The Prince of Orange HIS SPEECH, TO THE Citizens of London.

Worthy Gentlemen,

IT is not a little satisfaction to me, That having an Army compos'd of so many dif­ferent Nations; I do notwithstanding find them unanimously bent to maintain and prosecute, to the utmost, the Cause I have now undertaken. And though by several Declarations, I have (as I believe) sufficiently satisfied both you, and all England, of the Sincerity, as well as the necessity of these my Actions and Designs. I shall not, however, think it unnecessary, or superfluous, briefly to Repeat and Summ up some things which may serve you for satisfaction, as to matters past, as well as En­couragement for the Future.

That England, and the Ʋnited Provinces, are the Two main Pillars, whereon all the Reformed Churches of Europe seem to depend, is to us rather the Envy than the Doubt of our Adversaries now at the Court of Rome, and lately of England, not only to weaken, but wholly to root out even the Name of Protestant, each Man's private Diurnal, as well as our publick Annals, do sufficiently Testifie; nor is the Breach made by the restless Malice of our Enemies (urg'd by a late Opportunity) in the Laws and Liber­ties of these Kingdoms, so effectually made up as to free us from the Suspicion and Fear of a more dangerous Relapse. What therefore remains, but that we apply such Reme­dies, as shall not only for the present Ease us, but for the future Secure us. Lenitives have, to our cost, been too long thrown away on the Canker'd Hearts of our Irrecon­cilable Enemies. God's Providence, not our Swords, proving the only Antidote a­gainst their Poyson. The present Persecution of the poor Protestants in Ireland, is but as a Prologue to their intended Miseries, had it not by Providence been timely pre­vented: nor did the Laws and Liberties of the People of England, seem a sufficient Sa­crifice to their Hungry Zeal for the present, unless by Methods as Sophistical as their Doctrine, they might bind and secure them to Posterity. We have seen the Cor­ruption of Judges (those Betrayers of their Country,) the Oppression of the Bishops, (those Pillars of the Church,) the Abuses of most of the great Offices (Civil and Mi­litary,) private Cabals, and publick Grievances; and all to promote a Faction as uneasie, as contrary to all Moral Conversation. Let us therefore, Gentlemen and Fellow Soldiers, with Courage and Constancy, Oppose and Disarm these common Distur­bers of the Peace of Christendome. If our Adversaries boast of French Supplies, and Irish Succours (while you are resolv'd and united in your Hearts:) I value them not; I fear not the Strength of the One; and, I thank God, can Laugh at the Malice of the Other. Let us vigorously tread that Path, which God Almighty seems to have pecu­liarly mark'd out for us. If there be any of you, that either distrust your own Cou­rages, or are dissatisfied with the Cause you have undertaken, I freely give you Liber­ty, and fase Conduct to your several Abodes. I will, My Self, be both the Spectator and Rewarder of all your Actions; resolving to be the Personal Example of your Cou­rage and Resolution. I Exhort and Command you to be Dutiful and Obedient to your several respective Commanders. To forbear, on pain of Death, all Fraud or Pillages of the Citizens; and to be careful and vigilant in your several Posts; and, as I believe, you are sufficiently satisfied with the Justice of our Cause; so, by the help of God, which I chiefly Exhort you constantly to Pray for) I doubt not of a happy and speedy [...]uccess, as in other places, so in London.

LONDON, Printed for G. R. 1688.

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