Respublica Anglicana OR THE HISTORIE OF THE PARLIAMENT In their late PROCEEDINGS, WHEREIN The Parliament and Army are vindicated from the calumnies cast upon them in that libellous History of Independency, and the falshoods, follies, raylings, impieties, and blasphemies, in that Libell detected. The Necessity and lawfullnesse of secluding the Members, laying aside the King, and House of Lords, is demonstrated. The Lawfullnesse of the present power is proved, and the just and necessary grounds of the Armies march into Scotland are represented. Published for publicke satisfaction. The Author G: W:

Lege, Perlege, & Judica.

LONDON, Printed by F. Leach, for George Thompson, dwelling at the sign of the White horse in Chancery-lane, 1650.

To the Reader,

OUr Ancestors would have rejoyced, might they have had but the libertie under their Kings to have folowed Truth at the heels, with­out danger of their teeth, and have allowed a little Courtship in an History to the present Prince for such a favour; but now there is a sort of men that nothing can content, unlesse they may tread on truth's heels, and trample upon the present Governours; may and this sort, should another but term such Kings Ty­rants, will flie in his face, whilst themselves will reproach the present Governors with Tyranny, and what not, because they may not have licence to abuse them, and Truth too, in their scurrilous Pamphlets: yet such is the wisdome of our times, that such as these are the only vendible and cryed up writers, as if Liberty consisted in crying up Tyranny, and defaming those that resist it

A second sort we have and they forsooth are all for the old way, all truths with these are Puritanical, Brownisticall, Ana­baptisticall and Schismatical, which have not been entailed on by them their Grandsires: Religious and civill Government, [Page]must be a Gentleman of 3. descents, like a Knight of Malta, or it must not be admitted into their order, a right worship­full tenent for such who arrogate solely to themselves the name Protestant. But say they, our fore-Fathers were wiser than we, and we will follow them: we grant they were, for they embraced the Truth, and would not be scared by the bug­bear of Novelty; had they cryed out for the old way, how had these Youths ever have had any title to the Protestant Religion? the Masse was as ancient then, as the Common-Prayer Book now, and Priors, Abbots, and Monkes, as Pre­lates, Deanes, and Prebends, yet at the first dawning of truth they chased away those Bats and Owles, and the new light ap­pearing, was embraced, not scorned; so that the dark shad­dowes of Ignorance and Superstition vanished, and the ferall Birds of Night were put to flight. These were the worthy actions of our Protestant Ancestors, whom these old-way-Men will needs imitate forsooth, by acting the quite contrary.

A third sort, are those, who know not what they would have, they would have a King and they would not; they would have the Parliament prevaile, and yet the Scotch and Irish de­signes must not be defeated; they will have the Privilege of Subjects, yet not perform the duties of Subjects; and receive protection, yet not return subjection: and is it not an hard case that their wishes and wills are not accomplished, which be­ing onely contradictory may so easily be reconciled; and a great persecution, that all men are not compelled to be of their minde?

The last sort are a Rabble which think no man can be reli­gious, who is not of all Religions: with whom it is Anti­christanisme not to deny Christ, infidelity to beleeve the Scriptures, and he hath not the Spirit who excludes not the [Page]Holy Ghost, the Holy Trinity; with these it is sin to abstain srō sinne, and he the least, who is the grossest sinner: but I abhor to mention these Champions of Hell, who war against Satan by being of his black Guard.

And now, sith every one will have his humour, though ne­ver so ridiculous, and wicked; I hope I may have the favour to enjoy my conscience, though I differ from all or any of these crotchets.

Suppose I conceive I am bound to praise God, and be thank­full to Authority, that I may write truth, without fear of hal­ter, pillory, or whip now, when I can remember, as young as I am, that to call a Spade a Spade, was counted no lesse than Treason; as also that I abhor to play the knave to please fools, or to tickle their ears, by lyes bite, and railings scratch, all that are wiser, honester, and more generous than such dull ani­malls: must I therefore be thought not worth the rea­ding?

Suppose I conceive I am bound to prefer naked truth be­fore error, though she be brought in with the sound of Eng­lish Organs, or Scotch Bag-pipes, arrayed in a Surplice, Ro­chet, Cope and Miter, with tagg, ragge and bob-taile cringing and bowing to her; As also to make the Scriptures rather my Guide, than mens traditions and inventions, and to receive that as the good, and old way, which the ancient of dayes com­mands me to walke in: must I therefore be no Protestant, but a Novellist?

Suppose I conceive, that all powers that are are of God; that I ought to pray for Magistrates, that I may live a god­ly and peaceable life under them; that I am bound to give subjection in all lawfull things, where I receive protection: must I therefore be a Traytor and seditious person?

Supose I conceive I cannot keep the Covenant, wherein I vowed to defend Religion and Liberty, by endeavouring to set up the Enemy of both, for my own private Faction or Inte­rest; to endeavour to bring all Delinquents to consligne punish­ment, without respect of Persons, by respecting the person of a­ny man; to endeavour a Reformation according to the word of God, which is preach and baptize, not perfecute and force; that I cannot see any Justice in hanging up the Sword, and wor­shipping as Sacred the Murderer; that I cannot attaine to comprehend that mystery of maintaining Parliamentary pri­vilege, by destroying, or suffering to be destroyed, Parlia­mentary power for ever: of keeping the Lawes; by making them act contrary to their end, the generall good; of crying out of persecution, because I may not force others to be of my opinion, though they equally detest with me all Heresie and Blasphemy: must I therefore be a Covenant Breaker, a Sectary, a favourer of Heresie, and Blasphemy? Sure such Language as this, will never appear true English, though in­terest may alter the case in Scotch; but though it doe I care not, for I am an English man, and desire to appear so, both in my language and interest: the Liberty I engaged for was that of my own Countrey, and in preserving that, I shall endea­vour to dash all Scotch and self interest in peices, not that I abhor, or hate the persons of the Scotch, but because it is my duty to love and serve my Countrey.

And truly so farre am I from hating that Nation, that I wish our Sectaries (as they term them) may be as diligent to instruct them in Liberty, as their Presbyterians will seeme forward in teaching us Religion: I would reward them good for evill, and though they doe strive to pull us in, yet let us endeavour to help them out of slavery; it may [Page]be this also will be called Sectarian doctrine, but I care not: for though it may seem contrary to Scotch Declarations, yet it is consonant to Heavens Ordinances, and I had rather obey God than men, than Scotch men, and shall account them no Christians, who shall not judge it my duty to beleeve Him before a Scotch Committee of Estates or Kirk.

To summe up all, I would have thee Reader know, That Fools and Knaves, whether English or Scotch, shall never fright nor juggle me out of christianity and humanity, but that, by the assistance of God, I shall endeavour, as a Christian, to make the Word; as a Man, Reason; and as an Englishman, the generall good of this Nation, the ground of all my actions: and in thus doing I value not thine, or any mans displeasure.


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