The Cruell Shrow: OR, The Patient Mans Woe.
Declaring the misery, and the great paine,
By his vnquiet wife he doth dayly sustaine.
To the Tune of
Cuckolds all arowe.
COme Batchelers and Maried men,
and listen to my Song;
And I will shew you plainely then,
the iniury and wrong
That constantly I doe sustaine,
by the vnhappy life,
The which does put me to great pains,
by my vnquiet wife.
Shée neuer linnes her bauling,
her tongue it is so loud,
But alwaies shee'le be railing,
and will not be contrould:
For shee the Briches still will weare,
although it breedes my strife,
If I were now a Batcheler,
I'de neuer have a Wife.
Sometime I give i'the morning,
about my dayly worke.
My wife she will be snorting,
and in her bed shy'le lurke:
Vntill the Chimes doe goe at Eight,
then she'le beginne to wake;
Her mornings draught well spiced straight
to cleare her eyes she'le take.
As soone as shee is out of bed,
her Looking-glasse she takes,
So vainely is she dayly led
her mornings worke shée makes
In putting on her brane atyre,
that fine and costly be.
Whilst I worke hard in durt and mire,
alacke what remedy.
Then she goes foorth a Gossiping,
amongst her owne Comrades.
And th
[...]n she falls a bowling,
with her merry blades:
When I come from my labour hard,
then shee'le begin to scould,
And calls me Rogue without regard,
which makes my heart
[...]ull cold.
When I come home into my house,
thinking to take my rest:
Then she'le begin me to abuse,
before she did but
With out you Raskall, you haue béene
abroad to meet your Whoore:
Then shee takes vp a Cudgels end,
and breaks my head full sore.
When I for quietnesse sake desire,
my wife for to be still;
She will not grant what I require,
but sweares shee'le haue her will:
Then if I chance to heaue my hand;
straight way she'le murder cry:
Then iudge all men that here doe stand,
in what a case am I.
The second Part,
To the same Tune.
ANd if a friend by chance me call,
to drinke a pot of Beere;
Then she'le begin to curse and brall,
and fight, and scratch, and teare:
And sweares vnto my worke she'le send
me straight without delay,
Or else with the same Cudgels end,
shee will me soundly pay.
And if I chance to sit at meat,
upon some holy day,
She is so sullen she will not eate,
but vexe me euer and aye:
She'le pout, and loure, and curse & bann,
this is the weary life
That I doe leade, poore harmelesse man,
with my most dogged wife.
Then is not this a pitteous cause,
Let all men now it trie,
And giue their verdits by the Lawes,
betweene my wife and I,
And judge the cause, who is to blame,
Ile to their Iudgement stand,
And be contented with the same,
and put thereto my hand.
If I abroad goe any where,
my businesse for to doe,
Then will my Wife a
[...]e be there,
for to encrease my woe:
Straight way she such a noise wil make,
with her most wicked tongue,
That all her mates her part to take,
about me soone will thronge.
Thus am I now tormented still,
with my most cruell Wife,
All through her wicked tongue so ill,
I am weary of my life:
I know not truely what to doe,
nor how my selfe to mend;
This lingring life doth bréede my woe,
I would twere at an ende
O that some harmelesse honest man,
whom Death did so befriend,
To take his Wife from of his hand,
his sorrowes for to end:
Would change with me to rid my care,
and take my wife aliue,
For his Dead wife vnto his share,
then I would hope to thriue.
But so it likely will not be,
that is the worst of all,
For to encrease my dayly woe,
and for to bréed my fall.
My wife is still most froward bent,
such is my lucklesse fate,
There is no man will be content,
with my vnhappy state.
Thus to conclude and make an ende,
of these my Verses rude,
I pray all wiues for to amende,
and with peace to be endude:
Take warning all men by the life,
that I sustained long,
Be carefull how you'le chuse a Wife,
and so Ile ende my Song.
Arthur Halliarg.
London, Printed by M. P. for Henry Gosson on London Bridge neere the Gate.