• I. That they are, in their Doctrine and Practises, Abominable.
  • II. That their Governement is an Abomination.
  • III. That their Service is a Profanation, so provoking in Gods eyes, that He will have all removed out of His sight.
  • IV. That Newtrality is most detestable, and commands a curse from God and good Men.
  • V. That the two waies of Governement, the Presabiteriall and Independent, are but in shew two; they go crosse a little, but they will bend each to other till they shall both meete in one Church-way.

Wherein, they, who walke with a right foot, stand charged to watch-over each other in their way; To give an account of their way; To beare each others burthen; To supply each others wants, To pertake of each others graces, To doe all things as becommeth a Communion of Saints, alwaies doing or receiving good. This is the excellent way, as dis­agreeing with our Times, and waies, as new wine and old bottles.

Therefore the Reader will see his engagement here, to walke after inward gratious principles, rather then to swerve after outward priviledges. He may consider also whether the Enquiry be, what way of Governement is fittest for select and choice con­gregations, culled out two or three from amidst thousands: or what way of Governement is meet for those thousands in Israell.

Presented to the, Assembly of DIVINES.

An high way there and away, it shall be called the way of Holinesse, the uncleane shall be not passe over it.

Isa. 35. 8.

Printed in the yeare, Anno Dom. 1644.

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