His Majesties MOST GRACIOUS SPEECH To both Houses of PARLIAMENT, On Tuesday the Seventh Day of November, 1693.

I Am always Glad to meet you here, and I could heartily wish that Our Sa­tisfaction were not lessened at present by Reflecting upon the Disadvan­tages We have received this Year at Land, and the Miscarriages in Our Affairs at Sea. I Think it is Evident, That the former was only occasio­ned by the great Number of Our Enemies, which exceeded Ours in all Places; For what relates to the latter, which has brought so great a Disgrace upon the Nation, I have Resented it extremely, and as I will take Care, that those who have not done their Duty, shall be punished, so I am Resolved to use My ut­most Endeavours, that Our Power at Sea may be rightly Managed for the Fu­ture. And it will well Deserve your Consideration, Whether We are not De­fective both in the Number of Our Shipping, and in proper Ports to the West­ward, for the better Annoying Our Enemies, and Protecting our Trade, which is so Essential to the Welfare of this Kingdom.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

I Am very sensible of the good Affection wherewith you have always assisted me, to Support the Charges of this War, which have been very Great, and yet I am perswaded that the Experience of this Summer is sufficient to Convince Us all, that to arrive at a good End of it, there will be a Necessity of Encreasing Our Forces both by Sea and Land the next Year. Our Allies have Resolved to add to Theirs, and I will not Doubt, but you will have such Regard to the present Exigency, as that you will give Me a suitable Supply to Enable Me to do the like. I must therefore earnestly Recommend it to you, Gentlemen of the House of Commons, to take such timely Resolution, as that your Sup­plies may be Effectual, and Our Preparations so Forward, as will be Necessary both for the Security and the Honour of the Nation.

Edinburgh, Re-printed by the Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printers to Their most Excellent Majesties, 1693.

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