A COMPEND OF CHRONOGRAPHY: Containing Four thousand thirty yeers complet, from Adams Creation to Christs Birth. As an Harbinger to two larger Tomes, in pawn of the Authors promiss: which he intends to perform, if God shal permit.

Tempus edax Rerum: quae Tempus edit mala Res est.
Time al things doth devour or spil:
The thing which time mispends is il.

By ROB. VILVAIN of Excester.

Price at Press 3 d.

LONDON, Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne (for the Author) and are to be sold at his House in Thames street, neer Baynards Castle An. Dom. 1654.


A Prefatiuncle.

CHronography is a new term, and the ex­act examen of Times from the beginning to Christs birth an unusual thing: but both very proper or pertinent to imply the Authors in­tentions. Which having succinctly signified, shal suffice to giv a litle glimps of light, in the dark crooked corners of this intricat Labyrinth: enough to lead the wandring steps of Novice Chronologers in a right cours. Adieu.


CHRONOLOGY is a collation or Definitions. coordination of things doon in time, or applied therto: of which kind are many learned works every wher extant. Chronography a discussion or disquisi­tion of Times themselfs: which are seve­raly stated by som in certain peecemeal parcels, but by none intirely together.

Times (to omit Philosophers Physical partition into past, Preamble. present, future) are diversly divided: 1. With Astronomers into yeers (Solar and Lunar) moneths (of Peragration in 27. dais 8. hours, wherin the Moon runs hir race through the Zo­diac; constitution in 28. dais or 4. weeks, ordained for Mens affairs, and Consecution in 29. dais, 12. hours 44. minuts, wherin the Moon at Conjuction overtakes the Sun) weeks (Diarian of 7. natural dais, and Annarian of 7. Solar yeers) dais (natural of 24. equal hours, and Artificial of 12. unequal from Sunrising to setting) hours (Equinoctial of 60. minuts, and unequal according to the dimensions of Artificial dais) minuts 60. in an hour, and secunds or sections 60. in a minut: which is not so pertinent to this purpose. 2. With the A­postles into times of old (reaching from the Creation to Christs coming) and the last dais extending to the Worlds end: which large exception sutes not with this intention. 3. With Rabbi Elias into 3. Dischiliads; that as the World was made in 6. dais, so it shal dure 6000. yeers; Becaus one 2 Pet. 3. 8. Ps 90. 4. [Page] day with the Lord is as 1000. yeers: viz. 2000. before the Law of Circumcision commenced in Abraham, caled void becaus few Kingdoms were erected, and the Earth thinly Peo­pled: 2000. under it, which Christ fulfilled in the flesh and finished: 2000. under the Messias or Gospel, which none can prescribe or prefine: but this distribution is too gross and un­tru. 4. With learned Varro into Classic spaces: viz. from the Worlds origin to Ogyges Flood, which he cals Adyla, un­certain, or dubious: from thence to the Olympiads stiled mythica, or fabulous: and the rest downward to al ages, caled historical, fiducious, or veracious: but this rather respects the quality then quantity of time. 5. With the Fathers and Di­vines into several Ages grounded on set periods in sacred Scrip­ture; with som sort into six, som into seven sections according to the dais of Creation, suting best with my occasion: but this design from the Creation to Christs birth shal be branched into ten such Stages or Stations: trahit sua quem (que) voluntas. For every Man abounds in his own sens, and proponeth a me­thod most complacently consonant to his own phansy or pro­ject.

The first Stage from Adams creation to the Floods inchoa­tion 1 Stage in­cluds 1656. Gen. ch. 7. and 8. contains 1656 Solar yeers (as appeers in the continuance therof so many months and dais, as make up an intire yeer) not Lunar, of 30 dais only, as som sensl [...]sly suppose; for no Nation ever used such sav the old Egyptians, nor they in Civil matters (as Censorinus avers) but their Priests in sacred my­sticals, to amplify a beleef of their antiquity among credulous People. This period is proved by the Protopatriarchs gene­ration of Sons: For Adam lived 130. ful out (so 'tis meant of Gen▪ 5 per totum. al the rest) and begot Seth: he at 105. Enos: he at 90. Cainan: he at 70. Mahalaleel: he at 65. Jared: he at 162. Enoch: he at 65. Michuselah: he at 187. Lamech: he at 182. Noah: he at 600. entred the Arc: in al 1656. The 72. Elders stiled septuagints (or haply their Scribes) exceed the said sum 706. yeers after the Greec Translation, or 586. in the Latin; which palpably prevaricats from Moses Hebrew Prototype: yet most Antients folow them as reverend holy Men; but the Man of God must be preferred to a million of Godly Men.

He that wil be Truths Champion in Chronical compute, tho a despicable Dwarf; may not yeeld an inch to the greatest Giant: no not in a difference of one yeers dimension. Joseph Scaliger was singularly skild in most Sciences, but self weening (as best wits are) and subject to errors. In points of Chronography, he is rather a troubler then amender of accompts, as Salianus stiles him: who to seem curious or cen­sorious in mites, contests about one yeer (as Henry Hotspur with Owen Glendower about Trents torted turnings, in their imaginary sortition or sharing of England) that the Flood be­gan A 1657. current, becaus 'tis said, Noah was 600 complet, Gen 7 6. when the waters were on the Earth: yet the very words plainly purport the being, not beginning of that Deluge: yea 'tis after cleered, that in the 600. current of his life, the fountains Ibid v. 11. of the great Deep broke up: So the places are easily reconciled, tho one mistaken. Indeed the Fathers are said to liv, so many yeers (meaning complet) and beget Children, which Chro­nologers interpret of their Births: and haply the fractions which they lived longer, may somwhat exced the said sum. For the holy Ghost is not scrupulous in such scantlings; which being incertain, we must reckon no more nor less then is ex­pressed in the Genealogy. Som stifly striv that al were born just at the yeers end; which is most improbable, that al should be born on the 6. day as Adam was created: and so let it pass for an inconsiderable trifle scarsly to be conceived or credited. For the od over-plus of moneths or dais, may more safely be omitted or excluded, and the precise sum of 1656. yeers in­dubitably received.

The secund from Noahs Flood to Abrams Birth includs 2 Stage 353. 353. yeers, asserted by the Postpatriarchs begetting of Sons: For the Deluge dured one yeer, and Sem begot Arphaxad two Gen 8. 13. Gen. 11. 10. yeers after it ended: he Salah at 35.: he Eber at 30. he Peleg at 34.: he Reu at 30.: he Sarug at 32.: he Nahor at 36.: he Terah at 29.: he Abram at 130.: in al 353. The seventy translators or their transcribers, not only ad 700. yeers to 7. of thos Patriarchs: but insert one Cainan Arphaxads sup­posed Son (haply misprised or misplaced for Enos Son. Grand­son to Adam) giving him 130. yeers yer he begot Salah: but [Page] Moses mentions no such Man, nor doo the Chronicles name 1 Chr. 1. 18. Luke 3. 36. him. St. Luke (whos transcribers folow the septuagints) cites him, yet haply not the Original: for neither Philo, nor Josephus, nor St. Jerom or any of the Antients writing on his Genealogy, take notice of Cainan in the seventy or Evangelist: therfore 'tis probable that both are vitiated since their times. Yea Beza saith Cainan is cashired in an old Manuscript of his: yet did il to omit him in his translation, being generaly received in al Copies. Howbeit sith Moses and the Chronicles exclude him, he may not be included in sacred Chronology. For if Moses lost him, wher did the 70. find him, who had al their light from him, being but his Torch-bearers or Translators?

Salianus saith Moses suppressed him to make the Patriarchs two Decads (before and after the Flood) equal: as St. Mat­thew omits three Kings of Juda, to keep his Tessera Decad of fourten Generations intire. See the Mans wit: Matthew and Luke intended Genealogy, wherin it matters litle to cut off som links of the Chain, so the succession be kept sound: but Moses Chronology, which would be utterly uncertain, if any one generation be conceled. St. Matthew names the number of Mat. 1. 17. fourten; but Moses cals them not Patriarchs, nor casts them into Decads, as he doth the divine Decalog: nay he that looks aright, shal see eleven in the first Age (inroling Sem the first born) and but 9 in the last: nor can any reason be rendred to transpose Sem into the later Decad, sav that it so pleased the Painter.

A greater rub results, at what age Terah begot Abram: be­caus 'tis said, He lived seventy yeers, and begot Abram, Nahor, Gen. 11. 26. and Haran, viz. the eldest of them; which many misdeem to be Abram, becaus first named. So is Sem in Noahs Of-spring: Gen. 5. 32. but both for their personal dignity being Stock-fathers to Christ, and series of the History intended by Moses: yet Japhet and Haran indubitatly eldest though last named. For Haran came of Terahs first wife, who was father to Loc, Sarai, and Gen. 20 12. Milcah; as appeers by Abrams answer to Abimelech, That Sarai was his Sister or Neece, being Daughter (i. Grandaugh­ter) of his Father, but not of his Mother: For he and Nahor ma­ried their half Brothers daughters. This is the stone wherat [Page 3] Chronologers stumble, cutting off (Atropos like) 60 yeers of the Worlds age: but a short Enthymem shal soon remov it.

Terah died at 205, when Abram was but 75: Ergo he was 130 at Abrams birth; for 75 and 130 make 205: Quid bre­vius, vel quid certius esse potest? The proof is irrefragable and indeniable; but the shifts devised to delud or disguise it sottish and sensless: for if Abram was begot at Terahs age of 70, then Gen 11. 31. Gen. 12. 4. What briefer proof can be Or surer to agree? was he 135 at his death: if so, then was he in Canaan and Egypt, overcam the four Kings, had Ismael and Isaac his Sons, with many mo acts mentioned from Gen. 11 to 22; wherin Moses should be most preposterous to set Terahs death 60 years before it befel, and record such gests after it as were doon in his life time. To elude or evade this evidence, Scaliger and his Sectators fain two Journies into Canaan; one of Abram at 75, in Terahs time; another of Abraham (when his name was changed) at 135, after his death. This is vented or invent­ed gratis without grounds, and flatly repugns St. Stephans say­ing: he cam out of Chaldea to dwel at Charan, and when his Fa­ther Acts 7. 4. was dead (never before) went into Canaan. How, or when did he return with a numerous Family (beside al Cattle, Ca­riages, Gen. 22. 20. and Lots company) into Charan? or why did one tel him as news, that Nahor had a large [...]ssu (Ʋz, Buz, and others) if he had bin so latly among them? Scaliger brands and blames Annius as first brocher of this novity (which is a known Verity) that Terah begot Abram at 130: who though a forger of som Fables, speaks truth in this point; nor is he the Inventer of a novity, for Tertullian, St. Austin and other Antients held it.

Ob. He objects. That Abram admired how he should beget Gen 17. v 17. a Son at 100 (which som doo even in our dais) Ergo 'tis not credible, that Terah begot him at 130 yeers.

Sol. His doubt rose from Sarais age of 90, becaus it ceased to Gen. 18 11. be with hir after the maner of Women; not from his own decre­pit disability: for he had sundry Sons by Keturah, after 140.

Ob. If Abram was not born at Terahs age of 70, ther is no certainty of the time for connexion of sacred Chronology.

Sol. Yes, his age 75 at Terans death, who was 205, provs Gen. 11. 10. him to be born at his Fathers age of 130: as Sems age is notifi­ed by his Son Arphaxads birth; both obliquely, yer infallibly: [Page] that Sem was 100 yeers old 2 yeers after the Flood. Here al Note. personal Calculation of Times by particular Patriarchs ages ceased, and other guids or marks are set to comput by: as the Promist, Exod, Temple, Reigns of Kings, Captivity of Babylon, and prophane Aera's or Epoches (the Olympiads and Rome) which must be the future Chronical Cynosure, wherby to steer our Ship in this surging Sea.

The third from Abrams birth to the Promist, is 75 yeers 3 Stage 75. Gen. 12. 4. a plain pregnant place beyond al cavillation or contradiction: yet St. Stephan saith. God appeered to him in Acts 7. 2, 3, 4. Chaldea, before he dwelt in Charan, bidding him go eat of his Country, and com into the Land which he should shew him. So the apparition and invitation or injunction, was at Ʋr in Chaldea before he cam to Charan: but the Promiss not pro­mulged til his age 75. when he began his peregrination into Canaan.

The fourth from the Promiss to the Exod and Promulgation 4 Stage 430. of the Law 430. Exod. 12. 40 Gal. 3. 17. particularized thus. Abram out lived the Promiss 100. dying at 175. from his Gen 27 7. Gen 35. 28. Gen. 25. 26. Gen 47. 28 Gen 41. 46. Gen 45 6. Gen 47 28. Gen 50 26. Acts 7 23. 30 death to Isaacs 105. who was 75. when Abraham died, and lived 180. which 75. and 105. make 180. from his death to Jacobs 27. for Isaac was 60. at Jacobs birth, and dying at 180. his Son was 120. who lived 27. more, dying aged 147. from Jacobs death to Josephs 54. who was 39. when Jacob cam into Egypt (viz. 30. when Pharaoh dreamed of the Kine, 7. yeers of plenty, and 2. of famin: and Jacob lived ther 17. So Joseph was 56. at his death, and lived after him 54. in al 110. from his death to Moses birth 64. which are not precisely pointed out as the former; but must be shared betwen his Grand-Father Coath and Father Amram. From his birth to the Law 80. for he was 40. when he fled to Madian, and 40. more at the Exod Exod 7. v. 7. Gen 15. 13. in al 80. which said sums (100. 105. 27. 54. 64. 80.) make 430. wherof 215. before Jacobs journy into Egypt, and 25. after. One seeming scruple occurs, that God said to Abram, Acts 7 6. thy seed shal sojourn in a strange Land, and shal be il intreated 400. yeers: which St. Stephan recites: Ergo not 430. som sup­pose it spoken of the total peregrination from the Promiss to the Exod complet 430. yeers: but the od 30. omitted in [Page 4] Genesis and the Acts. This is a remedy wors then the malady, nor can it conciliat the Texts: for God names the affliction and persecution of Abrams Seed in a strange Land 400 yeers: which many begin at Isaacs birth, being heir of the Promiss: but from it to the Law are 405. The most orthodox hold, That Isaac being weaned at 5 yeers old, was mocked or il in­treated Gen. 21. 8, 9. by Ismael, which St. Paul cals Persecution, and ther the Gal. 4 29. 400 commence: but however or whenever the Persecution of 400 is to begin, which is a distinct accompt by it self; we must reckon the peregrination with Moses and St. Paul from the Promiss to the Law ful 430, which is infallible.

The fifth from the Exod to founding the Temple, involvs 5 Stage 480. 480 specificated thus: Moses ruled in the Desart 40, dying at 120: Josua 17: Othniel 40: Ehud 80: Debora 40: Gideon 40: 1 Kings 6. 1. Abimilech 3: Tola 23: Jair 22: Jephte 6: Ibzan 7: Elon 10: Abdon 8: Samson 20: Eli 40: Samuel and Saul complicat 40: Acts 7 36. David 40: Solamon 4 current, when he began to build: in al 480. Al sav Josua are literaly Texted: but his reign not ex­pressed, yet evidently enough implied by leaving him 17 of the 480, sith the rest take 463. Josephus and Jo: Lucidus giv him 25; Massius 26; Eusebius and St. Austin 27; Melancthon 32; Cajetan only 10: but he died at 110 as Joseph did, being 27 Jos. 24. 29. yeers yonger then Moses, ruling 17 complet (or 18 current) after him.

Divers doubts emerge most difficil to assoil: for the Israelits Doubts. suffred sundry servituds under several Oppressors: as under Cusan Richathaim King of Armenia 8 yeers: Eglon King of Moab 18: Jabin King of Canaan 20: the Medianits 7: the Philistins and Ammorits 18: again the Philistins 40: in al 111: which must be included in the Judges Regency, or els wil so far exced the said sum. After Samsons death divers acts are recor­ded, and 'tis twise ingeminated, in thos dais ther was no King in Israel: implying som inter-reign or vacancy, to be reckoned in the Rule of Eli succeding, or els wil exced the Accompt. Nay though we swalow both thos Gudgins in the gulf of Time under the Judges yeers: yet one scruple pincheth sore. St. Paul saith, God suffred their maners in the Wildernes 40: afterward he Acts 13 18 &c. gav them Judges about 450 to the time of Samuel the Prophet: [Page] then they desired a King, and he gav them Saul (involving Sa­muel) 40 yeers: and at last raised up David, &c. who reigned 40: which sums 40, 450, 40, 40, and Salomons 4.) make 574; being 94 abov the said 480: to which ad Josua's 17 not cited by S. Paul, and it amounts to 111 beyond the other: which is the just sum of al thos servituds, seriously to be observed. To recon­cile these pugnan [...] places, is impossible: but most Interpreters I­magin the prime Amanuenses or Transcribers mistook 100 yeers, setting tetracosiois for triacosiois, 450 for 350; becaus the Holy Ghost is not curious in Genealogy or Chronology: but som slips in such trifles are tolerated, as St. Matthew for Euphony of thrise 14 Generations, omits 3 Kings after Ahazaria (Joas, Ahazia, Ʋzzia) beside Queen Athalia: and St. Luke super­ads Cainan not found in Moses Canon.

Such answers are aspersions on holy Writ: for if misprisions Censure. may pass for plea, why may not it be presumed, that the sum 480 is 100 too short? for if the 111 servile yeers be substitu­ted to the Judges; yet Josua might preside more then 17, and the Tribe of Juda and Simeon waged war with Adonibezek, took Jerusalem and Hebron, with other exploits extant in the two first Chapters of Judges; before God stirred up Othnie [...]. Yea Josephus records the story of the ravished Levits Wife, as doon in thos dais, though transposed per hysteron proteron as a by-busines; beside som Anarchies intimated after Samsons death. How much time thes things took, is not defined; but must be shared among the Judges: els the sum wil swel beyond bounds, which can alow but 40 to Samul and Saul jointly: yet St. Paul saith, God gav them Saul 40: nor can it seem much less; sith he had sundry Sons valiant Warriers. So little is left for Samuels sole Rule who cam a Child to Eli, being dedica­ted to God before his birth by his Mother, and ruled long, dy­ing very aged. Indeed it appeers not, how long Eli lived, yer Samuel succeded, or how long he Judged yer Saul was an­nointed: but the series of Story shews it to be no short space.

Laying aside these difficulties, the truth is, That the precited times of Judges are 339: but St. Paul casting in the 111 of Servitud (as the Jews used, whos accompt he folows) saith [Page 5] 450: so his computation including thos yeers, and others ex­cluding them materialy agree. This is a fairer justification of St. Paul, then to correct him under color of Transcribers er­rors: for his sole scope is to shew, how God released his Peo­ple from Bondage, ruling them by Moses and Judges til Sauls time: and raised up our Lord Jesus out of Davids seed, to set­tle the Scepters succession: but intended no exact calculation of Times, sav what was current among his Countrimen; whos Traditions he observs often when he speaks to win them. How­ever we must hold the 480 in the Book of Kings (wher 'tis purposly prescribed, and the month Zif cited) excluding thos 111 of oppression, and not stick at every opposition.

The sixth from the Temples foundation to the Captivity of 6 Stage 431. Babylon, complet 431 demonstrated thus: Salomon reigned after the building began 36: Roboam 17: Abiam 3: Asa 41: Jehosaphat 25: Jehoram alone 4: Ahazia 1: Athaliah 7: Jo­as 40: Amazia 29: Inter-reign 11: Azaria or Ʋzzia the Leper 52: Jotham 16: Ezekiah 29: Manasses 55: Amon 2: Josias 31: Jehoaz 3 months: Jehoiachim 11: Jehoiachin or Je­coniah 3 months: Zedechiah 11: in al 436, and 6 months: but Chronologers comput only 431. For Nativities are reckoned complet, as one is said to be a yeer old at end therof; but Reigns current, as Kings at first day of inchoation cal it the first yeer: So King James reigned 22 yeers and 3 dais, which is caled 23 current. Now the whol time from Salomons fourth yeer A. M. 2994 to Zedekiahs captivity A. M. 3425. is just 431, and no more. The frequent fractions of Co-reigns, Inter-reigns, and Anarchies are handled by Sir Walter Raleigh. Four Babylonish L. 2 C 22 § 11 Captivities are cited: 1 of Manasses by Merodach: 2 of Je­hoichim and Daniel; but neither of thes controverted: 3 Of 2 Chr. 33. 11. 2 Chr 36 6 [...] 2 Kings 25. 8. Jeconiah and Ezekiel: 4 Of Zedekiah and al the People; al three last by Nebuchadonosor; but Zedekiahs the grand one Catexochen, wher the 70 yeers foretold by Jeremy commence in the ninetenth of Nebuchadnezar, when both City and Tem­ple were demolished. Many maintain (specialy Scaliger) That thos yeers begin at Ezekiels captivity, becaus he saith, in the twenty fifth of our Captivity, fourten yeers after the City was smiten: which infers that it began 11 before Jerusalems de­struction. [Page] Indeed his did, but Jeremies 70 yeers commenced at the final desolation, not 11 yeers before. St. Matthew saith, Mat 1. 11. 12. They were caried to Babylon in Jeconiahs time: this only provs it to be a Captivity, but not that of 70 yeers. For Jeremy is most exact herin, deciding the debate beyond al dispute. Be­hold, I wil send al the families of the North (saith the Lord) and Jer. 25 9. &c. Nebuchadnezer King of Babel: and wil bring them against al Inhabitants of this Land, and the Nations round about, and wil destroy them, and make them an astonishment or hissing, and a con­tinual desolation. I wil take from them the voice of mirth and glad­nes, the voice of Bridegroom & Bride; the nois of Milstones, & light of the Candle: & thes Nations shal serv the King of Babel 70 yeers; but after thes 70 I wil visit the King of Babel. So the 70 yeers be­gin not when this Prophecy was uttered, nor when Jehoiachim then reigning was captived, nor in Jeremiahs time: but with the utter deluge or devastation of City and Country. This is evi­dently evinced by the event, wher 'tis said: They burnt the hous 2 Chr. 36. 19. &c. of God and broke down the Wal of Jerusalem: and thos left he ca­ried Captiv to Babel; who were servants to him and his Sons til the Persians had Rule; to fulfil the Lords word spoken by Jeremy, til the Land had hir fil of Sabbaths. For al the days she lay desolat, she kept Sabbaths to fulfil 70 yeers: but in the first of Cyrus, when Jeremies word was accomplished, God stirred up Cyrus spi­rit, &c. Both places plainly prov, that they began at Zedekiahs grand Captivity: Yea Daniel declares, That God would ac­complish Dan 9. 2. 70 yeers in Jerusalems desolation: So though his own Captivity be reckoned with Jehoiachims, and Ezekiels with Jeconiahs (the People accounting their own severaly) yet the last Uuniversal of 70 yeers, began with the general desolation of that Nation: therfore the Scaligerians (seem they never so acut Lynces) begin it 11 yeers too soon, and abridg the Worlds age so much; as they doo 60 mo at Abrams birth.

The seventh from the Captivities commencement or incho­ation 7 Stage 70. to its accomplishment or solution, compriseth 70. yeers, warranted by Jeremies prophecy: but to light a Candle in the Sun, it may be proved by the reigns of 3. Babylonish Kings, as Jeremy foretold, That al Nations shal serv him, his Son, and Jer. 27. 7. Sons Son, til the time of his Land com also, and then they shal serv [Page 6] themselfs of him. Now tho it skils litle, how the 70. yeers be sorted or shared among them: yet most probably thus. Na­buchodonosor sacking Jerusalem in his 19. reigned 25. more, in al 44. Evilmerodach 26. Balthasar 17. Darius Medus al­most 2. which make 70. Then Cyrus in his first over al Asia (having reigned 23. in Persia before) released the Jews to re­build the Temple. Many advers Opinions occur, chiefly Jo­sephus and his numerous Sectists, who reckon 5. lineal descents, Nabuchodonosor, Evilmerodach, Niglisar, Labosardach, Bal­thasar: but others make the 3. last Brothers and Evilmero­dachs Sons; which sounds neerer to Jeremies words, yet un­tru. For Balthasar was his only Son and next successor. Som make Evilmerodach and Balthasar Brethren, becaus Daniel cals Balthasar Nebuchadnezers Son for Grandson, which is Dan 5 2. usual in Scripture and al Eastern languages. As to Niglisar, he seems to be Husband of Nicotris (another Semiramis) Nabuchodonosors Daughter, who ruled as Regent part of his 7. yeers madnes, when he ran wild among Beasts: and Labo­sardoch their Son a short space of 9. moneths, but Evilmero­dach as tru Heir enjoied the Crown after his death, and Bal­thasar succeded. This is the naked truth: but how the 70. yeers are divided betwen them, is not much material; but the gross sum from the grand Captivity to Cyrus certain. Scaliger led by Annius (whom he rejected before about Abrams birth in a truth, and now folows him in error) alots to Evilmero­dach but 2. yeers, which is far short of verity: for Jeremy Jer. 52. 33. shews how highly he favored Jeconiah, who eat bread before him al dais of his life: which implies no short space; for Evilme­rodach outlived him being 55. when he was released, and begot Salathiel Father to Pedaiah Zerobabels Father afterward: so his reign must needs be much more. Scaliger (to justify his opi­nion, that the 70. yeers began 11 before Jerusalems ruin) allows Balthasar (caling him Labosaroach Nicotris Son) but 5. yeers; making his Father Niriglisoroar Protector for 4. which neer agrees with the 9. months assigned by Annius to Niglisars Son by Nicotris: but both Father and Son ruled som part of Na­buchodonosors wildnes or woodnes, not soly and singly after him: therfore he meerly mistakes the matter being no infallible [Page] Oracle. His last King (supposed to be Balthasar) is one Nabo­nidus whom he cals Darius Medus: but differs from his Au­thor Annius, whos Nabonidus was a Babylonian like Balthasar. That which deceived him to deem the Berosian Nabonidus the same with Darius is, becaus Daniel saith Darius took the King­dom, not won it by force: but 'tis meant that his Son in Law Cyrus got it in his absence, who entred quietly and enjoied it during life. So tho he magisterialy condemns the whol Na­tion of Chronologers for holding Darius to be Partner (who was Principal) in the Conquest; yet are they in the right, and he in evident error. For the Medes were Cheiftains, Persians only assistants; Darius defraier of the charges, and Cyrus manager of the wars. So the Acquest belonged to Cyaxares (Daniels Darius Medus) for 3. reasons: 1. Becaus he was Dan 5. 31. elder and Father in Law to Cyrus: 2. Becaus he began the quarel, and bore al the costs: 3. Becaus the Medes then were more famous then the Persians. Yet the glory is given to Cy­rus for three other causes: 1. Becaus the Persians magnified their own Monarch, and from them the Greecs hav it: 2. Becaus he was present and President: 3. Becaus Darius dying within two yeers, he was seated in the Throne, yer re­mot Nations heard of it: therfore Darius cannot be the Be­rosian or Babylonian Nabonidus, but he must be Balthasar. It is worth observing obiter, that Nabuchodonosor con­queror Note wel. of the first Monarchy, had only two successors of his own loins, Evilmerodach and Balthasar: Cyrus next but one, Cambyses: Alexander third scars one: for Aridaeus was his base Brother, and his Son Alexander by Roxane (unborn at his death) barely proclamed by his Grand-mother Olympias (as our Edward 5.) but slain by Cassander, and never Crowned: Caesar the fourth none, but adopted his Sisters daughters Son sirnamed Augustus, and he his Wifes Son Tiberius: to whom a Nephew Caligula succeded, and to him an Uncle Claudius: who adopted his Wifes Son Nero the last of Caesars linage, aswel Adoptitial as Natural. Sic transit gloria mundi. Thus al four Monarchies soon transmigred from the Purchasers pro­geny or posterity to Aliens or Allies: Man disquiets himself Ps. 39 7. in vain, heaping up riches, and knows not who shal gather them. [Page 7] Here ends Canonical Chronography, wherin we had the cleer Sun-shine of sacred Scripture to guid our steps; though som­times shadowed with thick clouds, which hav bin dispelled: but must henceforth walk by Moon light in the paths of Hu­man Histories; having two blazing Torches of the Olympic Aera and Rome to direct us.

Most Men make Daniels Vision of 70 weeks (Annarian, ech Digression of Daniels Vision or Vaticinia­tion. containing a Sabbath of 7 yeers, in al 490) the golden Chain of Chronology from the Captivity to Christ; but agree like Samsons tail-tied Foxes drawing divers wais, both about the initiation and termination: for they are at Daggers point in divers Points: 1. What commandment is meant, whether that of Cyrus to reedify the Temple, which Cambyses hindred? or of Darius Hystaspis to finish it? or of Artaxerxes long hand, one in his seventh yeer when he maried Esther to offer in the Ezra 1. 2 &c. Ezr. 6. 1. &c. Ez 7. v. 8 &c. Neh. 2. 1. &c. Temple; another in his twentieth, when Nehemiah repaired the Wals and City? 2. Whether the 7 weeks and 62 (483 yeers) from going forth of the Decree to Messiah the Prince, determin at his birth, baptism, or death? 3. How the last week (wherin he shal confirm the covenant with many, and in the midst caus the Sacrifice to ceas) can be continuat? But leaving contention, let us survey the Vision so much as concerns this intention by a short Paraphrase to the present purpose.

Daniel in the first of Darius Conquest, finding the 70 yeers Dan. 9. per totū. foretold by Jeremy neer finished, praied and confessed his sins: At which time the Angel Gabriel informed, That at beginning of Vers. 22. 23. his Supplications the Commandment cam forth (not actualy; for al four were promulged afterward; but by divine Decree which is Yea and Amen) that 70 weeks (490 yeers) are determined on Vers. 24. his People (the Jews) and holy City (Jerusalem) to finish trans­gression, seal up sins, reconcile iniquity, bring in everlasting righte­ousnes, Vers. 25. seal up Vision and Prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy; al applied to Christ by most Orthodox-Divines. Then he di­vides thes weeks: Know that from going forth of the Command­ment to bring again the People (this seems to imply that of Cy­rus) and to build Jerusalem (this rather intends another of A­taxerxes) to Messiah the Prince, shal be 7 weeks, and 62: the Vers 26. street shal be built and the wal in troublous times (this Nehemiah [Page] performed) and after 62 Messiah shal be cut off, but not for him­self (which seems to imply his death) and the People of the Prince that shal com (the Romans) shal destroy City and Sanctu­ary, and the end shal be with a Flood: and to the Wars end desola­tions are determined: This befel 38 yeers after Christs cruci­fixion. And he shal confirm the Covenant with many for one week Vers. 27. (the last) and in the midst of it shal caus the Sacrifice to ceas (hap­ly at Christs Passion, 3 yeers and half after his Baptism) and for the overspreading of abominations he shal make it desolat, til the consummation determined be poured on the desolat. This denots the Cities fatal destruction, and Temples final demoliti­on in the other half week (for from Vespasians entry to repress the Rebellion; til Titus took Jerusalem were 3 yeers and half) caled by our Saviour the abomination of desolation, spoken by Mat. 24 15. Daniel the Prophet.

Lo here the literal Eloquy of this Enigmatical Prophecy, the Rack of learned wits; wherin thes points are cleer: 1. That Messiah shal expiat sins, bring in everlasting Righteousnes or Salvation, and fulfil al Prophecy. 2. That he shal com within thos 70 weeks, and in the last be slain. 3. That the Jewish Law and Sacrifice shal ceas. 4. That both City and Temple shal be destroied. 5. That this desolation shal be perpetual, til the consummation of al Things and Times. This confuts Chiliasts, who say Christ shal in Person reign at Jerusalem 1000 yeers: but much more the Jews who gape for a Messias: For let them begin the 70 weeks wher they wil; it must needs be that al thes things are already accomplished, and the Messiah com long ago, who hath abolished al Lawish Ceremonies.

For the limits of thes weeks, som begin and end too soon: Opinions. as Origen (who reckons 70 yeets for 7 to a week, viz 4900) extends them from the Creation to Christs Birth. Som begin and end too late: as Scaliger and Junius from Josephus, who comput from Darius Hystaspis Decree to Jerusalems downfal. Som begin too soon and end too late: as Hippolitus, who takes rise 50 yeers before Cyrus til Doomsday; and R. Salomon who reacheth from the first Temples demolition to the secunds destruction. Som begin too late and end too soon: as Me­lancthon, who sets his But at the twentieth of Longimanus, and [Page 8] Basis at Christs Baptism. Som begin right and end too soon: Som begin wel and end too late: Som end right but begin too soon. Som end wel, but begin too late, as particular instances prov. Most probably by Commandment is meant Cyrus first Commission or Proclamation, which Zerubabel executed: for so soon as the 70 yeers of Captivity expired, the 70 weeks of li­berty (which exced sevnfold) commenced, and both saith Cal­vin are certainly conjoined. 'Tis no less credible, that by abo­mination of desolation at end of this Vision, Jerusalems ruin by the Romans is understood: but from one to the other in­tervened 606 yeers (116 abov 70 weeks) which is caus that none could ever make their accompts agree, though they rack­ed the Text on tainters, wors then Procustes tortured his Priso­ners. For in truth the premisses infer this result, That 'tis no Result. connexion of Times past and to come; as the interrupted in­tervals of 7 weeks, 62, one and half one apertly indicat: but rather a linking together of things treated therin, with refe­rence to Times among themselfs: as Cyrus Command to build the Temple, Darius Decree to prosecut it, Artaxerxes permis­sion to offer therin, with his Charter to repair the Wals and City: the coming of Messiah, his cutting off, not for himself; the Covenants consummation, cessation of Sacrifice and Obla­tion; with the destruction of City and Sanctuary: al which were not doon in 70 successiv or continuat Annal weeks, as every ey may see. Various are Commentators conceptions, but more erroneous Chronologers computations; which to re­concile is impossible, to refel unprofitable; sith they unprofita­bly labor in impossibles. It shal suffice to shew that it can be no exact or evident rule of Chronology, which only concerns things past Historicaly, not times to com Propheticaly: nor is the medius terminus from the Captivity to Christ right, whe­ther it ends at his Birth, Baptism, Death, or Jerusalems demo­lition; ech of which hav their potent Patrons.

To conclud, 'tis a Chronical Coordination of Things in it Conclusion. self, with relation to Times: but no continuat concatination of Times to Christ or farther; nor ever so intended by the Holy Ghost.

Si Chronicam seriem e Daniele excerpere quaeras;
Oceanum exoneras, Aethiopemque lavas.
If Chronicism from Daniel yee seek to draw;
You drain the Sea, and wash a Blackmore raw.
Tu nihil invita dices faciesve Minerva.
Nought shalt thou say or doo,
If Nature b'advers therto.

To wrest a connezion of sacred Chronology from Daniels Va­ticiny, is to swim against the stream or cast dust against the wind, which wil fly in thy face. 'Tis impossible to make Chi­verel of a Sows ear, or frame a concatenation of Times contra­ry to the Holy Ghosts intention: therfore beat not thy brains to beget or bring forth a new Minerva, which al old Midwifes hav faild to effect; not for lack of skil, but 'tis lost labor to sow seed in a barren soil. Sith then no Chonological concordance appeers, and 'tis no part of this Task to explane the Text; we must make necessity a Virtu, and apply to most approved Au­thors: using the scale of thos two chief Aeras, being the best Touch-stones to try the Truth in dubious points, by way of exact Chronography. Here this Stage had ended, but that Mr. Livly (somtime Hebrew Lecturer at Cambridg) hath som strange In his Chro­nol. of the Per­sian Monarchy strains: whos too tedious mysterious exposition, shal put a pe­riod to this prolix disquisition.

His Translation and Interpretation is this: Seventy weeks (Sevenets or Sabbaths of yeers) are determined (decreed) on Dan. 9 24. thy People and holy City, to finish transgression and end sin (by Christs death) to make reconciliation for iniquity (by appeasing Gods wrath) to bring everlasting righteousnes (by purchasing eternal Salvation or Redemption) to seal up Vision and Prophe­cy (by conforming or fulfilling them) and to annoint the Holy of Christus, Messi­as, unctus Sy­nonyma. Holies (Christ Jesus) yet Princes, Priests, and Prophets were an­nointed singly, but Christ al three in one Person, being Messia Catexochen. For they were inunct with material Oil only, he with spiritual the holy Ghost; they being but Types of his In­unction. So far he runs with the common current of Divines, but the rest are novities. Know then that from going forth of the Vers. 25. Word (Decree, Edict, Commandment) to build again Jerusa­lem, [Page 9] unto Messiah the Governour (by name Nehemiah, not Christ) shal be 7 weeks (here he makes a Colon to dis-join them from the 62) and 62 weeks it shal be builded again (continu builded so long before it be desolated) both street and wal in a troublous time. And after 62 weeks Messiah shal be cut off (by Vers. 26. death, deprivation, exile, or expulsion) and shal hav no being (as Governor; but expeld as King Agrippa was) and the City and Sanctuary shal the People of the com Governor (the Roman Ru­ler that shal com) destroy: and the end therof shal be with a Flood (it shal overwhelm the Land as a Deluge) and to the Wars end Vers 27. shal be a precise judgment of desolations (partly by forren Forces, partly by intestin seditions in City & Country) and he shal make a sure Covenant to many one week (by confirming the things foregoing of Messias to be cut off and desolation; which were fulfild in the last week) and half that week, shal caus the Sacri­fice and Offring to ceas (in the Temple) and for the overspreading of abominations (by al abominable sins) shal be desolation, which to utter precise destruction (to dure for ever past al restauration) shal be poured on the desolat. This is the effect of his nice new Paraphrase on the Text according to the Hebrew toung: but for the inchoation and expiration of thes weeks, he walks single and singular: for de draws the line lower down, making Da­rius Nothus (not Hystaspis) and Artaxerxes Mnemon (not Longband) Authors of the said Commissions or Command­ments cited by Ezra and Nehemia. Scaliger indeed (who is L 6 de Emend. temp. C 2. stil unhappy to folow the worst part) imputs the revived De­cree of building the Temple to Nothus secund yeer, becaus from it to finishing the Wal and streets were 7 weeks or 49 yeers, when Nehemiah returned into Persia in the 32 th of Mne­mon: but he rather respects Chronical concinnity then Histori­cal verity. For just so many yeers interceded, but Nehemiah served his loving Lord Longimanus, and returned in his two and thirtieth; which was 60 before Mnemons two and thir­tieth.

Mr. Livly proceds, That after thos 7 weeks, the City was to His Comment. continu 62 or 434 yeers, and then Messiah or Governor of Judea (King Agrippa) shal be cut off or chased away with stones; and the People of the com Prince or forren Ruler shal [Page] destroy both City and Sanctuary. So he divides the weeks into three parts: 1. From the renewed Decree to build the Temple, in the secund of Nothus (in truth the secund of Hystaspis) to Nehemiahs Government 49 yeers. 2. From it to the continu­ance of Commonwealth and Princely Rule, til its ruine (which began in the ninth of Nero, when Albinus by covetous cruelty oppressed the Jews) 62 weeks or 434 yeers. 3. One after the 62, in midst wherof Messias the last Ruler shal be cut off, as Agrippa was pelted out, becaus he perswaded the People to obey Florus wors then Albinus: and the Jewish Government extinct in Neros twelfth, abov 3 yeers before their utter deso­lation. Thus from the secund of Nothus when the Decree went forth (as he opines) to Jerusalems fatal fal, are 70 weeks, or 490 yeers: indeed 4 more, which is not much. In this space the Roman Rulers (Caestius Gallus, Vespasian, Titus) made Covenants with many Jews that fled to them, using them cour­teously as Josephus informs; which sundry Rabins take to be the Covenant confirmed for one week: but he expounds it of the new Gospel Covenant, wherby many seing the manifold miseries of the City and Country foretold by Christ, were con­verted more then any time els before. For God warned the Saints (saith Eusebius) to fly from Jerusalem (like Lot out of Sodom to Zoar) into little Pella beyond Jordan, that he might pour his vengeance more fiercely upon Unbeleevers. If any ask to whom the Particle (He shal make a Covenant) can be referred sav to the Roman Ruler? He saith 'tis usual in He­brew, to understand a Person or Agent though not expressed before, when a transitiv Verb hath an Impersonal notion: viz. that before it be destroied, a Covenant shal be made to the Faithful ther by such Ministers as God shal use. In midst of that week the Legal Sacrifices ceased: for at Vespasians coming the Rebel-Ringleaders abolished the custom of Sacrifices, ap­pointing the common People and Country Clowns to be Priests (as Coblers, Coopers, Coachmen, and Costermongers preach in Tubs during tumults) contrary to Law: yea they de­filed the Temple, and slu the Priests at the Altar: so in fine no Oblation was offred as Josephus tels: for ceasing of Sacrifices may apply both to this War and Christs death, which abolished [Page 10] and accomplished al lawish oblations. The sum is, that by an­nointing the most Holy, Christ is understood: but by Messias twise mentioned, the Jews Governors (Nehemiah, Agrippa) are meant. Wheras then 'tis said 70 weeks are decreed to abolish sin and make attonement, which Christ did within thos weeks: as Tertullian saith, the work of redemption was perfected under Tiberius within Daniels 70 weeks.

The Hebrews held, their Messiah should reign at Jerusalems destruction, according to an antient rule of R. Elias School, that the World shal last 2000 yeers before the Law, 2000 under it, and 2000 under Messias: which R. Leviben Gershom cals the Dan. 2. Dan. 7. fifth Kingdom, being to succed the four foretold by Daniel. For the Law with al Ceremonies ended, when Titus razed the seat of divine worship, and neither Place, Priest, nor People left to solennize Gods service, R. Hami saith the Son of David shal not com so long as any Soveraignty remains in Israel: R. Milo from R. Eliezer, that Christ shal not com, til al Judges and Magistrats be clean rid: R. Moses Hadarson com­menteth on Jacobs Prophecy, that the Sanedrim shal not ceas til Shilo the Messias com: which stood in ful authority with Gen. 49. 10. the Commonwealth til the last war. For Josephus relats, that the high Priest Ananus and seventy Judges condemned James (our Lords Brother) Bishop of Jerusalem, when Albinus began the war: Agrippa was expeld not long after: the Sanedrim suppres­sed, Priesthood made a mockery, & al authority turned to anar­chy: the City and Commonwealth becoming Acephalon with­out Head or Guid. Many seek the fulfilling of Jacobs pro­phecy at Christs Birth, becaus Herod an Idumean alien swaied the Scepter: but are deceived: for the Jews Government by Priests and Elders dured stil, tho subject to the Romans (as before to Babylonians, Persians, and Syrians) who substituted Herod under them. Onchelos the Chaldee Paraphrast interprets it thus: A Magistrat of Juda shal not depart, nor a Scribe of his posterity til Christ com to whom the Kingdom pertains, and al power shal be subdued to him. Hence so many con­terfets about the Temples downfal, fained to be Messias: yea divers Rabbins (Judas, Nehorai, Nehemias) took by tradition as tokens of Christs coming, that much wickednes should a­bound, [Page] good Men abhorred, and Divinity Schools made Bro­thel houses; which is Daniels overspreading of abominations. This Josephus records to be at that Siege, when al sins against nature were acted, Laws cōtemned, the Temple desiled, Virgins deflowred, Matrons ravished, Houses rifled, and al detestable crimes perpetrated or practised. Thus Daniel and Josephus refer the reign of abominations to Jerusalems destruction, which the Rabins apply to Christs coming. To reconcile al, Christs coming is duple: 1. Personal in humility, as Zechary Zech. 9 9. said, Rejoice daughter of Sion, be glad daughter of Jerusalem: for lo thy King cometh lowly riding on an Ass and an Asses Fole. 2. Powerful in principality, wherof he self speaks, That som Mat. 16. 28. ther should not see death, til the Son of Man cam in his Kingdom; which was verified in St. John with others, of whom he said: If I wil that he tary til I com, what is that to thee? Who lived John 21. v. 22. til Jerusalems desolation, when Christ cam as a revenging Judg to punish his Persecutors; which may be Meaphoricaly caled a coming: tho divers Divines impute it to his Resurrection, being an entrance into his Kingdom, confirmed by sending down the Comforter; yet not so proper as the other; For Junius expounding Daniels words (from going out of the Command­ment to build Jerusalem unto Messiah, shal be 7 weeks and 62) refers them to Christs coming in Daniels last week, when Je­rusalems desolation began: becaus he shewed himself a severe Lord or Judg against the Jews, and a gracious Prince or Head of the Church by benefit of the Gospel. When Christ told his Disciples, that not a stone should be left on a stone: they asked Mat. 24 2. 3. when it should be, and what sign of his coming, and of the Worlds end? Conjoining the Temples demolition, Christs coming, and the Worlds end: but in St. Marc and Luke they Marc 13. 4. Luk 21. 7. only ask what time shal be of the Temples ruin? Which ar­gues, that the Apostles held the old Hebrews opinion of the Temples eversion and Christs coming to concur; when a change shal be of the old Churches overthrow, and coming of Christs Kingdom: who expected a new face of things by their Messias reign caling it the World to com. As Rabins termed the time from Adam to Christ the first World, and from it to the general Resurrection the last: so the Disciples inquiring the [Page 11] sign of Christs coming and the Worlds end; meant the new secund World of the Gospel. Whence those times betwixt Christs preaching and Jerusalems perishing, are caled the last dais, and by St. Paul the Worlds end. Yea Christ answering Acts 2. 17. Hebr. 1. v 2. their Quaere, givs one token cited by R. Nehemias, that wick­ednes shal multiply, and Charity wax cold. This secund com­ing 1 Cor. 10 v 11. Mat. 24. 12. contains his whol reign, jurisdiction, and judgment in Heavenly Jerusalem by the Gospel preached: even from com­mencement of Earthly Jerusalems confusion, to the general Resurrection; both being expresly concluded under his secund coming: one respecting the inchoation, another the consum­mation of the self same Kingdom. Thus al circumstances cohere, wher he saith, This generation shal not pass til al thes things be Mat. 24. 34. fulfilled: and som shal not tast of death, til they see the Son of Man com in his Kingdom: which respects it beginning in Je­rusalems fal, when he cam as a revenging Judg; and the rest relat to the last Judgment. For what better concent can be, then that his spiritual reign over al Nations by the Gospel preached should commence, when al Lawish Ceremonies ceased? Or that the Heavenly Kingdom should begin when the Earthly ended and al Jewish Government expired? Or the inward subjection of Gods new People the Elect among Gentils, and his spiritual service should com in stead of the Jews outward worship? Or that Celestial Sion (new Jeru­salem) should succed, when the old Terrestrials hav no more being? This Isaiah foretold, It shal be in the last dais, that the Isai 2. 2. 3. Mountain of the Lords hous shal be prepared on the Mountains top, and exalted abov the Hils, and al Nations shal flow to it: and they shal say, com let us go to the Lords Mountain, who wil teach us his wais, and we wil walk in his paths: for the Law shal go forth of Sion, and the Lords Word from Jerusalem. By the Moun­tain of his Hous (Sion and Jerusalem) is meant Christs Church caled the Gospel, not any real City: w ch St. Paul cals, High Hea­venly Gal. 4. 26. Heb. 12. 22. (new) Jerusalem abov, Mother of us al. This began when the Jews dispeopled or disparkled, not before. Indeed Christ preached the Gospel 40 yeers before, & the Disciples continued it: but the Jews civil Government or Commonwealth, with Ce­remonial [Page] Law-worship remained stil: so the preceding preach­ing seemed rather a preparation to Christs Kingdom, then a Mat 4 17. Mat. 10 7 23 perfect imitation: as he self said, Amend your lifes, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand: and taught his Apostles so to doo: implying that his Kingdom was shortly to com, yer they should finish al the Cities of Israel. So the ful beginning of his spiritual reign is reckoned, when the old government and outward service expired. For then Christ reigned alone by his Gospel (not in any material City) without partnership of the Law, nor could both concur or coexist. Thus Daniels words of ending sin and making attonement, may be applied to this time tho ended before: becaus Christ then by a kind of excel­lence or eminence sanctified his Church from sin, and recon­ciled sinners; when he did it by the Gospel alone without Law purifyings: and the shadow being gon, the body cam in place of it. The bringing in of everlasting righteousnes may apply to Christ himself, as Jeremy and St. Paul cal him: and seal­ing Jer. 23 6. 1 Cor. 1. 30. of Vision and Prophecy to his glorious Kingdom not long after his death, being not fully finished til that time. Lastly the annointing of most Holy, agrees best with his absolut reign: so the Hebrews referring it to Jerusalems desolation, complies with Scripture.

Now for Chronology: the first of Cyrus Olymp. 60. 4. His Chronolo­gy. when he proclamed the Edict, and secund of Vespasian Olymp. 112. 2. when Jerusalem was spoiled (which contain 606. yeers) are generaly made the extrems of this Vision: in which space som go higher, som lower for the limits: referring the rise to Cyrus Decree when he licensed Zerubabel to rebuild the Temple; or to the 2 of Darius Hystaspis when he ratified the former; or to the 7 of Artaxerxes Longhand, when he permitted Ezra to offer in the Temple; or to his 20, when he sent Nehemiah to reedify wals and City: but the period to Christs birth, baptism, death, or Jerusalems destruction; as every fancy fashioneth the Accompts; wresting words to their sens, yet can make no coherence.

Mr. Livly begins at 2 of Darius Nothus, and ends at 2 of Vespasian, which he saith is 490 yeers, as indeed it exceds but 4 [Page 12] which is neerest of any for concinnity of comput, but far from truth. For Hystaspis (not Nothus) licensed the Jews to ex­pedit the Temple, as Ezra evidently shews: that when Zeru­babel Ez 4 1, 5, 6, 7, &c. and the Jew began, their Adversaries hired Counsilors to hinder it al dais of Cyrus being abroad in War, and of Cambyses, til the 2 of Hystaspis: for Nothus did not initiat til 106 yeers after Cyrus, and never made any Decree for the Jews. Thes Men wrot to Artashaste (so they caled al Persian Kings, but properly Cambyses, stiled before Ahasueros in He­brew a Prince being his Fathers Viceroy) who stopped the structure 7 yeers in his Fathers absence, and 7 after. His next Ez. 5. 1, 2, 3, &c. Successor (sav 10 months usurpation by the conterfet Magi) was Hystaspis: in whos 2 yeer Zerubabel incoraged by the Prophet Haggai and Zechary (who were al dead yer Nothus Ez. 6. v. 6. 13. reigned) retrived the work: but Tatnai and Shetherboznai opposed, til Darius charged them to further it, which they sadly did. So 'tis cleer as Sunshine, that Zerubabel began to build in the first of Cyrus, and revived it in the 2 of Hystaspis af­ter 15 yeers intermission: but he builds on a fals foundation, that Cyrus initiated and made that Edict Olym. 55. 1. for he be­gan then in Persia (as best writers witnes) but not over al Asia til 23 yeers after Olym. 60. 4. which is his meer mistake or misprision. However if it be granted that Nothus made a new Decree, and from it to Mnemons 32 be 7 weeks or 49 yeers, and 490 in al to Jerusalems devastation, neither of which is exactly tru: yet this provs not the Vision to be a continuation of sacred Chronology from the Captivity downward: for ther is a vast Chasma of 115 yeers from the 1 of Cyrus to the 2 of Nothus, not chalked out in thos 490 yeers; but denoted by secular Authors according to the Olimpic Aera: nor can any cleer certain Chronicism be collected from the Vision, as is copiously proved.

Sir W. Ralegh and many mo begin thos weeks at the 7 of Artaxerxes Longhand Olym. 80. 2. and end at Christs cruci­fixion Olym. 202. 4. which make 490 yeers; yet can be no continued Chronology from the Captivity, sith neither the [Page] preceding time from Cyrus to Longimanus; nor the subse­quent from our Saviours suffering to Jerusalems subversi­on (both which belong to the Vision) is involved ther­in.

Mr. Livly seeks to confirm or countenance his novities by Opinions. Contestees: 1. Eusebius, who by Messiah twise named under­stands a Successor of annointed high Priests, w ch Ruled Regaly (as the Machabees and others) after their releas from Babylon: so the Hebrews take the word, and expound cutting off by expul­sion or otherwise. 2. Tertullian, who begins the 70 weeks at the secund of Darius, naming his 4 Successors (Mnemon, Ochus, Arses, Codomon) which must needs be Nothus, though he miscals him Medus. The end of thos weeks he sets in the se­cund of Vespasian saying, that the Jews by being subdued, ful­filled Daniels 70 weeks. 3. Sulpitius Severus St. Austins Con­temporar, who saith the Jews by Cyrus leav began the Temple, but were hindred about 100 yeers; recompting Cambyses, Da­rius, Xerxes, Artaxerxes (with another Xerxes and Sogdianus) who al prohibited the progress: then Darius (Nothus) in whos sixth yeer it was finished. From thence to Jerusalems down­fal he reckons 69 weeks or 483 yeers, as Daniel prophecied. 'Tis tru the inchoation of that desolation Albinus made about the time specified, but the consummation befel 7 yeers after. 4. Scaliger refers the beginning of thos weeks to Nothus De­cree, and end to Jerusalems destruction. So Junius computs from the secund of Nothus to the secund of Vespasian: with whom concur Clemens Alexand: Origen, Chrysostom, and sun­dry Rabins: nor can thos Sevenets (divided into 7, and 62, and one) be more properly or probably interpreted. Thus he pleads bravly in a bad Caus.

How Eusebius or the Hebrews expound the word Messiah, Answer. concerns not Chronology: but al Orthodox Divines apply it to Christ. Tertullian contradicts himself, naming Darius Me­dus, and noting out Nothus: for thos Antients were sory Hi­storics and wors Chronologists. Sulpitius ers in saying the buil­ding was hindred 100 yeers: for Zerubabel began and ended [Page 13] it in 20. Scaliger was Josephus Son to Julius, both self-singular: he by Messiah to be slain after 62 weeks, understands Christ; be­ginning at the 5 th of Mnemon (when he saith Ezra was sent) & Ez 7. v. 7. ending at the Passion: but this cannot cohere: for Ezra went in the 7 th of Artaxerxes Longhand, nor doo the yeers jump; sith our Saviour suffred by general suffrage of best Authors Ol. 202. 4. when Phlegon reports an extraordinary Eclips of the Sun to happen at sixth hour or high noon, that Stars shone as at mid­night; and an Earthquake subverted sundry Houses at Nice in Bithynia; which the Evangelists ratify touching a deep darknes Mat. 27. 45. Marc. 15. 33. from the sixth hour to the ninth at ful Moon, when can be no Solar Eclips, but at New. Daniel divides the weeks into 7 at building the Wals, 62 for continuance, and one after: who then can conceiv but 62 shal immediatly succed the 7, and preced the one? if so, then they must commence in Mnemens 32, and end 7 yeers before Jerusalems eversion. Again, 'Tis said the City should be built (streets and Wal by Nehemiah) 62 weeks, and then Messiah be cut off and the City confounded: how then can it be made good that Christ shal be slain after thos 62? sith Jerusalem florished after Christs crucifixion 30 yeers yer the broils began, and 37 before the desolation determined. Thus thes Men tug and toil to patch up a seeming Chain of Chrono­logy, but fal at ods like a viperous brood of Cadmean Brethren, til they tear ech other in peeces; yet can never effect their pre­tended project.

Oceanum exoneras, experto crede Roberto:
Si quaeras Chronicos [...]e Daniele Chores.
Beleev tried Robin, you the Ocean drain;
Who Chronicism seek from Daniel al in vain.

Now to the task.

The eghth from the Captivities solution, to the Persian Mo­narchies 8 Stage 207. expiration involvs 207 yeers. Al Authors agree, that [Page] Cyrus initiated in Persia Olym. 55. 11. and over Asia 23 yeers after Ol. 60. 4. which concurs with Romes 216: but Alexan­der vanquished Darius at Arbela and won the Persian Domi­nion Ol. 112. 3. A. U. 423, which cast 207: the personal reigns ratify it thus. Cyrus 7, Cambyses 7, Magi 1, Darius Hystaspis 36, Xerxes 21, Artaxerxes Longhand 40, Xerxes 2, and Sogdianus (supposed to be Esthers Sons) 1; Darius Nothus 19, Artaxerxes Mnemon 43, Ochus 23, Arses 3, Darius Codoman 6, in al 207, as the particulars comput. This is the best Accompt most ap­proved, and sutes best with both Epoches, which we must con­stantly observ.

The ninth from suppression of the Persian, to subversion of 9 Stage 163. the Macedonian Monarchy in King Perseus, are 163. For he was caried Captiv to Rome and Macedon made a Province O [...]: 153. 2. A. U. 586, which jump with the said sum, and may be ratified by the several reigns: viz. Alexander after his Persian Conquest 7, Aridaeus 6, Cassander 19, his two Sons (Antipater and Alexander) 4, Demetrius 6, Pyrrhus 7 months, Lysimachus 5 yeers, Seleucus 7 months, Ptolomaeus Ceraunus, Antipater, Meleager, Sosthenes confusedly 2, Antigonus Gonatas 36, De­metrius 10, Antigonus Doson 12, Philip 42, Perseus 12, in al 163. This may be confirmed by the Syrian and Egyptian reigns (the two last Reliques of Alexanders immens spoils) if need were.

The last from dissolution of the Persian Monarchy to Christs 10 Stage 166. Nativity, are 166; which may be deduced from the Jewish Ru­lers and Kings of Egypt: but the Olympic Aera and Rome shal suffice, For from Perseus Olym. 153. 2. A. U. 586 forecited, to Christs Incarnation Olym. 194. 4. A. U. 752 (being the Luk 3. 1. 23. fourty secund of Augustus, as Dionysius a Minorit calculats from St. Luke) are just 166 yeers. For Jul. Caesar was slain in Senat Mar. 15. A. U. 710. and Augustus reigned after him 42 when Christ was born A. U. 752. So al the said sums pointly cohere; which shal be cast jointly together: 1656, 353, 75, [Page 14] 430, 480, 431, 70, (thes seven from infallible di­vine Oracles, the three subsequent from best helps of Human History and Chronology) 207, 163, 166 in total 4031 current, or 4030 complet: sic constant computa nostra: which shal be the constant basis or confident groundwork of al insuing Marginal Chroni­cisms.

Seek not to wrest a connexion of sacred Chronology from Daniels Vaticiny, which the holy Ghost never in­tended: Swim not against the stream, nor cast dust a­gainst the wind, lest it fly in thy face. 'Tis impossible to make Points of a Pigs tail, or to frame a cleer concatena­tion of times past with those to com, wher no such matter appeers.

Let the Summary stand immutable 4030 complet. complet. Summary.

Beside such as folow the depraved Septuagints, som Corollary. others exced this sum: as Alphonsus reckons 5984: Theo­philus Antiochenus 5476: St. Austin 5351: Isidor 5210: Eusebius and Orosius 5190: Metheodorus 5000: 4192 R. Moses Germedis 4058: but many mo (specialy Scaligeri­ans) fal short, who pitch mostly about 3960 som more, som less: which being numberless, shal go nameless. Thes fail 60 yeers at Abrams birth, casting it in the seventieth of Terahs age, and 11 at the grand Captivity, commencing it when Jehoiachim or Jakim was captived, which are evi­dent errors. Howbeit if the precited parcels of 111 servil yeers swalowed in the Judges Regency; with the incertain Interreigns, vacancies, and Anarchies (beside the Elders Rule after Josua yet Othniel Judged; omitting Samuels sole sway) be wel scanned; ther wil be more caus to subnect many then subtract any from the said 4030: but the 60 yeers and 11 wherin the Scaligerian Faction fails, being ad­ded to their sum 3960, make up 4031 current, as here fore­proved.

Chronology is the darkest peece of liberal literature, and Valediction. Chronography the difficilest point of Chronology: but this a main Master-peece, which hath cost much industry to com­plet it; beside most exact exercise of Intellect and Judg­ment to contriv it into this form or fabric. 'Tis a litle Lamp, which may giv light enough to lead vulgar Readers through the crooked corners of this Chronical Labyrinth: wherin every one may easily apply the yeer of Christ from time to time: but to busie their brains about needless Questions, sensless Opinions, endless Dissertations, and fruitless Disqui­sitions, wil be lost labor too late repented: such as this Chronography cannot satisfy, may go farther and fare wors.

The four principal Aeras set in the Margins, are that of the World, which began the first day of Creation, when God made the Chaos: that of the Olympiads (which take name of the City Olympia neer Elis, wher Jupiters Temple stood) commenced in the fiftieth of King Ʋzzia A. M. 3255 when Prince Iphitus renewed thos Games, instituted by Hercules Alcmenus in Gideons Judgship 500 yeers be­fore: that of Rome beginning 25 yeers after in the eghth of King Ahaz A. M. 3280: A. O. 7. 1. That of Christ commencing at his birth, A. M. 4031. A. O. 194. 3. A. U. 752. The first is Charactered A. M. the next A. O. the third A. U. the last A. C. The first and last are sa­cred the one taken from the old Testament, the other from the New; the two midmost secular; one used by the Greecs, the other by the Romans: but both ir­refragable, if rightly applied or used.

Aera so oft cited in Chronology, is a Plural of Aes (sig­nifying Supplement. smal peeces of brass wherwith men cast Accompts) but used by Catechrestic Solecism (maugre Priscians pate) in the Singular number for the Head, But, or Beginning of any Chronical Computation; wherof sundry Nations hav several sorts. The Hebrews used three chiefly, the [Page 15] Creation, Abrams birth, and Egypts Exod: beside Flood, Promiss, Temple, Captivity of less mark. The Assyrians or Babylonians, from King Nabonasser alias Salmonasser. The Persians from King Cyrus and King Jezdegerd. The Greecs from Troy taken, and Olympic Games. The Ro­mans from their Cities foundation, and Augustus Caesars inauguration. Mahometans from their Pseudoprophets Hegira or flight from Mecha. Christians in general from Christs Nativity current Januar. 1. but the Church of Eng­land (with Pisa and Siena in Italy) from his Conception or Incarnation March 25: we taking it complet or con­summat, when he had bin a whol yeer in the flesh, though but three months old: they current or inchoat from the first day of Conception (as Kings reckon from their initi­ation) so they date 9 months before the Vulgar, and a whol yeer before us: which is a difference in the maner, but al e­qualy tru for the matter; and the very stile distinguisheth the form: For our term is A o. ab Incarnatione implying com­plet, theirs Annus Incarnationis importing current. Pi­sa and Siena stile this yeer Annus Incarnationis 1655: we ab Incarnatione 1654: but al els cal it Annus Nativitatis 1654, commencing at Christs Circumci­sion last past.

The tru measure of a Natural Solar yeer, and a civil Julian or Sosigenean.

A Tru Yeer is the Suns total race or revolution Note. through the Zodiacs 12 parts, from any one point to the same: which is finished in 365. Natural dais, 5 Equinoctial hours, 49 minuts, and 16 secunds: a se­cund being the 60 part of a minut, that the 60 of an hour, and this the 24. of a Natural day, as is vulgarly known.

Julius Caesar Romes perpetual Dictator and Emperor, by advise of Sosigenes an Egyptian Astronomer, re­formed the Roman Calendar then variously embolized more or less at the Priests or Augurs pleasures; reducing the yeer to a set period of 365 dais and 6 hours (or a quarter of a day) complet: allowing one day (Febr. 24) to be added every 4 yeer, in leiu of thos od annal hours: which exceds the Solar 10 minuts and 44 se­cunds every yeer; and we observ it unaltered ever since. This surplusage (which Caesar compted as an Atom not considerable) makes one intire day (lack one minut and 44 secunds) in 134 yeers: so that from Christs birth hav resulted or increased ful 12 dais with 8 hours, which should be abated or taken back, to bring every day in the set station or season it was then. For by this obli­quity, the 12 last dais of ech moneth, possess the place of the nexts 12 first; which is a Turcish Solecism in Chronicism: who from the old Egyptians observ a Lu­nar yeer of 12 New Moon changes, containing 354 dais: which is 11 and a quarter shorter then our Julian. So they run back in Crablike Post (as we crawl or creep forth with Snaillike pace) and in 18 yeers keep Summer months at Winter or contrarily: not heeding in what seasons they solennize their fals Festivals: but Christians should be more careful to celebrat tru in their just times, so neer as can be collected by reason or record.

Pope Gregory 13 at Trent Council, consulted Aloysius Lilius with other Mathematicians how to rectify this dif­formity, and finding that at first universal Synod of Nice, Sol entred Aries the Equinox day March 21 (which then A. C. 325. befel Mar. 11) he with the Tridentin Fathers subtracted or struck off 10 dais on Octob. 5. 1582: but should hav defalked 2 more (to reach Christs birth) as Lily per­swaded, being two dais deficient stil. Yet to keep this correction firm and free from error for ever, they ordered or ordeined to hav one leap-day omitted every 100 yeer, [Page 16] except the 400 becaus thos 10 redundant minuts and 44 secunds, make up neer about 3 whol dais in 400 yeers; which was a wary Proviso or warrantabe Prevention of error for the future.

The first Reformation is clyped the Julian Sosigenean yeer, the last (which is no new Accompt, but a necessary Note or Comment on the former) the Gregorian Lilian: but both Roman, one Imperial, the other Papal, and both somwhat erroneous. This last most Christian Stats (Pro­testants and Papists) folow being no point of Religion, but civil computation by the notion of stilo novo: who re­tract their Anniversary deviation in part (tho not pleni­rarily or perfectly) and prevent future aberrations. Why then shal we stick stil in the Suds, and stand single or sin­gular in evident error? Specialy sith by uniform confor­mity with them, the duple comput of stilo veteri & novo wil be cancelled or cashired, to the ineffable benefit of common commerce in this Commonwealth with forren Nations.

Such a sudden simultal surreption of 10 or 12 dais, wil breed or beget much confusion and contention here con­cerning Contracts, Covenants, Bonds, Bils, dates of Deeds, paiment of Rents, &c. but if al Bistextil dais be forbid or forborn for 44 yeers (which wil meet with the forren, when by superseding a leap-day A. C. 1700 they wil be 11 dais before us) or 52 according to the Suns station in Christs age, which wil bring us 2 dais before them: a gra­dual Reformation wil insensibly insu, without the least inconvenience to be imagined. For what damage or de­triment can acru ora rise to any, if al yeers run equal so long? The maner may be effected by Act of Parlement in few words: that no Leap-yeer shal be held in England for 44 yeers (or 52 as shal seem best) next coming: but afterward to be kept as before, except every 134 yeers for ever: or els, but afterward one leapday shal be struck off every 100 yeer (except ech 400) for ever: either of which [Page] Proviso's is authentic to keep it right. For the said redun­dance complets one day in 134 yeers (lack only one minut, 44 secunds) and 3 dais in 400, lack 26 minuts and 40 se­cunds: which make one day in 24000 yeers being incon­siderable Al Solar seasons (the 2 Equinoxes, 2 Solstices, &c.) keep the self same set stations constantly and continualy: but civil computations of things doon on such a day cer­tain (as Christs Birth Decemb. 25 A. M. 4031 current, the Norman Conquest of England Oct. 6. A. C. 1066) run on one day too far every 134 yeers, as foreshewed: so Christs birth is 12 dais later then it should be and the Con­quest 4. Thus I hav doon my duty or devoir to denote and demonstrat the tru dimension of a Solar yeer, the Julian deviation, Gregorian aberration, motivs, means, and ma­ner of rectification obvious to every common capacity: al which I humbly submit to superior censure.

Thus hav I like a long wearied Pilgrim, tired my head Upshot. to disquite the truth of Times, toiled my hands to tran­scribe it often, and dulled my Pen to satisfy or gratify the censorious Surveiors; who wil rather repay scofs and scorns, then du praises or thanks: But I expect no better reward then what common Writers attain, and hav doon my best indevors to instruct or inform the Ignorant: let the Learned learn to emend it, who may take exemple by the Premisses, to polish or perfect this new devised Art by bet­ter paterns.

Lector, habe Chronica haec; quae ducta ab origine Mundi,
Ad tua sunt filo secula nexa brevi.
Ad Christi genesin primaevi tempora Mundi,
Hocce Chronographicum singula signat Opus.
Tempora deducit de cunis singula Mundi,
Ad Christum haec natum Chronnographia brevis.
Ad Christum genitum, a prima scaturigine Mundi,
Quaeque sua hoc serie secula Monstrat Opus.
Tela Chronographica haec a Mundi fronte gradatim,
Ad Christi tempus, tempora resque refert.
De certo Anno Mundi, quo natus est Christus.
Mille quater Mundi a genesi lapsi atque triginta
A. M. 4030.
Sunt Anni, ut Christus carne repertus erat.
Bis duo mille Anni & decies ter ab Orbe creato:
Filius ante Dei quàm Caro factus erat.
Reader, thes Chronographs with a short thred wrought,
From the Worlds dawning to thy dais are brought.
This Chronographic Work from the Worlds prime,
Shews til Christs Birth the tru Accompt of Time.
From the Worlds Cradle, this brief Chronography
Draws down al Times to Christs Nativity.
From the Worlds rise to Christs birth Stage by Stage,
This Work in order sets forth every Age.
This Chronographic web from the Worlds Spring,
Til Christs time shews the Times and every thing.
The tru yeer of the World, wherin Christ was born.
From the Worlds birth, four thousand thirty yeers cleer
Ran out; when Christ did in the flesh appeer.
From the World made four thousand yeers and thrise ten
Past; yer Gods sole Son was made Flesh like Men.

THis Libel or litle Book is a peculiar Brat of my sole Advise. Brain, or proper Bird (a Lark) of my Personal Brood; who like a Spider spun this whol Web out of mine own Bowels: which hath many unvulgar mysteries never vented or invented before: Loquendum cum Plebiis, scribendum cum Eruditis; sed sentiendum cum Sophis seu Sapientibus. I divulge likewise two Pedetasters: viz. an Enchiridion of Epigrams in Latin and English Meters: And also eght Theo­logical Theorems, with som Supplements subjoined: the price of both together at Press being 4 s. 6 d. as shal ap­peer in the Title Pagin of ech. This litle Book may be bound with the last of thos two, if any so like, being both of one Paper and Letter.

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