THE KINGS MAJESTIES DESIRES To His Excellency S ir THOMAS FAIRFAX. PRESENTED To His Excellency at the Head Quarters neere READING.
Together with the Resolution of His Excellencie concerning the said Desires, and the great satisfaction His MAJESTIE received thereby. Likewise, a Message sent from his Excellency Sir Tho: Fairfax, to the Honourable House of Commons, concerning the Kings most Excellent Majestie.
Printed for the use and satifaction of the whole Kingdome.
London, Printed for R. Williamson, July 13. 1647.
The Kings MAJESTIES DESIRES, To his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax.
HAving obtained such a fit opportunity, to expresse my willingnesse in a satisfactory way, to all your Desires, I shall here impartially communicate the most remarkablest Occurrents, which hath (lately) ebb'd and flowed, within the Kingdon [...]es great Streame, who [...]e appearance in this instance of time, seemes to be the Worlds chiefest Object. But by reason of breviation, and the desire of a sudden dispatch, of some of these papers to the Army, I must of (necessity) be take my self to my limited bounds, [Page]and in the first place present unto you the Desires of the Kings Majesty to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, viz.
Upon Fryday last, July 2. His Majesty sent a Message to the General, intimating his earnest desires concerning his Highnesse the Duke of Yorke, and the rest of his Children at London, declaring, 1. His earnest desire to see His Princely issue. 2. That they might bee speedily sent down unto Him. 3. That it would bring great contentment to His Majesty. And 4. That His Majesty desired His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, speedily to send to the Parliament, to acquaint them therewith.
Whereupon his Excellency immediatly dispatched a Letter to the House of Commons, a Copy whereof followeth:
I Was sent unto the King on Fryday last, to desire the Parliament to give way to him to see his Children; And that they might for that purpose be sent to him, If I may be bold humbly to offer my opinion, I think the allowance of such a thing may be without the least prejudice to the Kingdom, and yet gain more upon his Maj. then denying it; and if it be in the prayers of every good man, that his heart may be gained, the performance of such civilities to him is very sutable to those desires, and will hear well with all men, who (if they can imagine it to be their own case) cannot but be sorry, if his Maj. naturall affection to His Children, in so small a thing should not be complyed with; and if any question should be concerning the assurance of their return, I shall ingage for their return within what time the Parliament shall limit.
Upon this occasion, give me leave, I beseech you, to take notice of some reports spread abroad, as if my selfe, and the Officers of the Army were upon some under hand contract, or bargain with the King; and from thence occasion is taken to slander our integrities, and endeavour a misunderstanding betwixt the Parliament and their Army, the fidelity of which to the Parliament and Kingdom, and their affection to it, are the great objects of many mens Envies, because they see nothing so likely to settle Right and Freedom with Truth and Peace to Us and Posterity, and to hinder their Designes against the same, as an harmony or good accord between the Parl. and Army, which is the joy of good men, and it shall be our study to preserve against all Designs and Designers to the contrary. To prevent therefore all misunderstandings of that kind, I thought with all clearnesse to declare unto you, That we have done nothing, nor shall doe any thing, which we desire to hide from you or the world or shall not avow to the faces of our greatest Adversaries. Our Desires concerning a just consideration or settlement of the Kings Rights (his Majesty first giving his concurrence to settle and secure the Rights and Liberties of the Kingdome) we have already publikely declared in our Representation and Remonstrance. Since the first of those Papers sent unto the Parl. there haue been severall Officers of the Army upon several occasions sent to his Majesty, the first to present to him a Copy of the Representation, and after that some others to tender him a Copy of the Remonstrance; upon both which, the Officers sent were appointed to clear the sence and intention of any thing in either Paper, whereupon his Maj. might make any [Page]question. Since then, there have also been some Officers at severall times sent to his Majesty about His remove from Hatfield, to disswade (if possibly) from Windsor, or any place so neare London, to some place of further distance, answerable to what we had desired of the Parliament.
In all which addresses to his Majesty, We care not who knowes what hath bin said, or done; for as We have nothing to bergain for or aske, either from His Majesty or the Parl. for advantage to our selves, or any particular party or interest of our own, so in all those addresses to his Majesty, we have utterly disclaimed and disavowed any such thing, But the onely intent and effect of those our addresses hath beene, to desire his Maj. free concurrence with the Parlament, for establishing and securing the common Rights and Liberties, and setling the Peace of the Kingdom; and to assure him, that (the Publique being so provided for, wi [...]h such his Maj. concurrence) it is fully agreeable principles, and should be desirous and endevour, That (with and in such setling of the Publique) the Rights of his Majesties Royall Family should be also provided for, so as a lasting peace might be setled in this Nation. And that as we had publikely declared for the same in generall termes, so (if things came to a way of settlement we should not be wanting (in our sphaeras) to one that generall desire, in any particulars of naturall or civil right to his Maj. Person or Family, which might not prejudice, or again indanger the Publique: and in the mean time, that his Majesty should find all personall civilities and respects from us, with all reasonable freedom that might stand with safety, and with the trust or charge lying upon us concerning his person.
You have here the utmost fum of what hath passed from us to his Majesty; and we could wish all men did rightly understand (without misrepresentation) every particular wherein (as we know nothing not agreeable to Reason, Justice, Honesty or Conscience, so we thought our selves concerned the rather to say & do, as we have towards his Majesty since he came within our quarters, because of those common prejudices suggested against us, as if we were utter Enemies to Monarchy, and all civill Order of Government.
And for that particular of the Duke of Richmond, and the two Chaplaines lately permitted to attend his Majesty, it was not done without much reluctancy, because therein we doubted we might be misunderstood by the Kingdoms best friends.
But upon his Majesties continuing importunity for it (as a thing very nearly concerning his inward & outward conrentment; and conceiving those persons su [...] (as we hoped) would not doe ill Offices to prejudice the Peace of the kingdome, we did give away to it, and the persons (before they came had notice of the permition: And as we then thought so we still doe think that to allow him some such [...] any of persons least dangerous, whome former accquaintance make him take pleasure in, and the allowance of some such Chaplains of his own, are things both reasonable and just; and the debarring of that liberty in the latter) We doubt wil but make him more prejudiced against other Ministers.
In generall Wee humble conceive, that to avoid al harshnesses and afford all kinde usage to his Majesties Person in things consisting with the Peace and Safety of the Kingdom is the most christian Honourable and prudent way, Wee think that tendor equitable and moderate dealing both towards his Majestie, his Royall Family, and his late party, [Page][so far as may stand with safety to the Kingdome and secureity to our common Rights and Liberties] is the most hopefull course to take away the seedes of war, or future Fends amongst us for posterity, and to precure a lasting Peace and Agreement in this now distracted Nation,
Thus have I given you the utmost summe of what hath passed betwixt the Kings most excellent Majesty, and his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, concerning his Majesties Desires touching the coming downe of His Children, being very importinant to see them, and it is hoped it will not be denyed, by reason that the Generall hath engaged for their safe return. Here is a gallant Court, and his Majesty very cheerfull, being attended with many brave gallants. The Duke of Rich mond behaveth himself with much civility, and in great favour with the King.
Thus for the pres [...]ur, I remain