THE CLERK OF ASSIZE, JUDGES-MARSHALL, AND CRYER: BEING The true Manner and Form of the Pro­ceedings at the Assizes and Generall Goale-Delivery, both in the Crown Court, and Nisi Prius Court, AND The Right wayes of entering of all Pleas, Verdicts, Judgments, and Orders in either of the said Courts. By T. W. To which is Added An ancient Brief Tract of the Common Lawes of ENGLAND, written in Latine,

LONDON, Printed for Timothy Twyford, and are to be sold at his Shop within the Inner Temple Gate, 1660.


THE Government of this Nation being now again happily brought into its ancient and right Course, and that the Proceedings in Courts of Justice to be in the Kings name, and in Latine, and Court-hand (the good old way.) I have (for the In­formation and Direction of such Officers as are to be im­ployed [Page] for the dispatch of the businesses at the Assizes, and were not well acquainted with the wayes and manner of Proceedings there, in the time of the late King) set forth and published this small Manuel, wherein not onely the Clerk of Assize, and other Associates may be fully furnished with instructions, to discharge the Duties of the severall places: But the Mar­shalls, Cryers, and other the Judges Officers may find all such Oaths and Words as are by them to be administred, & used, both in the Crown court, and Nisi Prius Court. To which I have also added the [Page] way and manner of entring all Orders, Pleas, Verdicts, and Judgments in either of the said Courts: And I doubt not but it will give good sa­tisfaction to such persons as have occasion to use such In­structions, and be offensive to none,


The Clerk of the Assizes, Judges, and Marshalls, and Cryers di­rections: Being The manner and form of Proceedings at the Assizes and generall Goale-Delivery, holden by his Majesties Justices according to the Law and custome of ENGLAND.

FIRST, when the Court is set, the Cryer must make three Proclamations.

Then the Clerk of Assize must cause him to say as fol­loweth,


My Lords, the Kings Justice straight­ly charge and command all manner of persons to keep silence, and hear the Kings Majesties Commissions openly read, upon pain of imprisonment.

Then must the Clark of the Assizes read.

  • 1 Patent of Assize.
  • 2 The Patent of Association
  • 3 The Writ of Admittance.
  • 4 The Writ Si non omnes.

And then must say, God save the King.

Essoines.Then the Cryer must make one Pro­clamation, and say,

If any man will be essoined in Assize of Novel disseisin, Assize of Mortdaun­cester, Certificate of Assize, meis ul­trum, or Attaint, let him come forth and he shall be heard.

Sheriffs re­turns of the summons of Assize.Then the Cryer must make another Proclamation, and say,

Sheriff of the County of L. return the Precepts and Writs of Assize, and Nisi prius to thee directed and delivered, up­on pain and perill, &c.

Then the Cryer must make another Proclamation, and say,

All manner of Persons that have any Writs of Assize, or Records of Nisi pri­us to be put into the Court, put them in forthwith, or none shall be received.

Then must the Cryer make another Proclamation, and say,

All Justices of the Peace of our Sove­raign Lord the King within the County of L. answer to your names at the first call, The forme of calling the Justi­ces and o­ther Offi­cers. upon pain and perill that may fall thereon.

Then the Clerk of the Assize must name them as they are returned in the Callender, and the Cryer must call them.

When they are called, then must the Cryer say, all Coroners of our Sove­raign Lord the King, within the County of L. answer to your names as you shall be called every man at the first call, upon pain and perill that shall fall there­on.

Then they must be called as they are returned in the Callender.

When they are called, then must be called all Stewards of Liberties of our Soveraign Lord the King, &c. by th ir names as they are returned.

After must be called the chief Constables as they are returned, and after them the Bailiffs of the Hun­dreds as they are returned.

Giving unto them their stiles in the first place as all Stewards, &c. And when they are done, all chief Constables, [Page 4] &c. And when they are done, then all Bayliffs of Hundreds, &c.

Then must the Cryer make a Pro­clamation, and say,

My Lords, the Kings Justices straight­ly charge and command all manner of persons to keep silence, and hear the Kings Majesties Commissions of Oyer and Terminer, and generall Goal-delive­ry to be openly read, upon pain of im­prisonment.

Then must the Clerk of the Assizes read the Commissions of Oyer and Ter­miner, and generall Goal-delivery, that done, say, God save the King.

Then must the Cryer make a Pro­clamation, and say,

Calling for return of Inquisiti­ons.All Justices of Peace, Coroners, Stew­ards of Leets and Liberties, and other Officers that have taken any Inquisiti­ons, Indictments, or Recognizances, whereby you have let any man to bayle, put in your Records thereof forthwith, that my Lords, the Kings Justices may proceed.

Then must the Cryer make another Proclamation, and say,

Form of calling the grand Jury.You good men that be impannelled to enquire for our Soveraign Lord the [Page 5] King, for the body of the County of L. answer to your names every man at the first call, upon pain and peril that shall fall thereon.

Then the grand Jury must be cal­led by name, and when they have ap­peared, they must be sworn by the Marshall.

The fore-man must lay his hand on the Book, and then the Marshall gives the oath as followeth.

You as fore-man of this Inquest for the body of this County of L. you shall diligently inquire, The oath of the grand Jury. and a true present­ment make of all such matters and things as shall be given you in charge: the Kings Majesties Councell, your fellowes, and your own you shall keep secret, you shall present no man for envy, hatred, or malice, neither shall you leave any man unpresented for love, fear, favour, or affection, or hope of reward, but you shall present things truly as they come to your knowledge, according to the best of your understanding, so God help you.

The rest of the grand Jury are sworn as followeth.

The same oath which your fore-man [Page 6] hath taken on his part, you and every of you on your behalf, shall well and truly observe and keep, so help you God.

When the grand Jury is sworn, the Cryer must make Proclamation, and say,

Charge gi­ving.My Lords the Kings Justices, straight­ly charge and command all persons to keep silence whilst the charge is in giving to the grand Jury, upon pain of impri­sonment

When the charge is given, the Cryer must make a Proclamation, and say,

All manner of persons that have any Bills of Indictment to put unto the great Inquest, put them into the Court first, that my Lords the Kings Justices may peruse them, or else they shall not be received.

Calling of Prosecu­tors.Then must be called the parties that are bound to prosecute by their Recog­nizances put in by the Justices, that they may get their Bills made against the Pri­soners, and be sworn unto them by the Cryer, and sent to the grand Jury to give Evidence.

All this for the most part is finish­ed [Page 7] the first day in the forenoon, And then the Court rising.

The Clerk of the Goal fileth up his Recognizances delivered in Court, Filing of the Recog­nizances. such as are to prosecute against offendors up­on one file, and such as are for appear­ance of offendors called bailes upon an­other file, and all examinations taken before Justices of Peace upon a third file, and taketh a little Note or Callen­der of them for the ready finding of them out as shall happen.

When the Court fitteth in the af­ternoon, they send for the grand Ju­ry, who when they appear, the Clerk of Assize calleth them by their names, and demandeth of them if they be agreed of any Bills, if they say yea, the Clerk of the Assize bids them present them to the Court, and upon the delivery of them, he saith,

You are content the Court shall a­mend forme, and false Latine, altering matter of no substance in those Bills which you have found.

The grand Jury say yea, and so they go together again.

Then doth the Clerk of the Assize file up the Bills which are found upon Filing the Bills. [Page 8] the file with the Callender and Precept for summoning of the Assize formerly returned by the Sheriff, and that being orderly done, and the Jailor having brought his Prisoners to the Hall,

The Cryer maketh Proclamation, and saith,

My Lords the Kings Justices straightly charge and command all persons to keep silence, for now they will proceed upon the Pleas of the Crown to the arraign­ment of Prisoners upon life and death, and that all persons that have any evi­dence to give against any of the Priso­ners, draw near and give your atten­dance upon forfeiting your Recogni­zances.

Then doth the Clerk of the Assize be­gin with his first inditement upon the file in order, and biddeth the Jailor set the Prisoner named in that Indictment to the Bar; If he be let to baile, and not in the Goal, then the Clerk causeth the Cryer to call him on this manner,

Calling of bailes. A. B. come forth, save thee and thy baile, or else thou forfeitest thy Recog­nizance.

If he appear not, then call the sure­ties on this manner,

J. W. and T. S. with their additions as they are written, bring forth A. B. whom you undertook to have here this day, or else you forfeit your Recogni­zance.

If he appears not, then the Clerk of the Assizes passeth by that Indictment, and calleth to the Goaler to set forth the Prisoner named in the next Indict­ment, and when he is at the Bar, the Clerk of the Assizes saith unto him as followeth.

Thou art here indicted by the name of J. S. for that thou, &c. and so read all the Indictment in English, and then ask him, what saiest thou, art thou guilty of this murder, or what it is for where­of thou stands indicted, or not guilty, if he saith not guilty, Then the Clerk of the Assizes must ask him, how wilt thou be tryed, If he say by God and the Coun­try. Then must the Clerk of Assize say God send thee a good deliverance and write over his head in the Indictment Po. Se. So proceed to the next untill so many are arraigned as will serve for a petty Jury to passe upon.

If any Prisoner [...] arraign­ment confess hi [...] [...] must be writ­ten Confession. [Page 10] over his head in the Indictment, this (Cogn.) and so he is set by till the time of giving Judgment.

If any Prisoner upon his Arraignment doth refuse to be tryed by his Country, and yet plead non cul, then must be writ­ten over his head in the Indictment these words. Stat mutus, and he must be set by till Judgment giving, unless he plead to his Country in the interim.

When enough of Prisoners are arraign­ed to be tryed by a petty Jury then must the Clerk of Assize call to the Sheriff for a pannell of Jurors to try the Prisoners, and then know of the Judge how many he will have tryed by that Jury.

Calling of the Jury of life and death.Then he must call the Jury thus, you good men that be impannelled to inquire between our Soveraign Lord the King, & the Prisoners at the Bar answer to your names every man at the first call, upon pain and perill that shall fall thereon.

When the Jury hath appeared, then must the Clerk of the Assize call the Pri­soners to the Bar that shall be tryed by the Jury, every man by his name, and then say unto them,

Challenge allowed to the Priso­ners.These good men that were last called, and have here appeared, are those that [Page 11] shall passe between our Soveraign Lord the King, and you upon your lives and your deaths, that therefore you or any of you will challenge them, or any of them; you may challenge them as they come to the Book to be sworn, before they be sworn, and you shall be heard.

Then must the Cryer make a Pro­clamation, and say,

If any man can inform my Lords the Kings Justices, the Kings Serjeant, Informati­on for the King a­gainst the Prisoners. or the Kings Attorny, or this Inquest to be ta­ken between our Soveraign Lord the King, and the Prisoners at the Bar of any Treason, Murder, Felony, or other Misdemeanor committed or done by the Prisoners at the Bar, or any of them, let them come forth and they shall be heard, the Prisoners stand at the Bar up­on their deliverance.

Then must the Clerk of Assize call the Jury to be sworn every man severally, Note that every Ju­ror must lay his hand on the Book and look to­wards the Prisoners. Oath of the Jury of life and death. and the Marshall must swear them all severally on this manner.

You shall well and truly try, and true deliverance make between our Soveraign Lord the King, and the Prisoners at the Bar, whom you shall have in charge according to [Page 12] your Evidence, so help you God.

Counting of the Iury.When they are all sworn, the Clerk of Assize must cause the Cryer to count them as he reads their names, and that done, he must ask them whether they be all sworn or not, if they say yea,

Then they must divide themselves at the Bar, some on one side, some on the other.

Then the Clerk of the Assizes must call the Prisoner named in the first In­dictment upon the file, as he hath plead­ed in order to the Bar, and bid him hold up his hand, and then say to the Jury,

Look upon the Prisoner you that be sworn, and hearken to his cause.

Charge of the Iury of life and death.You shall understand that he stands indited by the name of, &c. as in the Indictment, for that he, &c. and read the Indictment as he did upon the arraign­ment, and that done, the Clerk of the Assizes must immediately say, upon this Indictment he hath been arraigned, up­on his arraignment, he hath pleaded not guilty, and for his tryall hath put him­self upon God and the Country, which Country are you, so that your charge is to enquire whether he be guilty of this Felony whereof he stands indicted, or [Page 13] not guilty, if you find him guilty, you shall enquire what Lands, Tenements, Goods, and Chattels he had at the time of the Felony committed, or at any time sithence: if you find him not guilty, then shall you enquire if he did flye for it or not, if you find that he did flye for it, then you shall enquire what Goods or Chattels he had at the time when he did flye for it, or at any time sithence; if you find him not guilty, nor that he flye for it, say so and no more, and hear your Evidence.

Then must the Clerk of Assize direct the Cryer to call the witnesses as they be subscribed to the Indictment. Calling of witnesses.

That done, the Judge heareth the witnesses for the King upon oath, and for the Prisoner without oath, and so they proceed to the next Prisoner, as the Indictments are filed in order, with this difference onely.

When the Clerk of Assize hath read over the Indictment as before, he onely saith as followeth, viz.

Upon this Indictment he hath been arraigned, upon his arraignment he hath pleaded not guilty, and for his tryall he hath put himself upon God and his [Page 14] Country, which Country you are, so that your charge is to enquire whether he be guilty of this Felony whereof he stands indicted, or not guilty, and fur­ther to inquire of him as you had in charge to inquire of the first Prisoner, and hear your Evidence.

And then call the witnesses upon that cause as they are subscribed to the Indictment.

After they are heard then if the Pri­soner desires that any witnesses be heard for him, they must be called also, but they must speak without oath.

When that Prisoner hath done, then they proceed to the next, and so one af­ter another, till the Jury be fully charg­ed.

Reading of Proclama­tions.In the mean time as the Prisoners are upon their severall tryalls, the Clerk that keepeth the Goale Book, looketh out every examination of every Priso­ner as his cause is in hearing, and if it be Evidence for the King, he readeth it to the Jury.

Bill of causes.Also he maketh ready a Note of the Juries names, and subscribeth the Pri­soners names, and their offences as they stand charged, withall underneath the [Page 15] same, and when the Jury is ready to go from the Bar, he delivereth it unto them for their better direction and help of their memory to know who they have in charge.

When the Jury is gone from the Bar, Sending for the grand Jury. if there be not Indictments found e­nough to charge another Jury, the Court doth send to the grand Jury to bring in some more Bills if they are ready, and in the mean time, or some o­ther time when the Court is at leisure.

The Clerk of the Goal Book cal­leth the chief Constables to deliver in their Presentments. Taking the Constables Present­ments.

Which done, the Court taketh the ap­pearance of the grand Jury as aforesaid, and proceedeth to the arraignment of Prisoners and tryalls of them, as before is expressed untill all be done.

When the Jury of life and death are agreed, Taking of the Verdict of the Jury of life and death. and come to the Court to give their Verdict. The Clerk of Assize must first call them by name, and ask them if they be agreed of their Verdict, and who shall say for them, and call the first Prisoner to the Bar, and bid him hold up his hand.

Then say to the Jury, look upon the Prisoner you that be sworn, what say you, is he guilty of the Fe­lony whereof he stands indicted, or not guilty,

If they say guilty.

Then ask what Lands, or Tenements, Goods, or Chattels had he at the time of the Felony committed, or at any time sithence.

If they find any, they must be Re­corded: but their common answer is, none to our knowledge.

If the Jury say, not guilty.

Then ask if he did flye for it or not, if they find a flight, it must be Recorded, but their common answer is, not to our knowledge.

And so must the Clerk of Assize pro­ceed to every Prisoner particularly, which the Jury hath in charge, writing after the words (Po. se.) over the severall names of the Prisoners, Cul. or non cul. as the Verdict is, and then he must say to the Jury, hearken to your Verdict as the Court recordeth it, and then he re­peateth it in this manner.

You say A.B. is guilty of the Fe­lony whereof he stands indicted.

That C. D. is not guilty, and so of the rest.

And then concludeth, and so you say all,

And bid them put in their Bill of causes.

Memorand. Tryall of Riotors and Trespassers. that all Indictments upon Riots, Trespasses, and other misdemea­nors under the degree of Felony, the parties whereunto are either in Prison, or bound to appear by Recognizance; upon their appearance, they must be tryed after the Felons.

And those that are found guilty, the Judge imposeth a Fine upon them, and other punishment as he findeth the nature of the offence.

After all the Indictments preferred to the grand Jury be returned into the Court, or before if leisure permit, Delivering of Priso­ners by Pro­clamation. the Clerk of the Goal calleth over all his bailes that are not formerly called upon their arraignments, there being no Bills preferred against them, and upon their appearance, he acquainteth the Judge with who committed them, and the rea­son thereof, as it is expressed in the Re­cognizance, and how no man cometh a­gainst them, and likewise he peruseth the Goale Prisoners, and Baile Prisoners, [Page 18] against whom the Bills of Indictment are returned ignoramus, and against whom there are no Indictments preferred, and informeth the Judge of their cases, and if no man cometh against them during the Assizes, they are delivered by Pro­clamation, as followeth.

Proclama­tion.If any man can inform my Lords the Kings Justices, the Kings Serjeant, or the Kings Attorny, of any Treason, Mur­der, Felony, or any other misdemeanor committed or done by A. B. &c. and name them all, or any of them now Pri­soners at the Bar, let him come forth, and he shall be heard, the Prisoners stand upon their deliverance.

Forme of keeping the Goale Book.Note that the Clerk that keepeth the Goal Book in the beginning of the As­sizes setteth down in the Book first a note of the day when the Assizes is hol­den, and the Judges name and Sheriffs name in a short compendious manner used for that purpose, ut patet in libro.

Next unto that he setteth down the Prisoners names as they are returned by the Sheriff in the Calender, beginning with the reprives formerly left in the Goale, and then the rest in order, lea­ving a reasonable distance betwixt every [Page 19] name, and so also of all bailes, for which he hath Recognizance returned in by the Justices.

And when any Indictment is found a­gainst any Prisoner, and he arraigned thereupon: he setteth down briefly his offence, at the end of his name, as (for a Mare) or the like, and if the Prisoner put himself upon the Country, then be writeth over his name (Po. Se.) And if he will not be tryed by the Country, then he writeth over his name Stat. mu­tus, and if the Prisoner continue obsti­nate, and will not be tryed, then he ad­peth thereto (Pen. fort & Dur.) And if if the Prisoner confesse the fact upon his arraignment, then he writeth over his name (Cogn.) And when a Prisoner is tryed and found guilty, and had no goods, he addeth unto the former words, Po. se. cul. ca. nul. And if the prisoner be found not guilty, nor that he did flie, then he addeth to the former words, Po se. non cul. nec r. And if the Prisoner be found guilty of pettie Larceny, then he writeth to the former words (Po. se. cul. de parva felon va. xd. flag.) And if the Prisoner be found guilty of a Felo­ny, wherein he may have benefit of Cler­gy, [Page 20] and the Prisoner demand the same and can read, then he addeth to the for­mer words Po. se. cul. ca. nul. pe. li. le. cre. And if the Prisoner cannot read when his Book is allowed him, then he addeth to the words, Pe. li. sed not legit Jo. sus. but if the offence whereof the Prisoner is found guilty, be such as the benefit of Clergy cannot be allowed by Law, then he writeth unto the former words, Po. se. cul. ca. nul. Ss. And a­gainst such Prisoners as ignoramus is found upon the Bill preferred against them, he writeth in the Margent behind their names severally (Ign.) And the offence severally before their names (as for a Gelding) and the like, and over his head (Del.) and over the names of such Prisoners as there are nothing a­gainst, he writeth (Del.) and over such names as do not appear upon their Re­cognizance, being called, he writeth (defalt.) And after such names as are to be sent to the house of Correction, he writeth (to be sent to the House of Correction) or r. Dom. Correctionis, for the better explanation hereof, I have written this small form underneath, if the Prisoner be twice indicted, then the [Page 21] two offences after the name, and the fi­gure of 2 behind it.

Po. se. cul. ca. nul. Ss. 2 Ss. md.

Johes Doo for a Mare, for Lynnens.

Po. se. cul. ca. nul. pe. li. le. cre. Md.

Ricus Roo for Heifers and Sheep.

Po. se. cul. ca. nul. flag.

Thomas Denn for Lynnens the value of ten pence.

Po. se. non. cul. nec. r.

Willus Fenn for six Oxen, 3 Md. two Wea­thers, for a Hog. Ign.

Adamus del Pye for Burglary.

Note that where he beginneth to enter his Bailes, he writeth (B) in the Margent.


Fransciscus Mye. B.

Stat. mut. pen. fort. & dur.

Joes Trimtram for murder.

Po. se. cul. ca. nul. pe. li. sed non le­git. Jo. Sus. Md.

Nichus Skillington for eight Ewes. Sus. md.

Some other formes there be, which as they arise are set down after the natures of the offences: The Goal Book is full of examples, and therfore I omit them here.

Also all orders made by the Court for continuance of any man in Prison, or sending any to the house of Correction, [Page 22] all Fines set upon any Prisoner for Tres­passe, all Defaults upon Recognizance to answer, all orders for Attachments, and other Warrants, and all submissions of Recusants are usually recorded in the Goale Book, and also Writs of good be­haviour.

Callender.Note also, that he that keepeth the Goal Book, having made perfect his Callender, as the Verdicts are given, he doth draw out into a sheet of Paper in the first place the names of such as are to suffer death under one title, the names of such as are to have benefit of Clergy under another title, such as are guilty of pettie Larcenie under another title such as are found not guilty under another title, and such as are to be delivered by Proclamation, against whom there is nothing in Court under the last title.

And under the first title such as stand mute, if any be, by themselves, and in an­other place, such as are to be sent to the house of Correction.

That Callender being made per­fect and delivered to the Judge, and he ready to give Judgment, the Clerk of Assize causeth the Goaler to set all the Prisoners found guilty above [Page 23] pettie Larceny, to the Bar, and saith unto them thus,

You do remember that before this time you have been severally indicted for severall Felonies, The form of calling the Priso­ners to judgment. and some of you for Murder by you done and committed; upon your Indictments, you have been arraigned, and have severally pleaded not guilty; and for your tryalls you have severally put your selves upon God and the Country, which Country hath found you guilty, what can you now say for your selves, why according to Law you should not have Judgment to suffer death, and then ask them by name seve­rally.

What saiest thou A. B. &c.

Then if he claim his Clergy, Clergy. and may have it by Law, the Ordinary must be called to shew him the Book, and when he hath shewed it to him, the Clerk of Assize must say, legit ut clericus vel non.

If the Ordinary say legit, then must the Prisoner be burned in the hand: but if the Ordinary saith non legit, the Priso­ner must be executed.

When all have had benefit of Clergy, which may have it by Law; then doth [Page 24] the Judge (after an exhortation made to the Prisoners that are to suffer death) give Judgment, and such Prisoners against whom no man prosecuteth, and against whom ignoramus is found, being pro­claimed as aforesaid, the Goaler is com­manded to take away his Goal.

Then doth the Court send for the Grand Jury; but you must note by the way that whilest the Court is in try­ing the Prisoners as aforesaid, some one of the Clerks doth take a note of all the Recusants presented by Constables out of their presentements, And doth make them into a bill of In­dictment in forme of Law; and doth send both it and the presentments to the Grand Jury, and now, if not afore at their coming in they deliver the same bill together with their presentments of other greivances, and having so done they are usually discharged, except ex­traordinarie busines alter it.

Proclaim­ing of Re­cusants.If the Indictment against the Recu­sants be found, then doth the Clerk of Assize cause the Crier to make a procla­mation, and then Reading the names and the Crier repeating them with their ad­ditions as they are in the indictment, he [Page 25] concludes after the last name thus, Being indicted at these Assizes for not com­ing to the Church by the space of one moneth (or more as it is laid in the In­dictment) yeild your bodies to the She­riff of this County, so that he may have the same before the Kings Majesties Ju­stices at the next Assizes, and generall Goal-delivery to be holden for this County, or else you, and every of you shall be convicted of Recusancy, accord­ing to the forme of the Statute in that case made and provided.

This being done, the Judge having heard some Greivances as are complain­ed of unto him concerning misdemea­nors, and the like.

The Cryer maketh three Procla­mations to adjurne the Assizes.

And then saith, Adjurning of the As­sizes. All manner of Per­sons that have here appeared before my Lords the Kings Justices, at these As­sizes and generall Goal-delivery may now depart in Gods peace, and the Kings, and keep your day here upon a new Summons, and God save the King, and so the Court riseth.

And note that if the Nisi prius are not ended, they are adjurned over [Page 26] to that Court, and when they have done they make this generall adjurn­ment.

Note also that at every rising of the Court it is adjorned over by Proclama­tion to such an houre in the afternoon, or in the morning untill the Assizes be ended.

Note that where it is said, the Cryer must say such and such words, if he be not expert himself, the Clerk of Assize must direct him.

Note also that all such persons against whom the Sheriff returneth Cepi Corpus upon any Writ of Assizes delivered unto him, ought to be called in Court in con­venient time, if they appear not other­wise.

Note also, that where it is said the Clerk of Assize must do such and such things, they are usually done by the As­sociate for that side.

Note also, that in calling the Justi­ces of Peace, Coroners, Stewards of Li­berties, chief Constables, and Bayliffs of Hundreds, and grand Juries, and other Juries, their appearances are marked with (■) and their defaults left blanck in the Margent, except the Judge set a [Page 27] Fine upon any of them for not appear­ing, then that is set down in the Mar­gent.

Note that such Clerks as make In­dictments are in Action as long as occa­sion requireth about them, and Writs of Restitution, or to remove Prisoners, &c. but their imployment is of that nature, that it cannot be here expressed.

Your Clerks imployment concerning making Subpoena's, and taking appear­ances upon Presentments. I suppose you sufficiently know, and so have I done on the Goale side: there are other ob­servations which practise must make ma­nifest.

The Proceedings on the Nisi Prius.

WHen the Court is set and Records and Writs put into the Court fit for tryall: the Cryer must make a Pro­clamation, and the Clerk must direct him to say,

You good men of the Nisi prius sum­moned to appear here this day, Calling the Jury. betwixt A B. Plaintiff, and C. D. Defendant, answer to your names, every man at [Page 28] the first call, and save your Issues.

Then must they be called by name with this conclusion, thou loosest a mark in issues to every one of them. And if a full Jury do not appear, then call the defaults without addition, and then if twelve do not appear, say Vous avis nul inquest.

Calling the Defendant.Then call the Defendant C. D. come forth or this Inquest shall be taken in thy default, this must be done thrice, if the Defendant appear not, then must the Clerk write on the back of the Pannell, per defalt.

Challenge.Then the Clerk must say, Plaintiffs garde vre. Challenge, and so call the Ju­ry to the Book to be sworn; and as they come to the Book the Marshall must swear them, unlesse the Plaintiff chal­lenge any of them, which if he doth, they must stand by till the rest be sworn to e­leven more in ranck as they appear, and then the Clerk must ask the Plaintiff why he challengeth such a man.

Then the Plaintiff shewing his cause, if it be sufficient, the verity shall be tryed by two other sworn upon the same Jury, if they find the cause true, then he shall be spared, otherwise he shall be sworn.

If he be spared, and there do not ap­pear [Page 29] enough on the principall Pannell to make a full Jury, then the Plaintiff must pray in tales de Circumstantibus.

Which being granted by the Judge. Tales.

The Sheriff must return some names for that purpose, such as are then within view of the Court.

And then the Clerk must direct the Cryer to call them on this man­ner.

You good men of the Tales newly re­turned according to the form of the Statute, answer to your names every man at the first call, and save your Issues, or upon pain and peril, &c.

Then they appearing must be sworn with the other Jurors.

You shall well and truly try the Issue of this Nisi prius, between the parties, Their oath. according to your Evidence, so help you God.

And when they are sworn they must be counted, and asked if they be all sworn, and bid stand together and hear your charge.

Then must the Associate for that side read the Record, Charge of the Jury on the Nisi prius. and charge the Jury as the Record is, what they are to inquire, [Page 30] the certainty cannot be here expres­sed.

Then do the Councell on both sides open the Cause one after another, the Plaintiffs Councell first, if the proofe lye on his side, otherwise the Defendants, and produce such witnesses as do prove such matters as they alleadge, &c.

In the interim doth the Clerk file the Writ, Pannell, and Record together.

Copy of the Issue.And maketh a Copy of the Juries names, and the Issue they are to try, and when the Councell have done, he deli­vereth it to the Jury; and a Bayliff be­ing sworn to keep them till they be a­greed, without meat, drink &c. they de­part from the Bar, and when they are a­greed, they return to give their Ver­dict.

Taking the Verdict.Then doth the Clerk call them by their names, and ask them if they be a­greed of their Verdict, and who shall say for them.

Then must the party be called thrice.

A. B. come forth, or else thou loosest thy Writ of Nisi prius.

If he appear not, then the Defendant must pay the Jury, and the fees of the Court, and have the nonsuit recorded.

But if the Plaintiff appear, then the Clerk asketh the Jury.

What say you, do you find for the Plaintiff, or for the Defendant, and what costs and damages accord­ing as the cause is, and so be entreth it on the back of the Pannell, and re­peats it to the Jury.

Note that in all causes that come by Nisi prius, betwixt party and party, if the Jury appear not full, the Prosecutor of the Record may have a Tales if he pray it.

Note also, that if the Defendant ap­pear not when he is called, he looseth the benefit of his challenge to the Ju­rors, but if he appear he may challenge them.

And many other things may hap­pen in execution of this businesse which time and observation will make perfect.

In the mean time you must take these as the Heads.

The Terme business.

Returning of Postea's.FIrst the returning of all the Postea's which must be done on the backside of the Records, tryed at the Assizes, which must be done as they are called for by the Attornies, for such as are agreed will not he called for at all.

Out of Pro­ces.The putting of all such persons out of Proces as have appeared at the As­sizes, and are discharged, and entring of them in a Book for that purpose. Into Pro­ces.

The putting of all such persons into Proces as are newly presented by the grand Juries, and chief Constables, at the last Assizes, and entring them into the Book of Proces.

Making of Proces.The writing over the Proces again for every Shire, and delivering of them to the severall Sheriffs to be executed.

Certifying of Convicts and Inqui­sitions.The certifying of the Convictions of all such as were burned in the hands throughout the whole Circuit, and also all Inquisitions of Fe lo de se, per infor­tunium & ex visitatione Dei, returned by the Coroners this last Circuit into the Crown Office.

The drawing up, Speciall Verdicts. and entring of all speciall Verdicts of the last Circuit, and others behind, if any be.

The certifying of the conviction of all the Recusants convicted at these Assizes into the Exchequer in Easter Tearm. Convicti­ons of Re­cusants.

The making of a little short Certifi­cate to the Lord Keeper, Making Certificates. of all the noto­rious facts in the Circuit when the Judges shall call for it according to the truth of the proceedings.

The making of the great Estreate in Michaelmas Tearm, Generall Estreate. of all forfeitures of Justices of Peace, Coroners, Stewards of Liberties, cheif Constables, Bayliffs of Hundreds, and grand Juries for their not appearance for the whole year, and of all convicted Recusants at Summer Assizes, the Amerciaments upon all persons for Nusances and Trespasses, and the Issues returned by the Sheriff upon the Proces of the Assizes for the whole preceding year, whereupon no appearance hath been made; and the returning of the same into the Exche­quer. The forms and Copies of which Estreats from time to time returned, are extant among other Records of the Of­fice.

Traverses.The drawing up of Traverses in form of pleading for all such as have taken order for the same at the Assizes, or shall take order in Terme time, to a­ny Indictments of Trespasse, Riots, Conversion, Depopulation, decay of High-wayes and Bridges, or the like, and the entring of them upon the Tra­verse Roll, and making out of Venire facias upon the same Traverses.

Proces a­gainst Fe­lons.The putting of all such as are indicted of Felony, and are at large into Pro­ces.

Against in­dicted Trespassors.The putting of all such as are indicted for Riots, and other Trespasses into Proces.

Note that the first Proces in Fe­lony is a Capias returnable the next Assizes, and after that an Exigent.

Proces in Felony and Trespasse.Note also, that the first Proces in Trespasse is a Venire facias returnable at the next Assizes, and after that, a Capi­as or Distringas, as the Sheriff shall re­turn the party sufficient or insufficient.

And if a Capias, then ca. alia plura, and exigent, one going forth when the other is returned, unlesse the party appear.

And if a Distringas, then a Distresse [Page 25] infinite untill the party appeare.

The forme of all which Proces are extant in the Office.

Some other occasions, as returning of Cerciorari's into the Crown Office to remove Indictments, happen now and then, which a skilfull Clerk will easily performe.

Note in tryalls of Prisoners if any wo­man be convicted of Felony, Woman Fe­lons being with child. she shall be asked what she can say for her self, why she should not suffer death according to the Law.

If she say she is with Child,

Then must the Sheriff return a Jury of women, who must be sworn, and charged to try whether the Pri­soner be quick with child or not, and then they take the Prisoner and go together, and when they return, to give their Verdict, if they say she is quick with child, the execution of that Prisoner is respited til she be de­livered, but if the Jury say she is not with quick child, then she shall be executed.

The forme of the Oath.

You as fore-matron of this Jury, shall swear that you shall search and try the [Page 36] Prisoner at the Bar, whether she be with quick child, and thereof a true Verdict shall return, so God help you.

The same oath your fore-matron hath taken, on her part you shall also take and observe, so God help you.

The Verdict.

In Dower. Inquiratur si vir obierit sezitus de tene­mentis praedictis in dominico suo ut de feo­do, aut de feodo talliato. Et si ita inveni­rint tunc quantum tenementa illa valent per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra re­prisces juxta vera valore eorundem & quantum tempus dilabitur a tempore mortis praedicti viri. Et quae Dampna, petens sustinet tam occasione detentionis datae quam premisis.

Quare im­pedit.Enquire if the Church be full or not, if it be full, at whose presentation; and if six months be past since the last avoi­dance, and of what value it is by the year, and Costs and Damages.

En Dower nota.The Jury finding the dying Seised, they must assesse Costs and Damages, but if they find the Husband was Seised, but did not dye so, then no Costs nor dama­ges, but only the value of the Land.

In Detinue. Si pro quer. de valore rei detent. & custag. & dampna.

In Debt. Custag. & dampna.

Transgr. Consimile.

Ejectione firmae. Consimile.

Nusance. Consimile.

In Replevin. Damages for both par­ties, and costs.

In Account. No damages no costs.

In Wast. Only treble damages.

In Placito terrae. Nulla dampna nec custagia.

Warrantia Carta. Consimile.

Conventione. Dampna & custagia per queren.

Assize. Consimile.

Prohibition. Si pro quer. tum enquir. de exitibus & non plus.

Partitione facienda. Si pro quer. tunc de exit. & non plus.

En brevie de Entry in le per. Custag. & dampna.

En Action de debet sur Statut. E 6. qua extra ponent decimas. The treble value only, and neither costs nor da­mages.

In all reall Actions, generally no more then the Issue.



  • THe manner of calling the Court Page 1.
  • How the Patents must be read Page 2.
  • The manner how to call the Sheriffs Page 3.
  • How to call the Justices of the Peace Page 3.
  • How to call the Coroners, Stewards, and High Constables Page 3.
  • When the Commissions of Oyer and Terminer are to be read Page 4.
  • How to call the Grand Jury Page 4.
  • The Oath given to the Grand Jury Page 5.
  • The manner of calling the Prosecutors against the Prisoners Page 6.
  • The manner of fyling the Recognizances and bill Page 7.
  • The manner of Arraynment of the Priso­ner, and calling the bayls Page 8.
  • The manner of entring of the Prisoners [Page] Pleas and Confessions Page 9.
  • The manner of calling the Jury of Life and Death Page 10.
  • The oath given to the Jury of Life and Death Page 11.
  • The tryall of the Prisoners Page 12.
  • The manner of taking the Verdict of the Jury of Life and Death Page 15.
  • The Constables presentments Page 15 16.
  • The manner of the Tryall of Ryotors and Trespassors Page 17.
  • The manner of delivery of the Prisoners by Proclamation Page 17.
  • The forme of keeping of the Goale book Page 18.
  • The manner of the Callender for the Judge before he proceedeth to sentence Page 19.
  • The forme of calling the Prisoners to hear Judgment Page 23.
  • Allowing the Clergie Page 23.
  • The manner of giving Judgment Page 24.
  • The Proclamation against [...]ecusants Page 25.
  • The Adjurning of the Assises Page 25.
  • The Proceeding on the Nisi prius side Page 27.
  • Calling the Jury Page 28.
  • Calling the defendant Page 28.
  • Challenges Page 28.
  • Returning and calling the Tales Page 29.
  • The Juries oath Page 29.
  • [Page]The Charge to the Jury of Nisi prius Page 29.
  • Taking the verdict Page 30. 31.
  • The manner of returning the Posteas Page 32.
  • The manner of all kinds of Verdicts Page 33. 34.
  • Conviction of Recusants Page 33.
  • Generall Estreate Page 33.
  • Traverses Page 34.
  • Processes, Felons, Trespassors, and Tres­passes Page 34.
  • Women Felons, being with Child Page 35.
  • Verdicts in Dower, Quare Impedit, &c. Page 36, 37.

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