WHITBY, in the North-Riding of the County of York, is a Sea-Port, commodiously Situated near the Mid-way between Humber, and the River of Tine; in which distance, being One hundred Miles, there is not so safe and convenient a Harbour, were the Peeres Repaired; it being capable of Harbouring above Five hundred Sale of Ships at once: And whereas it is now much Choaked up with Sands, were the Peeres Repaired, the forceable Floods of the River Esk, coming from the Hills about, would keep it open, so as to be of great Service and Benefit to the Northern Na­vigation, both from Storms and Enemies, the In­habitants of that Town being as forward as any to assist in all Cases of Danger: And is now, one of the principal Nursery of Sea-men and Fisher-men on these Coasts, having at this time, One hundred and twenty Sail of Ships and Vessels, of Three hundred and fifty Tuns Burthen, and down­ward: Yet so it is, that they having no Fund, nor are of Ability to Repair the said Peeres of themselves, do therefore Humbly beg of this pre­sent Parliament, to grant them such Relief as in their Wisdoms shall seem meet.

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