THE WATCH­MANS Warning-peece, OR, PARLIAMENT Souldiers Prediction. SHEWING,

THAT If our ARMIES lay down ARMS▪

before the Work is at an end,

We may expect yet worser Harms,

More pretious lives and States to spend.

[depiction of a man on a mountainside.]
An Emblem of this Age, 'fore all is set,
To shew the thing that is not ended yet:
Smile not thereon, for sure it is a sad one;
For good men to be cheated by Abaddon,

The Relation.

THere vvas a plain, just, dovvn right man indeed,
Armed for Truths defence in time of need;
His foes he conquerd', thought the storm was o're,
Vnarm'd himselfe of vveapons vvhich he vvore.
Then on a sudden comes the Dragon fierce,
With open mouth, and arrovv [...]d tongue to pierce,
The Leopard 'gainst the Lamb appear'd most cruell:
Venemous Serpent acts his part in Duell.
The Hart did start, the Lamb did stand in feare,
VVhen vvilde beasts came vvith open mouthes to teare,
VVhen Reason savv it, he vvas at a stand,
And vvent to take vvhat vvas at his left hand.

The Description.

And vvhat is by this EMBLEM represented?
The STATE ( by PLOTS of Papists) circumvented
Shall I demonstrate still, to make you knovv,
That these (PPP) are Papists all arovv.
The Dragons He [...]d, the POPE doth represent,
His sharp tongu'd shaft, Curses vvhich he doth vent,
His Teeth are ENVY, and his Horns are Povver,
The Dragons Body, is Romes Church, that vvhore.
The Spotted Leopard also hath his Doom,
This body pleads for Prelats Brats of Rome.
His Iavves are Malice, Head EPISCOPALL.
A gaping Mouth, Teeth, Pavves, tyrannicall.
The Crooked Serpent creeps upon the Earth.
An Antichristian Pre [...]byter by birth,
His Head's from Rome, his Taile and Body so.
VVith them to Aye- Perdition he shall go.
But all the choycest Friends to Parliament,
That joyn with one Unanimous Consent,
A blessing may expect on their Designes:
Where Wisdom guarded with an Army, shines.

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