His Majesties SPEECH TO THE States General, As He was Seated in the Chair, in Their ASSEMBLY.
UPON my last Departure from this Country, I did intend to dispatch, with what Expedition I could, the Affairs of my own Kingdoms; which having done accordingly, I am come hither again, to Execute my Office as Captain General, Admiral, and Statholder; and to Contribute all that is possible for Me to do, for a speedy Peace; and to put an End to this War-To which End, I have sent over all the Forces, out of my Kingdoms, that I could spare, to joyn those of this State. And as to the Fleet, I have taken such Care, that the most part of it is now ready; and hope, That of this State is in the like Posture: desiring, that the Great God, the Maker of all things, would so Bless the Arms of this State, and the rest of the Confederates, that they may obtain that which is most in their Eye, A Good Peace. I will do all that I can, for the Common Good and Welfare of this State, not sparing my own Person; and I assure you of my Sincere Intentions, and good Affection to You; and thank your Lordships for the Honour you have done Me, and for your Congratulations upon my Arrival.
The Answer of the States General, to the Kings SPEECH.
WE thank Your Majesty for the Honour You have done Ʋs, to appear in Our Assembly; as also, the constant Care, Good Will, and Affection, You have always manifested towards Ʋs, in Promoting of the common Welfare; of which your Majesty has given Ʋs fresh Proofs, in coming to Ʋs at such a Season of the Year. We assure Your Majesty, That the Favour which You have always shown, and daily Continues, shall be for ever owned by Ʋs, with great Thankfulness; and that as much as in Ʋs lies, We will Second your Majesty, in Your Good Intentions and Designs.
London, Printed for Ed. Hawkins, in the Old. Baily, 1692.