A DECLARATION OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE Lord Admiral VANTRUMP, Touching the Royal Fort of Monarchy, the King of Scots, and the D. of York: sent to the King of Den­mark, and the Q. of Sweden: With his desires thereupon; his Resolution touching England; and the Answer of their Royal Highnesses thereunto.

The advance of Vant [...]ump towards the Downs; A gr [...]t Victory obtained; the particulars of the fight; And the bloudy procee­dings of the Dutch against the English; with their stripping and whipping them; and afterwards washing them with Vinegar and Salt.

[depiction of the English lion rampant]

London, Printed for George Horton, 1652.

A Declaration of the Lord Admiral Van­trump, touching the King of Scots, the Duke of York, and the Royal Fort of Monarchy: sent to the Kings of Den­mark, France, and the Queen of Sweden; With his ardent desires thereupon; his Resolution touching England; and the Promise of the said Christian Princes.


ON the 15 instant Vantrump called a Coun­cel aboard his Navy, to advise and consult of their Maritine Affairs, and to attempt some sudden Action, if possible, upon the English: whereupon, it was mutually assented to, that the Navy (consisting of one hundred Men of War, besides Fire-ships) should be divided into two [Page 4]Squadrons, with a Resolution to attend the motion of the English in the Downs, and fall upon, sink, burn, and destroy them; as also to way-lay and intercept all others that shall come to joyn with them.

'Tis said he hath sent a Message and Declaration to the King of Denmark, and the Queen of Sweden, wherein he gives a demonstration to their Highnes­ses, of the just Grounds and Reasons of the present Engagement of the Low-Countries against Eng­land; protesting his innocency, from having any design or intention, to strike at the Royal Fort of Monarchy; but shall to the utmost of his power in­deavor the support and preservation thereof; and augment the splendor of the Crown in its full ori­ent brightness.

In order whereunto he desires and implores their aid and assistance even in this juncture of time; but the King of Denmark seemes to wave it, by reason of the Treaty with the Parliament. The Queen ac­cords thereunto; and bath sent a Letter to the King of France to be assisting-therein, especially for the restoration of the King of Scots, &c.

This is with great alacrity rescented by the Roy­all party; and Vantrump seemes to declare for the interest of that Family; which business is carryed [Page 5]on with a very high hand by Count William of Nassaw, Cousing to the Prince of Orange; which the Boors perceiving, arm themselves apace, and grow very desperate, declaring, That if the Estates do not immediatly and vigorously proceed on in the War against England, that they will pull them out of their houses headlong, and make them great­er Presidents to the world, then they did the Eng­lish in the Indies; which great affronts and injuries, or rather contumelies, are not to be parallel'd in any Age; for the Dutch most insolently bound the Eng­lish to stakes, with ropes about their necks, throtling some of them therewith, and flourishing their naked swords about them, as if they would presently have dispatched them; then taking them so amazed and bound, and tumbling them down the Rocks, and af­ter carrying their crushed and bruised carkases away in irons. They have exceedingly insulted by usurp­ing soveraignty to inslave the English; and have executed many cruel Sentences, seizing of the Eng­lish Companies goods, fining, imprisoning, stock­ing, yea whipping the English at a post in the open Market-place, and after washing them with vinegar and salt. O monstrous! and unheard of cruelties! acted against them, who have disputed their Title, when the loss of brave Sidney, and many others.

Advertisements from the Navy.

On the 15 instant, his Excellency Ge­neral Blake having received Advertise­ments of a great Fleet of ships, under sayl Northwards, supposed them to be Hans, designed for the relief and safety of the Fle­mish Busses: whereupon, Major Bourn was commanded forth with seven Scouts, to make a discovery thereof; and coming with­in a League of them, found them to be men of War, having their streamers, Jacks, and bloudy Flags all forth; Admiral Hantz being Commander in chief, selected forth Ten chief ships, to give Us a revengeful sa­lute; which Major Bourn perceiving, pre­pared to receive them, sending the Saphir back to the General, to hasten up the rest: the Dutchmen being exceedingly inraged, with great fury bore up to us, with their Pendants flying, and Thunder-like their broad sides they let flye; we answer'd them again, putting forth our bloudy flags in de­fiance; [Page 7]and in the midst of our dispute, each man acting with a most heroick mind, our General made up to us with 37 sayl; which the Dutch Admiral seeing, bore up with 40 stout ships to them; and entring battle, sa­luted Us with many great vollies; we rung them the like peals again; and after two ho: dispute, maintained with great resolution on both sides, we came to grapling, in which ac­tion the Land souldiers performed singular service, but was several times blown up and repelled from the Enemies decks; til at last the nimble Saphir bore up to the head of their Admiral fired both sailes and tackling, shot her in the Keel; and immediatly upon the next broad side sunk her; at which in­stant, most of our ships being engaged, the General resolved to bear up, and to play the Granadoes; the which, was with such dexterity of spirit attempted, that in a mo­ment 5 of their ships was fir'd, which could [Page 8]by no means be extinguish'd; 17 we took; sunk 9, dispersed, rent, and torn many of them, but not without loss; and had not the sable Curtains of the night prevented, we had made the victory far more glorious; but we are in pursuit, & have sent 700 prisoners to Dunbar, with some ships.

Since which time, we hear, that he hath taken a­bout forty Busses, four Men of War, and sunk one, with the loss of two Frigats. Sir George Carteret begins to prosecute the King of Scots Cause with great vigour; and 'tis conceived, will endeavour a conjunction with the Duke of Vandoom High Ad­miral of France, who with 50 Men of War is sailed towards the Western coast, to fight the Spanish for­ces.


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