WHereas Our Royal Proclamations bearing Date on the Twenty third Day of February, and on the Twenty second day of this Instant March, Issued for the Apprehending several Persons therein Named, who, with divers other Wicked and Traiterous Persons, had Entred into a Horrid and Detestable Conspiracy, to Assassinate and Murder Our Royal Person; several of which Persons have beén since Apprehended, and some of them have Suffered the Iust Punishment of the Law, for such their Horrid and Wicked Conspiracy, and others remain yet undiscovered (Viz.) Sir George Barclay, who is Lieutenant Colonel of the late King James's Horse-Guards in France, a Tall thin Man, about the Age of Sixty Years, of a Ruddy Complexion, is Lame of his Right Hand; Dinant, Major George Holmes, a Short thick Man of a fresh-Colour, Aged about Forty Years; Durant a Waloon, who is a Middle-sized Black Man, Thin Faced, betweén Thirty and Forty Years of Age, has very Black Eye-brows, speaks Dutch and French very well; Bryerly, who is a Middle-sized Man, of a Brown Complexion, very slender, has a short Nose, and very wide Mouth; Chambers, who is a Scotch Man betweén Thirty and Forty Years Old, has a hurt in his Hand, and a great Wound in his Breast, and was formerly taken on Board a French Privateér; Davis; Father Johnson alias Harrison, a Priest, who is a Short, Black, Full-bodied Man, his Eyes standing a little out of his Head, Aged about Forty Years; Hare, who is a Black Well-set Man, not very Tall, with a short Nose, Aged about Thirty Years; Counter alias Rumsey; Hungate alias Rogers, who is a Fair Fresh Coloured Man, Middle-sized, Aged about Thirty Years. And whereas We have since the Issuing Our said Proclamations, Received further Information of se­veral other Persons herein after Named, who were concerned in the said Horrid and Detestable Conspiracy; for which Cause several Warrants of High Treason have Issued against them, but they have withdrawn themselves from their usual Places of Abode, and are fled from Justice: We therefore (with the Advice of Our Privy Council) have thought fit to Issue this Our Roy­al Proclamation, hereby Requiring and Commanding all Our Loving Subjects to Discover, Take and Apprehend the Per­sons above-named, and also Meldrum, a Well-Set Man, with a Large Nose, and Large Eyes, Aged about Thirty Years; Blackburne, a Lusty Man, with a Round Face, Aged about Thirty Years; Richardson, a Well-Set Man, with a Wide Mouth, very Smooth Face, his Hair Dark Brown, Aged about Thirty Five Years; Hanford, a Tall, Black Man, with his own Hair; John Maxwell, a Little Man, with Darkish-Brown Long Hair; Plowden, a Middle-sized Man, with a Long and Thin V [...]sage, High Nose, speaks very Broad; William Berkenhead, a Middle-sized Man, with a Little Face, and Brown Complexion, about Fifty Years of Age, he has gone by the Names of Fish, East, West, South and Baker, and was formerly a Custom-House Officer, wherever they may be found, and to Carry them before the next Iu­stice of Peace, or Chief Magistrate, who is hereby Required to Commit them to the next Goal, there to Remain until they be thence Delivered by due Course of Law. And We do hereby Require the said Iustice or other Magistrate immediately to give Notice thereof to Vs or Our Privy Council. And for Prevention of the going of the said Persons into Ireland, or other Places beyond the Seas, We do Require and Command all Our Officers of the Customs, and other Our Officers and Subjects of, and in the respective Ports and Maritime Towns, and Places within Our Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, That they, and every of them, in their Respective Stations and Places, be Careful and Diligent in the Examination of all Persons who shall Pass, or endeavour to Pass beyond the Seas. And if they shall Discover the said Persons above-named, or any of them, then to cause them to be Apprehended and Secured, and to give Notice, as aforesaid. And We do hereby Publish and Declare that whosoever shall Conceal the Persons above-named, or any of them, or be Aiding and Assisting in the Concealing of them, or Furthering their Escape, shall be, for such their Offence, Proceéded against with the utmost Severity according to Law. And for the Encouragement of all Persons to be Diligent and Careful in endeavouring to Discover and Apprehend the said Persons, We do hereby fur­ther Declare, That whosoever shall Discover and Apprehend the Persons above-named, who were mentioned in Our said for­mer Proclamations, or any of them, and shall bring them before some Iustice of Peace, or Chief Magistrate, as aforesaid, shall Have and Receive, as a Reward, the Sum of One thousand Pounds promised by Our said Proclamations; which said Sum of One thousand Pounds, the Commissioners of Our Treasury are hereby Required and Directed to Pay accordingly. And We do hereby also further Declare, That whosoever shall Discover and Apprehend the Persons above-named, who were not mentioned in Our said former Proclamations, or any of them, and shall bring them before some Iustice of Peace or Chief Magistrate, as aforesaid, shall Have and Receive as a Reward the like Sum of One thousand Pounds, to be Paid in such manner, as aforesaid. And if any of the Persons above-named shall Discover and Apprehend the said Sir George Barclay, Johnson alias Harrison, and Major George Holmes, or either of them, so as they may be brought to Iustice, We do hereby Declare, That every Person making such Discovery, shall have Our Gracious Pardon for his Offence, and shall Receive the Reward of One thousand Pounds, to be Paid in such manner as aforesaid.

God save the King.

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1696.

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