WHEREAS the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, Members of the Parlia­ments of King CHARLES the Second, and the Aldermen, and Members of the Common-Coun­cil of the City of London, in their late Assemblies at West­minster have desired Us to cause Our Letters to be written to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Kingdom of England, being Protestants; and to the Counties, Cities, Boroughs and Places that of Right ought to Choose and send Members to Parliament; so as the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, to whom Our Letters are so to be di­rected, and the Persons so to be Elected may Meet and Sit at Westminster on the Two and twentieth day of January next: We intending the Publick Good of this Kingdom, in pursuance of the said desire, Do, by this Our Letter, desire your Lordship to Meet and Sit with the rest of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, on the said Day and Place appointed.

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