Certain Questions of no mean Consequence propounded to M r Edward Bright, to which the Author partly for his own satisfaction, and the Consciences of many which are justly offended doth Demand a speedy answer, or is ready, to prove him a false reporter of God, a Seducer of souls, a Blasphemer of the Church of England, a Timeserver, one that maketh gain godlinesse, and Merchandizeth the Word of God.
1. WHether you do think, that you are bound in Conscience (according to the precept of Saint Peter, 1 Pet. 3.15. Be ready alwayes to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope, that is in you, with meeknesse and reverence, Vers. 16. Having a good conscience, that when they speak evill of you, as of evil doers, they may be ashamed which slander your good conversation in Christ: And also the pattern of Saint Paul, Acts 28.22. Who upon the like request made no more adoe, but presently appointed a day for the performing of it) to give some reasonable satisfaction to their just demands, which take themselves to be offended at some of your bold affirmations which both, publikely and privately you have not shamed to deliver; which have tended only to the seducing of many ignorant, though well affected souls from their duty of Obedience, to the shaking of their Faith, and weakning their Religion, which they have been taught and iustructed in, in the Church of England, to the kindling the Coales of hatred and separation among their Brethren, to the sounding of the Trumpet to sedition and rebellion. Which I premise upon these considerations, following;
First, Out of fear lest you should refuse it, having done the like already to a letter which I wrote unto you in Latine, because of your impediment in hearing; whereby I found you unfit for any conference, which you returned me again with this short reply, That you would neither receive, nor answer any; which seemed unto me contrary to the ingenuity of a Scholler, and the Discipline of a Minister, being it contained a religious dispute concerning Obedience, How far an ignorant mans conscience might be satisfied in performing it to Laws Ecclesiasticall; and savoured either of pride, that you would not, or of ignorance, that you could not, or of underhand dealing, and most pernitious policy, that you durst not answer it, lest one way or other you had betrayed your self unto the state, or been deserted of your Disciples.
Secondly, Out of hope, that if you do it substantially and faithfully as you ought, it will confirm your followers in those opinions, they have suckt from you, in which they cannot walk doubtfully without danger to their souls; or if simply and slovenly, as I expect you should in so bad a cause, it will release them from the bonds of their captivity, under which your counterfeit holinesse, Hypocriticall zeal, forged insinuations have hitherto holden them, that they may return to their ancient liberty of conscience, and to the right path of Obedience.
And thirdly, We for our parts shall from thenceforth cease to think or speak evill of your sect, or as you assume it, to slander your godly conversation, for if you prove them, our mouthes shall be stopped; but if you fail in that, our sayings shall be found true and no slander.
2. Whether you do beleeve that the religion of the Church of England, is the true Orthodox Religion, and in all the Articles of Doctrine, agreeable to the Word of God; because you have been heard to say in the Pulpit, that now was the time to change their Religion; by which saying you must either prove our Religion to be false, or your self a seducer of souls from the truth.
3. Whether you do hold, that any of the Ceremonies of the Church of England, which have been by unquestionable Authority commanded to be used in the service of God, be Idolatrous, [Page 12]or a worshipping of Baal, (for you have implyed as much, when you said of the Defenders of them after an ignominious manner, Let Baal plead for himself;) which if you dare avouch, I demand farther, Whether they were not Idolatry ten yeers agoe, as much as now; and if then, Whether you by practising of them, were not an Idolatrous Priest, and by holding of your peace, and not crying our against them untill now, a cunning dissembling Idolater, when as neither fear, nor favour should have stopped your mouth, or restrained you from crying out against such a crime: and if you impute it (as some of your followers) to the times of your Ignorance, Whether did you not take your self to have had your calling to the Ministery from God, before these yeers last past; and if you do, whether such asin can stand with such a calling: And whether now you be deservedly counted so holy a man, so faithfull a Preacher as the people cry you up for, having formerly been so odious an Idolater, and not yet acted your repentance upon the stage of the world, as such a crime doth require, nor been absolved by any Church, nor restored again unto your Ministery, as the Ancient Canon doth command: If you deny that ever in your Judgement the [...]e was any Idolatry in them, there are multitudes of your disciples will have the better opinion of them, and of the Church that enjoynes them; but the worse of you; reserve not your determination till the times shall be more open for you, but as becomes a Christian Minister of Gods Word, and one that it behoves to be resolute against fear or flattery, tell us plainly what we may trust to, to be your opinion.
4. Whether do you hold, that Bishops are Antichristian, and that the order of Episcopacy is the spirit of Antichrist; which some of your faction have in their Pulpits affirmed, and unto which affirmation, Whether have not you among many others, which are reported to have done it, solemnly, and secretly entred into a combination, that you will never consent unto that Government again; And what do you think of all the Christian Churches which have been for 1500 yeers under that Government; and whether were those ancient Bishops of the Primitive times, and those of our Church in Queen Maries dayes, Martyrs [Page 13]for Christ or no; and whether Antichrist could dye for Christ, or those be saved themselves, having not first put off their Antichristian calling, or could they be saved thorow ignorance, having not repented them of their being in such an order; for either they did know it to be a sin, or did not know it: if the first, why did they not publikely confesse and repent? if the second, how could they?
5. Whether do you hold, that your justifying your selves, and condemning of your Brethren, doth stand with the charity of a Disciple of Christ, or rather the vain-glory of a Pharisee, since the Apostle saith, 2 Cor. 10.7. If any man trust in himself, that he is Christs, let him consider this again of himself, that as he is Christs, even so are we Christs; have you by any Divine Law, Commission to judge others, which stand or fall to their own Master; or to sever the Wheat from the Tares, seeing it is our Masters Command, that both be let grow together untill Harvest, when he will appoint his Angels to do it? or to dissubject (as you call it) any one from Christ? And because you once proudly told me, that I (which am by the law of this Land rightly invested in my Parish Church, whereto you never had any title at all) was not called thither, either by God or Man, but that you were by both, whereby you have disparaged my Ministery in the place where I live; I require you to give satisfaction to these particulars.
1 Whether you can tell the secrets of the heart, and the preparations of the same, wherein doth consist internall Vocation, which are known only to God; or whether can you be justified in judging them not to be at all, ubi non constat de malo; in both which you commit no small sin, but either against Christian Charity, or of Arrogant presumption.
2 Whether do you hold our externall calling now practised in our Church to be unlawfull, a nor [Page 14]coming in by the door as you call it; and so condemne all the Ministers thereof for Theeves and Robbers.
3 Whether your first coming to be a Curate to this place, being by the commendations of one private man, your admission by entreaty gained from the former Incumbent, your approbation gotten among some Mechaniques only, ignorant and unlearned Tradesmen. Women and Children, (there being divers, Gentlemen and Schollers in the Parish, whose consent you neither have had, or must ever look to have hereafter) be either a sufficient warrant for you to presume your own calling is from God, or prove that you are lawfully called by the people.
6. Whether do you hold that there is any obedience for conscience sake due to the temporall Magistrate in matters Ecclesiasticall which tend only to the Ceremony of Religion, and are no wayes repugnant to the Word of God: if there be none, you deny the Kings Supremacy: if there be, why do all your Disciples (whom you must either disclaim being yours, or else learn another lesson) pretend so much their conscience against their obedience? either you must substantially prove them repugnant to the Word of God, or be reproved your self for suffering so long their erroneous conscience, in a matter of such consequence, as obedience is: And whereas you told me, that in all matters belonging, not only to the substance, but to the Ceremony of Gods Service, there must be an affirmative precept immediately commanding them in Scripture, or that they are not to be admitted; It behoves you to cleer this necessary Question; Whether things in their own nature indifferent may not be commanded by the Magistrate, and of necessary consequence challenge, obedience for conscience sake, according to [Page 15]the precept of the Apostle, Rom. 13.5. Which if you deny, you take away all power from the civill Magistrate, which can be only versed about things indifferent (all things that are commanded or forbidden in Scripture, being to be obeyed without any respect to the Magistrate at all, and immediately binding the conscience:) if you confesse you shall make many return to their obedience, which stand at this time seduced from it; wherein you shall do God and your Countrey good service, for from you they will sooner receive satisfaction, of whom they have so good an opinion; or else you shall make them to forsake your society as being your self now, no Minister of faction, and declaring that such which will not be satisfied, but perversly stand out, are not worthy to retain any Communion with you; for in matter of such importance, as you are to satisfie the weak, so you are to reject those that are refractory, and wilfully contentious.
Lastly, I do think it a work worthy such a Minister of God as you would be, to declare openly unto the world, what that conscience is, which is so much pretended against Obedience, and wherein it consists, that we may know whether it be not false and erroneous; because I finde the consciences of others which are much better informed to make no such scruples; which makes me think it may in many of them proceed ex ignorantia aut vitio; and also what that Idolatry is, with which they charge all outward service of God, and lay horrible blasphemous imputations upon the Church of England, which are not to be endured by any of her sonnes. I do but desire to know whether you be right in your determinations, that I may follow you also; or wrong that I may help to restore you: you, and I shall not be benefited alone, but many others shall be confirmed with us. Let not fear, nor favour, nor gain, which are by a true Minister, to be counted base respects, deterre you from this work; It will tend undoubtedly to Gods glory, to settle so many doubtings, which like furies walk up and down in so many of our breasts; you cannot pretend your want of leasure, since you have no cure of soules to attend unto. Wrong not your self so much, as to refuse it, there will many imputations lye upon you if you [Page 16]do; and if you do it, whether well or ill, we shall be confirmed and a multitude of souls with us, either with you or against you; if the first, we shall return to unity; if the second, we shall go on with constancy, with true faith to God, obedience to the Magistrate, and good conscience towards all, which unfainedly desireth to do