THE DECLARATION AND SPEECH OF The Lord Admiral VANTRUMP, And his setting up the great Standard of Broom for the States of Holland, for the cleering of the Narrow seas of all English-men; With the States Remonstrance to all Christian Princes; and their proceedings con­cerning the King of Scots.

London, Printed for G. Horton, 1653.

New Broom sweepes clean: OR, THE DECLARATION AND SPEECH Of Vantrump, Admiral for the States of Holland, concerning the setting up of their Standard, for the cleering of the Narrow seas of all the English.

Honoured Sir,

IT is a notable saying, though Machia­vel's; Not he that placeth a vertuous Government in his own Hands or Fa­mily, [Page 4]but he that establisheth a free and last­ing Form, for the peoples constant security is most to be commended. Whosoever has this opportunity, may improve his actions to a greater height of Glory, then ever fol­lowed the fame of any ambitious Idol that could aspire to the Pinacle of Anarchy; al­though Vantrump is now pleased to de­clare against those, who has purchas'd them­selves Fame, in defence of their Liberties: as evidently appeares, by his setting forth a flag (or standard) of Broom; and being de­manded what he meant by it, reply'd, That he was once more going to sweep the Nar­row seas of all English men. Indeed all pos­sible means are used for re-inforcing of their fleet; and great is their talk, of Prince Rup. sir G. Carteret, and the French; so that as soon as the Monsieur has put off his court­ing face, and set himself in a semblance of ac­tion, they may look as formidable as a fleet [Page 5]of one hundred sail; but the service which may be expected, can be nothing more then querks of Pyracie, the frolicks of a skipping guilt; for an ill cause carries evermore with it such a sting of condemnation in the bo­some, that though their instrumental means seem considerable, yet there is an inward in­junction sits upon their conscious soules, that valour in such persons is capable of no other or better tearm then a desperate Gal­lantry.

If number and success prove Causes good,
And Titles ne'r look eleer, till dy'd in bloud,
The Turk out strips us all, for in his skie
No Star so low as Christianity
But when we search the intricate resolve
Of Heaven to bruise a Nation, then re-salve
His wounded People, there is no such thing
As the surviving Crown of suffering;
But still observe the method of a God,
Though Nile drown Jordan, yet he burns the rod.

The States, we hear, have put forth a Declaration to all Christian Princes, im­ploring aid and assistance; and are very vi­gorous in prosecuting their Design.

Again, The States proceed on vigorously in set­ting forth a new Armado; no less then eighty sayl is voted for, in case they receive not an Act invin­cible, or a a Repeal from England: some Frigats are already off from the Stocks, and Dewitte is the onely man whom they now pin their faith upon; but that which renders them indifferent willing, is, their strange Fancies and new Gingles of infusing an incredible belief into the hearts of the people, viz. That your General Cromwel is confined to the Tower of London: but upon what grounds, they know not,

That the Ciry is extreamly divided; and that the Levellers begin to grow both high and potent, and threaten a sudden change; with many other falaci­ous Devises, of the Lord Grey's drawing his Sword in the Parliament house against his Excellency, the creating of collonel Harrison General of the soul­diery, and divers other circumstances of the like coyn, which will prove too light for these Artists of the Flemish Mint. Nay, further, they retain such un­parallel'd atchievements of their Victors at sea, that all is like to be their own in England, forsooth; and nothing but Death and Imprisonment shall be the Reward and Portion of the Members of Parlia­ment, without either Bail or Mainprize. Again, they please themselves very much with thoughts of [Page 7]strange mutinies among our men, both by Land and Sea, and divisions amongst your Governours, and Commanders, whereupon they expect a sud­den change; and it is for certain reported, that Hull, Yarmouth, and the Divel and all, are revolted to the Royal party. And yet all this will not get in the In­terest of Monarchy, though that party do pretend mountains of golden advantages thereby for the ta­ming of the English: All that they do for him as yet, is to give him free Port for such ships as shall by his commission fail. But now bat the Zealand Lords are arrived here, somewhat more will be attempted, not onely for him, but also in the behalf of the O­range Family.

But that which doth not a little amuse them, is, the great Armado setting forth by your provident States, a List whereof is here presented to publike view throughout the Netherlands; but the Printers and Publishers are most unjustly detained, and con­fined to close imprisonment.

The genuine sense of their Charge runs thus: For holding correspondency with the enemies of this State; For endeavouring to set up the Spirit of Di­vision, and perfidiously to withdraw the hearts of the people from their due obedience, and indeated affection towards this State, &c. Erected and set up by the Providence of Heaven.

All which, is grounded upon these following particulars, viz.

  • 1 That the English consist of 100 sail, Men of War,
  • 2 That there is a Design to land an Ar­my in Flanders.
  • 3 That the Royal Soveraign (alias the Common-Wealth) is putting forth with 700 men, and 102 Guns.
  • 4 That the Resolution, the James, and divers others, are also putting forth from Portsmouth,
Heaven crown the truth with Victory, if it
Be right to wish such bliss, we slighting it.
Great Neptune, thou that rul'st the foaming waves,
Give Malefactors their deserved graves.
And if we must survive, let malice cease,
And wed our Land to surer bonds of peace.

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