THE Victualler's Friend: OR, The Use of a New-Invented GAUGING-ROD, Contriv'd Chiefly For the Advantage of Victuallers in and about London.
Whereby they may not only Discover the want of Measure from the Brewer (either in Beer or Ale) but likewise what quantity they want.
LONDON, Printed for H Newman, at the Grashopper in the Poultry, and Given Gratis to those that Buy the Rod.
THE USE Of a ROD, &c.
THAT which Induc'd me to Contrive this Necessary Rod for the Use of [Page 2] Victuallers, was the Talk of the Brewers Raising their Drink, and some of them pretending to Cut their Measure, by reason of the Duty laid upon Malt: As to the Raising their Drink, it is no Crime, tho' very Unreasonable; for when Malt was 28 Shillings a Quarter, the Victualler had his Drink at the same Rate as now; and if Malt was 12 Shillings a Quarter, I believe Drink would be neither Cheaper nor Stronger. But, as to Short Measure, the Statute to the Contrary will Protect the Victualler (if Discover'd) [Page 3]from any such Loss. So that I have contriv'd a Rod, whereby any Man, let him have but the Sence of a Boy of 7 years old, may Discover, whether any Barrel is according to the Statute or not, and how much it wants of Measure. Likewise how much Drink is in the Barrel, when it is not full, as in Case of 3 Firkins of Ale in a Barrel.
Note, There is a Statute which obliges the Brewer to Tun Ale into Beer Barrels, and every Beer Barrel to contain [Page 4]36 Gallons. Now there is but 32 Gallons to a Barrel of Ale; So you are to have 24 Gallons of Ale to 3 Firkins, Tun'd into a Beer Barrel.
The Dimensions of a Beer Barrel.
LAy the Rod over the Broadest part of the Head, putting the end of the Rod to the in-side of the Staves, and if the [Page 5]opposite in side of the Staves be Just at the Notch Marked H. on the Rod, the Head is Right.
Then put the Rod straight down at the Bung, and if the In-side of the Bung come exactly to the Notch at 36 the Bung is right: then lay the Rod along the out-side of the Staves, and if the Staves be as long as from the end of the Rod to the Notch at L. the Barrel holds 36 Gallons.
Another way to know if a Barrel be True, and how much it holds and wants of Drink.
PUt the Rod in at the Bong slaint-ways, till it touch the under-part of one of the Heads, and if the In-side of the Right-hand-part of the Middle of the Bong touch the Notch at D. the Barrel holds [Page 7]36 Gallons; and if it touch at any of the other Notches below D. for every Notch it wants a Gallon.
To know how much Drink is in the Barrel, either of Beer or Ale.
SUppose you are to Gauge 3 Firkins of Ale in a Beer Barrel, you are to put the Reed [Page 8](which you have with your Rod) into the Barrel, as far as you can, then put in the Rod and the Small Cork (which hinder the Yeast to enter the In-side of the Rod) will come out: when you have so done, put your Rod down into the Reed, until the Rod touch the bottom of the Barrel; then pull out the Rod, and if the Liquor wet the Notch at 24 there is 3 Firkins of Ale, or 24 Gallons; and if the Liquor wet the Notch below the Notch at 24 you have but 23 Gallons; and for every Notch below the Notch at 24 you want a gallon of drink.
Likewise for Beer, put the Rod and Reed into the Barrel, the same way as before, and if the Liquor wet the Notch on the Rod at 36 you have 36 Gallons, but if it wet any of the Notches below that at 36, for every Notch you want a Gallon of Beer.
ANy one that hath occasion to have their Beer Gauged in their Cellar, in case of Whole-sale, or the like, may hear of the Author of this Rod, [Page 10]at Mr. Newman's, Bookseller, at the Grashopper in the Poultry; he will ingage to discover what Quantity of either Beer or Wine is in any sort of Cask, to a Pint.
THere is a Book, Entituled, Every Man his own Gauger: Wherein, not only the Artist is shown a more Ready and Exact Method of Gauging than any hitherto Extant. But the most Ignorant, who can but read English, and tell Twenty in Figures, is Taught to find [Page 11]the Content of any sort of Cask or Vessel, either full, or in part full; and to know if they be right siz'd. Also, what a Pipe, Hogshead, &c. amounts to at the common Rate and Measure they Buy or Sell at. With several useful Tables to know the Content of any Vessel by. Likewise a Table shewing the Price of any Commodity, from one Pound to an Hundred Weight, and the contrary. To which is added, The True Art of Brewing Beer, Ale, Mum; of Fining, Preserving and Botling Brew'd Liquors, of making the most [Page 12]common Physical Ales now in use, of making several Fine English Wines. The Vintner's Art of Fining, Curing, Preserving and Rectifying all sorts of Wines, of making Artificial Wines, Distilling of Brandy and Spirits from Malt, Malasses, &c. Together, With the Compleat Coffee-Man, Teaching how to make Coffee, Tea, Chocalate, Content, and the Richest, Finest Cordials, &c. Of great Use for common Brewers, Victuallers, Vintners, Wine Coopers, Distillers, Strongwatermen, Coffeemen, and all other Traders. Price 1 s. Bound.