.

Yea, we require the same.

Then the Pastor is to proceed, saying:

THen let vs cōsider, dearlie beloued, how Almightie God hath not onely made vs his children by "adoption, and receiued vs into the fellowship of his Church, but al­so hath promised that he wil be ourGen. 17. Exod. 12. God, [Page] and the God of our childrē, vnto the thou­sande generation. Which thing as he con­firmed to his people of the olde Testament by the Sacrament ofGen. 17. Roma. 4. Circūcision, so hath he also renewed the same to vs in his newe Testament by the Sacrament ofColo 1 Galat. 3 Actes 2. Baptisme: commaunding hisMat. 8. Marke. 16. Apostles to baptize in the Name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost: declaringe thereby that such as beleeue, and their infantes, ap­pertaine to him by couenant, and therfore ought not to bee defrauded of those Holie signes and sealesActes 10. whereby his childrē are knowne from infidels and pagans.

Neither is it requisite, that all those that receiue this Sacrament, haue the vse of vn­derstanding and faith, but that they be cō­teined vnder the name ofActes. 2. 1 Cor. 7. Gods people: so that remission of sinnes in the bloud of Christ Iesus, doeth appertaine vnto them by Gods promise.

This thing is most euident by1. Cor. 7. St Paule, who pronounceth the children begotten & borne, either of the parents being faith­full, to be cleane and holie. Also our Saui­our Christ admittethMarke. 10. Mat. 19. Luc. 18. Psalm. 22. children to his pre­sence, imbracing & blessing them. Which testimonies of the holy Ghost assure vs, that infants be of the number of Gods peo­ple, and that remission of sinnes doeth also [Page] appertaine to them in Christ. Therefore without iniurie, they can not bee debarred from the common signe of Gods children. And yet is not this outward action of such necessitie, that the lackeRom. 4. Gal. 3. Iames. 2. Gen. 15.1 [...] thereof should be hurtfull to their saluation, if that, preuen­ted by death, or such like cause of necessi­tie, they may not conuenientlie be presen­ted to the Church. But wee hauing respect to that obedience, which Christians owe to the voyce and ordinance of Christ IESVS, who commaundedMark. 1 [...] Mat. 28. to preach and baptize al such without exception, doe iudge them onely vnworthie of anie fellowship with him, who contemptuouslie refuse such or­dinarie meanes, as his wisedome hath ap­pointed to the instruction of our dull sen­ses.

Furthermore, it is euident, that Baptisme was ordeyned to bee ministred in the ele­mēt ofMat. 3. 1 Pet. 3. 1 Iohn. 5 1 Cor. 10 water, to teach vs, that like as water outwardlie doeth washe away the filth of the bodie, so inwardlie doeth the bloode of Christ purge our soules from that cor­ruption and deadlie poyson, wherewithEphe. 2. by nature we were infected. Whose vene­mousRom. 7 dregges, although they continue in this our fleshe, yet by the merites of his death,Rom. 4. Galat. 3. Psalm. 32. are not imputed vnto vs, because the iustice of Iesus Christe is madeRoma. 6. Galat. [...]. ours [Page] by Baptisme: not that we thinke any such vertue or power to be included in the visi­ble water or outward action,As Iudas, Si­mon Magus, Hymeneus, Alexander, Philetus. (for manie haue bene baptized, and yet neuer inward­lie purged) but that our Sauior Christ, who commanded Baptisme to be ministred,Actes 2.13 wil by the power of his holie Spirit effectuallie work in the hearts of his c elect in time cō­uenient,Ephe. 3. 1 Cor. 12. Rom. 6. Col. 2. all that is meant & signified by the same. And this the Scripture calleth our d regeneration,The fruit of baptisme stādeth in two points: mor­tification, and regene­ration. whiche standeth chieflie in these two pointes, In mortification of the rebellious lustes of the flesh, and in new­nesse of life, whereby we continuallie striue to walke in that purenes and perfection, wherewith we are cladde in baptisme.

And although we in the iourney of this life be1 Pet. 5. Luke. 22. Iob. 7. encumbred with manie enimies, which in the way assaile vs, yet fight we not without fruit. For this f continuall battell which we fight against sinne, death & hell, is a most infallible argument, that God the Father,Rom. 1.5 1 Pet. 1 Iames. 1 Ephe. 6. mindfull of his promise made vnto vs in Christ Iesus, doeth not onlie giue vs motions and courage to resist them, but al­so assurance1 Cor. 15 Ose. 13. Heb. 2. to ouercome, and obtaine victorie. Wherefore, dearelie beloued, it is not onlie of necessitie that we be baptized, but also it much profiteth oft to be present at the ministration thereof, that we being [Page] put in minde of theDeut. 6. Iosh. 1. league & Couenaunt made betweene God and vs, that he will beIere. 3 [...]. Heb. 8. our God, & we his people: he our Father, and we his children, may haue occasion as well to trie our liues past, as our present cōuersation, and to proue our selues, whe­ther we stande fast in the faith of Gods e­lect: or cōtrariwise, haue strayed from him throughEphe. 4. Col. 3. incredulitie & vngodlie liuing: whereof if our consciences doe accuse vs, yet by hearing the louing promises of our heauenlie Father (who calleth all men to mercie byEzech. 18 Act. 1.13. 2 Pet. 3. Deut. 4.6. repentance) we may from hence foorth walke more warelie in our voca­tion.

Moreouer, ye that be Fathers and Mo­thers, may take hereby most singular com­fort, to see your children thus receyued into the bosome of Christes Congregati­on, whereby you are daylie admonished, that ye nourishe and bring vp the children of gods fauour and mercie, ouer whom his fatherlie prouidenceMat. 18. watcheth continual­lie. Which thing, as it ought greatly to re­ioice you, knowing thatMatth. 6. Luke. 12. nothinge can come vnto thē without his good pleasure, so ought it to make you diligent & careful to nourture, and instruct them in theDeut. 4.6. Ephe. 6. true knowledge and feare of God. Wherein if you be negligent,King 2. ye doe not onely1 Sam. 2. iniurie [Page] to your own children, hydinge from them the good will & pleasure of almightie God their Father,What daunger hangeth ouer those parentes, which neg­lect the bringinge vp of their childrē in godlines. but also heape damnation v­pon your selues, in suffering his children, bought with the bloud of his deare Sōne, so trayterouslie, for lacke of knowledge to turne back from him. Therefore it is your duetie, with all diligence to prouide that your children in time conuenient bee in­structed in allGene. 18. Deut. 32. doctrine necessarie for a true Christian: chieflie that they be taught to rest vpō the iustice of Christ Iesus alone, and to abhorre & flee all superstition, He­resie and Idolatrie.The true vse of the Catechisme to the execution wherof the fathers and godfa­thers binde them selues. Finallie, to the intent that wee may be assured, that you the Fa­ther or the Suerties consent to the perfor­mance hereof, declare here before God & the face of his Congregation, if this be the summe of thy faith, that you beleeue, and wherin you will see this childe instructed: Which is conteyned in these Wordes:

I beleeue in God the Father. &c.

Wherevnto aunswere being taken, hee prayeth in this maner, or such like.

ALmightie and euerlastinge GOD, which of thine infinite mercie and goodnesse hast promised vnto vs, that thou wilt not onely bee our God, but also the God and Father of our Children, wee be­seeche thee, that as thou hast vouchsafed [Page] to call vs to be partakers of this thy great mercie in theGalat. 3. 1 Petr. 1. Phil. 3 fellowship of faith, so it may please thee to sanctifie with thyRom. 3.4. 1 Cor. 5 Rom. 8. Ephe. 2.3. Spirite, & to receyue into the number of thy children this infant, whom we shall baptize accor­ding to thyMatth. 2 [...] Marke. 16. Actes. 2. worde, to the end that he, cō­ming to perfect age, mayRoma. 1 [...]. Iohn. 17. confesse thee onelie the true God, and whome thou hast sent, Iesus Christ, and so serue thee, & beRom. 1 1 Cor 11. 1 Thes. 5 profitable to thy Churche, in the whole course of his life, that after this life be en­ded, he may be brought as a liuely mem­ber of the body of Christe, vnto the full fruitiō of thy1 Cor. [...] Roma. 6. Titus. [...] ioyes in the Heauens, where thy Sonne our Sauiour Christ reigneth worlde without ende. In whose Name wee praye as hee hath taught vs:

Our Father which art in heauen.

¶ When they haue prayed in this sorte, the Minister is to require the childes name, whiche knowen,

Hee is to saye:

N.Matt. 28. Marke. 16. Actes. 2. I baptize thee in the Name of the Father, of the Sonne, & of the holie Ghost.

And as he speaketh these wordes, hee shall take wa­ter in his hande, andor washedpowre it vpon the childes face, Which done, he is to giue thanks as follow­eth.

FOrasmuch, most holy and merciful Fa­ther, as thou doest not onelie blesse vs [Page] with common benefits, like vnto the rest of mankinde,Ephe. 3 1 Pet. 2. Ose. 2. but also heapest vppon vs most aboundantlie rare and wonderfull giftes, of duetie we lift vppe our eyes and mindes vnto thee, & giue thee most hum­ble thankes for thine infinite goodnesse, which hast not onely numbred vs amongst thy1 Pet. 2. Ephe. 2. Saintes, but also of thy free mercie doest cal our children vnto thee, marking them with this Sacrament, as a singular token and seale of thy loue. Wherefore, most louing Father, though we be not able to deserue this so great a benefite (yea, if thou wouldest handle vs according to ourRom. 1. Iere. 2. Isa. 40. Luke. 17. merites, wee should suffer the punish­ments of eternall death & damnation) yet for Christes sake wee beseeche thee, that thou wilt confirme this thy fauour more & more towards vs, and take this infant into thy tuition and defence, whom we offer & present vnto thee with common supplica­tions, & neuer suffer him to fall away from thee: but that hee maye knowe thee conti­nuallie to bee his mercifull Father, tho­rough thine holie Spirite, working in his heart, by whose diuine power hee maye so preuayle against Satan, that in the end, ob­tayning the victorie, he may be exalted in­to the libertie of thy kingdome. So be it.


The day when the Lords Supper is to be ministred, which shalbe commonly once a moneth, or so ofte as the Congregation shall thinke expedient, the Minister shall vse to say as followeth.

LET vs marke, deare brethren, and con­sider how Iesus Christ did ordaine vn­to vs his Holie Supper, according as Saint Paule maketh rehearshall in the 11. Chap. of the firste Epistle to the Corinthians, saying:

I haue receyued of the Lord, that which I haue deliuered vnto you, to witte, that the Lord Iesus the same night he was betrayed, tooke bread, and when he had giuen thankes, he brake it saying: Take yee, eate ye, this is my bodie, which is broken for you: do you this in remembrance of mee. Likewise after Supper, hee tooke the Cup, saying: This Cuppe is the new Testament or Couenant in my bloud: doe yee this so ofte as yee shall drinke thereof, in re­membrance of mee. For so ofte as you shall eate this bread, and drinke of this Cuppe, yee shall declare the Lords death vntill his comminge. Therfore whosoeuer [Page] shall eate this breade, & drinke the Cuppe of the Lorde vnworthily, he shall be guiltie of the body and bloud of the Lorde. Then see that euery man prooue & trie him selfe, and so let him eate of this breade, & drinke of this Cuppe, for who so euer eateth or drinketh vnworthily, he eateth & drinketh his owne damnation, for not hauing due regarde and consideration of the Lords bodie.

¶ This done, the Pastor is to proceede to the exhor­tation, saying:

DEarely beloued in the Lorde, for as­much as we be now assembled to cele­brate the holy communion of the bodie & bloud of our Sauiour Christ, let vs consider these wordes of Saint Paule, howe he ex­horteth all persons diligently to trie and examine them selues, before they presume to eate of that bread, and drinke of that Cuppe. For as the benefite is great, if with a truelie penitent heart, and liuelie faith wee receyue that holie Sacrament (for then wee spirituallie eate the fleshe of Christ, & drinke his bloude: thē wee dwell in Christ, and Christ in vs: we be one with Christ, & Christ with vs:) so is the daunger exceeding great, if wee receyue this holie Sacramente vnworthilie: for then wee be guiltie of the [Page] bodie and bloud of Christ our Sauiour: we eate and drinke our owne damnation, not consideringe the Lorde his bodie, which is offered in this Sacramente to the worthie receyuer: wee kindle Gods heauie wrath a­gainst vs, and prouoke him to plague or chastise vs, with diuerse diseases, and sun­drie kindes of death.

Therefore, if anie of you beeHose. 4.5. ignoraunt of God,Roma. 10 Marke. 8. a denier of the faith,1 Cor. 11. Tit. 2.10. an here­ticke or scismatike,1. Cor. 5 1 Iohn. 5 an Idolatour, a wor­shipper of Angells, Saintes, or anie other creatures,Gal. 5.30. a witch, sorcerour, southsayer, or suche as haue anie truste or confidence in them,Deut. 4. 1. Iohn. 5. a mainteyner of Images or mans inuentions in the seruice of GOD, a ne­glecter,Gene. 17 Num. 9. 1 Cor. 11. Mat. 18.3 [...] contemner, hinderer or slaunde­rer of God, his holye Worde, Sacramentes, and Discipline, aMat. 5.33 periured person, a pro­phaner of the Lords Sabboth: disobedient to Parents, Magistrates, Ministres, & other Superiours, or bee a murderer, or in ma­lice and enuie, or bee mercilesse and cruell, or an oppressour, Vsurer, or fornicatour, adulterour, an incestuous person, bugge­rer, or bee a theefe,1 Cor. 5 1 Thes. 4. a false dealer in bar­gayninge, or anie the like matter: a slaun­derour, backebyter, or false witnesse bea­rer, or in anie other grieuous crime, lament [Page] and bewayle our sinnes and iniquities, and presume not to come to this holie Table, least the Deuill enter into you, as he entred into Iudas, andIohn. 13. fill you full of all iniqui­ties, and bring you to destruction, both of bodie and soule.

Iudge therefore your selues, examine and trie your hearts (Brethren) that ye bee not iudged of the Lord:Mat. 3. Titus. 2. Repente you truelie for your sinnes past, and haue a liuelie and stedfast faith in Christ our Sauiour, see­king onlie your saluation in theActes 4 Galat. 2. merites of his death and passion, of his righteous­nesse and obedience: from hence foorth refusing and forgetting all enuie and1. Pet. 2. 1 Cor. 14. Ephe. 4. ma­lice, with full purpose and deliberation, to liue in Brotherly amitie, and all godlie and honest conuersation all the dayes of your life.

And albeit wee feele in our selues much fraieltie and wretchednesse, as that we haue not our faith so perfect and constant, as we ought, being manie times readie to distrust Gods goodnesse through our corruptRom. 7 na­ture, and also that we are not so throughlie giuen to serue God, neither haue so fer­uent a zeale to set foorth his glorie, as our duetie requireth, feeling still such rebellion in our selues, that wee haue neede daylie toGalat. [...] fight against the lustes of our flesh, yet [Page] neuerthelesse, seeing that our Lorde hath dealth thus mercifullie with vs, that hee hath printed hisHeb. 8. Iere. 31. Isa. 5. Gospell in our hearts, so that wee are preserued from falling into desperation and misbeliefe: and seeing also he hath indued vs with aRom. [...]. Phil. 1. will, and desire to renounce and withstand our owne af­fections, with a longing for his righteous­nesse and the keeping of his commaunde­mentes, we may be now right well assured, that those defaultes and manifold imper­fections in vs shall be no hinderance at all against vs, to cause him not to accepte and impute vs as worthy to come to his spiri­tuall Table. For the ende of our comming thither is not to makeLuke. 18. protestation that wee are vpright or iust in our liues, but contrariwise, wee come to seeke our life and perfection in IESVS Christ, acknow­ledging in the meane time, that wee of our selues be the childrenEphe. 2. Luc. 8. of wrath and dam­nation.

Let vs consider then, that the Sacra­ment is an excellent medicine for all poore sicke creatures, a comfortable helpe to weake soules, and that our Lord requireth no other worthinesse on our parte, but that wee vnfainedlie acknowledge our wicked­nesse, and imperfection. Then to the end that wee may bee worthy partakers of his [Page] merites, and most comfortable benefits, byIohn. [...]. the true and spirituall eating of his flesh, and drinking of his bloud, let vs not suffer our mindes to wander about the cōsidera­tion of these earthlie & corruptible things (which we see present to our eyes,Trāsubstā­tiation, Trās-elementati­on, Trans­mutation, & Transfor­mation, as the papistes vse thē, are the doctrine of Deuilles. The true eatinge of Christ in the Sacrament. and feele with our handes) to seeke Christ bodilie present in them, as if hee were inclosed in the bread or wine, or as if these Elementes were turned & chaūged into the substance of his flesh and bloud. For the onely way to dispose our soules to receyue nourishe­ment, releefe and quickening of his sub­staunce, is to lift vp our mindes by faith a­boue all things worldlie and sensible, and thereby to enter into Heauen, that we may finde and receyue Christ, where heReuel. 5. dwel­leth vndoubtedlie verie God, & verie man, in the incomprehensible glorie of the Fa­ther, to whom bee all prayse, honour, and glorie, now and euer, Amen.

¶ The exhortation ended, the Minister is to giue thankes, either in these wordes following, or like in effect.

O Father of mercie, and God of all con­solation,Gene. 1. seeing all creatures doe ac­knowledge and confesse thee as Gouuer­nour and Lorde, it becōmeth vs the work­manship of thine owne handes, at all times [Page] to reuerence and magnifie thy godlie Ma­iestie: first, for that thou hast created vs to thine ownEphe. 2. Galat. [...] Gen. 3. image & similitude, but chief­lie because thou hast deliuered vs frō that euerlastingActes 4. Heb. 1. death and damnation, into the which Satan drew mankinde by the meane of sinne: from the bondage where­of, neither man nor Angell wasIohn 3. able to make vs free, but thou, o Lord, riche in mercie, and infinite in goodnesse, hast pro­uided our redemtion to stand in thy onelie & welbeloued Sonne, whom of veryIohn 3. loue thou diddest giue to bee made man likeHebre. 8 vnto vs in all things,Hebr. 4. sinne except, that in his bodie hee might receiue the punish­ment of our transgression, by his death to make1. Pet. 2. Isa. 43, 53. satisfaction to thy iustice, and by his resurrection toMat. 3. Iere. 31. Hebr. 8. Rom. 5. destroy him that was author of death, & so to bring againeHeb. 2. Iohn 6. life to the worlde, from which the whole of­spring ofGene. 3.2. Rom. 5. Adam most iustlie was exiled.

O Lord, we acknowledge, that no crea­ture is able toEphe. 3. comprehend the length and breadth, the deepenesse and height of that thy most excellēt loue which mooued thee to shew mercie where none wasEphe. 2. deserued: to promise and giue life,Iohn. 6. Ephe. 1. where death had gotten victorie: to receiue vs into thy grace when wee could doeGen. 6. Rom. 3. Isa. 64. Psalm. 5.14 nothing but rebell against thy iustice. O Lord, the blind dul­nesse [Page] of ourMatt. 16. 1. Cor. 2. Luke 11. Mark. 10. corrupt nature, will not suffer vs sufficientlie to weight these thy most am­ple benefites: yet neuerthelesse, at theMat. 26. Luke 22. cō­maundement of IESVS Christ our Lord, wee present our selues to this his Table (which he hath left to be vsed in1. Cor. 11. remem­brance of his death vntill his comming a­gaine) to declare and witnesse before the world, that by him alone we haue receiuedIohn. 8. Galat. 5. libertie, and life: that by him alone thou doest acknowledge vs thy children andRoma. 8. 1. Pet. 1. Ephe. 5. heyres: that by him alone wee haueEphe. 2. Heb. 4. Roma. 3. en­trance to the throne of thy grace: that by him alone we areMatth. 25. Iohn. 14. Luke 12. possessed in our spiritu­all kingdome, to eate & drinke at hisLuke 22. Reuel. 2. Ta­ble, with whom we haue ourPhil. 3. Ephe. 2. conuersati­on presentlie in heauen, and by whom our bodies shall bee raised vp againe from the dust, and shall be placed with him in that endlesse ioye, which thou, ô Father of mer­cie, hast prepared for thine electEphe. 1. Reuel. 1 before the foūdation of the world was laide. And these most inestimable benefits we acknowledge and confesse to haue receyued of thyRoma. 3. Ephe. 2. Titus 3. free mercie and grace, by thine onely be­loued Sonne Iesus Christ: for the whiche therefore we thy CongregationRoma. 8. mooued by thine holy Spirit, rēder thee all thanks, prayse and glorie, for euer and euer.

¶ This done, the Minister comming to the Table, & the Table being furnished, is to break the breade and deliuer it to the people, saying: Take & eate, this bread is the body of Christ that was broken for vs, Doe this in remembrance of him: who di­stribute and diuide the same among them selues, according to our Sauiour Christes commande­ment. Likewise he shall giue the Cuppe, saying: Drinke ye all of this. This Cuppe is the new Te­stament in the bloud of Christ, which was shedde for the sinnes of manie: Doe this in remembrance ofhim. During the which time,Matth. 26. Marke 14. Luke 22. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Cor. 11. Iohn 13.14some place of the Scriptures is to bee read, whiche doeth liuelie sett foorth the death of Christ, to the intent that our eyes and senses may not onely be occupied in these outward signes of bread and wine, which are cal­led the visible word, but that our hearts & mindes also may bee fullie fixed in the contemplation of the Lords death which is by this holy Sacrament represented. And after the action is done, he is to giue thankes, saying:

MOST mercifull Father, wee render to thee all prayse, thankes and glorie, for that it hath pleased thee of thy great mercies, to graunt vnto vs, miserable sin­ners, so excellent a gift and treasure, as to receyue vs into the1. Cor. 10. fellowship and com­panie of thy deare sonne IESVS Christ our Lorde, whom thou hastRoma. 4. deliuered to death for vs, and hast giuen him vn­to vs, as a necessarieIohn. 6. foode and nou­rishement vnto euerlasting life. And now wee beseeche thee also, O heauenlie Fa­ther, to graunt vs this request, that [Page] thou neuer suffer vs to become so vnkind, as to forgette so worthie benefites, but ra­ther imprint and fasten them sure in our hearts, that we mayLuke 17. grow & increase day­lie more & more in true faith, which con­tinuallie isGal. 5. exercised in all maner of good workes: and so much the rather, ô Lord, confirme vs in these1. Tim. 4. Ephe. 5. 2. Pet. 3. perillous dayes, and rages of Satan, that wee may constantlie stand and continue in the confession of the same, to the aduancement of thyMat. 5. 2. Pet. 2. glorie, which art God ouer all thinges blessed for euer.

The action thus ended, the people are to sing the 103. Psalme, My soule giue laude, &c. or some o­ther of thankes giuing: which ended, one of the blessinges before mencioned, is to be recited, and so they rise from the Table and departe.

If so bee that anie would maruell why wee followe rather this order, then anie other in the administration of this Sacrament, let him diligentlie consider, that first of all we vtterlie renounce the errour of the Papistes: secondlie, we restore vnto the Sacra­ment his owne substance, and to Christ his proper place.

And as for the wordes of the Lordes Supper, we re­hearse them not because they should change the substance of the bread or wine, or that the repeti­tion therof with the intent of the sacrificer,Why this order is to bee obserued ra­ther then a­nie other. should make the Sacrament (as the Papists falslie beleeue) but they are reade & pronounced to teach vs how to behaue our selues in that actiō, and that Christ might witnesse vnto our faith, as it were with his [Page] owne mouth, that he hath ordayned these signes for our spirituall vse and comfort. Wee doe firste therefore examine ourselues, according to Sainct Paules rule, and prepare our mindes that we may be worthie partakers of so high mysteries. Then taking bread, we giue thankes, breake and distri­bute it as Christ our Sauiour hath taught vs.Matt. 26. Marke 14. Luke 22. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Cor. 11. Fi­nallie, the ministration ended, we giue thankes a­gaine according to his example: so that without his worde and warrant, there is nothing in this holy action attempted.


After the contract hath bene published three seuerall Sabboth dayes in the Congregation, to the intent that if any person haue interest or title to eyther of the parties, they may haue sufficient time to make their chalenge, the parties assemble at the begin­ning of the Sermon, and the Minister at time con­uenient, sayeth as followeth.

The exhortation.

DEarelie beloued Brethren, wee are heere gathered togither in the sight of God, and in the face of his Con­gregation, to knitte and ioyne these parties together in the " honourable state of Ma­trimonie,Heb. 13. which was instituted and autho­rized [Page] by God him selfe inGene. 2. Prouer. 18. paradise, man being then in the state of innocencie. For what time God made Heauen and Earth, and all that is in them, & had created and fashioned man also after his owne simili­tude & likenesse, vnto whom he gaue rule & lordship ouer all the beastes of the earth, fishes of the sea, and fowles of the aire, hee saide: It is not good that man liue alone: let vs make him an helper like vnto him selfe. And God brought a deepe sleepe vpō him, and tooke one of his ribbes, and shaped Heua thereof, doeing vs thereby to vnder­standeIn Ebrue man is called Isch, and the womā Ischa whereby is well expres­sed the natu­ral affinitie betwixt man & his wife. that they two are one bodie, one fleshe and one bloud: for the which cause manGene. 2. Matth. 19. Marke 10. 2. Cor. 6. leaueth his father and mother, and taketh him to his wife, to keepe companie with her: the which also he ought to loue euen as our Sauiour loueth his Church, that is to say, hisIohn. 17. Roma. 5. Hebr. 9. 1. Pet. 3. elect and faithfull Con­gregation, for the which he gaue his life.

And semblablie also, it is theEphe. 5. Col. 3. 1. Pet. 3. 1. Cor. 11 1. Tim. 2. wiues duetie to studie to please and obeye her houshande, seruing him in all things that be godlie and honest: for shee is in subie­ction, and vnder the gouuernance of her husbande, so longe as they continue bothRoma. 7. 2. Cor. 7. Matth. 19. aliue. And this holy mariage, beeing a thing most honorable, is of such vertue & force, that thereby the husbande hath no [Page] more1. Cor. 7. 1. Pet. 3. Ephe. 6. 1. Tim. 2. right or power ouer his owne body, but the wife: and likewise the wife hath no power ouer her owne body, but the hu­sbande, for as much as God hath so knitte them together in this mutuall societie, to the procreatiō of childrē, that they should1. Cor. 7. bring them vp in the feare of the Lorde, and to the increase of Christes kingdome.

Wherefore they that bee thus coupled together by GOD, can not bee seuered or put apart, vnlesse it bee for a season, with the assente ofMatth. 19 1 Cor. 7. both parties, to the ende to giue them selues the more feruentlie to fa­sting and prayer, giuing diligent heede in the meane time, that their longe being a­part, be not a snare to bring them into the daunger of Sathan, through incontinen­cie: and therefore to auoide fornication, euerie man ought to haue his owne wife, and euerie woman her owne husbande: so that so many as can not liue chaste, are1. Cor. [...]. 2. Cor. 6. Leuit. 26. 2. Petr. 1. bound by the commandement of GOD, to marie, that thereby the Holy1. Thes. 4. Temple of GOD, whiche is our bodies, may bee kept pure and vndefiled: For since our bodies are nowe become the verie mem­bres of IESVS Christ, how horrible and de­testable a thing is it to make thē the mem­bers of an harlot? Euery one ought there­fore to keepe his vessel in all holinesse and [Page] honour:Roma. 12. Ephe. 5. for whosoeuer [...] Cor. 3. polluted and de­fileth the Temple of GOD, him will GOD destroye.

The Minister is to speake to the parties that shall be maried, in this wise:

I Require and charge you, as you will an­swere at the day of iudgement, when the1. Cor. 4. Matth. 7. Roma. 2. secretes of all heartes, shall bee disclosed, that if either of you doe know any impedi­ment, why ye may not be lawfullie ioyned togither in Matrimonie, that ye confesse it. For be ye well assured, that so manie as bee coupled otherwise then Gods worde doeth allow, are not ioyned togither by God, neither is their matrimonie lawfull.

If no impediment be by them declared, then the Minister is to say to the whole Congregation:

I Tak you to witnes that be heere present, beseeching you al to haue good remem­brance thereof: and moreouer, if there bee anie of you, which knoweth that either of these parties bee contracted to anie other, or knoweth anie other lawfull impedimēt, let them now make declaration thereof.

If no cause be alleadged, the Minister is to proceed saying:

FOr asmuch as no man speaketh against this thing, you N. shall protest heere be­fore God, and his holy Congregation, that you haue taken and are nowe contented to haue N. here present for your lawfull wife, promising to keepe her, to loue and intreat her in all things according to theColos. 3. 1. Pet. 3. Matth. 19. 1. Cor. 7. Mala. 2. duetie of a faithful husband, forsaking all other, during her life: and brieflie, to liue in all holy conuersation with her, keeping faith and trueth in all pointes, according as the worde of God and his holy Gospell doeth commaunde.

The answere.

Euen so I take her before God and in the presence of this his Congregation.

The Minister also shall say to the spouse:

YOu, N. shall protest here before the face of God, in the presence of this holy Congregation, that ye haue taken and are now contented to haue, N. heere present, for your lawfull husbande, promisinge to himEphe. 5. Coloss. 3. 1. Tim. 2. 1. Pet. 3. Esther. [...]. subiection and obedience, forsaking all other, during his life: and finallie to liue in an holy cōuersation with him, keeping faith and trueth in all pointes, as Gods worde doeth prescribe.

The answere.

Euen so I take him before God, and in the presence of this his Congregation.

The Minister then shall say:

GIue diligent eare then to these wordes of the Gospel, that ye may vnderstand how our Lorde would haue this holy con­tract kept and obserued, and how sure and fast a knot it is, which may in no wise bee loosed, according as we be taught in the 19 Chapter of Saint Matthewes Gospell.

THe Pharisees came vnto Christ to tempt him, and to feele his minde, saying: Is it lawfull for a man to put away his wife for euerie light cause? He aunswered, sayinge: Haue ye not read, that he which created mā at the beginning, made them male & female? saying: For this thing shall man leaue Fa­ther and mother, & cleaue vnto his wife, & they twaine shall be one fleshe, so that they are no more two but are one fleshe. Lett no man therefore put asunder that, which God hath coupled togither.

IF yee beleeue assuredlie these wordes, which our Lord and Sauiour did speake (according as ye haue heard them now re­hearsed out of the holy Gospell) then may you be certaine, that God hath euen so knit you togeather in this holy estate of Wed­locke. Wherefore applie your selues to liue [Page] together in godlie loue, in christian peace, and good example, euer holding fast tho bande of charitie without any breach, kee­ping faith and trueth the one to the other, euen as Gods worde doeth appoint.

Then the Minister commendeth them to God, in this or such like sorte:

The Lorde sanctifie and blesse you: the Lorde powre the riches of his grace vpon you, that ye may please him, and liue toge­ther in holie loue to your liues end. Amen.

Then the Minister is to proceede to the ordinarie exercise.


BEcause the visitation of the sicke is a thing verie necessarie, and yet not­withstanding it is hard to prescribe al rules appertayning therevnto, it is referred to the discretion of the Godlie and Prudent Minister, who according as hee seeth the patient afflicted, eyther maye lifte him vppe with the sweete promises of Gods mercie thorough Christ, if hee perceyue him much afraide of Gods threatninges: or contrariwise, if he be not touched with the feeling of his sinnes, may beate him downe with Gods iustice: euermore like [Page] a skilfull Physition, framing his medicine according as the disease requireth.

Moreouer, the partie that is visited, may vpon necessarie occasion for his comfort, sende for the Minister: who doeth not on­lie make prayers for him there presentlie, but also if it so require, commendeth him in the publike prayers to the cōgregation.


THe corps is reuerentlie to be brought to the graue, accompanied with the neighbours in comely manner, without a­nie further Ceremonie.


And for the Churches in these low countries, it is ordered by the last generall Sy­node, § agree able to God his Worde, and the practise of other churches, that other by their order may speak, that so some of them may be ripened to the Ministerie, prouided that none of thē preach or speake out of the place appointed for it, nor administer the Sa­craments, without a full calling to the Ministerie.EVerie weeke once the Minister of the lesse Conference which may conveni­entlie, are to assemble in some Church to heare some place of the ScripturesAct. 15.22, 23.26.31. & 13.15. 1 Cor. 14.26, 33. 1 Thes. 5.20. Luke 2.46.47. 1 Sam. 19.22. order­lie expounded, by such of them as they shal appoint for it: who are also to appoint one for the moderation of the action, that all things may be done in it orderlie and to e­dification.

The ordinarie officers of the Church by the worde of God, are these foure:Rom. 12. Act. 6. 1 Tim. 5. 2 Cor. 22.Pa­stors, Teachers, Elders, Deacons.

OF THE PASTORS, THEIR OF­fice, election, and ordination.

What things are chieflie required in the Pastors.

THE church that is destitute of a Pastor, isAct. 1.13. first diligentlie to consider, that he which is to be chosen Pastor, be not found1 Tim. 3. 2 Tim. 2.4. Ezech. 33 Ier. 3. Iohn 2 Isa. 62 1 Cor. 9. culpable of anie such faultes as S. Paule reprehendeth in a man of that vocatiō: but cōtrariwise, indued with such vertues, that he may be able to vndertake his charge & diligentlie execute the same. Secondlie, that he ought to2 Tim. 2 1 Cor. 4 Mat. 25. distribute faithfullie the Worde of God, & minister the Sacraments sincerelie, euerAct. 2 [...] 2 Tim. 4. carefull not onlie to teach his flocke publikelie, but also vpon cause, priuatelie to admonish them: remembring alwayes that if anie thingEzec. 3. 2 Cor. 2. perish through his default, the Lorde will require it at his hande.

ANd because the charge of the Worde of God is of greater1 Cor. 9. Act. 6. importance,The Pastors duetie. then that anie man is able to dispense therwith: and Saint Paule exhorteth to esteeme them [Page] as ministers1. Cor. 4. 2 Cor. 4. of Christ, & disposers of Gods mysteries: not1. Pet. 5. 2. Cor. 1. Mat. 20. lordes or rulers, as S. Peter saith, ouer the flocke: The Church is ther­fore to cōsider, that the Pastors chief office standeth inMat. 26. Mall. 2. 1. Pet. 4. Act. 3.16. 1. Cor. 1.15 preaching the worde of God, and ministring the Sacramentes: So that in consultations, iudgementes, elections, and other ecclesiasticall affaires, hisActes 20. 2. Cor. 4. counsell rather then authoritie, taketh place.

And if so be the Congregation by the ad­uise of the Elders, vpon iust cause agree to excommunicate, then it belongeth to the Minister, according to their1 Cor. 5. generall de­termination, to pronounce the sentence, to the end that all thinges may bee done1. Cor. 15. or­derlie, and without confusion.

ANd therefore the Elders of the vacant Congregation and certeine Pastors ap­pointed by the next Cōference to it (whose assistance the saide Elders are to seeke and desire of that Conference) at such time are to assemble the Congregation hauing before appointed a day for fasting & pray­er,The election and ordina­tion of Pa­stors. to exhort them to pray, that God would direct the election to bee made, as may bee most agreeable to his will, and most profi­table for that Church. Then after they are to meete by them selues, and to aduise of one fitt for the place that is vacant, whom that assemblie of the Elders and such Pa­stors [Page] are to prooue and examine.

First, as touching2 Tim. [...]. Tit. 1. Doctrine, whether he that should be Pastor, haue good & sounde knowledge in the holy Scriptures, and fitt and apt giftes to communicate the same to the edification of the people. For the triall whereof, they are to propose him a theame to be treated priuatelie, and to take such o­ther triall, whereby his abilitie may the more manifestlie appeare vnto them. Se­condlie, they are to inquire of his life and conuersation, if he haue in times past liued without slaunder, and gouuerned him self in such sorte as the worde of God hath not heard euill,Rom. 1. Iames 1. 1. Sam. 2. or bene slaundred through his occasion, which being seuerally done, they signifie to the congregation that they finde his giftes meete and profitable for that mi­nisterie: appointing also by a generall con­sent twentie dayes, that euerie man may di­ligentlie inquire of his life & maners: with warning that if in that time no iust excep­tion be taken, their silence shalbe accoūted as their free consent: in which time he is to preach in the cōgregatiō, that they may al­so discerne of his fitnes, to cōmunicate his giftes with thē. And if in the meane season any thing be brought against him, wherby he may be foūd vnworthie by lawful proof thē is he to be dismissed, & some other pre­sented. [Page] If no sufficient matter be alleadged against him within the time appointed, thē one of the Ministers afore the morning Sermon, declaring no iust exception to be ta­ken against the presented, and therfore the partie as chosen with free cōsent of the Mi­nisters, Elders, and the whole cōgregation, to be ordained, is to frame his Sermon, or some part thereof, to the setting foorth of the duetie of the Minister and the Church: & so giueth1 Thes. 3. Colos. 4. Ephe. 5. Phil. 3. thanks to God, with request of such thinges as shalbe necessarie for his office. After that, he is to bee ordained by the laying on of the handes of the Elder­ship of that Cōgregation, & the Ministers apointed for that purpose, wherof one is to pronoūce these wordes: According to this lawfull calling, agreeable to the worde of God, whereby thou art chosen Pastor in the name of God, stand thou charged with the Pastorall charge of this people, ouer which the holy ghost hath made thee ouer seer,Act. 20. to gouuerne the flocke of God, which he hath purchased with his bloud.

This done, the people are to sing a Psalme and so to depart. And the next time of the whole assemblie of the Cōgregatiō, the Pa­stor so ordeined, is to begin the executiō of his office, being broght to the place where he is to doe it, by the Elders of the same.

THE MANNER OF OR­DAINING MINISTERS OF the Worde, and establishing them in their Churches.

WElbeloued Brethren in the Lord, it is knowen to you all, that wee haue three or foure times propoūded vnto you the name of our deare brother N. heere present, to know whether anie man had to except against him cōcerning his doctrine and conuersation, whereby he were to bee helde vnfit for the Ministerie in this Con­gregation. But so it is, that no man appea­reth, to alleadge anie lawfull exception a­gainst him: wherfore we are at this present time to proceed in the Name of the Lorde to his institution. For the which cause, you N. & all that be heere present, are to heare a short declaration out of the Scripture, concerning the institution and charge of the Ministers of the worde: Namelie, that our heauēlie Father, purposing to call and gather out of mankinde, being corrupted, a Church vnto life euerlasting, doeth by a speciall grace vse therevnto the labour of men: as S. Paule teacheth vs Ephe. 4. That the Lord Christ gaue some to be Apostles, & some Prophetes, and some Euangelistes, & [Page] some Pastors and Teachers: for the gathe­ring together of the Saints, for the worke of the Ministerie, and for the edification of the body of Christ. Heere wee see plainlie a­mong other things, that the Pastors office is an institution of Iesus Christ. Nowe to know what belōgeth to this holy charge, wee may easilie gather out of the name it selfe. For as the duetie of a common Pastor or Sheepheard is to feede, to leade, to de­fende and gouerne the flock that is cōmit­ted vnto him: so doeth it also stande with those spirituall sheepheardes, set ouer that Cōgregation, the which God calleth vnto saluation, and holdeth to be the sheepe of his pasture. Which pasture to graze these sheepe withall, is nothing els but the prea­ching of Gods word, with the annexed ad­ministration of prayers and of the holie Sacramentes. The same worde is also that staffe, whereby this flocke is guided and gouerned. Consequentlie it is plaine, that the charge of Pastours or Ministers consi­steth therein:

First, that they are vppon good ground, soundlie to deliuer vnto the people the worde of the Lotd, cōtained in the bookes of the Prophetes and Apostles: and to ap­plie the same both in general and particu­lar, to the vtilitie & profit of the hearers, [Page] by instructing, admonishing, comfortinge and rebuking them, according as the ne­cessitie of euerie one requireth: preaching conuersion vnto God, and reconciliation with him through faith in Iesus Christ, & refuting by the holy Scriptures all errours & heresies that are repugnāt to this sound doctrine. All which is taught vs plainlie in the holy Scriptute. For the Apostle Saint Paule saith, That these doe labour in the worde. And elswhere:1 Tim. 5.17 Rom. 12.3. That it is to be done according to the measure or rule of faith. Moreouer,Tit. 1.9. 2 Tim. 2.15 1 Cor. 14.3 that a Pastor must hold fast that faithfull worde according to doctrine, and deuide the same aright. Also, He that pro­phecieth (that is that preacheth the word) speaketh vnto men to edifying,Act. 20.20. and to ex­hortation, & to comfort. In an other place he doeth set downe him self for a patron vnto all Pastors, declaring that openlie and throughout the houses, hee hath taught repentance towards God, and faith toward our lord Iesus Christ. But specially he doth deliuer vnto vs a notable description of the charge of a Preacher of the Gospell 2. Cor. 5.17.2 Cor. 5.17. All thinges (saith hee) are of God, which hath reconciled vs vnto himselfe by Iesus Christ, and hath giuen vnto vs (name­lie Apostles and Pastors) the ministerie of reconciliation. For God was in Christ recon­ciling [Page] the word to himselfe, not imputing their sinnes vnto them: and hath committed vnto vs the worde of reconciliation. Now then are wee Ambassadours for Christ: as though God did beseech you through vs, wee pray you in Christes steade, that ye be re­conciled to God. Concerning the refuting of false doctrine, the same Apostle saith Tit. 1.9. that a Minister must hold fast the word of God, that he may convince them that speake against it.

Secondlie, the Pastors charge is, to make publike prayers in the behalf of the whole church, for that which the Apostles say, Act. 6.4. we will giue our selues cōtinually to prayer, & to the ministery of the word, is cōmen to al Pastors.1 Timo. 2. Therfore S. Paul saith to Timothe, J exhort, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thankesgiuings be made for all men, &c.

Thirdlie, they are to administer the Sacra­ments,Math. 28. which the Lord hath ordained to be seals of his grace, as it appeareth by the cō­mandmēt that Christ gaue to his Apostles, belonging also to all other Pastors, Baptise them in the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, & of the holy Ghost. Also 1 Cor. 11 I haue receaued of the Lorde that which I also deliuered vnto you, to wit, That the Lorde Iesus in the night when hee was be­trayed, [Page] tooke bread, &c.

Finally, the Pastors ought to maintaine & gouerne the church of God in good disci­pline, after the maner that the Lorde hath appointed. For Christ Math. 1 [...].1 [...]. hauing spoken of the Christian censures, saith to his Apostles, What soeuer ye shal binde vpō earth, shall be bound in heauen. And Paule will haue the Ministers to bee able to gou­uerne well their own house,1. Tim. 3.5 because other­wise they should not be able to rule the Church of God.Tit. 1.7. Therefore are the Pastors called in the Scriptue Stewards & Bishops, that is to say, Ouerseers & Watchmen, be­cause they haue the ouersight ouer the house of God in the which they conuerse, to the end that all things may be done in it orderlie, decentlie, and honestlie: and that by the keyes of the kingdome of heauen,Mat. 16.19. that are committed vnto them, the shut­ting and opening may be practised, accor­ding to the charge that God hath giuen them.

By these things ye may see, what an excel­lent work the Pastors office is, seeing ther­by so great thinges are brought to passe: yea how necessarie it is in all respectes, to bring men vnto saluatiō. For which cause the Lord willeth ye same to remain alwayes: seeing he said to his Apostles, when he sent [Page] them out to execute this holie ministerie, Lo I am with you alway vnto the end of the world. Matth. 28. Whereby he sheweth his will is, that his holie Ministerie (considering the Apo­stles could not liue vntill the ende of the world) from time to time should be main­tained vpon earth. Therefore Paul also ad­monisheth Timothe, That what thinges he had heard of him, 2. Timo. 2.2 he should deliuer to faith­full men, that were able to teach others like­wise. And hauing ordained Titus to bee a Pastor,Tit. 1.5. commaundeth him further to or­daine Elders in euerie Cittie.

Considering then that we also, to entre­taine the same Ministerie in the Church of God, doe ordaine or admit this ouror brothers bro­ther N. & haue hetherto sufficientlie spo­ken of his chariage: You therfore N. shall aunswere vpon that which I am to pro­proud vnto you, to the end that euerie one may vnderstand that you are minded to accept the same charge in a conuenient manner.

First I aske you, whether you feele in your heart that you are called lawfullie by the church of God, and consequentlie by God himselfe, to this holie ministerie?

Secondlie, whether you hold the bookes of the old and new Testament to be the onlie word of God & the perfect doctrine [Page] of saluation: and doe forsake all doctrines repugnant vnto the same:

Thirdlie, whether you promise to exe­cute your charge as before it is described, with all fidelitie according to the same do­ctrine: and to execute & accompanie your instructions with a godlie life: as also to submit your self to the Church-censures, according to the common order of the Churches, if it happē that you should mis­carie your selfe either in doctrine or life?

Vpon this he aunswereth.

Yea with all my heart.

Then shall the Minister who hath asked him these questions (or an other Minister when there are more) lay their "handes vpō his head, and speake thus: NOTE, That this ceremonie is not vsed in the cōfirma­tion of those that haue bin orday­ned before: but onelie the geuing of hands af­ter the acti­on. "handes vpō his head, and speake thus:

God our heauenlie father who hath cal­led you to this holy calling, illuminate you by his Spirit, strengthen you by his hande, and so direct you in your Ministerie, that you may walke in the same orderlie, faith­fullie and fruitefullie, to the praise of his holy name, and the furthering and increa­sing of the kingdome of his Sonne IESVS Christ, Amen.

After this shall the Minister from the Pulpit admonish in this sorte both the con­firmed Minister, and the people:

You therefore welbeloued Brother and [Page] fellow Minister in Christ, take heed vnto your selfe, and vnto all the flocke, whereof the holy Ghost hath made you Ouerseer, to feed the Church of God, which he hath purchased with his owne bloud. Loue Christ, and feede his sheepe, hauing a care of them, not by constraint, but willinglie: not for filthie lucre, but of a readie minde: not as though you were a Lorde ouer the people committed vnto you, but as beeing become a paterne vnto the flocke. Be an ensample vnto them that beleeue, in word, in conuersation, in loue, in spirit, in faith, and in purenesse: giue attendance to rea­ding, to exhortation, and to doctrine, and neglect not the gift that is giuen you: exer­cise these things, and giue your selfe vnto them, that it may bee seene how you doe profit among all men. Take heede vnto learning, and continue therein. Beare pa­tiently all gainsaying & reproch, as a good souldior of Christ. Doeing this you shall saue your selfe and those that heare you: And when the chiefe Pastor shall appeare, you shall receyue the incorruptible crown of glorie.

You likewise deare brethrē, receyue this your Minister in the Lord, with all ioy, and make much of such: thinke that God him selfe doeth speake by them vnto you, and [Page] pray you. Embrace the Worde which hee (according to the Scripture) is to deliuer, and that not as any mans word, but (as it is in deed) the worde of God. Let the feete of them that publish peace, and declare good things, be beautifull and acceptable vnto you. Obey them that haue the ouersight of you: for they watch for your soules, as they that must giue account: that they may doe it with ioy, and not with griefe: for that is vnprofitable for you. By doeing so, the peace of God shall enter into your houses, & you receyuing this man in the name of a Prophete, shall receyue the rewarde of a Prophete: and by his worde, beleeuing in Christ, shall inherite life euerlasting. Not­withstanding, seeing no man is fit to anie of all these thinges of himself, let vs call vnto God with thankesgiuing in this ma­ner:

O mercifull Father, we thanke thee that it hath pleased thee, out of mankinde that is corrupted, to gather thee a Church vnto life euerlasting, by the ministerie of man, and that so mercifullie thou hast prouided the Church here of a faithfull and trustie Minister: wee beseech thee heauenlie Fa­ther, to make him by thy spirit, more and more fitt for that seruice wherevnto thou hast called him, giuinge him wisedome [Page] to vnderstand thy holy Scripture, and vt­terance to open his mouth boldly, and pu­blish the mysterie of the Gospell. Endue him with wisedome & courage, to rule a­right and maintaine in Christian peace the people committed vnto him, and that thy Church vnder his administration & good ensample may increase in multitude & true godlines. Graunt him a good hearte in all troubles and crosses that may meete him in his charge, that beeing strenghtened by the comfort of thy Spirit, and continuing cōstantlie vnto the end, he with all thy true seruants may be receaued into the ioyes of thee his Lord God. Likewise shew mercie to this people, that they may behaue them­selues reuerently towards this their Pastor, acknowledging him to be sent vnto them from thee, receauing his doctrine with all respect and honour, & submitting them­selues vnto his exhortations, that they by his word beleeving in Christ, may be made partakers of life euerlasting. Heare vs ô Fa­ther through thy welbeloued Sonne, who hath taught vs thus to pray:

Our Father, &c.

THE MANNER OF OR­DAINING ELDERS AND DEACONS, either iointly, or each of them seuerallie.

WElbeloued in the Lorde, you know that wee haue at diuers times pro­pounded and declared vnto you the names of our brethen here present, who are cho­sen to execute the charge of Eldership and Deaconship in this Congregation, to know whether anie thing could bee produced why they ought not to bee ordained in the said calling. Whervpon seeing that no mā hath appeared before vs, alleadging anie lawfull exception against them: Therefore we are at this present time to proceede in the name of the Lord to their ordination.

To this effect, youor brothers if there be-more then one to be or­dayned. brother, who must be ordained, and all beside that be heere pre­sent, are to heare out of the worde of God a short declaration of the institution and charge of Elders and Deacons. Cōcerning the Elders, wee must note that the worde Elder or Auncient (beeing taken from the old Testament, and signifying a person e­stablished in some honorable callinge for the gouerning of others) is attributed vn­to two maner of persons that serue in the Church of Christ. For the Apostle saieth: The Elders that rule well, 1 Tim. 5.1 [...] let them bee had [Page] in double honour, especiallie they which la­bour in the worde and doctrine. Heere wee see in the Apostolike Church to haue bene two sortes of Elders, whereof the first did labour in the worde and doctrine, and the other not. The first were Ministers of the Word, and Pastors: who preached the Go­spell and administred the Sacraments: but the other who laboured not in the worde, & yet were likewise seruing in the church, had a speciall office, namelie the ouersight of the Church, and the ruling of the same together with the Ministers of the Worde. For Paule hauing spoken of the offices of teaching,Rom. 12.8. and of distributing or Deacon­ship, speaketh afterward of this office spe­ciallie, saying: He that ruleth, let him doe it with diligence. [...] Cor. 12.2 Likewise in an other place among the giftes and offices whiche the Lorde hath ordained in his Church, he doeth mention Gouuernours or Rulers. This sorte then of Church-Officers, were to helpe and assist the other that Preached the Gospell, as in the Old Testament the cōmon Leuites were ioyned to the Priestes in the Ministerie of the Tabernacle, to bee their helpers in thinges which the Priestes alone, were not able to performe: remay­ning alwayes offices distinct and seuerall. Moreouer, it is good that such fellow ru­lers [Page] bee ioyned with the Ministers of the worde, to the end that hereby all tyrannie and dominion may more easilie bee bani­shed out of the Church of God, the which may breake in the sooner, when the gou­uernement consisteth but in one or verie fewe persons. So that the Ministers of the worde and the Elders togeather, make one fellowship, beeing as a Church-councill, & representing the whole Church. Wher­vpon the Lorde Christ hath regard, when he sayeth, Tell it vnto the Church. Mat. 18.17 The which can not be vnderstood of all and e­uerie member of the Church seuerallie, but most fitlie of those that gouuerne the Church, by the which they are elected.

First, there is required of the Elders, to haue with the Ministers of the worde, an ouersight of the Church, that is cōmitted vnto them: carefullie to looke that euerie one behaue him selfe convenientlie in his profession and conuersation, To admo­nishe those that giue offence: and to pro­uide, as much as is possible, that the Sacra­ments be not prophaned. Likewise, accor­ding to the Christian discipline, to deale against the impenitent, and receiue againe the penitēt into the bosome of the church: as not onely it is made plaine by the for­mer sentence of Christ, but also by other [Page] testimonies of Scripture,1 Cor. 5.4 2 Cor. 2.6.7 that these things stande not by one or two persons only, but by manie that are appointed fot it.

Secondlie, seeing the Apostle comman­deth that all thinges amonge Christians,Cor. 14.40. shall be done comelie and by order, and that no mā without lawfull calling, ought to serue in the Church of Christ, as Chri­stian order requireth: It belongeth also to the Elders to looke to this, and in all mat­ters that fall out appertayning to a good constitution & order of the Church, with good coūsell to assiste the Ministers of the worde: yea with counsell and comfort to serue the whole Congregation.

Thirdlie, it is their charge to haue a spe­ciall regarde of the doctrine and life of the Ministers of the worde, to the end that all thinges be seruing for the edifying of the Church: and that no straung doctrine be taught, as we see the Apostle doeth ex­horte,Act. 20.28.29. that diligent watch bee held against the wolues that might enter into the sheep­coat of Christ. For the performing where­of, the Elders are bound carefully to search the word of God, & to exercise themselues continuallie in the meditation of the my­steries of faith.

Concerning the Deacons, we may reade of their originall & institution in the Actes Act. 6.1.5. [Page] of the Apostles. For there we doe finde that in the beginning the Apostles themselues, ministred to the poore, at whose feete the price of the sold goodes were brought, and the distribution was done to euerie one ac­cording as his necessitie required. But be­cause after this there arose a murmuringe, for that the widowes of the Graecians were neglected in the daylie ministring: By the admonitiō of the Apostles, certain men were chosen to supplie this busines of prouidinge for the poore, that the Apostles might giue themselues continuallie to prayer and to the ministration of the word. From which time this hath bin obserued in the Church, as ap­reth by Paul the Apostle, Rom. 12.8. who speaking of this charge, saith: That he who distributeth, shall doe it with simplicitie. And els where speaking of the HELPERS,1 Cor. 12.28. he vnderstan­deth those that are appointed to helpe the poore and afflicted, in their neede. Which places do sufficientlie shew what the office is of the Deacons: Namelie first, That they with fidelitie & carefulnesse doe gather and keepe the almes and goodes which are giuen to the poore: yea labour besides with all dili­gence, that many good meanes may be found for the reliefe of the poore. The second parte of their charge consisteth in the distribution: wherevnto is requisit, not onelie discretion [Page] & prudencie, least they should giue where is no need: but also a ioyfull mind & simplici­tie, to helpe the poore with a cheerefull and mercifull heart, Rom. 12.8 as the Apostle requireth. To which purpose it is verie good, that they succcour the poore & afflicted, 2 Cor. 9.7. not only with outwarde giftes, but likewise with comfor­table consolations out of the word of God.

To the end therefore, deare brethren, N. N. that each one of you here present, may vnderstande that your intention is to em­brace, receyue, and faithfullie execute the foresaideor charges. charge [namelie each of you his owne] you are to answere to these que­stions:

First, I aske you Elders, and Deacons, whether you doe not feele in your heartes, that you are by the Church of God, and consequentlie by God him selfe, seuerallie called to this holy charge, [or charges?]

Secondlie, whether you holde the Scri­pture of the Old and New Testament, to be the onelie worde of God, and the per­fect doctrine of saluation, and doe reiect all doctrine contrarie vnto the same?

Thirdlie, whether you promise to admi­nister your charge (as before it is described out of the said doctrine) with all fidelitie, according to your power: namely you El­ders N.N, in the church gouernement, to­geather [Page] with the Ministers of the worde, And you Deacons N. N. in the ministring of the poore? Likewise whether all of you, doe promise to liue in a godlie conuersati­on, & to submit your selues to the church­lie admonitions and censures, if you at any time offend against the good order of the Church?

Vpon this they shall answer:

Yea, that we doe.

Then the Minister sayeth:

The Almightie God and Father, graunt vnto you all his grace, that in this your charge you may behaue your selues faith­fullie and fruitfullie with comfort, Amen.

Then shall he admonish them and the Congregation in this maner:

Looke then ye Elders that ye be diligent in gouerning the Church that which (to­gether with the Ministers of the worde) is committed vnto you. Be also good watch­men ouer the house and citie of God, to admonish euerie one faithfully, and warne him of his destructiō. Haue a care to maintaine the purenes of doctrine, and the inte­gritie of life in the Church of the Lord.

And you Deacons, be carefull in the gathe­ring of the Almes, circumspect and cheere­full in bestowing them: helpe the distressed, prouide for the right Widowes and orphans: [Page] doe good vnto all men, but speciallie vnto them which are of the housholde of faith.

Be all of you faithfull and trustie in your charge: and hold the mysterie of faith in a pure conscience, shewing good exāple vnto all the people. So shall you get to your sel­ues a good degree and great libertie in the faith which is in Christ Iesus, & hereafter enter into the ioye of your Lord.

On the other side welbeloued Christians, receaue these men as the seruants of God. Estime the Elders that rule well worthy of double honor: submit your selues willing­lie to their ouersight and rule: Prouide and furnish the Deacons of good meanes for the helping of the poore: Bee beneficiall ye that are rich, giue liberallie and impart readilie: And ye that are poore, be poore in spirit, & carie your selues reuerentlie towardes your prouiders: be thankefull towards them, and murmure not: follow Christ for the foode of the soule, and not for bread sake. Let him that hath stolen, or bene burthensome to his neighbour, steale no more, but let him rather labour and worke with his handes the thing which is good, that he may haue to giue vn­to him that needeth. Doing so, each for his owne parte, you shall receaue of the Lorde the reward of righteousnesse. But seeing of our selues we are vnfit for this, let vs call [Page] vpon the Almightie God in this sorte:

Lord our God and mercifull Father, we render thee thankes, because it hath plea­sed thee for the better furtheringe of thy Church, to appoint in the same, besides the Ministers of the worde, Rulers, & Hel­pers, Whereby thy Congregation might be maintained in good peace and prospe­rous estate, and the poore people relieued: and that presentlie in this place thou hast graunted vnto vs men of good testimonie, and endued with thy Spirit: Wee beseeche thee, furnish them more and more of such giftes as they haue neede of in their admi­nistration, namelie, the gift of wisedome, readines, and of discerning, as also of be­neficence, to the ende that euery one may behaue him selfe duelie in his charge, the Elders in hauing a carefull regarde to do­ctrine and conuersation, to the keeping out the wolues from the sheepe-folde of thy welbeloued Sonne, & in admonishing and reproving the disorderlie and vnrulie. Likewise the Deacons in collecting careful­lie, and in bestowing liberally & prudently the almes of the poore, as also in comforting them with thy holie word. Graunt both vn­to the Elders and vnto the Deacons, thy grace, that they may goe on constantlie in their faithfull worke, and that they neuer [Page] waxe slow by reason of whatsoeuer paine, grief, trouble, or persecution of the world: Graunt likewise thy diuine blessing vnto this people especiallie, cōmitted vnto their charge, that they submit them selues wil­linglie to the good admonition of the El­ders, and giue due honour vnto them for their office sake. Graunt vnto the rich, li­berall heartes, towardes the poore: and vnto the poore a thankefull spirit towards those that helpe and minister vnto them. In such sorte, that euerie one discharging himselfe in his callinge, thy holie Name thereby may be magnified, and the kingdome of Iesus Christ aduanced: In whose Name we conclude our prayer, sayinge, Our Father which art, &c.


THere is also another sorte of Ministers of the Worde, called Doctors or Tea­chers, whose office is to instruct, & teache Doctrine, by expounding the Worde, tea­ching the principall points of religion: & prouiding with all diligence, that the pu­ritie of the Gospell bee not corrupted, ei­ther through ignorance, or euill opinions.

The Doctours election and ordination, is as the Pastors: sauing that if there bee a Pastor of that cōgregation, he is to be vsed with the Pastors of the next Conference: and chieflie for that which otherwise is to be done by one of them: and that the pray­er, triall, and wordes of ordination, are to respect his speciall office.


THe Elders must be men of good life,Nom. 11. Act. 14. Rom. 11. Ephe. 4. 1 Cor. 12. Iames. 5. 1. Pet. 5. & godly conuersation, without blame, & all iust suspicion, carefull for the flocke, wise, and aboue all things, fearing God.

Whose office standeth in gouerning with the rest of the Ministers, in consulting, ad­monishing, [Page] correcting, and ordering all things appartayning to the comelie direc­tion of the cōgregation. They differ from the Ministers, in that they preache not the worde, nor minister the Sacraments. In as­sembling the people, neither they without the Ministers, nor the Ministers without them, may attempt any thing. The electiō and ordination is to be as the Pastors at the first establishing of them in anie Congre­gation.

After, if anie of the number shall want, then it may suffice to be ordered by the El­dership of the congregation, in such sorte, for other circūstances then are here men­tioned, as in the election and ordination of the Ministers of the worde: the prayer, triall wordes of ordinatiō respecting their speciall office.


THE Deacons must bee men of good estimation and report, discreete, of good conscience,Acts. 6. charitable, wise, and fi­nallie indued with such vertues,1. Tim. 3. Rom. 1. as Saint Paule requireth in them. Their office is to gather the almes diligentlie & faithfullie, [Page] to distribute it, with the consent of the Mi­nisters, and Elders. Also, to prouide for the sicke and impotent persons, hauing euer a diligent care, that the charitie of godlie men, bee not wasted vpon [...] Thes. 3. loyterers and idle vagabondes. Their election is to bee made by the Eldership, in such sort as hath bene afore rehearsed in the Elders, & their ordination with prayer, and by wordes, re­specting their speciall office.

THE DEPOSITION OF Church officers, vpon iust causes.

COncerning the Church officers, be­cause Christ reproueth them that espie a moate in another mans eye, and will not see a beame in their owne: and for that the eye should be clearer then the rest of the bodie, the Minister of the word can not be criminous, but to the great hurt of the Church. Therefore it is to be vnderstood, that there be certaine faultes which if they be found in a Minister, by like authoritie as he was elected, he is to be deposed: as for example, for papistrie, or other heresie, A­nabaptistrie: for adulterie, felonie: for be­ing a drunkarde, an vsurer, a gamester, or giuen to filthie lucre, &c.

Other are not so grieuous, if so bee that after brotherlie admonition hee amende them: as for example, straunge and vnpro­fitable fashion in preaching, and handling the Scriptures, curiositie in seeking vaine questions, negligēce as well in his sermons & in studying the scriptures, as in all other things concerning his vocatiō: scurrilitie, flattring, lying, backbiting, wantō words, deceit, couetousnes, taunting, dissolution in apparell, gesture, and other his doeings: which vices as they be odious in all men, so in him that ought to be as anMat. 5. Mark. 9. example to others, they are in no wise to be suffered. And if so bee that accordinge to Christes rule,Mat. 8. Luke. 17. Iames. 5. beeing brotherlie aduertised, hee ac­knowledge not his faulte, and amende, hee is to be deposed. The same rule is to be fol­lowed in like causes with the rest that haue charge in the Church.


The neces­sitie of dis­cipline.AS no Citie, Towne, House, or Fami­lie, can mainteine their estate, and prosper without policie & gouerne­ment, [Page] euen so the Church of God, which requireth more purelie to bee gouerned then any Citie or familie, can not without spirituall policie, and ecclesiasticall Disci­pline, continue, increase, and flourish. And as the Worde of God is the life and soule of this Church,Ephe. [...]. so a godlie order of Disci­pline, is as it were sinewes in the bodye, which knit and ioyne the members toge­ther with decent order and comelines: It is a bridle to stay the wicked from their mis­chief: it is a spurr to pricke forward such as bee slow and negligent: yea and for all men it is the fathers rodde, euer in a readi­nes to chastise gentlie the faults commit­ted, and to cause them afterward to liue in more godlie feare and reuerence. Finallie,what Dis­cipline is. it is an order left by the Lord our God vnto his Church, whereby men learne to frame their willes and doeings, according to the lawe of God, by instructing and admoni­shing: yea, and by correcting and puni­shing all obstinate rebelles and cōtemners of the same.

There are three causes chieflie whiche should moue the church of God to the ex­ecuting of Discipline. First,For what causes it ought to be vsed. that men of euill conuersation be not numbred among Gods children, to their fathers reproch,Ephe. [...]. as if the Church of God were a sanctuarie [Page] for noughtie and vile persons. Secondlie, that the good be not infected with accom­panying the euil: Which thing Saint Paule foresawe, when he commaunded the Co­rinthians to banish from among them the incestuous adulterer,1 Cor. 5. Galat. 5. saying: A litle leauen maketh soure the whole lumpe of dowe. Thirdlie, that a man thus corrected or ex­communicated, might bee ashamed of his fault, and so through repentance come to amendment:2 Thes. 3. 1. Cor. 5. the which thing the Apostle calleth deliuering to Satan, that his spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord: mea­ning that hee might be punished with ex­communication, to the intent his soule should not perish for euer.

This censure, corrction or discipline, may rise either vppon priuate or publike occasion: priuate, as if a man offend either in manners or doctrine against thee, to ad­monish him brotherlie betweene him and thee: if so be he stubburnlie resist thy cha­ritable aduertisemens, or by continuance in his fault, declare that he amendeth not, then, after he hath bene the seconde time warned in presence of two or three witnes­ses, and continueth obstinatelie in his fault, he ought, as out Sauiour Christ cō­mandeth, to be disclosed & manifested to the Church, so that according to publike [Page] discipline, he either may bee reformed, or else be punished, as his fault requireth.

Touching priuate admonition, three things are to bee obserued: First, that the admonitions proceed of a godlie zeale and conscience, rather seeking to winne our brother, then to slaunder him. Next, that we be assured, that his fault be reproueable by Gods worde. And finallie, that wee vse such modestie and wisedome, that if wee somewhat doubt of the matter, wherof we admonish him, yet with godlie exhortati­ons, he may be brought to the knowledge of his faulte.

Besides priuate admonition, hauinge great vse to reforme offendours in publike Discipline, the Eldership hath power of Ecclesiasticall censures, to bee vsed accor­ding as the qualitie of the offence shall re­quire.

These censures are, Admonition, Sus­pension, excommunication: which in all tender regard and godlie zeale of preser­ving the members of Christ from infectiō of sinn, they are to vse, if they perceiue any euiil in anie man, either offensiue in exam­ple, or slaunderous in manners, or vnwor­thie his profession. As for example. If there ba anie person disobedient, trayterous, se­ditious, or couetous, an adulterer, or for­nicator, [Page] forsworne, theefe, bryber, false witnes bearer, blasphemer, drunkard, slaū­derer, vsurer, or dissolute: Any heresie or secte, as papisticall, Anabaptisticall, and such like: brieflie, whatsoeuer it bee that might sport the Christian Congregation,Ephe. 5. yea rather whatsoeuer is not to edification, ought not to escape eyther admonition or punishment.

And because it commeth to passe some time in the church of Christ, that when o­ther remedies assayed, profit nothing, they must proceede to the Apostolicall rod and correction, which is, excommunication: It is ordeyned, that nothing be attempted in that behalfe without the determination of the whole Congregation: wherin also they are to beware & take good heede, that they seeme not more readie to expell from the Congregatiō, then to receiue againe those in whom they perceiue worthie fruites of repentance to appeare: neither yet to for­bid him the hearing of Sermons,Rigour in punishmēt ought to be auoy­ded. which is excluded from the Sacramentes and other benefites of the Church, that he may haue libertie and occasion to repente: finallie, that all punishmentes, corrections, cen­sures, and admonitions stretch no further, then Gods word with mercie may lawful­lie beare.Gods word is the onely rule of dis­cipline.

For the better execution of this holie Discipline, the Eldership of euerie parti­cular Congregation, is euerie weeke to as­semble for the ouersight and guidance of that church, that all thinges may be done to the furtherance of pietie and true Reli­gion, and for the correction and punish­ment of offences to the contrarie.

¶ This may be sufficient for particular Congregations: for the visitation whereof and decision of causes, which can not bee ended in them and such like: Meetinges, Conferences, and Synodes of Ministers and Elders, chosen by particular Churches and Meetings, are to be helde as the Mini­sters for time and place and other circum­stances shall thinke meete.

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