THE SPEECH without Doore.
Delivered July 9. 1644. in the absence of the SPEAKER, and in the hearing of above 0000003. per­sons, then present; who unanimously consented to all Propositions therein contained, and voted the same fit to be further divulged, as very pertinent to the publike welfare.

M. Speaker,

I Am neither priviledged not worthy to expresse my thoughts within the walls of your House; and therefore I present them at the doore, where I have (by being concerned in the generall free-hold) a liberty to speak reason, and am by Oath and Covenant also obliged (as I con­ceive) to take the lawfull advantage of all times, places and opportunities, wherein I may be serviceable to the publike honour and safety now indan­gered. Toward the performance of this duty, I offer, according to my Talent: not as one presuming to advise my betters; but as humbly pro­posing what the multitude of weighty assures hath kept, perhaps from being so remembred, as the present necessity may require, and with heart, acknowledgements of the Parliaments prudence and unwearied constancy in the common Cause.

I served the Re-publique in a Militatie capacity, so long as I had where­withall to serve it in that kind, and kept my Horses till they had twice ea­ten out their heads, ill hope to be some way re-inabled for the like imploy­ment. But seeing my self neglected or forgotten, I neverthelesse forgot not my duty and respects to the common safety: and therefore endeavoured by my contemplations, to supply my want of action; which may perhaps give hints of considerations and resolutions not altogether unworthy of regard.

A foo [...] speaks opportunely many times.

It is confessed, that the justnesse of our common Cause at this time, and especially the glory of God, and the liberties of the Gospel, ought to be our chief object and aime. Yet, seeing all they whose hands may be made usefull, are not arrived at their perfections, who seek first the Kingdome of God: In regard also, that they who are to be allured by outward induce­ments, to contribute their externall assistance towards the good worke in hand, are neither so impertinent a property, nor so inconsiderable a par­tie, as that their complyance or incouragement should be quite neglected. And whereas, likewise, the arm of flesh, (though not to be confided in) is by all reasonable indeavours, to be strengthned for the performance of those duties which appertaine to the outward man: I thought it materiall to commend to you a few Propositions, seeming to good purpose: And my hope is, that they shall be so heeded, and so made use of, as they deserve.

It extremely concerns us, that competent power be forthwith raised, and all other possible good meanes used to set a speedy period to this unna­turall war; before the strength, the provisions and staple-commodities of these Kingdomes be so wasted, and the spirits of the well-affected so de­pressed, that we be thereby made a prey to forraigne powers; or to the ne­cessities and insolencies of our own people: which may soon happen, if the successes of warre, (whereof no man is certaine) should faile our present expectation, and once more bring back upon us, a prevailing enemy.

For the advancement of the present designe, it is were pertinent that there should be a strict execution of true Martiall Discipline, and a right distribution of punishment, and reward, with a constant adhering to the plaine principles of religion and honesty, without any doublings (by all Committees and Officers, deriving authority from the Parliament) ac­cording to the intentions, and sincerity of both Houses. These things have been hitherto over-much neglected, by their secret and cunning pra­ctises, who are mischievously against us, while they seem to be with us▪ And I wish, many be not more angry that the fault is discovered, then willing to amend it; and more forward in the evill distribution of these (or more active in practising the violence and oppressions of Warre) and in advancing corrupt policies, then in discharging the duties required.

But, hoping better, I will proceed: First making a double Quaere or Pro­position, to be a foundation of what I intend, and then building on it that necessary superstructure, which it is likely to beare. That twofold questi­on shall be, whether the Goods, Honours, Offices, and Estates, of notorious Delinquents, and others, who are to this day obstinate opposers of the Par­liament, [Page 3](by actuall Arms or otherwise) ought not in equity, to be confis­cated, seized, and sold by our party, toward the raising of supplies for dis­abling our enemies, and for the ease and incouragement of our friends: And then, whether we should not resolve, without wavering, on this, and on all other lawfull courses, which are availeable for the present necessity, and for the establishing of the future safety, peace, and welfare of this whole Kingdome now in danger. If it should be negatively concluded on, (our estates being first confiscated, seized, and disposed of to the use of our ad­versaries, by whom our lives, liberties, Religion, and many other things considerable, are now indangered) we are enemies to our owne innocence and safety; and shall fall into many unreasonable absurdities and perills: but if this Quaere be affirmatively resolved on, as it ought to be, I there­upon make these following Propositions.

1 First, that the Offices, goods, and estates of all, who are, or shalbe such Delinquents, as are afore-mentioned, may, by Ordinance of Parliament, be immediately, and without partiality, confiscated, and sold; or so dis­posed of that thereby money may be raised, the well-deservers incouraged, and those terrified from assisting the publike enemy, who are not yet vo­luntarily ingaged in their conspiracies; and that this may be executed with such just severity, and with such more full respect, as the qualities and of­fences of the severall persons may apparently require.

This Proposition is necessary, for that the Common-wealth is brought into great straits, wants, and perills, by the treasons, and oppressions of the said enemie. (It is reasonable, because the Owners of those Offices, goods, and estates, have by the [...] count [...]nced; of fomented this cursed warre, and been the [...]user [...] both of) those great necessities and mischiefs which now oppresse us. It is just, in regard the Traytors who seduce the King, did first procure him to confiscate, and dispose of the estates of his most loyall Subjects, to be the rewards of the oppressions, and treasons, of his Se [...]cers. It is convenient, in respect it will be a sure meanes of disabling and dis [...]ing out adversaries, and an incouragement and strengthening to our friends. It is safe, because it will put us off from the false hopes of reconciliation with an implacable enemie: which false hopes both hinder our peace for the present, and will indanger it hereafter: yea perhaps utterly destroy as, if God prevent no [...]. For, so exasperated are our adversaries, already, and so true to principles directly repugnant to all hear [...]y concord with us, that we can doe nothing to make them more mischie so [...] unto in, then they already resolve to be upon all advantages, [Page 4]how kindly soever we shall use them; and whatsoever Treaties, or showes of reconciliation they shall please to make. And, therfore, that course on­ly will be safest for us, which may leave their secret friends, and agents, a­mong us, nothing to work on, for the accomplishment of their ends; and make us most confident, that we are to expect nothing but mischiefe at their hands.

2. My second Proposition is, that Commanders and Souldiers who have considerable summes of Money owing unto them, may take up their Arreares, and asmuch of their future pay, as they can spare, in the purcha­ses of such confiscated estates, valuing the same at or about eight yeares purchase, according to the rack-rent issuing cleerly out of them before these troubles, with some addition or abatement, according to the present bene­fit or disprofit; and with respect to improvements by Woods or other­wise: and with a Proviso, that wheresoever present profit is made, con­tribution to the warre be alwaies paid out of the same, according to the benefit; And that every Commander, Officer, and Souldier, may have also proportionably, according to their severall merits, some allowance out of the said confiscated Lands, Goods, Offices and Estates, over and above their pay, when the warre is done.

By this Proposition; the Souldier will not onely be ingaged to fight the more couragiously for the preservation of what he hath purchased, but it will make him also hasten the speedy finishing of the warre, that he may injoy his atchievements in Peace; whereas, having their pay meerly in Mo­ney, (which most of them spend as fast as they receive it) some of them will indeavour to prolong the warre, for the longer continance of their maintenance. For, many, no doubt, (accursed be they) dealt with the Common-wealth as wicked Chyrurgeons do with wealthy Patients, un­der their cure. Others there are, who by such purchases may be kept more constant and more true to the service, because they cannot suddenly, or so easily convey themselves out of the Kingdome with their Lands as they can with Money, which perhaps some will indeavour [...] burthen upon others, when there is most need of help. Besides, the hope of gaining and leaving inheritances to their children purchased by spen­ding or hazarding their lives and fortunes, for the preservation of Religi­on, Lawes, Liberties, and the true Kingship of our Sovereigne (being [...] more honourable purchases, then those that were gotten, or des [...]ded from those conquests, which were heretofore made by the spoile of Countreys invaded meerly out of ambition or covetuousnesse) it wil doubtlesse incou­rage [Page 5]rage the living possessours, to brave resolutions for the present, and be a means to make their posterity, hereafter; both mindfull and zealous of the vertuous actions of their Predecessors.

3. My third Proposition is, that all they who have been Delinquents, is aforesaid, before this present day; and shall so be, and continue hereaf­ter, or shall contribute to the Enemy, (not being in durance) or (being no Inhabitant within the same,) shall continue in the enemies Quarters above a fortnight after a day named, (not being restrained perforce) may not on­ly loose all their Goods, Lands, and Offices, as is aforesaid, but be degra­ded also of their titles of honour, and disabled to beate Armes, or be repu­ted Gentlemen.

By this Proposition, Provision wilbe made to terrifie and restraine from treacherous, and rebellious practices and combinations, many of the Gen­try and Nobility, who have not yet actually manifested their Malignancie. And indeed, there is no injustice, nor unreasonablenesse, in these Proposi­tions: For, what injustice can there be in taking away any part of their private estates, who imployed them for the publike Destruction? What unmercifullnesse in makeing them poore, who have cruelly inpoverished, and in humanely indeavoured to make desolate, three Kingdomes? What unreasonablenesse can there be in making them Peasants (a degree, to which honest men are borne, and too good for these) some of them being made lords and Knights for attempting to enslave Free-men? And the rest hav­ing abused their honours dignities, and gentility, to bring whole Nations into Villenage? Believe [...]t, it wilbe an Injurie to our faithfull Nobility to be made P [...]ers wich such, and b [...]ing Titles of Honour into contempt. They are well [...] the way to it already, and I dare say, No one thing hath so depraved and debanched our Nation, as the usurping and mis­placing Gentility and Nobility. And we shall never see happy daies againe till our dignities be [...] worthily bestowed, and till our Lords, and Cen­ [...]en stand [...] upon their [...]tigs then their honours; more upon [...] Publike, then [...] the [...] private privllidg [...].

4 My fourth Proposition, therefore, is, that the Titles, and Dignities of Delinquents, so forfeited as aforesaid, may he conferred on those who [...] their Honours, Estates, and Persons, for the Parliament, a [...]ing to the [...]nence of their [...]. That, the Nobilitie, also, who have continued serviceable, and si [...]ne, in this time of triall, may be digni­ied, in the first place [...], with some [...]d [...]ition to their honours. And that eve­ry Officer, and common Souldier, who hath served in this War. for the [Page 6]Parliament, without compulsion, and without taint of plundering, or o­ther notorious Misdemeanours, may have (according to his degree, and merit) conferred upon him, some gift, priviledge, emblematicall Medail; or badge of honour, to be enjoyed, kept, or worne by him, when this War is done; to be a memoriall of his faithfulnesse to posterity, in the defence of his Religion, and Country.

This Proposition being condescended unto, will have many excellent effects, much dishartening the common Adversarie and incourageing both the present, and future generations, to constancie in well doing, and pro­vokeing to imitation, and emulation of the like virtues. This Proposition of Honours will make a more generous Souldierie, then meere pay, by raising youthfull Spirits above the vulgar, and servile aymes, of Mercena­ryes; and stir up many to endeavour extraordinarie performances. By this course, the Romanes, and the most eminent States, and Nations of the World, first became victorious, honourable, and famous: And I am per­swaded, that if this and the other Propositions may be cordially put in ex­ecution, it will infuse such spirits; and make such a change in our Souldiers, that they will quickly trample downe all the pollicies and powers of the enemy.

5 My fifth Proposition is, that all the Tenants to them whose e­states are sequestred, may after sequestration become Tenants to the Par­liament, or to their Assignes, even for that part which shall be assigned to the Delinquents, upon their submission; or to their Wives, for their Maintenance, as well as for the rest, reserved. And that if, it be proved thir wives do hold intelligence with their husbands to the da [...]age of the State, during their abode in the enemies quarters, or contribute any of their Allowance unto them, while they are in hostility there, they shall quite forfeit the said Allowance.

By being constant in proceeding according to this Proposition, The Tenants of sequestred Lands, having their sole-dependency upon the Par­liament, and those to whom the said estates are disposed, willbe thereby kept the more true and constant thereunto; whereas [...] they wilbe fear­fully wavering, and easily seduced by their old Landlords, some of whom doe, perhaps, but dissemble their conformity, in expectation of advanta­ges; By this meanes also, the enemie will want a great part of his Intelli­gence, and secret maintenance, which may the more easily be supplied, and conveyed unto them, while there be relations betwixt them and their Tenants.

6 My sixt Preposition is, that all they who have indangered the pub­like, by deserting the Parliament, on by being Neuters, or by not contribu­ting timely and according to their abilities, or by malignant expressions to the discouraging, or corrupting of others (as well as they who have offen­ed in higher degrees) may be made uncapable of bearing any eminent office, or of executing any place of Judicatrue, or trust, in the Common-wealth.

By condescending to this Proposition, the hands of the common people will be more strong with the Parliament; because it will make them lesse fearfull to discharge their duties thereunto; when they perceive those, hopelesse of regaining Authority, who now secretly malice them for their fidelity, and might perhaps remember it hereafter, to their harme, when they returned to place of power. By this means also, our just Parliamenta­rie Priviledges will be the better secured, and the power of malignancie the more suppressed, both for the present time, and hereafter; whereas els, corruptions, and tyrannies (though a while deprest) will quickly sult up againe, to the renewing of our miseries, if the dissembling Conformist ever get strength.

7 The seventh Proposition is, that all the Irish, bearing armes against the Parliament, may be exempted from having quarter allowed unto them, wheresoever they are found, among those other, to whom Quarter is [...]ouchsafed: and that all convicted Papists who will not conform to the Discipline and Doctrine established in the Church of England (as it stands in opposition to Popery) may be compelled, within a certain time limited, to abjure the Realme.

By assenting to the first part of this Proposition, the barbarous Irish will be deterred from coming over, so frequently and in such numbers, to shed innocent bloud; and by the second part, they who will els be thorns in our eyes, and pricks in our sides for ever, shall be soone removed: and the Je­suiticall Faction, shall be deprived of means and opportunities to keep up the perpetuall motion of that designe which they have contrived for the upholding of Antichrist in these Kingdoms.

8 The eighth Proposition is, that there may be more expedition in the dispatch of publike and weighty affaires, by preferring them before all private businesse whatsoever; and that private Suits may be dispatched according to that order in which they are preferred without any respect of persons (except where some apparent desert, or great necessity shall so re­quire) especially when they are neerly concerned, who have faithfully in­deavoured, [Page 8]and extraordinarily suffred for the Parliament: and that such com­passion also may be vouchsafed to them, and such provision of recompence and supply be seasonably provided for them, as wil be proportionable both to their private condition, and the publike abilitie.

By the first branch of this Proposition, the losse of much pretious time and of many opportunities, whereby the publique is disadvantaged, may be partly p [...]evented. By the second, private men (who are often more damaged by long attendance, then by that whereof they complain, and otherwhile quite undone by it) shall receive much benefit and content­ment thereby, howsoever they speed: And by that which is propounded in the last branch, the well-affected shall be more comforted and incouraged then heretofore; God shall be the more mercifull unto this Land, and the plague now afflicting us, shall be the more speedily removed.

9 The ninth motion is, that notorious Delinquents, especially incendia­ries and seducers of the King, may be proceeded against both speedily and impartially.

By this means, all those will be disabled, or els removed out of the way, whose lives, counsells, and practises, are yet serviceable to the enemie, mis­chievous to the publique safety, and displeasing to God.

10 My tenth Proposition is, that wheresoever the goods or estates of Delinquents are sequestred and apprized, onely curiosities, and superfluous houshold stuffe, may be immediatly sold; and that their houses, shops, wares, farmes, stocks, and all necessary appurtenances, may be for a short time staid, and offred to well-affected persons, who are driven out of their trades and imployment by the enemy, either for ready money, or upon good securitie, to pay the same within a little time.

By this meanes, many shops and farmes, which now stand void, to the impoverishing of the Common-wealth; and many persons of credit now destitute of a calling, would soon be re-imployed, to the maintenance of husbandry and trading; to the support of decaying families, and to the in­crease of Excise, and other contributions.

11 My eleventh Proposition is, that some provision may be made, that those Merchants and others, may be some reasonable composition, be en­couraged to returne to their houses and trades, who have either departed out of this Kingdome with their estates; or els obscured themselves with­in the same, through feare of what might be the event of the present trou­bles and distractions (without entring into any hostility, or partaking by [Page 9]contribution or counsell, with the one side or other) and are now desirous to returne and joine with the Parliament, so they may have assurance that their former failings shall not be reputed malignancie, or objected to their utter undoing.

By this meanes, many will be allured to returne, and discover themselves and their estates, to the strengthening of the well-affected partie, and to the advance of trading; who will els, continue where they are, either to the inriching of other Countreys, with their wealth; and industries: or, els, conceale themselves neare home, both to the publike losse, and their own private ruine.

12 My twelfth Proposition is, that when God begins to give us hope of prevailing, we be neither negligent in taking, or prosecuting all good op­portunities given; nor severe, without mercy; nor, Ahab-like, fooled with a compassion, offensive to God, and destructive to our selves: but, that (though we somwhat over-straine our selves) we put forth our strength, and indeavours, all at once (and in every place together) to make good the advantage, which God hath put, or shall put into our hands; both using severity, and shewing mercy, in their just measure, and at their due times.

By taking this course, our Brethren, in the Enemies Quarters, whose hearts are with us, shall lend us their hands also, without feare; and helpe to deliver us, and themselves, before they and we are quite consumed: whereas, els, we shall but reprieve our selves, and our neighbours, from imprisonment to day, that we, and they, may be tormented to death, to morrow: and by acting imprudently, or by doing the work of God negli­gently, lose our owne lives, and the lives of the people, whom God would have spared; because, through want of heed, and diligence, we let those escape, whom divine justice had appointed to destruction.

13 My thirteenth Proposition is that a more sincere regard be generally had to the personall honour; and safetie of our Soveraigne Lord the King: and that such a strict course may be taken for the preservation thereof, as may be agreeable to our Allegance, and Christian Profession, notwith­standing all our unhappy divisions. Both Houses of Parliament, in all their Expressions, Remonstrances, Declarations, and Proceedings, (the cir­cumstances, and unavoidable necessities of our unhappie controversies, du­ly considered) have had, in my understanding, a pious, and loyall respect hereunto, whatsoever hath been judged of them; and, for that cause, have [Page 10]spared the mention of many things, famed; whereby their own innocency might be illustrated; & have discovered nothing reflecting upon this Honour, but what could neither be hidden, nor left unmentioned, without betray­ing the generall safety. But, some others have so petulantly, impertinently, and irreverently mentioned his failings, that, if they are guitlesse of dis­loyall intentions, sure I am, they have not considered, that, because of our Sinnes, the King (as David was, notwithstanding Ioabs good counsell) might be left, by God, for a while, to be swayed by his own wilfulnesse, for our just punishment: or, that (being forteably ravished, by powers, and policies, too strong for him to resist) he may, for ought we know, be yet, as excusable, as the woman deflowred in the fields, where none was present to deliver her from the ravisher. Howsoever, he is our Father, and his shame is our; let us, therefore, cover it, as much as we may; that when he awakes, he may blesse us. For, when the cup of his inchancers, and the wicked which are about his Throne, shall be taken away; his re­pentance may, perhaps, make him more beloved, and more glorious, then if he had never erred. It appeares by his late Letters, in which he boasted of victory, when indeed his own Forces had the greatest overthrow that ever they received, that he is blinded by mis-informations, & continues yet, our enemie, because he is kept both from the knowledg of his own friends, and of his own danger: and, we hope, that when his eyes are opened a blessed reconciliation will soon follow.

By this Proposition, we shall prevent their treasonous designes, who, under colour of prosecuting the publike enemie, in this great and generall distraction, have a secret hope to destroy both the King, and his King­domes. By this, we shall escape that perpetuating of civill blood-shod, which els may be occasioned, by the suggestions, and insinuations, of those, who are addicted to disloyall intentions; and, peradventure, there is more danger of this mischief, then some imagine. If we shall essentially discharge our Allegiance, God will open the eyes, and turn the heart of the King, to the establishing of this Kingdome upon him, and his posteritie, with our peace; or translate the Government (if he continue wilfull) without our guilt: but if he persist to walk obstinately in the counsells of the un­godly, and we also be found unfaithfull in our dutie; both we, and our King, shall pe [...]ish.

14 My last Proposition is, That we may all privately endeavour, that Gods publike judgments may have better effects upon us, then I can yet [Page 11]perceive they have had; and that there may be an outward Body of divine worship speedily established among us, before the soul of Religion be quite lost, or departed out of our coasts.

By this, we shall escape many curses, and obtaine many blessings, which I need not now mention.

Some other particulars I have though upon, seeming, in my judgement, very considerable; but I will not insist on them, lest by proposing over much, all be quite neglected. Neither do I make render of these Propositi­ons, as absolutely necessary to be executed in everie circumstance according as they are here propounded: But to be rather (as I formerly intimated) hints of som what to be speedilie considered on, and acted to these purpo­ses, by that wisdome and authority, which best knowes how to regulate and make use of such Memorandums, for the publike advantage.

For, they seem to me very materiall, not only those which concerne God and the King, but even those also which conduce to the strengthning & animating of our fellow-helpers; Because as the pul [...]ike work is yet car­ried on (and for which neither of the Houses of our honourable Parliament can be blamed) our enemies have had far greater incouragements, & are di­vers waies (fo [...] ten porall respects) in a more secure condition then any of [...] for, their Lands are sequestred but in part, & for a time onely, whereas ours are wholly confiscated forever [...] they doe but hazzard their lives in the present Warre, while we are not onely as much indangered as they by the same plague, while it continues, but threatned also with the Gal­lowes hereafter, if we live to see our enemies prevaile. Should our Cause prosper, they perceive the Parliament is mercifull and have hope, by their favourers continuing among us, to improve that hope [...] yea, and they make it an argument to encourage each other in taking up Arms against us: but if their designes take successes answerable to their desires, we are sure to perish; sure of extirpation; Because we have open adversaries there, and concealed enemies here, who will undoubtedly heape upon us all informa­tions and aggravations, which may totally destroy us. Th [...] imprisonments are frequently in faire houses, in sweet lodgings, and among their friendly visitants, where most of them have all their necessities fully supplied; and many of them the excesse of wine, women, musick, and what dainties they please. Whereas, when we are taken by them, deepe dungeons, stinke, and the extremities of thirst, hungers, cold and nakednesse, are thought too easie for us, unlesse other cruelties be [...]ed: They have a fifth part allowed by [Page 12]publike Ordinance, out of their sequestred estates, to maintain their wives and children, during their hostility; and these are often permitted also, to passe and repasse to them with contributions and intelligence by our lenity and connivency: But we are plundered of all which lies within their Quarters, without allowance of any such liberty or portion, toward the re­lief of our families. They find in both Houses of Parliament &c. in every Com­mittee, friends readie upon intreatie, and (otherwhile voluntarilie media­ting, and speedily prevailing for them in their necessities) while some of us, who are true to the publike, who have often hazarded our lives, fre [...]e contributed our utmost endeavours, and lost our whole estates in the Par­liament service, are compelled to attend a moneth before we can wooe one to accept or prefer a Petition for us; twice as long before we can procure two or three Referees to consider and report of it, though they not onely half undoe us, but indanger the common safetie by their delaies yea, (which is worse) though we see them speed twice as much time, day by day, as would be sufficient to dispatch matters much more difficult. And these neglects and sufferings we somtime undergoe, to pleasure them by whom we were undone, to our greater vexation. Neverthelesse, if when by these and other indignities, (urged beyond the patience of the humane na­ture) we shall in the extremity of our wants and passions, but som what sharplie complaine of our neglect, all our losses, hazards, wounds, and o­ther suff [...]ings are overballanced with one rash word; and, we are reproved with as much bitternesse, as the worst Malignants: yea, and they who could not spare one houre in two moneths, to hear us for our good, can presently find leasure to heare what is misconstrued, or misinterpreted to our disad­vantage.

These are very great discouragements; and, but that there is in the Hou­ses of Parliament, a blessed Spirit ordering and disposing, not onely their Counsells, but the mischievous designes of their adversaries also, according to the prayers & desires of those who are upright and sincere among them, even in despight of the policies, corruptions, and practises, of their secret adversaries (masked under the veiles of piety and honesty) all good men, had long ere this time, been quite disheartned. For, while our enemies are courted, favoured, cherished, and well paid, for their services, (at least, in plunderings, promises titles, or good words,) that they may continue firme to an evill Cause; some amongst us, of whose fidelity best assurances have been given, are sent away (when in extreme necessitie, we humbly [Page 13]demand but a part of our dues) without either pay, respect, or good words; and (some few excepted) they have generally gained most on our partie by this war, who in plundrings, oppressions, and such like demeanours, do most resemble the most debauched of our enemies.

Our adversaries have also this advantage, more then we, that among our Laodiceans abiding with us, they are provided of Proctors, betwixt whom and them there are reciprocall ingagements, making them hopefull to save stakes which side soever prevaile: Whereas we, having no such reserves, no such refuges, are sure of destruction, if our enemies obtaine their desire; and many of us, not certain of a condition much better, though it succeed otherwise; whilst publique affaires are mingled with private de­signes, and a Gate to an unsound reconciliation, left open.

For, it appeares by what is lately, and pestilently, expressed in the Pam­phlet intituled, Mercurius Hibernicus, that the Malignant Papist, and the malicious Royallist, who are armed against us for Popery, and Tyran­ny, are so impudent, and so obstinate, in justifying their Treasonous, and Murderous practices, against true Protestants, and Loyall-Subjects; and in depraving our honest Cause, and warrantable proceedings (by im­puting to us, that which was perpetrated by themselves) that we are merly lost if we cherish any hope of a comfortable attonement, while they have a being among us; who are so minded; Or if we conceive any hope of being at all for ourselves, if ever they recover power enough to root us out. Therfore, let us endeavour unanimously to destroy or disable Gods enemies and our own, by resolving upon a reasonable course to that end, rather then to be unmercifull to our selves and our posterity by nouri­shing a foolish hope to reconcile God and Behal; to establish a firm League betweene Ierusalem and Babylon; or betwixt the children of Peace and the enemies thereof. And let us not feare that vaine-externall show of Power, and Policy, which opposeth us; seeing, hitherto, out of the mouths of Babes and Sucklings God hath ordained the strength whereby we have chiefly been preserved; and, seeing, our greatest deliverances have bin by the meanest persons and places. Nor let us be afraid of a false Imputation of cruelty, seeing these our adversaries while they continue in their malice are as those spirituall Amalekites whom the Christian Israelite is to root out of the Land; and with whom, he and his seed, is to have war for ever.

I will speake a word or two more, and then conclude. There are, as I have intimated, so many seeming to be with us, who are secretly against [Page 14]us, (some by complying plausibly within doores, that they may act their purposes abroad, with lesse suspition; and some, moving other engines) that (if God speedil [...] prevent it not) as fairly as our hopes now flatter us, ei­ther our irresolutions, delayes, divisions, new discouragements (or these altogether) will quite undoe us; by leaving either no able-man willing, or no willing-man, able to serve us. I wish it might be otherwise, and I be­lieve it shal [...]e well at last; But, I have heard so many sad complaints made without remedy, or regard; and have by long service, and attendance, both in the field, and city, tooke such observations, and made such collections, to assure my selfe (though perhaps not to satisfie others) of V [...]nfa [...]hful­nesse, Negligence, Malice, Self-conceit, Pride, Security, and of acting for pri­vate respects, even while our publike ruine is threatned, that I am confident some unexpected mischiefe will ere long follow, if such failings as I have pointed at, be not quickly reformed; and some course hartily endeavoured, according to the fore going Propositions, for the better incouragement of the well affected, and for the prevention of their politick ends, who by abideing in the Parliament, and by seeming to comply with it, will else more hazard our safety, then all they who are in open hostility against us.

I have now spoken what I thought necessary, for this time, and I hope within the compasse of my sphere. For, though I am not of the representa­tive body of this Kingdome, I am a member of the Body represented, to whom (when the well-being of it is concerned) there belongs times, and places, and priviledges of speaking. If these expressions may bring any thing to remembrance, which will conduce to the Publick advantage, I have my desire. If they shall add any thing to my private Profit, it is more then I can looke for, till I see, according to these Propositions, the hands of Gods people strengthened by an Ordinance, and a practice making them for ever hopelesse of reconciliation with his enemies, whilest they continue such; And till I perceive also, that we are in a likelier way to be united to his divine Majestie. Howsoever, I have in my heart unfainedly resolved with David ( Psal. 139.22.) to hate them that hate God, even with a per­fect hatred. And though I know the dangerous malice of those enemies, and am, yet, ignorant, how these Propositions, and this Profession, will be seconded by others; I dare, neverthelesse, both publikely to averre, and o­penly to signe them with my hand, if need be.


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