AMYGDALA BRITANNICA, Almonds for Parrets.

A Dish of STONE-FRUIT, partly shel'd and partly unshel'd; WHICH (Jf crack'd, pick'd, and well digested) May be wholsome against those Epidemick Distempers of the Brain, now predominant; and prevent some Malignant Diseases, likely to ensue.

Composed, heretofore, by a well-knowne Moderne Author; and, now published according to a Copie, found written with his own Hand.

Qui bene latuit, bene vixit.

Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing, see not: and hearing, they hear not, neither do they understand.

And in them is fulfilled the Prophesie of Esaias which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand: and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive.

For this peoples heart is waxed grosse, and their eares are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, left at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their eares, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and healed.


AMYGDALA BRITANNICA, Almonds for Parrets.

When Wisemen found plain-dealing did offend,
In Hieroglyphicks they their Musings pen'd;
And, to the meek, conveighed in a cloud,
The light, which was disdained by the proud;
That, so, the scorner, hearing, might not heare,
Nor seeing, see, what plainly doth appeare:
For, just it is, that they should lose their sight,
Who would not see their safety, when they might.
'Tis much observed, that this Generation
Hath taken up the Parrets inclination,
Who loves, on shells, to exercise his beake,
And, words not understood, delights to speake:
Wee, therefore, (since the labour may be spar'd)
For private entertainment, have prepar'd
This dish of Stone-fruits; whereof, there are some,
That yeeld a kernell, better then the plumb;
And, such, that, if they well digested bee,
Will cleare their eyes, who have a mind to see.
Here, till affaires are wholly mis-transpos'd,
You shall perceive, in Parables, disclos'd,
Ʋpon what actions, and contingencies,
The Fortune of this British Empire lies;
And, by what symptomes, you may truly know,
Which way the Publike Fate will ebb, or flow.
Thus he conceives, who seriously hath weigh'd
Those things; & in these words his thoughts arai'd.
ALL things terrestriall have their dates,
Kings, Kingdoms, and the greatest States;
And, warnings do appeare, to, some,
Of all such changes, ere they come;
Whereby, were timely means assaid,
Plagues might be scaped, or allaid:
And, peradventure, to that use,
This, which ensueth, may conduce.
The time drawes neere, and hasteth on,
In which strange works will be begun;
And, prosecutions, whereon shall
Depend much future blisse or bale.
If, to the left-hand, you decline,
Assur'd destruction they divine;
But if the right-hand course ye take,
This Island it will happy make.
A time drawes near, in which you may,
As you shall please, the Chesse-men play:
Remove, confine, check, leave, or take,
Dispose; depose, undoe, or make,
Pawne, Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, or King,
And, act your wills in every thing:
But, if that time let slip you shall,
For yesterday, in vaine you call.
A time drawes near, in which the Sun
Will give more light, then he hath done:
Then, also, you shall see the Moon
Shine brighter then the Sun at noon:
And, many Stars, now seeming dull,
Give shadowes, like the Moon at full.
Yet, then, shall some, who think they see,
Wrapt in Egyptian darknesse be.
A time drawes near, when, with your blood,
You shall preserve the Vipers brood,
And starve your own; yet, fancy, than,
That, you have plaid the Pelican:
But, when you think, the frozen Snakes
Have chang'd their natures, for your sakes,
They, in requitall, will contrive
Your mischief, who did them revive.
A time will come, when, they that wake,
Shall dreame; and sleepers undertake
The grand-Affaires: yet, few men know,
Which are the Dreamers of these two;
And, fewer care, by which of these
They guided be, so they have ease:
[Page 2]But, an Alarum shall advance
Your drowzie spirits, from that trance.
A time shall come, ere long, in which
Meer Beggars shall grow soonest rich;
The rich with wants be pinched more,
Then such as go from door to doore;
The honourable by the base
Shall be despighted, to their face;
The truth defamed be with lies;
The foole preferr'd before the wise;
And he that fighteh to be free,
By conquering, inslav'd shall be.
A Time shall come, when they that would
Discredit truths, which were foretold,
Of ev'ry newes will stand in feare,
And, credit ev'ry lie they heare;
Till they, by penance done, have paid
For ev'ry truth they have gainsaid.
Then, they who have expected Fish,
Shall finde a Scorpion in their dish:
The children shall have stones for bread,
And, starved be, whilst dogs are fed:
Then also shall each work you do,
Ere it be finish'd, make you two;
And, render all, when much is done,
Far worse, then when the Plague begun.
A time drawes neere, in which your peace
Shall make your quarrells more increase:
Then shall you by false-brethren lose
More, then by all your open-foes:
Then one-mans hate shall rob of more
Then five times twenty can restore:
Three men shall act more mischiefs here,
Then three great Kingdoms well can beare:
And then shall they be better priz'd,
Whose counsells have been long despis'd.
The time is drawing near, when wee
Our own Antipodes shall bee:
When our most dangerous disease
Shall be the Scribes and Pharises:
When Seamen shall usurp the whip;
Plowmen presume to guide the ship;
The children frequently begin,
To teach their grandams how to spin:
And, then shall that, which was a crime,
Be deem'd the vertue of the time;
And, that, impietie be thought,
Which hath, for sanctitie, been taught.
A time will come, in which the Flocks,
Shall see their Shepheard play the Fox,
And range and ramble up and downe,
Till he into a wolf be growne;
Then, they that hounds and sleugh-dogs keep,
Shall hunt him, till he growes a Sheep;
And, then, if what he seemes, he be
He shall be safe; and, so, shall we.
A time will come, when see you shall
Toads fly aloft, and Eagles crawle;
Wolves walke abroad in humane shapes;
Men, turne to asses, hogs, and apes:
But, when that cursed time is come,
Well's he that is both deafe, and dumbe;
That nothing speaketh, nothing heares,
And, neither hopes, desires, nor feares.
The time will come when you shall see
A Headlesse-body active bee,
And, many actions full of dread,
Performed by a Trunklesse-head;
Which Head, and Body, being brought
To knit together, as they ought,
Might prove to be, in time to come,
The joy, and awe, of Chiristendome.
But, e're such happie daies be seen,
There will some changes intervene
Our hopes and them, to make or marre
the sequele, as they mannag'd are;
And, therefore, that discerne you may
When these approach; and, which are they;
And, what to do, when they are knowne,
Here, they in easie types are showne;
Or, by those tokens, which fore-hint,
What you should labour to prevent.
When, you see many things effected,
Which were nor feared nor suspected;
The Mountains sink, the Valleyes clime;
Stars rise, and set, before their time;
Grosse Meteors from the mud exhald,
To highest Spheres, and Planets call'd;
[Page 3]And, utter darknesse termed light;
Then, bid your happy daies, goodnight.
When, you embrewed, in their blood,
Behold three Lions of one brood;
If, then, a fourth shall interpose,
It will but more increase their woes;
Till but one head, possesse they shall,
And, but one heart, among them all.
Which, whosoe're to passe can bring.
Shall be the darling of a King.
His prickles, when the Thistle showes,
Whithin the borders of the Rose,
If, with the Flower-de-Luce it close,
Designing what the Orange does,
The stile of blessed it shall lose;
Yea, cursed be, where e're it growes;
And, by such faithlesnesse, expose
If selfe, and others, to their Foes.
But, being, only, for a time,
(To cure the Feavers or that Clyme)
Transplanted South-ward; if it spread,
And root, no further then the bed,
Where, by the Gardner, it was set,
To cure us of our Ague-fit;
It, of our Garden, shall be free,
And, call'd the blessed-Thistle be.
When Charles his waine, begins to reel,
And, retrograde shall seem to wheel;
If, rambling forth, the Driver be.
Without his Orb, but one degree;
What hope soe're he hath of help,
From Lionesse, or Lions-whelp,
'Twill be a hundred unto one
If he return, when he is gone.
When from one hand, let slip, you view.
Two Dogs, one Leopard to pursue;
Though ev'ry passage you beset
And ride, and run untill you sweat,
The Game will at the last get free,
If Patch, one of your Gray-hounds be;
Or, if you think, to take the beast,
By Huntsmen, who are such profest.
When Britaines Gerion you shall see,
With Single head, on bodies three,
Put forth his face, in a disguize,
(Undecently betwixt his thighes)
Be warie then, and take great heed,
In your affaires, how yee proceed;
Least, you be laid in little ease,
Betwixt the French and Kings disease.
When frequently, observe you shall,
S. Peter rob'd, to pay S. Paul;
When Butterflies, Silk-wormes out-brave;
When Maggots waste, what Ants did save,
And, wasps, and drones, and hornets drive
Your Bees, to seek a Forraign-hive;
Then, fly to providence-divine,
And, do, as that shall you incline.
When, you see breaking Stones, and glasses,
For zeale in true Religion passes:
Aswell the Clergie, as the Lay,
Learne, how at fast, and loose, to play:
Hermaphrodites begot with child;
Herod, and Pilate, reconcil'd:
The Moralist, his light abuse;
And, Chritstians turning Semi-Jewes;
You may, where e're you go, or ride,
Have Ignis fatuus, for your guide.
When, in this Isle observe you shall
The tenth part of great Babel fall,
And , Reformation, fully made
Of them, and their mysterious trade,
Who merchandize most holy things;
Then GOD to speedy vengeance brings,
With Gog, with Magog, and the Whore,
The Beast, which Nations, yet, adore.
When you perceive the Common-Creed,
Renounc'd; and, whimseyes in it steed;
The words, which our chiefe Rabbi taught,
Despis'd, or out of practice brought;
And, some abuse the God-head, more
Then all the Gentiles heretofore;
They, who his nature do mistake,
Shall then grow like the God they make;
And, think it, when they do oppresse,
But sanctity, and righteousnesse.
When, they, that are of Babel shie,
Shall further into Babell flie;
[...] [...]
[Page 4]When, they, who Superstition shun,
To greater Superstitions run,
And, to escape prophanenesse, shall
Into meer Atheisme fall;
Then, will, at full, those plagues appeare,
Which, now, are but beginning, here;
And, they, who live those daies to know,
Will thinke of him, who told you so.
When, in this Isle, the people sees
A confus'd heptarchie of Pees,
Their peace, disturbing, by distraction;
Their power, become a three-square faction
Of equall sides, and, each inclin'd
To what, it fancy hath design'd;
And, few regarding Common-good:
Then, shall the Moon be turn'd to blood,
Unlesse, you can by Chymistrie,
The Sulphure, Salt, and Mercurie
So temper; that produce it shall
The true Elixar from them all.
When, loud the British waters roare,
And, flow up to the Senate doore,
If, then, the wind shall also blow,
To make their swellings higher grow:
Then whether you to them give way,
Or, seek to stop them, by a bay,
In vain, to curb them, strive you shall,
Without the Balsome-box, and scale;
Though you diversions make (in hope
To do it) and, cast Mountaines up.
When, you observe the Civil-sword,
Usurp the power of the word;
And, (where declining Babel stood)
Men, laying Sions walls, in blood;
Then, some, who for the Lamb professe,
The Dragons Kingdome will increase,
Untill, they shall be better taught
How, living Temples should be wrought.
When, you have pull'd the great Popes down,
And, set up one in every Town;
When, in each house, a Church shall be,
And, in one house, a part of three;
VVhen, one shall tell you Christ, is here;
Another say, loe, he is [...]ere;
More comfort they shall then receive,
VVho love; then they, who these believe.
VVhen, onely, number'd out, you see.
VVhat, weigh'd, and measur'd, too, should bee;
When all, that you shall save, or lose,
Dependeth on their yea's, and no's,
VVho, peradventure, may intend,
Selfe-will, selfe-profit, or selfe-end;
Then, selfe-deniall must proceed
From words, into a reall deed;
And, more regardfully you must
Consider, whom you ought to trust;
Least, e're this tragedy be plai'd,
You, and your Freedomes be betrai'd.
VVhen, cloth'd like lambs, the wolves appear,
VVhen, Foxes preach, and Goslings hear,
VVhen, Hawkes to guard the Doves are chose,
VVhen, wounds must cured be with blowes,
And, when your frogs and mice renew
Their foolish warre; Then, will ensue
VVhat hath by wisemen been fore-told,
In tales and parables, of old;
Unlesse, your keepers eye affrights
The Romish Eagles, and the Kites.
When, you perceive the Harper play
His Harpstrings, and his Harp away;
The Miter, hazzarding the Crowne;
The sword, instructing of the Gowne;
The members, that in darknesse be,
Informing, how the Eyes should see;
And, hands, and feet, aspiring to
That, which the Head, and Heart should do;
Then, you, a while, their lots must share,
Who, in their guts, their braines do beare.
When, you shall see Death richly clad,
With what, the living should have had;
And, then, behold a Church bespread
With rags, and reliques of the dead,
Exposing that to open scorn,
Which was in publike triumph born:
If, then, with seriousnesse you heed
The simple doer, and the deed,
It shall occasion shame to some,
Who thought, much honour'd, to become:
[Page 5]And, let a just occasion in
To rake up, what might hid have bin.
When Blocks, and Stones, offence shall take,]
And riots in your Cities make;
Beware: for, if heed be not took,
A sparke shall casually be strook,
From some rough flint, which will devour
Your wealth, your glory, and your power;
That future times may not despise
The wrath, and spleen, of Ants and Flies.
When you see Gallants take their vies,
As if they would ore-skip the skies,
Or, give the Sun, and Moon, a Law,
Yet, then, scarce over-leap a straw;
Or, when conceptions-mountainous
Shall bring forth nothing, but a mouse,
(After great throes, 'twixt hopes, and feares,
Sustained, by you, many yeares)
Then, your declining state deplore,
And, take a dos of Hellebore.
When, here, you shall re-act the sin
Of Pharoah, and of Benjamin;
Keep Jezabels, and Ahabs Fast;
In Jehu's mold Reformers cast;
Give honour unto Golden Calves,
And Idols, setting up themselves;
You shall but bring, to quench your flame,
That oyle, which will increase the same:
And, GOD, your Offrings will despise;
Till Justice be your sacrifice.
When Out-lawes shall themselves propose
For your Law-givers to be chose;
Felons, grow makers of your Lawes;
Effects, producers of their Cause;
Th' accused, his own Judge become;
The thief, pronounce the true-mans doome;
Your greatest foes, turn seeming-friends;
And, greatest wrongs get least amends:
Then, to no earthly hopes aspire;
But, unto GOD, alone, retire.
When, most the Charmers-voice shall heare,
And, like deafe Adders, stop their eare;
When, they who sit in Judgment, be
Inexorable, more then He
Who did both GOD, and Man, despise;
(And, sleight ev'n Importunities,
Continu'd without intermission)
Then, feare, O Britain! thy condition.
When, most that heare, and pray, and fast,
No sweetnesse, in those duties tast;
But, formally, in them go on,
Depending upon what is done;
And, others, so beleeving grow,
As, that, they no good works will do:
Or, when small difference shall appeare
'Twixt persons, times, or places, here;
And, those Ideas, men embrace,
Which have nor body, forme, nor face;
And, run vagaries without bound,
As if, no medium's could be found,
'Twixt two extreames: Ev'n then, shall they
Who love the light, enjoy the day;
And, then, shall look'd for be, or some,
A Kingdome, that will never come.
When, in your City-paramount,
This Realm is called to Account,
(And, they, who do receive and pay,
Forsake the old Exchequer way)
If those may then their triall shun,
By whom, the greatest wrongs are done,
Your hypocrites will soon appeare
So many, and so powerfull, here,
That, GOD himself th' Accompts will take,
Which they unwilling are to make.
When folly, avarice, and pride,
Upon the publike-Asse shall ride,
And, labour to subject the State
Unto that base Triumvirate;
Such justice, piety, and knowledge,
Will, then, proceed from Gotham-Colledge,
That, blinde-men, plainly shall perceive,
What, they, who see, will not believe.
Then, they who now delight in lies,
(Which their own malice did devise)
And, those predictions do deride,
Which they see daily verifi'd;
Shall view with shame, and feel with feare,
Those truths, of which they would not heare;
[Page 6]And, they who, their despights have borne,
Shall laugh their pride, and hate, to scorne.
When, you hear thousands make their mones,
And prayers, unto Blocks and Stones;
Poore Suiters, prosecuting Causes
In circles, labyrinths, and mazes,
Till scarce a neighbour, friend, or brother,
Believes, or loveth one the other;
Or, till they have nor house, nor bread,
Who, for the Kingdomes-cause, have bled;
Then, you fulfilled shall behold
So much, that, more needs not be told.
When, you shall heare your Pipers play
Till none will either dance, or pay;
Or, till among you doth begin
A second bloodie matachin;
Then, will clean hands, and honest hearts,
Besteed you more, then Irish darts;
Secure you better from your foes,
Then guards of guns, of bils or bowes;
And, then, will they, whom Pride doth scorne,
More happie be, then Princes-borne.
When, you most sleight what Tel-troth saith;
When, you have prov'd the Punick-faith;
When, you see those, who have misdone,
In spight of Councell, still, go on,
To prosecute their wild designes;
Then take you heed of those Divines,
Who, to effect their carnall end,
For GOD and CHRIST, will much pretend:
And, that, you no way do abuse
The Flat-caps, or the Clouted-shooes.
When, they who greatest Traytors are,
With Patriots, reward shall share,
And, be with large allowance fed,
VVhilst, your best servants, scarce have bread:
VVhen doing justice, shall be thought
Ill manners; and, they men untaught,
VVho are so daring, to afford
A poor man, right against a Lord;
Then, shall men purchase land, and fee,
For little price; which deere will be,
To ev'ry purchaser, unlesse
By piety, and righteousnesse,
The sale be sanctifi'd; and you
Give both to GOD, and men, their due.
VVhen your Reformers, shall begin
To out-doe those men in their sin,
VVhom to reforme they did pretend;
And, like sowre ale in summer, mend:
When, they the Rule shall misapply;
And give by deeds, their words the lie;
Till, that, be mentioned with scorne,
VVhich is your praise, and saving-horne,
Then, Jehu's temper will undoe you,
Unlesse you can invite unto you
Eliah's spirit duplifi'd
On some Elisha, to provide
A speedy cure, for that disease,
VVhich on your Vitall-parts will seize.
When, men and women blushlesse grow
In filthinesse; and act it so,
As if, a Stallion to be knowne,
A Princely quality were growne;
Or, when your Ladies do appeare
(As if old heath'nish Rome were here)
By Coachfulls, with a brazen face,
To see men run a naked-race:
And, when sin to a ranknesse springs,
Beyond the reach of libellings;
And, libellings so common bee,
That none shall from their dirt be free,
Though ne're so innocent (but those
Whom no man hates, envies, or knowes)
Then, look for that which will ensue
Such impudence; if God be true.
When, men shall gen'rally confesse
Their folly, and their wickednesse;
Yet, act, as if there neither were
Among them, conscience, wit, or feare:
When, they shall talke as if they had
Some braines; yet, do, as they were mad;
And, nor by reason, nor by noise,
By humane, or by heav'nly-voice,
By beeing praised, or reprov'd,
By judgements, or by mercies mov'd:
Then, look for so much sword, and fire,
As such a temper doth require.
When, in this Isle, you shall behold,
What's term'd, the Devills ring of gold,
To be in use; and, then, shall see,
Both, pawn'd, and, forfeited, to be,
The richest-Jewell of the State;
Take order, therefore, ere too late,
To save your credits: For, you know,
That, London is not Mexico.
Or, if it were, we plainly view,
By Genoa, what may ensue.
When, your Betrayers shall divide,
And, seem of a contrary side,
That they the better may contrive
Their own Designments; or, perceive,
What is endeavour'd, to prevent
Those mischiefs, whereto they are bent.
Then, look about you; or, be sure,
Your safety you shall not secure:
But, when you heare it often said,
By whom, you should have been betraid,
In what, they, false, with you have plaid;
And, how they gave your spoilers aid,
With such like falshoods; and then, see,
Such common Fames, neglected be:
Th' accused countenanc'd; and, those
Traduc'd, and, punished, as foes,
Who, out of conscience, and, of zeale,
To save this drooping Common-weale,
Their knowledge, and, their feare declare;
Then, of a sudden blow, beware.
When, they, who, but the other day,
As low, as in the channell, lay;
And; had nor presence, wealth, not wit,
(And, scarce the meanest of them, yet)
Your most pragmatick-men become,
And, places of chiefe trust assume:
Your Mastives, then, shall Spaniels grow;
Your Hens, and Capons, learn to crow,
Disarme, and silence, all your Cocks;
And, men, weare petticoats, and smocks.
When you, who, at the first, begun
With honesty (and, thereby, won
Advantages) shall act, or plot
Ill means, to keep what you have got;
As, if the GOD, you seem'd to serve,
Could not, as well, to you preserue,
By reall virtue, what was gain'd,
As, give it, by a virtue fain'd:
Then, you shall thrive, as did that King,
Who was or'ecome, by conquering;
Because he serv'd false gods, whose lands
The true GOD gave into his hands:
And, you shall then, the difference know,
'Twixt being just, and seeming so.
When, Justice cuts of Hydra's heads,
And, sees arising, in their steads,
More, and more monstrous ones, then they
Whom Reformation par'd away:
When Tyranny beginns to varie
The form and shape, of Arbitrarie
And willfull-rule; when, she inslaves
By mean, and despicable knaves;
When, they who 'scape the Lions-pawes,
The teeth of Wolves, and Harpies-clawes;
Shall look for safety, and for ease,
And, then, be eat by Lice and Fleas;
Or, be in pieces, rent and torne
By vermine, once, below their scorne;
Then; then, shall you begin to see
Your masked Foes; and who they bee
That sought your weal: and, then, in vain
Shall wish for, what you now disdaine.
Then, some, shall much perswade you to
What, none but such as they would do,
Who whet their knives, and cut their throats,
To cure a chollick, in their guts:
For, then shall they, who seek your harm,
Seek how to cut off your right-arm,
That, of your chiefest guard bereft
There may be no hand but the left
To save your heads: And, then, perchance,
You will perceive your ignorance.
For, then, new troubles will begin,
Whereby, they who have blamed bin,
Shall suffer much: But, they shall beare
Most burthens, who most guilty were;
And, many, then, who now despise
These Lines, will think them Prophecies.
Then, shall they seek, and crouch, and bow,
Who are most proud, and surely, now;
Petition long, without regard;
Make prayers, which will not be heard;
[Page 8]And, find as little mercy, then,
As they have showne to other men.
They, from the sword shall thither 'flie,
Where they for want of bread shall die;
Or, hoping Famine to avoyd,
Be, by the Pestilence, destroy'd;
Or, (that they may one sorrow shun)
Into a hundred mischieves run,
And, find no rest, till they repent
Their pride, or, meet due punishment.
Then, shall the principles that lurk
Within mens hearts begin to work,
Upon their humours; and, purge out
Much poyson, now dispers'd about
Through eve'ry Member: yet, at first,
That, shall seem best, which would be worst,
And, few men be so wise to know,
What they were best resolve to do.
For, you shall in a Medium stand,
'Twixt Aegyt, and the Holy-Land,
As in suspense, whether to make
A progresse thither, or turn backe
To your old servitude, or worse:
And, that will seem the safest course,
Unlesse the Masters of your School
Shall take the counsell of a Fool;
And be directed and advis'd
To act the thing they have despis'd.
Which if they do; your foes shall be
Your friends; and both be safe and free
From what is fear'd; and, live together
A mutuall strength to one another;
Whose factions, if they long endure,
Will prove a plague, without a cure.
But, mark (oh City!) mark this well;
(Thou, who dost all this Realm excell,
In sin, and virtue) That, when thou
Shalt see thy Trustees partiall grow
In doing Justice; with respect
Of persons; and, with high neglect
Of truth and judgement: Then, unlesse
The mercy and the righteousnesse
Which thou pretendest, shall encrease
To fortifie thee in that peace
Thou yet enjoy'st; and, teach thine eyes.
To see, wherein thy safety lyes:
Thou, wilt but treasure up thy store,
To make thee miserably poore;
Grow, by a new-Militia strong,
To ruine thine owne strength, e're long;
Draw, day by day, occasions hither,
Of discords, and of plagues together;
Till all the plagues, through Britain spread,
In thee, be gather'd to a head;
And, break upon thee, in conclusion,
To thy dishonour, and confusion.
E're long the welfare, of this Land,
Upon a ticklish point will stand;
And, at that time, if you perceive
The Body representative,
Act by two Factions; and, admit
Their Grandees, to invassall it
To their designs; and captivate
Their equalls: you, shall after that
Find little comfort, till you see
Extracted a third Party bee
From out of those, to search into
Their actions, and with courage do
As they finde cause: But, then, you shall
Perceive a turne will joy you all.
And to draw neerer to the But,
At which, all these our shafts are shot,
When, those two Diamonds of this Land,
Which are the basis, whereon stand
The publike-welfare, polish shall
Each other; and, quite rub off all
The rotten pieces, rags, and flawes,
Which disesteem upon them drawes;
And, perfect make, in ev'ry thing,
Our ancient threefold Gimell-ring,
That's lately broke; Then, you shall see
A change, that worth your praise will be:
And, he that gives you stones to crack,
(Which cause, perhaps, your hearts to ake)
Will, when that blessed season comes,
Give you a dish of sugar-plumbs.
But, know, that while this Emperie
Neglects her Triple-Trinitie;
To wit, three Realms, beneath one Throne;
Within each Realm, three States in one.
And, GODHEAD one, in Persons three,
You shall not without troubles be:
[Page 9]Or, possibly attaine to that
Which your well-willer aimeth at,
Till, you shall, purely, God adore;
And to the common use, restore
At least th' Essentials of that power
Which makes your Earthly-saving-Tower.
Which much the stronger, might be made
And fairer too, if you could add
To strengthen and adorn the same,
Some parts of the Venetian Frame.
And, know; that, when a Declaration,
As publike, as a Proclamation,
Shall offer to consideration,
The many failings of this Nation;
If, then, you seek not preservation,
By prayer, and humiliation,
And, by a serious Recantation;
GOD, threatens sudden desolation.
Now, much good do't you; And, yet, stay:
Before I send you quite away,
Take these blanch'd Almonds without shels,
(Whereto are added nothing els
But, some few kernells in ther stones)
For, though they seem but bitter ones,
Yet, if you taste them, we believe
They'l prove a good preservative.
First, chaw on this; that, you in vain,
Seek, here a blessed peace to gain,
Till justice, and till mercy, more
Advanced be, then heretofore;
And, till you shall have more regard
To punishment, and to reward.
Next, know, as vainely yoy presume
Informed, rightly, to become
In things of faith, whilst you depart
From what is written in the heart;
And, act contrary to the natures,
And Lawes, of reasonable creatures:
For, how shall they who cannot learn
Things morall, things divine discern?
Next, be inform'd; ev'n you, who had
The righteoust cause; that, you have made.
Defaults enough, to let all see
The best had need forgiven bee:
And, let that make your hearts inclin'd.
To pardon all, in whom you find.
That penitence which doth intend
Crimes past, sincerely to amend:
Yea, if ye mean, in peace, to live,
Let all strive, who shall most forgive;
That by so doing, all may move
Each other, to a mutuall-love;
Which grace, they onely are deni'd,
Who could be true to neither side.
And, lastly, let no more despights
Unto your Fundamentall-rights,
And, Constitutions, now, be done:
For, if the Ground-works, be overthrowne,
What, can the wise, or just man do?
What to sustaine it, add thereto?
Or, what will councell be, but wind,
To them, whose ruine is design'd?
Some, little hope is left: And, yet,
Lest no effect, our words beget,
That, then, the times to come, may know
A Messenger was sent to show
What would befall this age, before
It came to passe. This one pearl more,
Is cast before you, (without fear
Of such, as would in pieces tear)
Observe it well, O Generation,
Regardlesse of thy visitation.
When, you have had hard work to do,
And, added five, to forty two;
You shall perceive a good Play spoil'd,
And, by unworthy Actors, foil'd;
The Scoenes transpos'd, the Acts confus'd;
The Poet shamefully abus'd:
The first intention of the Plot,
By those confusions, quite forgot:
Yea, them, to Tragick-Acts design'd,
Who enter'd with a Comick-mind;
And, then, what now our eye fore-sees,
(Like him, who saw men walk, like trees)
Shall be discover'd, by that light,
Which, never doth deceive the sight.
Then, they who mark it, shall perceive
Your Politicians, will contrive
Their own indempnity, whilst they
Pretend for yours; that, so, they may
Secure themselves, from answering that,
Whereby, they have abus'd the State:
[Page 10]And, then (unlesse you can prevent
The fraudfulnesse of that intent)
They, who did most their wealth increase,
By cheating you, will buy their peace;
And, sell your Freedomes, unto those,
With whom, they do designe to close.
Then, will such Juggling-tricks be plaid,
That, publike-debts will nere be paid,
As long, as either foole, or knave,
Shall have the power to give, or crave;
Or, they enjoy a Trustees place,
Who have put on a Janus-face.
Then, most men, plainely shall behold,
What, few believed, though fore-told.
The noblest parts, worst plaid shall be,
Till, men their errors come to fee;
Good-action, shall be much mistook;
Ill-meanings, will be fairely spoke;
Some, for ill-doing, shall have meeds;
Some, shall have blame for lawfull deeds.
Some, personating double parts,
With double tongues, and double hearts,
Shall, from one side, to to'ther run,
Till they are scorn'd of ev'ry one.
Fools, Clownes, and very dunghill things,
Shall act the parts, of Lords, and Kings,
Till, few know what to do or say;
How to command, or to obey.
Your Fountain shall be turn'd to puddle;
Yea, all reduc'd to such a huddle;
That, your Ill-willers will be glad;
Your much abus'd Spectators mad;
And, in their furiousnesse go near
The Players rags, from them to tear;
Or, pul the Stage, and Play-house down;
Unlesse a med'cine, yet, unknown,
Be soon appli'd: Or, on the Stage,
(To stop the peoples rising rage)
Some quick-devise, and pleasing-straine,
Be brought, to charm them down againe.
With which Catastrophe, we pray,
The Tragedie, conclude you may,
And, see the Scoenes, and Acts, to come,
Lesse bloody, and lesse troublesome;
For, if Conjectures faile him not,
Who hath consider'd well the plot,
(And, whose fore-warnings, none believes,
Till 'tis too late), he plaine perceives
A Storm will in the South be bred
Whilst you a Northern-Tempest dread,
And conjur'd hither, by some Friends,
Who, seem to have much better ends
Then they pursue: And, then, unlesse
JUDAH, and ISR'EL shall confesse
Their sinnes, and, reconcile, betimes;
Manasses pray, repent his crimes
Unfainedly (as David did,
When, from Jerusalem he fled)
And, with full resolution, do
What, prudence would advise him to:
The Babylonians will conspire
With Amaiek; your neighbour Tyre
Shall (as a slie spectator) stand,
To take advantage under-hand:
And, by those means (when peace seems near)
The troubles, which did first appear
In thirty nine, prolong'd will be,
Till fifty two, and fifty three.
And, what new courses will be took,
When those yeares wheel about, Go look:
For, here, already, we fore-show
More, then you can deserve to know;
Till, you more lovingly shall deale
With such, as labour, for your weal;
And, their estates, and time, have spent,
Your likely ruine to prevent.
Ere, GOD, his wrath on Balaam wreaks,
First, by his Asse to him he speaks;
Then, shewes him, in an Angells hand,
A sword, his courses to withstand;
But, seeing, still, he forward went,
Quite through his heart, a sword he sent;
And, GOD, will thus, if thus they do,
Still deale with Kings, and Subjects, too:
That, where his grace despis'd is grown,
He, by his judgments, may be known.

Fiat Voluntas Dei.

GoD eXpeCreth oVr repentanCe, gIVing eXpresse VVarnIngs InVItIng there Vnto; haVe earLie respeCt therefore, Vnto sVCh VVarnIngs, and repent not sleIghtLIe yoVr offensIVe VanItIes.


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