Die Veneris 20. Martii. 1645.
WHereas it is thought fit, that sixe weeks Pay be made to Colonell Massey, Commander in Chiefe of all the Forces for the Westerne Association, and the Forces under his Command. And whereas the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Westerne Association have reported, That twenty thousand pounds is (as they conceive) a fit proportion for that service; Be it Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled, That the sum of twenty thousand pounds, for the Pay of the said Forces, together with interest after the rate of eight pounds per cent. for the same, at the end of every sixe moneths, untill full payment thereof be made, shall be paid in course, out of the Receipts of the Grand Excise, unto such person or persons, their Executors, Administrators and Assignes, who shall lend or advance any sum or sums of money for the use aforesaid; they paying in the money by them so advanced or lent, to Nathan Wright, and Francis Lenthall, appointed Treasurers to receive and disburse the same; which said Nathan Wright, and Francis Lenthall, shall disburse the same Moneys so lent by Warrant of the Committee of the West, whose Warrant for disbursing of the same, shall be a sufficient discharge to the said Nathan Wright, and Francis Lenthall, their Executors and Assigns. And it is Ordained, That the acquittance or Note of Receipt of the said Nathan Wright, and Francis Lenthall, to the person or persons so lending or advancing any sum of money, testifying the Loane or advance of the said Moneys, entred with the Commissioners and Comptroler of Excise, for the time being, within sixe daies after the Date of the said Notes, shall be a sufficient Warrant to the said Person or Persons lending the said Moneyes, their Executors and Assignes, to demand the said Moneyes so lent or advanced, with interest after the rate aforesaid, from the Commissioners of Excize for the time being. And it is Ordained, That any person or persons who shall advance any sum of money by way of Loane, upon this Ordinance, or to whom any shall be assigned, his and their Executors, and Assignes, shall have power to Assigne the Money to them due, or any part thereof; And such Assignee his Executors or Assignes, shall be thereby intituled and inabled to demand, receive, and give discharge for so much as is to him or them assigned: And the Commissioners of Excize shall make payment thereof accordingly. Provided that such Assignment be made in writing, and entry thereof made with the Commissioners and Comptroller of the Excise, for the time being, who shall at the request of any person or persons, make such entry: and before such entry made, such Assignement to be of no force.