Done out of French.

THE Signal Proofs of Loyalty and the Evident Marks of Zeal for Our Service, which have been given Us, and are con­tinued to be given us every day by our Protestant Subjects of the Valleys of Luzerne, Peruse, St. Martin and the adjacent Pla­ces, viz. Perousin, St. Bartholony, and Rocheplatte; having already invited us to receive them a fresh under Our Protection: We have thought sit on Weighty [Page 2] Considerations that We should no longer delay the Publishing their Entire Re-establishment in Our Fa­vour, to incite them so much the more to deserve it.

Therefore We by these Presents, which we will to have the Force of an Edict, of Our Certain Know­ledge, full Power, Absolute Authority, and with the Advice of our Council, grant to the said Protestants ample Pardon and Entire Absolution, Remission and Abolition of all Crimes, which they had been taxed with for Contravention of our Edicts of the 13th of January and 9th of April 1686. as well in general as particular, and of all others which they have committed in dependence of the said Edicts, how Enormous and great soever they might be, with­out excepting any, even that of laese Majesty Divine and Humane, and which require specifick or Indivi­dual Mention, and of all the Pains declared or incured by reason of them. Revolting and Annulling, for this End, the said Edicts and their Registrings, As also the Declarations of Punishments, Sentences, Ordinan­ces and all other Acts and Orders made in Execution of the said Edicts against the said Protestants; so that for the future they shall remain without any Force and Effect, as if they had never been made.

We re-establish them and all those who had given them aid, Counsel and Favour in their former honour and in our good Grace, as they were before the Con­traventions of the said Edicts: Ordaining that all those of the said Protestants, that are yet in Custo­dy, be immediately set at Liberty, and that the Sons and Daughters of the said Protestants of what Age, and in what Place of our Estates soever they are, [Page 3] be left at full Liberty to return to their Parents, in the said Vallies, and to make profession of their Religion there, and that for this Effect they be returned with­out Payment of any Charge, Restoring, and Willing that the said Protestants be maintained with their Children and Posterity in the Possession of all and e­very their Antient Rights, Edicts, Customs, Usages and Priviledges, as well in respect of their Habitati­ons, Traffique, Commerce and Exercise of the Reli­gion which they profess, as of all other things with­out Exception Re-establishing them again in and re­storing them to the Quiet and Peaceable Possession and Enjoyment of all the Goods, Fonds, Houses, Herita­ges Names, Accounts and Actions, and of all other things which shall be found in being and in nature, and which they can justifie, by all manner of Proofs, had appertained to them immediatly before the said Edicts of the 13th. of January, and 9th. of April 1686. Ordaining all those that may have been in Possession of the said Goods and Effects, which belonged to the said Protestants before the said Edicts, that in confor­mity to what is above, they restore them, and leave the said Protestants in the free and peaceable Enjoy­ment, without disquieting or molesting them any man­ner of way, and under any Pretence whatsoever. Pro­hibiting all Magistrates, Judges Officers and Fiscals, and all others to whom it shall be necessary, any fur­ther to disturb really nor personally the foresaid and their Adherents, as well for the present as future by reason of the said Contraventions and Delicts, Annexes, Connexes and Dependances, so that they may no more be call'd to Account, in general or in particular, much less disquieted in any sort in their Persons and Goods, by reason of the said Edicts, nor Adjurations which they [Page 4] may have made: Imposing on the Fise and on all others that might molest them a perpetual and final silence.

Declaring from this present Null all that might fol­low on the contrary. W E permit further to every Person professing the same Religion, and to go and settle freely in the said Vallies, they takeing the accust­omed Oath of Fidelity, and to live and be always Faithful and Obedient Subjects to Us, and our Royal Successors to the Crown.

For this End we Charge and Command all Magi­strates, Ministers, Officers, Vassels and all others whom it may concern, to Observe, and cause invio­lably to be observed these presents. And to our Senates and Chamber of Piemont to Register and approve in e­very point and every where according to the Contents. And to the End that none may be ignorant of the Con­tent, WE charge that the same be Published and Affix­ed in the Places and manner accustomed; Declaring that the same Credit shall be given to the Copy Printed by Valleta, as to the proper Original: For such is our Pleasure.


LONDON, Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryers, 1692.

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