Ludit in humanis divins potentia rebus.
As it was Printed at OXFORD by H. Hall, 1645.
To the Friendly and Judicious READERS.
YOU have here (at the request of some Honourable Personages) an Astrologicall judgement, upon the future successe of His Majesties present Martch begun the seventh of May Instant. It is delivered in Generall Termes, for I neither will nor dare descend to Particulars: that would require the knowledge of many things, besides His Majesties Nativity, which I may not presume to meddle with; It being in it selfe both unlawfull and very dangerous to publish any thing concerning the particular fortunes and Destinies of Princes. For this Thrasybulus, Ascletarion and Gauricus, were much to blame; the first whereof foretold the Destruction of Tiberius the Emperour; the second, of Domitian; the third, of Bentivola in Bononia: So likewise the Priest that caused the Rumour of the future Murthering of Galeacius Sfortia Duke of Millaine, who were all of them worthily rewarded for their folly. And so ought Master Lilly and Master Booker to be for their pernicious Pamphlets, wherein their sole endeavour hath hitherto been by most disloyall and ambiguous Phrases to animate and hasten on the Rebels and other Conspirators to plot and attempt Mischiefe against His Majesty, whereas an honest and discreet Artist ought not to divulge any thing (especially of Princes) that may any way tend to endanger their Persons, but either not to meddle at all, or else to deale privately with the Prince himselfe; and then also to adhere to Cardanes Rules in his book De astrolegicis Interogationibus: ‘[Page] Principine magnum malum firmiter unquam praedixeris, sed periculum.’ Howbeit Cardane himselfe dealt more plainly, and therefore more dangerously with Edward the Sixth, as appeareth in the Judicials of his Nativity given out in the beginning of his Duodecim Illustres Geniturae.
But neither Cardane (notwithstanding he was a man of extraordidary credit) nor any other personall example can warrant any other private men to intermeddle with the Nativities of their Princes, otherwise then is before limited, or upon the Princes speciall command. And yet if in this respect or any other the Art happen to be abused by some Spurij (non verifilij) Artis, it hath but the same fortune that other arts and Sciences have: And the Lawyers Rule is, That abusus non tollit usum. The bounds of which limitation I presume I have not any way exceeded in this Discourse, which be pleased to accept as followeth.
A Celestiall Scheame, or Figure setting forth exactly the true position and state of the Heavens at the time his Majesty began his Martch.
Fortitudes and Debilities of the Planets, according to their scituation in the Figure.
- Being in his terme. 2
- In the 9. House. 2
- Direct. 4
- Swift. 2
- Orientally. 2
- Free from Combustion. 5 17
- Weake by reason of his fall. 4
- In his Terme. 2
- Decade. 1
- Tenth House. 5
- Direct. 4
- Swift. 2
- Freedome from Combustion. 5 19
- Debilitated by reason of his detriment. 5
- Under the Sun-beams. 4
- Direct. 4
- Swift. 2
- Freedome from Comb. 2 8
- Peregrine. 5
- In the twesth. 5
- Occidentall. 2 12
- In the tenth House. 5
- Peregine. 5
- Slow in motions 2 7
- In her House. 5
- Triplicity. 3
- In the tenth House. 5
- Direct. 4
- Swift. 2
- Free from Comb. 5
- Occidentall. 2
- In ☌ with Cap. Algol. 5
- Under the Sun-beams. 4 9
- In his House. 5
- Triplicy. 3
- In the tenth House. 5
- Direct. 4
- Swift. 2
- Free from Comb. 5 24.
- Occidentall. 2
- Free from Comb. 5
- Peregrine. 5
- In the fixth House. 4
- Slow in motion. 2
- Decreasing in light. 2
An Astrologicall Judgement upon His MAIESTIES Martch.
BY this distribution the Fortitudes and Debilities of every Planet in the precedent Coelestiall Scheme are easily gathered: It followes then that we likewise confer them amongst themselves according to the respective Numbers of their Fortitudes and Debilities; that at may yet more manifestly appear, which of them are most strong and fortunate, which most weak and infortunat, and accordingly how they succeed one another in strength and power.
First then, the Planet Mercury of all the rest is simply most strong and fortunate in the Scheme. For if the number of his Debilities be deducted from the sum of his Fortitudes there still remaineth 22 Testimonies of strength, which no other Planet obtaineth in the Figure.
The next in dignity is Venus, who hath 17 Testimonies; then Saturne and Jupiter, who are both very powerfull; the first of them being endued with 13 the latter with 10 Dignities: Mars and the Sunne are both but weake in respect of their Essentiall Dignities: yet for some Circumstances very cousiderable in this case, the Sunne may be said to be the stronger, which being generally taken is a good and laudable token.
The Moone of all others is the most debilitated, her Detriments exceeding her Fortitudes by 8, which will prove very advantagious to His Majesty, as hereafter shall be noted. And thus much generally touching the constitution of the Planets in the Figure.
Now to descend more particularly to the present matter: We are (in this case) principally to consider foure things.
First, the Ascendent of the Scheme, which is the Significator of the City from whence his Maiesty began his March: From which house we are to collect the condition and state of this City during his Maiesties absence.
Secondly, the 10 House, which (according to Haly) is the Significatrix of the journey: And from this we are to deduce our judgement of his Maiesties successe during the time of his March.
The Third thing to be considered is the 7 House, by which we are to judge how his Maiesty is likely to be received in those parts where his Army shall passe, and of his successe against the Enemy.
And lastly, the fourth House; whereby we are to informe our selves of his Maiesties successe in the returne.
‘Vnde si quis istorum locorum melior, & fortunatior fuerit factus, significat bonitatem in illa sua significatione: Et si quis fuerit malè afflatus & u [...]cens, significat damnum in ill a sua significatione. Vid. Haly, pag. 328.’
As concerning the first, we finde the 22 degree of the Regall signe Leo at that instant ascending our Horizon, Cor Leonis in the Ascendent: And the Dragons [Page]Head in the very Cuspe thereof: And the Sun (Lord of the First House) not unfortunately posited in the South Angle of the Heavens: Which is the house of Empire, Rule, Dignities, Offices, and Arts, &c. And he environd with the two Benigne Planets Jupiter and Venus, who likewise behold the Ascendent and are free from any configuration with the Malevolents. These are evident and undeniable Testimonies of the Honour and safety of this famous Vmuersity and Citie of Oxford; And of the care and vigilancy of those that are intrusted by his Majesty with the government thereof: Of the Fidelity, Courage, Industry, and necessary Expence of her Inhabitants for the Defence of it: And of their conformity to such wholsome Orders, as either are or shall hereafter be made by the Wisdome of the Councellours for the good and Benefit of the City.
In a word, All the good our hearts can wish for is promised us by the Scheme. I hope the seasonable care taken, and the Directions already given for prevention of the Sicknesse will adde very much to our happinesse: Some strange kinde of Mortality must be expected this yeere in most Cities and great Townes, throughout the South, South-East, and South-West parts of this Kingdome: But especially let London be forewarned of her misery: She is much (and that deservedly) threatned. You may heare more of her after the 23 of May instant, for from thence doth the Influence of Saturnes Transite our of Aries into Taurus begin to operate.
As touching the second thing here considerable, which is the tenth House; we may observe the ninth Degree and 31 min. of Taurus Culminating, which is the House and Triplicity of Venus; wherein also she is most fortunately seated within 3 Degrees of the Cuspe thereof, beholding the Ascendent, free from Combustion, or any configuration with the Malevolent Planets; being Direct and Swift of Motion, and Orientall of the Sunne: To her (therefore) may we justly attribute the signification of his Maiesties Martch: Who being (by nature) Benevolent, by her Essentiall and Accidentall Position so fortunate: We cannot pronounce lesse to his Maiesty, and his whole Army, then a wonderfull happy, prosperous and successefull Martch, And contrarily exceeding much Feare and Terrour, dissipation and utter Ruine to his Enemies.
The Dragons Head in the Cuspe of the Ascendent tels us, ‘quod habebit honum antequam se inde moveat, & in principio It neris, Haly par. 3. pag. 108.’ This was verified it part by that gullant Encounter with the Enemy, performed (with so good successe) by the Right Honourable the Lord Goring neere Newbridge the same seventh day; occasioned upon his Maiesties Motion hence.
The Generality of this good to his Maiestie and his Army, is further confirmed by the Powerfull presence of Jupiter, the Sun, and Mercury in the South-angle; and the unfortunate Positure of the Moone in the Figure, &c.
‘Artabari dixit: Si quando Rex, vel alius voluevit capere inimicum qui sit valoris minoris co; statuat ☽ in ☌, aut ☍, vel in via combust. aut cum ☊, vel ☋, &c. Et sol sit salvus & p [...]rus ab infortuniis & in medio coeli sint fortunae; Etiam si quando magis infortunata fuerit ☽ crit peius & maius damnum pro illo inimico, quia ☽ est significatrix Populi, &c. ac servorum, Haly, page 340.’
We have here (as before we noted) the Sunne, both the Fortunes, and, Mercury [Page]safely seated in the Mid-heaven: And the Moone (who naturally, (and in this case especially) signifieth the many-headed-monster Multitude, (such persons as in January 1641. tumultuously assembled themselves (to the hazard of his Maiesties royall Person) to cry for Blood in the Termes of Justice; those who through their pretended zeale to I know not what, have brought the curse of God upon themselves and the whole Kingdome, first by slaying the Innocent in cold Blood, and ever since by Engageing their Persons and estates in this most unnaturall and Bloody Warre against his Maiesty.) The Moone, I say, who is the naturall significatrix of such meane Capacities is in the 6 House very sick (Master Lilly) and nigh to the Dragons Tayle. These Positions will puzle and stupifie the misguided Commonalty, and make them know theres such a thing as Allegiance.
More particularly; the Sun thus posited, and also Mercury being free from Combustion and the Infortunes; And the Dragons head so neere the Cuspe ascending; ‘Salvationem corporis, agilitatem, & gaudium in Itinere fignificant, bonamque fiduciam, & applicari ad id quod vult. Haly, page 324.’ Jupiters Position in the 10 House confirmes the same. Haly page 328.
The Moone Lady of the 12, and moving betwixt the 8 degree, 34 min. and 21 degr. 26 min. of Aquarius, gives us to understand that His Maiestie shall receive much contentment by certaine Messages brought him from Foraigne parts; and that he shall receive some sudden and unexpected supply of by the meanes of some that assimulate the condition of his Enemies: and withall this comfort; That His Maiesty shall be exceeding successefull in besieging of Towne; Castles, or Forts, and in pursuing the Enemy. See Haly, pa. 346.
Mars his Sextile to the Sunne Lord of the Ascendant, (which happeneth the 18 day of May) will encourage our Souldiers to advance with much Alacrity and chearfulnesse of spirit; and to shew themselves gallant in the most dangerous attempts.
The Ascendent and tenth house being both Fixed Signes, tell us, That the Martch shall not be so speedy as is expected; but with great deliberation and care of setling the Affaires of the distracted Counties through which his Maiestie passeth. Yet the great dominion of Mercury doth intimate quick Action about the latter end of June, and the most part of Iuly. O! what snaffling there will be amongst the Zelots before the middle of November? How many dayes of Humiliation? what Feares? what Jealousies? what discontents and wranglings? what Murmurings? how many Lyes and Forgeries raised and dispersed to quicken a Dull and Dying Faction?
The next thing (in Order) which we are to consider, is, the Signe and degr. of the 7 House, which in this Scheme is the 22 degr. and 21 min. of Aquarius, the house of Saturne, but Terme of Jupitur, Saturne being in the 9 house of the Heavens in the end of Aries, and in a Sextile with the Cuspe of the 7 House, and in a Quartile with Mars.
‘Si gradus 7 domus fuerit dignitas 4 timebitur & honorabitur & credetur eius verbis a gente illius Terrae ad quam vadit, & erit dilectus, a Gente Terrae ad quam vadit cum gaudio, et laetitiâ.’
Here by the word Gente we must understand the County or Counties principally aymed at by His Maiesty. And this happy reception is further attested by the propinquity of Venus to the Sunne as he is Lord of the Ascendent, and in the House of Kings, &c.
Aquarius being a fixed Signe, tels us that he shal not quickly remove thence, but remaine there some convenient time for the setling of some important Affaires, and a full reducing of those Counties to their obedience.
If any man would be satisfied to what Quarter of the Heavens the designe is intended, although he may guesse something by the Motion which the Army hath already made; yet he may informe his Judgement best by considering the Signes of the 4 Angels, viz. Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio, (which he shall find to be the one halfe Northerne, the other Southern; and also the Signs wherein the Planets are, viz. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo and Aquarius, which are all of them (except the laft wherein the Moone is) Septentrionall. Which will assuredly determine that the Progresse and principal Actions of this Army or the greatest part thereof are like to be Northerly, inclining sometimes to the East, otherwhiles to the West, as the Occasions of Warre requite.
The fourth and last thing to be examined is the 4 House: The Cuspe whereof is the 9 degree and 31 min. of Scorpio, the most viperous signe of the Zodiaque; where Mars hath the Dignities of house Triplicity and Decade; But is unfortunately collocated in the 12 house of the Figure. This position of his ought to forewarne our Commanders to take heed of some Disaster immediately before His Maiesty betake him to his Winter Quarters, It seemes to be the beating up of an Out-quarter, and the surprizall of some few of our Men, who value their ease more then their safety: I will say no more: But I hope the Diligence and vigilancy of our Commanders may prevent the danger.
And now to sum up all: It is most apparent to every impartiall and ingenuous Judgement; That (although His Maiesty cannot expect to be secured from every triviall disaster that may befall his Army, either by the too much presumption, ignorance, or negligence of some particular persons, which is frequently incident and unavoydably in the best of Armies) yet the severall Positions of the Heavens duly considered and compared amongst themselves, as well in the prefixed Scheme as at the Quarterly Ingresses, doe generally render His Maiesty and his whole Army unexpectedly victorious and succesfull in all his Designes: Beleeve it (London) thy miseries approach, they are like to be many, great and grievous, and not to be diverted, unlesse thou seasonably crave pardon of God for being Nurse to this present Rebellion, and speedily submit to thy Princes mercy; Which shall be the daily prayer of
POSTSCRIPT. Since the Impression of the Starry Messenger, and before its publishing, I received an Oxford Pamphlet, to which I returne this Answer, and so send them both into the world together.
An Examination of an Astrologicall Judgement upon His Majesties present Martch, begun from Oxford, 7. May, 1645. Set forth purposely by G. WHARTON to advance their declining condition, to
impedite the Parliaments, and dishearten the City and Citizens of LONDON.
WHile we divide, the Enemy unites; our factions prove their victories, Wharton in behalfe of our enemies appeares publikely, nay requested by personages of Honour (per fas aut nefas) whether he lie or not, so it advance, its no matter: are any so indulgent on our side, &c?
I must begin with his Epistle, wherein the Author professes to deliver his Judgement in generall termes, and yet forgetfull, being not (mendax memor) a lyer of a good memory, he goes on in the whole discourse, assigning and determining the successe of his maiesties martch and his Army in particular words and termes, as appears, Fol. 4. line 20. 21. Fol. 5. line 10. Fol. 6. line 10. In all which places he proclaimes victory, upon victory to His Majestie, and not so much as the losse of one lowse on their own party.
In the next place he soberly dehorts Master Booker and my selfe from adhearing to the Parliament, and tells a tale of a tubb, as of Gauricus, a certaine Priest, &c. That medled with the particular destiny of Princes, and were therefore well rewarded, and [Page]so would he have Master Booker and mee, for publishing pernicious Pamphlets, as this man calls them.
Were I commanded, I would make it apparant, the Parliaments cause shall not want a Champion in Astrology to confute any thing in point of Art that can bee allcadged from the greatest Clerk, in Oxford.
God is on our side; the Constellations of Heaven after a while will totally appeare for the Parliament, and cast terrour, horrour, amazement, and frights on all those Dammee-Blades now in Armes against us, &c. But our Author in his Epistle goes on, and makes it evident, he hath read part of the last leafe in Cardan: whose words he recites, viz Never tell a King of any danger neer unto him: then, its probable, we must say as Ababs Prophets: Go to Ramoth Gilead and prosper: yes. so he did; for there the poor misled King was slaine: I am Master Wharton so farre from your mind, that did I know any suddain danger neer to His Majestie. I would adventure to the hazard of my life through both Armies to give him warning, and so would master Booker.
Doe you Master Wharton read Cardan on the same side, and thereby rectifie your partiall Judgement. In praedacendo, amoveas timorem, odium & amorcm: when you take upon you to praedict to a Prince (as you now in particuler do) neither speak or write out of feare, hatred or love: and you might know what Ptolom [...]y commands, viz: that in every Judgement we beware of flattery and hatred, for that renders the Art fallible, and the Artist scandalous.
You are guilty in the breach of these Aphorismes, while you call our Parliament Rebels, and convert every Judgement to signifie victory to his Majesty: and leave the end of His martch untoucht because you love to speak Placentia: for in truth the scheame it self promises an unluckie end to your so fortunate and so much applauded martch. Doe but read Goclenius in discursu pro Astrolo. Fol. 112. Scotie reges fere omnes: and a little further; Anglorum fere reges omnes; having perused those words, deal plainly with the world, and those Honourable personages at Oxford, which imploy you.
For his Majesties Nativity, I thinke Master Booker and I have some other better imployments, we love not to take paines for so slight a reward as followes the handling the Genesis of a Prince without His consent: but get me publike license, under His Majestie hand, and them George, have at any thing, else not.
His Majesties Martch (as is suggested) began Wednesday 7. May, 1645. 10. 32. A.M.
THe body of the discourse intends two things principally; threatnings against the City of London, victories to His maiestie, or confusion to His enemies, &c.
Not to play the Critick with this University Freshman, or Cavill at his ignorance in collecting the debilities of Venus which he makes more then they are by placing her, in Coniunction with Caput Algol, whose Longitude is 20.54. Of Taurus, vide Orig. 175. Nor is Mercury debilitated by occidentallity: Orig. 540. Nor is Venus fortified by Orienlity, but debilitated: Honest George cannot yet get out of his Horn-book. I begin with his Astrologicall Judgement spued out against London, out of His Maiesties Martching figure: Fol. 4. line 3. London is bereby forewarned of her misery, and deservedly hereby threatned.
Lilly, Well may George have a great Whetston, he well deserves it; out of his owne words its lawfull to beate him, and so I will.
That Gemini is the ascendant of the City of London all Authors agree, and George acknowledged in his first Progg.
That Mercury is Lord of that signe, and simply most strong in this present figure, its his owne words at this time.
Neither is the signe, or Lord thereof afflicted, but on the contrary the most Potent Planet in the figure, yea more dignifyed then Sol or Venus, he is in Conjunction with Jupiter, and in Trine with the Moone who translats the Light and Virtue of Venus to Mercury: now according to George his owne words, Fol. 3. These are undeniable testimonyes both of the safety and honour of this famous City and Citizens thereof, nor doth it in the least particle point out by this his Majestyes martch any danger, losse, misery, or accidents unto them; this Constellation foretells what fame and esteeme the Citizens hereof shall attaine, by being the Kingdomes Bulwarke against Tyranny and Oppression, by releeving the many thousands plundred and pillaged by his Majestyes forces: and that this city shall get into their power one time or other all their enemies, perhaps in a very short time, for we see Mercury disposeth of Jupiter: I seriously avow upon my reputation to the whole Kingdome, this Judgement I give, is, and will prove true according to the Scheame of heaven Wharton hath set, &c. Who prosecutes his story with many invectives alleadged without Art or Judgement, and last of all, invites me to the Combate, with these words, The Moone is in the 6, very sick (Master Lilly) and meere the Dragons tayle, this will teach the Citizens their Allegiance.
An Vtopian judgement Master Wharton, that the afflicted Moone in the sixt should teach us slavery: Our obedience we well know, we have performed our Allegiance, untill necessity inforced us for the Defence of the Parliament and our owne greivances to stand in Armes, and ingage our persons for the Publique Good: but what is this to the thing in question. Master Wharton see to it, there hath beene one Eclips in Leo, there will be another the eleventh of August, Remember George. The last Vomit against the city is an imprecation, that unlesse they submit to their Princes mercy, he like one of Baalls Preists falsely prophesieth such things unto them as cannot be diverted. But in what Apocripha he learned this Astrology, it appeares not to mee; no not out of quarterly Ingresses, which are signifycantly all averse to his majesty and that party.
Master Wharton, having left the City with a curse, begins with full Sayles to tell us, All the good our hearts can wish for is promised by this Sobeame; Stay false prophet, your hearts wish every day for the City of London, and can never have it; he goes on, and tells how his Majesty shall pursue his enemies, besiege Townes, Castles, Forts, Ruine us, have great suecesse in all his Designes: Cum multis aljis, &c.
Lilly. This must needes be a happy election of time, or else George a stickling Prophet, for he pipes out nothing but victory for his maiesty: Be it granted, that the storming of Leiceister hath in part verefied some port of this prediction, (and a little treason besides) yet I deny it was signifyed by this positure, or that the rest of this mans words shall have like successe: Nay, by position of Mars Lord of the fourth, in the twelfe, his Majesty shall not keepe that Town very long, or any else that he may take in this Prophetick martch, without infinite losse on his party: Venus in her house, doth assuredly tell us we shall keepe Evesham taken by plaine valour, and were it not for that accursed Cauda in Aquarius we should seldome be loosers, but be gayners, but Division and Treason have got an habit and live with us, and are your freinds, yea your onely freinds.
The figure doth at the begining promise successe, but the end of this martch will be unlucky, and foreshew some willfull obstinate Commanders on his Maiestyes side, will [Page]afford us an absolute victory over you, George for pure love, I tell you, there is in the Army such as the trayterous Butcher in Leicester. But upon examination, I finde that the Sunne whom George magnifyes so much is in square to the Ascendant, in Coniunction with the Virgilliae, twas no such prime time, observe the end, waite a few monthes, and consider if the Astrologer that elected this time for his Maiesty deserves not more punishment then Master Booker or Lilly: Herein George I will make you Judge, an honour you were never troubled with, nor are capable now, but that the thing is easie. See Guido Fol. 480. Whose words are: When you will elect a fit time for a King, &c. Let not the Sunne or Moone be unfortunate or the Sun in a feminine signe; let him have dignity where he is, the Sun in this scheame is totally unfortunate, so is the Moon an ill Omen (George) to his Maiesty that he will hardly keepe any thing he gets; Oxford, being (Locus a quo) is like to be safe awhile and the Judgement therein good, but you expose his Maiesty to infinite danger. Againe, see in the same Folio these words; Consider saith Guido, if in the same yeare there had beene or will be an Eclips, and in all elections avoide that signe, and let the two Lights be in Trine or Sextill, the more fortunate the Lights are, so much the better, and so the Contrary.
It is knowne there was a Lunar Eclips in January in Leone, the effects thereof began in Aprill, Continue till the end of June, &c. That very Degree wherein the Eclips was, have you elected to be the Ascendant of his Maiestie and his Armyes martch: In August there is a Solar Eclips, &c. In this figure the Moone applyes to asquare of the Sun in fixed signes: Beleeve mee, heare is no continuance of your successes, not the taking of so many Towns, Forts, or Castles, or such routing of our Armyes, as you Master Wharton delude the world with. He was none of his Maiestyes Freinds, that gave Direction for this martch; the sequell will tell you so, ere you returne to your winter quarters if any be left for you, Keep Leicester if you can, July may give it us againe.
After some evacuated Chollar, VVbarton bursts out for very ioy into these wordes, Oh what snuffling there will be amongst the Zelots, before the middle of November. He goes on and derides our humiliation, &c. Do so still and prosper; God will not be mocked, whose Cause we doe maintaine, though I confesse not as it ought to be.
But let me tell you, such shall be our victories before the time limited by you be halfe come, that me thinks I hear the many accursed oaths the dam-boyes spue out both against God and man. Oh what sculking, sneaking, running into Corners, mouse-holes, sawpits, Cunny berries, tossing and tumbling the ungodly out of one County into another, doe I foresee: face about Gentlemen sayes one for our honour, as you did at Newberry, that is with a good pair of heeles, or alls lost say I; Oh the way to Bristoll, from thence to Exceter, then into Cornewall, thence into a safe harbour, if any can bee found for Malignants, Now Master VVbarton I leave you, till again provoked by a more able Astrologer, and I desire you to get into your Accidence against the publishing of the next Journall or else you will be stript out of the remainder of the Prerogative Astrology by Master Booker in his next Almanack; to the totall confusion, and dishonour of the Vniversity that suffer so weak an Artist to be their Standard-bearer; but money and Learning are equally plentifull in Oxford.