THE DECLARATION OF THE HOLLANDERS Concerning Their joyning with the Royall Navie, in their present Expe­dition for England, under the Command of His High­nesse JAMES Duke of YORK, Lord High Admirall of the said Fleet.

And their Resolution and Protestation thereupon.

Likewise, The Prince of Wales His landing in Holland, and the beating up of Drums for Volunteers in Rotterdam, under the Command of the Lord Hopton, to assist the King of ENGLAND.

Also, A Message sent from the Lord Generall Hambleton, to Ma­jor General Lambert, declaring the Grounds and Rea­sons of his marching into England, and their Re­solution to settle the Peace of King and Kingdom, according to the Co­venant.

⟨July 17⟩ With Major Generall Lamberes Answer thereunto.

Printed in Holland, and re-printed at London 1648.

THE DECLARATION OF THE HOLLANDERS Concerning Their joyning with the Royall Navie, in their designe against England, to assist the Kings Majesty, and to establish Him in His Rights.


THE Royall Navie (as some calls them) are still in Gorith Road, and have not as yet weigh­ed Anchor, nor hoysted sayl for England; for they are detained here, and will not be permitted to goe, untill such time that they have given satisfaction [Page 2]for their present Fraight, as Victuals, Beere, and other Necessaries, which doth amount to a very considera­ble sum, but its very probable there will be a speedy reconciliation amongst them, for severall Invitations are sent to his Highnesse the Prince of Orenge, to in­vite him to the assistance of the said Ships, and its thought he will incline and adhere thereunto, for no means are left unassayed to accomplish the same, and divers Marchants, and others, are very active there­in.

The Captains, and other Officers of the said Ships are very acti [...]e to advance their Design, and useth their utmost endeavours, for a faire correspondency be­twixt the Hollanders and themselves, who by their in­sinuations and suggestions, hath drawn divers to com­ply with them, and to adhere to their confederacy, and hath declared their Resolutions to joyne with his Ma­jesties Ships in this present Expedition for England for the setling of the King in his Royall Throne, and restoring of the Royall Progeny to their just Rights and Priviledges; saying, They are bound both by the Laws of GOD and Man to assist a Christian Prince in the time of his greatest distresse and calamities.

But the major part are of different opinions, and will not engage against England, but doth use their ut­most endeavours to prevent and obstruct the Designes and Engagements of the said Party, who doth hold compliance with the English Royalists, and have decla­red their sense and resolut on touching the King and Parliament, protesting, That they will be no wayes in­strumentall to foment new differences, neither shall their hands be dipped in the innocent bloud of Eng­land, [Page 3]nor their hearts accessary to any such commoti­ons, for the engaging their Neighbour Nation in a most bloudy and second War.

Neither will they give any assistance therein, either by sending of Forces into England, to involve her in bloud, or by contributions of Monies or other Neces­saries for War, to keep the sword from sheathing, and to die it in a more purple and scarlet object; but have further declared, That they will use their utmost en­deavours to prevent the effusion of bloud, and to cure the wounds, and stop the sluce which now floweth, and lies weltring within the Bowels of England, that so she may no longer be imbru'd in bloud, but speedily cured of her domestique Disease, and that her out-parts may be preserved and kept as a Bulwark of defence, to with stand and oppose all opposition whatsoever.

We desire much to hear of the Results and procee­dings betwixt the Parliament and the City, and of their concurrence, touching a Personall Treaty with the Kings Majesty.

We hear that the Prince of Wales is landed in these parts, and divers other Lords with him; but what their intention or design is, we cannot as yet discover, only we have a supposition, that they intend to increase their number, and to raise what Forces they can, and then to take shipping for England.

Yesterday two Drums beat up and down this City for Volunteers, and Proclamation was made in several places. That all Gentlemen souldiers, who had a desire to serve the King of England, under the command of the L. Hopton, should repair to the signe of the Prince of Orenge, in Broad-street, and there receive entertain­ment.

Here is great preparations for the entertainment of the Prince of Wales, who is said to be comming from Callice, attended by divers Lords and Gentlemen, but their design is not yet known.

Divers old Souldiers and Commanders are come out of France and other parts, to this City. They give out, an if they had a Design for England, and wee are the rather conduced to believe the same, by reason of the Revolted ships still lying in Go [...]ith Haven, who it is supposed are to transport the said Officers and Soul­diers into England.

The Duke of York hath declared his great unwil­lingnesse to engage in the said ships, untill such time that He can be accommodated with money, armes, and other Furniture belonging to War.

Sir, I have here sent you inclosed a brief Abstract of the present proceedings of the Royall Navie, touch­ing their present Design for England, viz.

An Abstract of the proceedings of the Royall Navie.

We hear, that they have set forth a Declaration, decla­ring the grounds and reasons of this their Ingagement, & their resolution to maintain the Antient Government & known laws of the Kingdome of England, and to preserve and defend the Kings Majesties Royall Person, and to en­deavour the re-inthroning of him in his Royall Palace at White-Hall.

But it is believed, the Bud will be blasted in the Bloom, for they are like to get little assistance from [Page 5]hence, the Hollander is sensible of the miseries of war, and the happinesse of peac, and therefore is resolved to maintain Unity with England, and to keep their sword sheathed, rathen then to assist a perfidious party who have revolted from the trust reposed in them. Thus ha­ving communicated to you that which is most obser­vable in these parts, I desire to be a participator of your intelligence in England, and remain

Your most affectionate friend, J. Vandelet.

An Expresse from the North.


MAjor Gen. Lambert hath received a letter from D. Hamilton, intimating, that the P. of England had not given satisfaction to the Parl. of Scotland in their de­sires sent unto them, for effecting whereof he was to come with an Army into the Kingdom of England, in which en­terprize, he expected no opposition from him. Gen Lam­bert returned him answer, That as to non satisfaction from the Parl. of England, he had not to say; but as to his [...]omming in an hostile way into England he had authori­ty from Parl. to resist any power not raised by them, and therefore declared, that he and his Army would oppose, and fight with them, as traytors and enemies to the Kingdome of England, & that this great breach of Covenant between the two Nations, he doubted not but would be revenged up­on them to their utter ruine, &c. This Letter together with the Answer, was read in the House of Commons, July [Page 6]12. and the Commons voted, that they approve what Maj. Gen. Lambert had sent, in answer to the said Letter of D. Hamiltons.

It is reported, that the said Duke Hamilton with his Army have entred England, and are joyned with Ma­jor Gen. Langdale, and that another Party are to crosse Tweed, commanded by Major Gen. Monroe, who are to march in two Bodies, and to advance with expedition towards the South; which indeed they might easily do, were it not for those resolute Heroicks in the North who are resolved to stop their passage, and to fight with them, be they three to one, as appeares by their late resolution sent to the Scottish Army, intimating, that if they prosecuted their Design against this King­dome, they would give them a field with 10000. men, against any 30000. they should bring.


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