TO THE Inhabitants of LONDON, This is, a MESSAGE, in the Name of the LORD.

THus saith the Lord, Heaven and Earth shall pass away, before one jot or tittle of my Word shall pass away unfulfilled; even my living Word is esta­blished for ever, and standeth fast in all Generations: That which no man made, can no man alter nor change.

And this is it to London and the Inhabitants thereof; Open your ears to hear, and your hearts to understand the Lord's Controversie with you: even this is my Controversie, saith the Lord, and my determination saith the Almighty; who am mighty to perform that which I have spoken, and to bring to pass the thoughs of my heart in all Generations.

Thy Decrees made in thee shall not stand, the unrighteous Precepts prescri­bed by thy Law-makers shall not continue, they that make them are like unto them, the thoughts of their hearts are altogether vain; they shall not abide nor con­tinue, but pass away as their own dung, and as the untimely Birth of a Woman: They shall never see the perfection of that Day they look for; a Cloud shall co­ver it, and a Night from the Lord, that livethfor ever and ever, shall dwell upon it; that which is unto the wicked, as the shadow of Death, shall dwell upon it.

Wo be unto all treacherous hearted in thee, that pretend Liberty, while they are whetting their Swords to slay, and pointing their Arrows to shoot at the Inno­cent. Their Swords shall enter into their own Bowels, and Arrows stick in their Reins, the Pit they are digging for the Anointed of the Lord, and Holes to fling his Jewels into, they themselves shall fall in. This is my Controversie and my de­termination saith the Lord of the whole Earth.

But, they that make the Lord their Refuge, even the Lord their Hiding­place (at all times) and fear not man, that must die, and perish as his own dung, but wait on the Lord, and in all things that befall them, acknowledge him able to save out of all: Your hearts shall live, that seek the Lord, even him alone, and his face continually; in his Salvation shall ye rejoyce, and your souls in it shall delight world without end.

Live in God, the Fountain of Love, Life and Power; there is an end of all Sufferings, there the Weary be at rest, there the Prisoners rest together out of the reach of the Oppressor. Judge self in every state, strait, and condition; give not your power to the Beast, neither strengthen the Wicked, (nor give them ease) by looking or seeking unto them for help and deliverance, that are your Persecutors; But with David, let your souls and minds say, Our Help standeth in the Name of the Lord, that made Heaven and Earth.

And so, The Lord God visit thy Own in every one, that we that love it, may rejoyce with it, now and ever more.

Humphrey Wollrich.

London, Printed in the Year 1663.

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