Whereas divers Statutes were made, viz. • 1. Car. 1. Against unlawfull Assemblies for Pastimes upon the Lords-Day. , • 3. Car. 1. Against Carriers, Butchers, Drovers, Carmen, &c. For abuses committed by them upon the Lords-day. , • 21. Jac. 20. Against prophane Swearing aud Cursing. , • 1. Jac. 9. 4. Jac. 5. 7. Jac. 10. 21. Jac. 7. and 1. Car. 4. Against Tipling and Drunkennesse. , • 3. Car. 3. Against unlicenced Ale-houses. , • 4. Jac. 4. Against selling Ale and Beer to unlicenced Ale-houses. , • 33. Hen. 8. cap. 9. Against unlawfull Games. , and • 2. and 3. Phil. & Mar. 9. All Licences to keep houses for unlawfull Games shall be void.
ALL which good and wholesome Laws having of late yeers been much neglected and little observed, for that they have received very rare and slow execution, to the great dishonour and displeasure of Almighty God, through the frequent multiplying of many notorious offences within the populous City of London, and the adjacent parts thereof, which by the said good Laws are forbidden upon severall penalties.
These are therefore to authorize and command you the bearer hereof, to enter into all such houses and places as you or any of you shall suspect, for the most effectuall execution of the said Statutes, or any of them, with such other person and persons, as you shall think fit for your assistance. And upon your, or their view, or lawfull testimony given to you or them, of any offender or oftenders against the effect and true meaning of any of the said Statutes, to take and apprehend every such offender and offenders, and bring him or them personally before me, or some other His Majesties justice of the Peace, or other Officer, as by the said Statutes, or any of them are respectively appointed or assigned for the punishment of the said offenders, to answer such Objections as shall be made against them, or any of them. Willing and commanding all Constables, Officers, and other His Majesties loving Subjects to be ayding and assisting unto you in the due execution hereof. Whereof they may not fail at their perils. Dated this [...] day of Anno Dom. 164
And to all Constables, Officers, and other His Majesties loving Subjects hereby authorized, and to every of them within the said [...]