A LETTER, From WILLIAM King of England, to the Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland, at their Meeting at EDINBURGH.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

WE are very sensible of the Kindness and Concern that many of your Na­tion have Evidenced towards Us, and Our Undertaking for the Pre­servation of Religion and Liberty, which were in such imminent Dan­ger; Neither can we in the least doubt of your Confidence in Us, after having seen how far so many of your Nobi [...]ity, and Gentry, have owned Our De­claration, Countenancing and Concurring with Us in Our Endeavours, and desiring that We should take upon Us the Administration of Affairs, Civil and Military; and to Call a Meeting of the Estates, for securing the Protestant Religi­on, the antient Laws and Liberties of that Kingdom, which accordingly We have [...]one.

Now it lyes on you to enter upon such Consultations as are most probable to settle y [...]u on sure and lasting Foundations, which We hope you will set about with all c [...]venient speed, with regard to the publick Good, and to the general Interest and I [...]nations of the People, that after so much Trouble, and great Suffering, they may Li [...]e Happily and in Peace; and that you may lay aside all Animosities and Fa­ctions, that may impede so good a Work.

We were glad to [...]nd that so many of the Nobility and Gentry, when here at London, were so mu [...]h inclined to an Union of both Kingdoms, and that they did look upon it as one o [...] the best Means for procuring the Happiness of these Nations, and settling of a lasting Peace amongst them, which would be advantagious to both, they living in the sam [...] Island, having the same Language, and the same Common Interest of Religion and Liberty, especially at this Juncture, when the Enemies of both are so restless, endeavouring to make, and increase Jealousies and Divisions, which they will be ready to improve to their own advantage, and the ruine of Bri­tain. We being of the same Opinion, as to the usefulness of this Union, and ha­ving nothing so much before Our Eyes, as the Glory of GOD, the Establishing of the Reformed Religion, and the Peace and Happiness of these Nations, are Resol­ved to use Our utmost Endeavours in advancing every thing which may Conduce to the Effectuating the same: So we bid you heartily Farewell, From Our Court at Hamptoun, the seventh day of March, 1688/9.


Edinburgh, Printed in the year, 1689.

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