Uncle that will beare you out in't? O fearefull saith the Malignant, what words are here? But I prethee consider what has been done with what hath been spoken, canst thou dislke of the words when thou thinkest of the actions? must the fowlest things that can be, be set forth in the fairest phrase that may be, is Theft commendable, is Rape tollerable, and is not Murther damnable? And I prethee how comes it to passe that these are so rife in England? must the Actors be forborn, the councels wink'd at, and the Authoritie approv'd off? This were the way indeed to gaine the love of our Enemies, and dissemble our selves to nothing. but the Kings person thou saist is hated, ti's by Thee then and thy Fraternitie that strive to keepe him in the road of ruine, we that speake plainely meane honestly, perhaps you pray for him (now) more then we doe, but whilst your hearts are wrong, your pray­ers cannot be right. We pray hartily that God would be pleased to dispeirce the Cloud, and discover the light to him, we pray that God would make him fit for our pray­ers; and when we have prayed him into another conditi­on, wee'l pray for him after another Fashion, when hee shall come in to his Parliament, and goe forward with the Worke he hath begun there, when he shall sit as a King in his Throne, and make it appeare by his Government that he sincerly aimes at the glory of God, and the good of his People, then hee shall have the highest roome in our hearts, and wee'l pray earnestly (as you doe now) that God may prosper him in all his Actions.


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