IACOB found in a desert Land: OR, A RECOVERY Of the Lost out of the Loss (truly manifested;)
Wherein is discovered the work of the Lord in the Creature, and how I travelled through the night of thick darkness, which hath over spread the whole world; and of my deliverance out of darkness into the true Light and Truth: Wherein is witness my heavenly Call into the Ministry of the everlasting Truth.
Given forth for the everlasting Name of the Lord sake, and for their sakes, who desire to know the Truth, and how I came into the Truth; that they that can believe it may receive some satisfaction, (out of which all despisers and unbelievers are excluded.)
By a witness of the same in Life and Testimony, who am a sufferer for the pure Seed sake, who am known to the sons of men by the name of George Whitehead; in contempt, by the generation of despisers, called, a QUAKER.
With a few words to them who have any desires left in them to know the Truth, whether they be in forms of profession, or out of forms, that they may see themselves, and return from their evil.
Also a Voyce of the Thunder of the Lord from his holy Temple, uttered forth to the Inhabitants of the Earth, who are in the Army of the Dragon (whether Rulers, Teachers or People.)
LONDON, Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the Black Spread-Eagle at the West-End of Pauls, 1656.
IACOB found in a desert Land:
Or, a Recovery of the Lost out of the Loss, Deut. 32.10, 11, 12. (truly manifested;) wherein is discovered the work of the Lord in the Creature, and how I travelled through the night of thick darkness, which hath over spread the whole world; and of my deliverance out of darkness into the true Light and Truth, wherein is witnessed my heavenly Call into the Ministry of the everlasting Truth.
BEhold the wonderous work of the Lord God, what he hath done for me according to his own purpose, through his eternal love and freegrace to me ward, in bringing his Seed to Immortality, and my soul from under the powers of death, hell and the grave, and restoring the Creature into the Covenant of his seed, and bringing it from under the bondage of corruption; which for several years together I was under, and subject to vanity, and my heart was led astray from the living God, and I lived without the fear of God, according to the course of the world, as the Children of disobedience do, in whom the [Page 2]Prince of the Air rules, among whom I was a stranger to the Life of God, and under the wrath of God, a Child of disobedience, who knew not whither I went, for I was a Child of darkness, and could not comprehend the Light, nor follow the Light, though in darkness it shined, and did often reprove me for sin and disobedience, and condemned me for having followship with the unfruitful works of darkness; yet the Creature being over-ruled and subjected to vanity, by the power of the Serpent, and the affections and desires led away from the Light of Christ, with him who led into wickedness, and there was no power sought truly after, nor received, whereby to resist the wicked one; but still he prevailed against me while I was in the corrupt nature, where the Curse had power: and I was brought up, according to the manner of the world, in the traditions and rudiments of the world partly, in natural learning, and to that for a time I applied my mind, according to my parents and kinreds desire; so that for a time I grew and increased in that learning, though many vain traditions I learned, and in vain books, and foolish clauses, and verses, as others did, I learned, and did please my Tutors; and in that learning exceeded many others who learned with me, and got the praise and estimation of many people of the world, for that natural knowledge I grew into through learning; whereby for a time the flesh did glory, and pride got up, and deceit over-ruled; and that was nourished in me which was for death and destruction, and oftentimes when I was among other Children, who minded sporting, and gaming, and playing, who would have enticed me to the same, and sometimes did fall into playing with them, yet oftentimes I was troubled in mind, and I was not satisfied, for often I was reproved by the true Light in me, which I then knew not, and thereby I was restrained somtime from conforming with other Children in their ludeness, for which I became sometime a reproach and an object of hatred to some of them: and I was then made to believe, that God would bring me to judgment for the wickedness and vanity I had been in, and sometime [Page 3]I was smitten with fear and terror, when I was but a few years of age, when my wickedness was laid before me, and brought into my remembrance, by that Light, which I knew not, which condemned for sin, unto which Light my Conscience also did bear witness, and my thoughts did accuse me when I thought of what I had done in unrighteousness: But when I forgat reproof, and hearkened to the wicked, who did alwayes strive to make me enter into their wickedness, then I suddenly was led into vanities, and practised vain mirth and sportings, and so was one with them, who made merry over the Witness of God, when his grace was turned into wantonness: But as for many gross and common pollutions of the world, which many others was and are guilty of, I was kept from acting in, and did strive to keep out of, so that then I was scoffed at by some of the heathen, who lived in drunkenness, and excess, and great prophaness, when I could not joyn with them in their excess of riot; but the same ground of rebellion was in me then, though not so far got out into the actions, and oftentimes from my childhood I was afflicted with sickness, and the hand of the Lord was upon me, whereby I was plagued and smitten inwardly, and saw then that it was what I deserved for the sin that I had been acted in, and I desired often that I might come to true Repentance for my sin, and have endeavoured much to find it, yea, with tears, but could not, while my heart was led away to obey the will of the Devil, and so the desires in me, which was after Repentance and amendment of Life, they were often quenched through the deceitfulness of sin and the subtilty of my souls enemy, and thus was the Creature and the soul held under the power of darkness: And near about the the age of fourteen years I was put to teaching of Chidren in natural learning, and taught Children till after I knew the Truth, knowing it to be serviceable in its place for Children, as there was a necessity for it, so as that Children be brought up in good nurture, and in the fear of the Lord, which in his fear, when I came into the Truth, I did strive to bring those Children up in whom I taught, and with diligence [Page 4]then I did labour in that calling till I was called from it.
And in the time when I was led away captive to fulfil the will of the wicked one, I went much after the worlds Teachers, and heard them, and had got a part in their profession, and spended many times in hearing them day after day, till I was often weary with following and hearing them teach their own traditions, and much what they had gotten out of other mens writings, and added their carnal Inventions to the Saints words, and raised their Uses, and Applications, and Doctrines, and Arguments, and Propositions, and Motives, as he did, whom for several times I usually heard in the Steeple-house at Orton in Westmerland, who had deceived me and others under his Ministry, though he be of great estimation in the world, and other Priests, in the same nature with him, I heard several times: But something in me was not satisfied with their Ministry, for I was alwayes learning there, and could not know the Truth, as many others under their Ministry are; and often while I was in the hearing of some of the worlds Teachers, my spirit was troubled, and when they gave people some of Davids Conditions to sing, I could not sometime joyn with them in singing, knowing I was short of what they sung in meeter concerning David, what he passed thorow, and how it was with him, when he was in sorrow, and affliction, and joy, and in his deliverance from corruption, which the Priests caused people to sing, who both themselves and their hearers are short of, when in their singing they told God, it was so with them as it was with David, which often I durst not, least I should have told God lies: And when I grew something weary with those Priests, and that profession which I had gotten under their Ministry did wax old, then I began to see them to be gross and wicked in their practises and lives, and I saw that the Scriptures witnessed against them in many things they practised, who themselves spake against pride and covetousness, and yet lived in them, as their practises and lives made and makes them manifest,
And then I went to hear some, who were separated from them, who was gotten into higher forms than the Priests, and were got above the traditions and carnal Ordinances which the Priests do practise, and had a more true form of words than they, and yet it was but a little time that I followed such, for my soul was not satisfied there, and that of God in me was then in prison, and not ministred unto by them, who were in their notional knowlede, above the Light and Life of Christ, and what they ministred to was but death, and the carnal mind by that ministry was fed, and that spoak and got the Saints words to speak off, which had no right to them, and still the Witness of God in my Conscience pursued me, that in my mind I could not be quiet, and it often ministred condemnation to that nature in me, which they, who did run before they were sent, did promise life and speak peace unto, but here I had no peace, and thus in the unstable mind I was tossed too and fro with windy doctrines, which for a time was pleasant to that mind which fed in them; but that pleasure did wither, and they were as a tinkling Cimbal, or sounding Brass, which passed away, and that profession which in the forms I had gotten did wax old.
And when I was near about the age of sixteen years, being in the year, as accounted, 1652, it pleased the Lord God to send some of his Messengers, called Quakers, through his own free Love to me wards, which in me was and is witnessed, and received, by his own Seed, whom he hath gathered unto himself (in the North Country) where it was scattered, Jer. 23.8. which is reproached by the world and called Quakers? But when I first went to hear these Messengers of the Lord, being then led to hear them by a principle of God which I knew not then, but through them the Word of the Lord was ministred unto me, and the Witness of God in me did witness and answer to the same; which I did really believe, and my understanding was opened by the word of power, which through them was ministred, and I then saw that they were Witnesses of the pure Truth of God, and saw that the Scriptures did [Page 6]witness for them, and for the Truth which they held forth and ministred, which long before I had sought after, but could not find it, while I was led from the Light of Christ in me, by blind Guides and Hirelings, who had made a prey upon me, so that what the Messengers of Christ did minister was effectual in me, whereby I was turned from darkness to light, and this I received as the Word of the Lord, Rom. 10.8 and not as the word of man, for it was the Word of Faith, and it was nigh me, even in my heart, which in the love of Christ, wherein it was ministred, I received, and it through Love did work in me and was effectual, for by it the vails was rent, and at the appearance thereof light was divided from darkness in me, and then I knew where my Guide and Teacher was, which comprehended darkness; by which Light my mind was informed, and I brought to wait on the teaching of God within, which in the light I received, and through faith was subject to, and here I saw the war which I had to pass through, and the strength of the Serpent and his wisdom, wherein I had been acted and seeding upon the Tree of Knowledge, where I was separated from the Life of God, and had no right to the Tree of Life, while I fed there; but when the vails was rent, and I saw the strength of the Enemy of my soul, then I saw the Judgment of God upon the Prince of the World, and upon those imaginations, and that wiseom, wherein I had been lead from the simplicity and light of the Gospel, to obey the Serpent, and to hearken to the voyce of strangers; but the Seed of God took root, and was treasured up in me, and in the power of the Lord it arose in me, and wrought effectually, and here I received the teaching of God, and heard his voyce, and by his power the earth was shaken, and the foundation of that wisdom wherein I had been, and to that I became a fool, that I might be wise in the living Knowledge of God, whose thunders in heaven and voyces which did run through the earth I heard, and saw famine and barrenness in the earth as a barren wilderness, and in simplicity I was made willing to wait upon God, and to endure the Cross of Christ, though for a time [Page 7]and times the enmity of the wicked one was strong against me within and without, seeking to devour that Seed which through the Word of the Lord was begotten in me; Isa. 57.15. and 66.9. but the Power of the Lord waxed great in me, whereby I was brought low into the fear of the Lord, and made often to tremble at his Word, which Power grew plentiful in me, through the Faith of the Son of God, which waxed strong and plentiful in me and thus by the faith of the operation of God, the Lord carried me on in obedience to him from faith to faith, and the mysteries of God and his Kingdom was revealed in me, who brought me out of darkness through the wilderness, where the man-child was preserved for a time, and times, and half a time, from the wrath of the Dragon, who would have slain the man-child: Isa. 9.6. But now is he arisen in his power and zeal, and the Prince of the world is cast out, and he is born, which is the everlasting Counsellor, the prince of Peace, who hath sent war, and the fire, and the sword into the earth, but hath accomplished the war, and established peace in the earth, and with his glory fils the earth, and hath brought back the captivity of his Seed, and manifested his good will towards me, Gal. 1.15, 16. in whom it hath pleased the Father to reveal him, who hath made manifest his eternal love in me, and wrought deliverance for my soul, and hath brought salvation and plenteous redemption to me, Luke 4.18. whereby the captive out of the house of bondage is delivered, and hell is conquered, Heb. 12.27 28. and death and the grave overcome, and that which was shaken removed, and the Kingdom that cannot be removed given me, and the Creature with the Seed of God is restored into the everlasting Covenant of God, and he is slain who had the power of death, who did subject the Creature unto vanity in hope.
And this hath the Lord done for me, whom he hath known and foreseen, for his Seed sake in me, Rom. 8.29. and for the love of his own Son, who did enlighten me, and conformed me to the Image of his own Son, who is the first-born, and my foundation, and a Rock of defence to me and to all, who believe in him, and receive his testimony, who can set [Page 8]to my seal that God is true, Joh. 3.3 whose Righteousness hath looked down from Heaven, and Mercy and Peace hath he established in the Earth; and now is such called the People of God, Rom. 9.25. who was not his people, and that which was barren brings forth and rejoyceth, and this I witness, as one who have obtained mercy through the Redemption of Christ Jesus, Isal, 54.1. through whom my Lot is fallen unto me in a pleasant place: and now hath the Lord brought me into the fruitful hill of Sion, where his praise is exalted, in the Immortality of his own Son, who is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, Mat. 19.29 Mark 10.29.30. who liveth and raigneth for ever and ever, whose testimony I am made to witness; for which cause the Lord hath called me from my native Country, and from my Fathers house, and from outward riches and the honour of the world, and hath redeemed me out of kindreds, tongues and people, and to publish his Name and Power among the Inhabitants of the earth, and to witness his salvation to the ends of the earth and to minister good things to the Seed which God is gathering from the ends of the earth, and to call people out of darkness, and from among deceivers, who have long made a prey upon them, and to turn them to the true Light, John 1.9, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, that through the Light they may believe, and be delivered out of deceit, and out of the mouths of dumb Shepheards, who eat up the sin of the people, and who have made and makes merchandize of the people through covetousness with feigned words; 2 Pet. 2. and to my testimony thousands will seal and witness against the changeable Priests, and Hirelings, and Diviners, and Deceivers, that are in the world, and to judge the Whore, who hath deceived the Nations with her Inchantments, and to torment the Beast, and plague the false Prophet, whose judgment, and torment, and misery is now begun, and will never have end, for the word of the Lord is made manifest, and his testimony is given, which I witness, whom God hath set to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant; and this is the Covenant of the Lord God unto me, Jer. 1.10. which is to [Page 9]them that turn from iniquity in Jacob, Isai. 59.21: his Spirit which is upon me, and his word which he hath put in my mouth, Heb. 11.25 shall not depart from me from henceforth and for evermore; Rev. 13.7. though for the everlasting testimony of God I suffer affliction with the people of God, and do endure the envy of the Beast for a time, who hath power for a time to overcome the Saints, yet through these sufferings, 2 Cor. 6.4, 5. and imprisonments, and beatings, and abusings, and cruel mockings, and despiteful usage, which I endure in the body, I am approved of by God in the work of his Ministry, for which cause, and for whose sake, I am not onely willing to suffer affliction, but also to lay down my life, and the sufferings of this present time is not worthy to be compared to the glory that is revealed in me, and through all these sufferings I am made more than a Conqueror.
Let all the Saints and Righteous ones rejoyce with me for evermore, and witness forth the praise and glory of our God, for his Kingdom, and Glory, and Dominion is come and Judgement sits, and the great Whore is judged, and Babylon is come in remembrance before the Lord, who is confounding it, and giving her double of his fury forher abominations, of which all Nations have drunk, who gather themselves together against the Lamb and his Tribe, but he shall overcome them, for they know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they his Counsel, for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor, therefore arise. O Daughter of Zion, and thresh with thy new sharp threshing Instrument having teeth, for the Lord is making thine horn iron, and thy hoof brass, and thou shalt beat in pieces many people, and tread down, and raign over the Nations, O Remnant of Jacob, who art despised of the people, and hated of the seed of the wicked, plague the Earth, and thresh the false Prophet, and the Beast; for wo is unto them and all their off-spring, and wo unto the Inhabitants of the Earth, and of the Sea, for the Devil is cast out unto them, and hath great wrath, because he knoweth his time is but short; but rejoyce ye heavens, and ye that dwell therein, over Mystery Babylon, and [Page 10]over the great Whore, for her judgment is begun, and the smoak of her torment shall ascend up for ever and ever, Allelujah, and Glory to the most high for evermore.
Thus was I moved by the Spirit of the living God to give forth, for the simple ones sake, who are groping in the dark, whether in forms, or out of forms, who are not satisfied, but yet have some desires to know the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus, who is the Way the Truth and the Life, which whosoever follows shall not abide in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life; and there shall be no occasion of stumbling, but by the Builders, and by such as live in the wisdom of the flesh, and are wise in their own eyes, he is rejected, and to them become a Rock of offence, but to them that believe in him, and follow him, he is a Rock of defence, and become the head of the Corner, the chief Corner-stone, and true foundation, and the Author of salvation.
From me, whose desire is for the good of souls, who would not the death of finners, but rather that they should turn from their wickedness and obtain remission of sins; I am a sufferer for the everlasting Truth sake, and for the good Seed sake, by which I am witnessed in my suffering, and for whose sake it is effectual, and through my suffering the Truth of God is exalted, Rev. 2.10. though it be contrary to the envy of the wicked one who cast me into prison; where I have been a sufferer above a year, and have endured exceeding much abuse by Tyrants, and am not convinced of the breach of any known Law that ever could be laid to my charge, either at my Imprisonment or since: But the Lord is my Refuge, though I have no helper in the earth.
A few words to them who have any desires left in them to know the Truth, whether they be in forms of profession, or out of forms, that they may see themselves and return from their evil.
TO you that live without the knowledge of the true God, and know not his power, neither are come into the life of the Saints in light, you who are groping in the dark, you go you know not whither, and have long been seeking, and have not found satisfaction nor rest to your souls, for whose good my desire is; my message I declared unto you, That God is light, John 1.5. and in him is no darkness; and he hath sent his Son into the world a light to bring out of darkness, Iohn 1.9. and out of the deeds of darkness, he is the true light, wherewith he lighteth every man that cometh into the world, and he is the power of God to salvation to them that follow him, and believe in him: therefore every one of you return to the true Light, and with it search your selves, and try your wayes, for now is the Lord visiting you, and now is he calling you out of darkness, and to cast off the unfruitful works of darkness, and to break off your iniquities by true repentance, that therein you may not perish but have life in the true Light; and this is the love of God to the world, which they that refuse, and chuse to go on in stubbornness and enmity against the light, which reproves them for their wickedness, it is their condemnation, Iohn 3.19. for they hate the light because their deeds are evill, and they will not bring their deeds to the light, least it should reprove them; and these want [Page 12]power to overcome sin, and to slay the enmity, and they go on in darkness they know not whither, and they are in unbelief, & there they are excluded from the Life of God, let them profess what they will of the Prophets, or of Christ, or his Saints, or their words; & here the light hath no fellowship with darkness, nor with them who hate it, and love darkness better than light, and such find no power over their wils, nor over their lusts, nor vile affections, because they deny him who is the Power of God; and among such the powers of darkness have dominion, and destruction is in their wayes, and the curse and wrath of God abides upon them, John 3.36. Isai. 42.6. and 49 6. who hate the Light, they despise the Covenant of God which Christ the Light is given for, and such are seduced and kept from the knowledge of the pure God: and these are without God in the world, which lives in wickedness: therefore all you, in whom there is any desires remaining after the living God, and to know his power, return to the Light of Christ within you, and it will let you see, Eph. 4.17. how you have spent your time, and where your hearts are, and how you have been tossed to and fro in the dark, and your minds have been exercised in vanity, and by the subtilty of the Serpent, for his kindom of sin you have been reasoning, and could not find a way out of it, Rom. 8, 20. and yet the Serpent hath put you in hope of mercy and forgiveness of sins, though you go on in sin in your life time, and do not find the nature of sin subdued; this is he who beguiled Eve, Gen, 3.4. and said, ye shall not surely die (though they eat of that which God had forbidden) but take heed how you hearken to his voyce, either within you, or in his Messengers without you, least you be beguiled with his subtilty, and left to the eternal wrath of God, in the guilt of your sins, which guilt remains so long as sin remains, and so here the Covenant of God you reject, and puts of redemption, and despises the day of healing; and here is presumption, and self-willedness, and conceitedness, and pride, and covetousness, and perverseness lived in, and here the grace of God is turned into wantonness, Jude 4. and the lust of the flesh rules, and the members are subject to vanity, [Page 13]and the fear of God you are out of, 2 Tim. 3.13. and you going on in that nature, contrary to the Light, you wax worse and worse; and here the will of the Devil you fulfil, who is the Author of sin, and so you deny Christ and his coming, who is made manifest to destroy the works of the Devil, and to take away the sins of the world; 1 John 3.5.8. though you may profess Christ and his doctrine in words, yet your profession will not hide you, John 1.29. 1 Pet. 2.9. 1 Tim. 6.3, 4, 5. nor save you from his judgment and wrath which upon the ungodly must come; and you that apply your minds to disputings and vain janglings about the Saints conditions, and what they practised, who you your selves are out of the Saints life, and can get no further than the form of godliness in words, and many of you scarce to the true form; you are in the many opinions, and sects, and vain contendings, and with that spirit you contend which is out of the truth, and which is ignorant of the Life that gave forth the Scriptures, and here there are so many opinions and differences, that poor ignorant people knows not what way to chuse, nor which is the truth; you are the unstable minded, and you are in your own wils, which are contrary to the Light, and to the Saints conditions you are strangers, and have nothing to do to talk or dispute about the Saints, 2 Pet. 1, 21. and what they spoak as they were moved by the Spirit of Truth, and were in the Life of what they spoak, and knew him, 1 Cor. 14.33. who is not the Author of confusion, and contention, nor strife, but of peace, and they knew him to be the life and substance of all figures and types; and he hath abolished in the flesh, Eph. 2.15. the Law contained in Ordinances, for to make in himself of twain one new man so making peace: Gal. 4. but you that are turned from the light, and do live in your carnal imaginations, and conceivings, and rudiments, and beggerly elements of the world, Col. 2.20. and carnally have been imagining to find or meet with Christ there, you are strangers to the knowledge of God, and his Law within you, you disobey and reject, so all your profession, and all your duties, and will-worships, the Lords denies, and the light condemns them, and there you find no peace, for that light which condemns you, for [Page 14]your erring from the pure Law of God, it pursues you, and brings trouble upon you, and shews you darkness, and that you are short in life of what you profess in words, and though you profess that Christ died for you, and that he hath born your iniquities, yet the Light will let you see, that you are not dead with Christ, as he was to the flesh, the world and the devil, who entered not into temptation, and so you are alive in your sins, and the bloud of Christ you trample in, Phil. 3.10. and are enemies to his cross, whose minds are earthly, and so your iniquities are upon your selves, and Christ is not guilty of them, nor of your bloud; but his death and suffering witnesseth against you: and whose sins Christ hath nailed to his cross, they are crucified and blotted out, and neither the action nor the guilt of sin remains in such, and whose sins Christ takes upon him, and nails to his Cross, Rom. 6.2. 1 Pet. 2.24. it is, that they being dead unto sin may live no longer therein, and it is such that have right in the death of Christ, and suffer with him, and take up the Cross, and deny themselves, and follow him: But thou, who in words professes Christ and his death, for thee, examine thy self, and see how far thou obeys his doctrine, and takes up the Cross: He commanded to love thy neighbour as thy self; Math. 5. and to his he said, do good to them that hate you, and he said, swear not at all, and in all your communications, let your yea be yea, and your nay be nay: see how far thou canst own this in life and practises; and if a man smite thee on the one cheek, turn to him the other also: and if a man sue thee at Law and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also: and he that taketh away thy goods, Luke 6.30. ask them not again; and be ye perfect, as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. But there is much reasonings against these things by the Children of disobedience, who disobey Christ, and walk contrary to his doctrine for self and for self-ends, though in words they may profess Christ, and say, they desire to follow him: but all such are shut out of the Scripture and Life of Christ, and condemned with the righteous Law, which was added because of transgression, Gal. 3.19. which Christ came to fulfil, and not [Page 15]to destroy, and he that transgresseth any of the least of his Commandements is guilty of all: and he that transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God: and he that saith he loveth him, 1 John 9. and keepeth not his Commandements, is a liar: and he that saith he abideth in Christ, ought also to walk as he walked: so with the Light all the world and its profession is seen, and judged, and condemned: therefore all you, in whom there is any desires after the living God, come out of the world to the true Light, wherewith you are enlightened, and profess nothing but what you live the life of, least you be found in hypocrisie, and with the hypocrites and dissemblers you be rewarded in the fierceness of the wrath of God: Now you are warned, repent, and bring forth fruits meet for repentance and amendment of light, for you all have a light from Christ, wherein if you believe and love it, and as it arises wait in it, and here you will know the way to life, and know your Teacher to be the Lord, who hath given you a light to guide your feet into the path of life, and rest for your souls, and to know your Redeemer living, Christ Jesus, and to deny the worlds Teachers and worships and profession, which are all witnessed against by Christ Jesus, Mat. 25.30 Rom. 2.5, 6. and by them whom he hath chosen out of the world, which light if you hate it, and love darkness better, it will be your condemnation from God, and from his knowledge, and from his Children, and Saints in Light, and utter darkness will be upon you, who go on in hatred against the Light, and there your torment and misery will be exceeding great, and you will know that God is clear when he Judges you, and executes his fierce wrath upon you, which the wicked cannot escape:
A Voyce of the Thunder of the Lord from his holy Temple, uttered forth to the Inhabitants of the Earth, who are in the Army of the Dragon, (whether Rulers, Teachers, or People.)
O All ye Inhabitants of the Earth, high and low, rich and poor, great and small, who lives without the fear of God in the fall, and take pleasure in your unrighteousness, and will not submit your selves unto the Scepter of Righteousness, nor come under Christs government, but set your selves against the way of Righteousness, in the enmity of the Dragon that old Serpent, and with the Beast, who hath his power and seat from the Dragon, sets your selves to make war against the Lamb of God, and his elect; the terrible day of the Lord is proclaimed against you, a day of the Trumpet of the Lord, which is sounding forth against you; a day of war and controversie with you Inhabitants of the Earth, who live in carelesness and prophaness, who sport your selves in the day time, you heady high minded ones, who live in pleasure and riotousness, who are in the pride of life, and exaltation, and heady high mindedness, who despise the Truth, and hate reproof, and will not be reformed of your evil wayes, but hates him that rebukes in the gate, and abhors him that speaks [Page 17]uprightly, and perverts true judgment, and would not be judged for your wickedness, but rather chuses to go on in the servitude of him who is your Captain and Leader in unrighteousness, in hatred against the Truth, and the setvants of it, to mock and reproach and despise them, and to persecute the truth, and the servants of it, some in in slandering it, and backbiting the servants of it, and some in persecuting and despitefully! using and imprisoning the Saints of the most high God, who witness forth his Name among the Children of men; you are all in the Army of the Dragon, and are fighting again the Lamb, and striving to suppress his Truth, that you might go on at ease in your wickedness.
But though the Servants of the Lord suffer, and Christ be imprisoned and suffer as a Lamb among you for a time, through his long forbearance towards you, yet will he arise like a Lion, and avenge his quarrel upon you, and he will tear and devour the wicked, and overthrow the Dragon, and destroy all his off-spring, who are resolved to make war against him, in Righteousness will he make war, and in wisdom will he plead his cause, and ease him of his enemies. Behold the day of his war and contraversie is begun already, and his hand will not spare, nor his eye pitty, nor his sword return, till he hath accomplished his Decree, and overthrown his enemies, though he hath been slow to anger, and great in suffering for his Seed sake, which he is gathering out of the world; yet now is his hand stretched out against Sions oppressors, and he will punish the world for their sins, and will utterly overthrow the Beast, and the false Prophet, and the conquest shall be his.
Fear, fear and tremble, O all ye Inhabitants of the earth, who are at enmity against the pure God, for your Leader will fail you, and you will not be able to stand before the mighty God in his dreadful presence; now is his Thunders uttering, and his Trumpet a sounding, and his Arrows are pollished, and his Sword is furbished, and his [Page 18]Arm is strong, Psal. 7.13. and his Wrath is waxing hot against the persecutors, and his Host is mighty, and Camp is very great, and his Day is exceeding terrible, who can abide it, all the Powers of the earth will not be able to stand in the day of his Battel, Jude 14, he is coming with ten thousand of his Saints to execute judgment upon the world, and to quit himself and his elect of all their Adversaries, and utterly to overthrow their oppressors, though his elect and chosen and faithful ones endure great afflictions and long-suffering, Luke 18.7. yet their prayers is heard, and their cries is entered into the eares of the Lord of Hosts, who will not at all acquit the wicked, but will render his wrath with fury, and his rebukes with flames of fire. Wo, wo to all you that are set against him, behold his day cometh swiftly with wrath and fury, as a destruction from on high upon the ungodly: Now is his sanctified ones called, and an ensign is lifted up to the Nations, and the day of vengeance is proclaimed, which hasteth greatly.
Let all Nations fear and dread before the Lord of Hosts; for they are all as potters vessels before him, who will dash them to pieces, and rule them with a rod of Iron, and he will have the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession, Psal. 2. and sweep away all evil doers, and hew down all fruitless trees, and bind the tares in bundels, and burn them, and there shall none be able to deliver from the power of the flame of his fiery indignation, which is kindled against the rebellious and crooked uncircumcised generation.
Consider this all ye Inhabitants of the earth, high and low, great and small, Rulers, and Teachers, and People, who persecute the Innocent, and hate the Truth, and among whom many of the innocent Servants of the living God do suffer cruel usage, and imprisonment, some have suffered till death in prisons for witnessing forth the Truth and a good Conscience, and many yet suffer in prisons and holes in this Nation, where their lives are sought to be made [Page 19]a prey upon by Tyrants. O how will you answer these things before the dreadful God, who set your selves in the work of the Dragon, to war against the Lambs of Christs fold, and against Christ, for the Beast and his Kingdom behold inquisition will the Lord make for the bloud of his Saints among the bloud-thirsty ones, who hate, persecute and imprison his dear Children, who are as dear unto him as the apple of his eye, who forgets not their sufferings, who for his sake loves not their lives unto death, who are counted as sheep for the slaughter, and willingly bears the affliction and reproaches of Christ, Col. 1.24. till his sufferings be fulfilled in their bodies, though it be to death and perishing of the outward man, 1 Pet. 5.13. unto whom this day of the Lords wrath and controversie, which is coming upon the wicked, will be a day of deliverance, a day of gladness, a day of joy and rejoycing for evermore; but a day of blackness, Mat. 5.10, 11.12. and terror, and pain, and anguish to the oppressors of his Seed, who war for the Beast, and the false Prophet, Rev. 14.9, 10. Rev: 20.10. who shall be cast into the Lake which burneth, and there be tormented for ever and ever: here is the patience, and faith, and innocency of the Saints, who follow the Lamb whither ever he goeth, through sufferings and tribulations, blessed are they that are not offended in him.
Let all that follow him, and suffer for his Name, who are faithful through suffering, whatsoever they endure for his sake, stand in his power, and might, and zeal, over all the powers of the earth, and over the wrath of the Dragon, and over the beast, though for a time he hath power to wear out the Saints of the most high, Dan. 7.25. and think to change times and laws until a time, and times, and the dividing of time: But the Judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it unto the end, and the kingdom, and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom, under the whole Heaven, shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high, whose kingdom [Page 20]is an everlasting Kingdom, and all Dominions shall serve and obey him.
Let all the Saints and faithful ones be valiant and of good chear, whose travel and war is for the Lamb of God, who shall overcome all the powers of the Earth, and stand in his might and power and rejoyce for evermore, in him who is getting himself the dominion, whose right it is, for he is worthy to raign and rule, who is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords: Let all the powers of darkness fall before him, and greatness be ascribed to his Name, who is King over all the Earth.