[Page]A SUMMARIE, OR SHORT SURVEY OF THE Annalls and most Remarkable Records of King CHARLES His Reigne, from the first YEARE thereof to this present, 1646.
VVherein wee may Plainly see how the Popish, Jesuiticall and Prelaticall Malignant Party have indevoured the Ruine of this Church and Kingdom, but was by Gods mercy most miraculously prevented.
1 Parliament.
1 IN the first year of King Charles his Reign, a Parliament being called at Oxford (the very first in his Reign) two subsidies were, first granted, no grievances removed, but the said Parliament soon dissolved.
2. The sad effects which this Parliament produced, were the losse of Rochell, by the unhappy help of Englands Ships.
3. The diversion of a most facile and hopefull warre from the West-Indies, to a most expensive and successelesse attempt on Cales.
4. The bloody and unblessed attempt on the peace concluded with Spain, without consent of a Parliament, contrary to a promise formerly made to the Kingdome by King James, a little before his death; whereby the Cause of the Palatinate was altogether most shamefully deserted by us.
6. The Kingdom suddenly billetted with Souldiers, and a concomitant project set on foot for Germane Horses to enforce men, by fear, to fall before arbitrary and tyrannicall taxations, continually to be laid upon them.
2. Parliament.
7. The dissolution of a second Parliament at Westminster, in the second year of King Charles, after a declarative grant of no lesse than five Subsidies, and the sad and bad issues that followed, yea, flowed on the Kingdome thereupon.
8. As first, the violent exacting from the people of that mighty summe of the five Subsidies, or a summe, equall to it by a Commission for a Royall-Loan, as it was called.
9. Many worthy Gentlemen imprisoned and vexed, that refused to pay it.
10. Great summes of money extorted from Subjects by Privy Seals and Excises.
11. The most hopefull Petition of Right, blasted in the very blossome of it.
3 Parliament.
12. A third Parliament called, and quickly broken in the fourteenth year of the King, and therein Parliamentary priviledges extreamly violated by after illusage of some of the best and worthiest Members thereof, who were clapt up close prisoners, denied all ordinary and extraordinary comforts of life, and preservation of health, which might have proved perpetuall to them, had not a fourth Parliament (which afterward happened) necessitated their relief and release.
13. And this third Parliament thus dissolved, O the most miserable effects that followed thereon also.
14. Scandalous and opprobrious Declarations published to asperse and besmear the proceedings of this last Parliament, and some of the best Members thereof; yea, Proclamations set out to those effects, thereby extremely to dis-hearten the Subjects, yea, and plainly forbidding them once to name a Parliament, or to desire them any more.
15. Whence, immediately gushed out (this damme of Parliaments thus being broken down) the violent inundations (even to a deluge of miseries) of mighty summes of money, got by that strange and straining project of Knight-hood; yet, [...] a faire colour and [...] of Law for it, and for all the rest that followed.
16. As, the most burthen [...]o [...] Book of Rates; the most h [...]avy and unheard of (till [...]en) taxation of Ship-money; the enlargement of [...] contrary to Magnae Charta; the injurious exaction of Coat and Conduct [...] away of the Train'd-Bands Armes; the [...] into their hands, and keeping it first from the [...] to be had thence, but at most excessive rates.
17. The destruction of the Forrest of Dean, that most famous Magazine, and Timber-store-house of the whole Kingdome, which was sold to Papists.
18. The monstrous Monopolies of Sope, Salt, Wine, Leather, and Seacoal; yea almost of all things in the Kingdome of most necessary and common use.
19. Restraint of Subjects Liberties in their Trades and Habitations; for refusall of which foresaid heavy pressures, O what great numbers of the Kings most loyall Subjects, were vext with long and languishing suites, some fined and confined to prisons, to the losse of health in many, of life in some; Some having their houses broke open, their goods seized on, their studies or closets searched for writings, books and papers to undoe them; Some interrupted also in their Sea-Voyages, and their ships taken from them, in an hostile manner, by Projectors, as by Pirates, or common Enemies.
20. And, O the crushing cruelties of the Star-Chamber-Court, and Councill Table, in those dayes, chiefly, for the fomenting and increasing of those and such-like most exorbitant, and extravagant taxations, pressures, and unjust suites against the Subject.
21. These, thus farre for the miseries of the Common-wealth; now also for the Churches danger, and distresse. O the wonderfull and amazing miseries of the Subjects Consciences also! by King Charles his conniving at, countenancing and encouraging the intolerable burthen of Popish Ceremonies, Romish Innovations, and such like other outrages of the Arch-Prelate of Canterbury, and his Prelaticall Agents and instruments, over the whole Kingdome, in matters of religion, Divine worship, and spirituall cases of Conscience.
22. The most palpable and abominable Romish Ceremonies used at the Kings Coronation, and insolent and impious, false and destructive additions in the Oath administred to the King, at his said first Inauguration to the Crown, by that most arrogant Arch-Bishop.
23. And the manifold other impious impositions in matters of religion, divine worship, and spirituall cases of Conscience; for refusing and opposing of which, O how was the honest-hearted and tender-conscienced subject, grievously oppressed by fines, imprisonments, stigmatizings, mutilations, whippings, pillories, gagges, confinements and banishments; yea, and that, into perpetuall close imprisonments in the most desolate, remote, and (as they hoped and intended) remorslesse parts of the Kingdome.
24. The putting down, yea, utterly ruinating of that most famous and honourable work, that ever this Kingdom saw, in a private way, for the advancement of Gods glory in the propagation of the Gospel, I mean, the Feoffees for buying in of Impropriations; Noy, the (then) Atturney-Generall, openly in Court, accusing that blessed work to be a worse plot against the Church (he meant the Prelaticall Church sure,) than the Papists Powder plot.
25. The advancing (for the most part) none, to Ecclesiasticall Dignities and Livings, but Arminians; yea, Popish-hearted Pontificians; Suspending and silencing with deprivations, degradations, and excommunications, almost all the most pious, painfull and Orthodox learned Pastours over the kingdom, whom they could catch in their snares, and all this under a pretence of peace, unity and conformity; in which foresaid cases, the High-Commission (like the Spanish- Inquisition) with its most pragmaticall pranks, was, all along, most intolerable and abominable.
26. Printing-Presses, set open for the printing and publishing of all sorts of Popish and Arminian tenets; but, shut up and restrained from Printing, sound and Orthodox Doctrines.
27. Nay, not onely thus lamentably molesting us at home in England; but attempting the like on our Brethren of Scotland, indevouring to impose upon their consciences also, a New Liturgye, and a book of Canons, upon the first introducing whereof into their Church, they not induring them, threw stones and stooles at the Arch-Bishop of St Andrews head, and beat him out of the Church, crying out, a Pape, a Pape, and so rid themselves of them.
28. Upon which refusall of theirs, O what foule calumnies and scoffes were immediately cast upon them, and they called and counted rebels and Traytors; yea, so proclaimed in all Churches in England.
29. An Army was also raised to oppresse and suppresse them, for thus resisting those the Kings and the Arch-prelates most injurious impositions on them.
30. Our Brethren of Scotland likewise raising an Army in their own just defence, and by force of armes, inforcing their own peace.
31. A first pacification being then made by the King, and some of his Nobility, and ratified under hand and Seal twixt them and the Scots; yet was it shortly after shamefully violated, and broken quite off by the Arch-prelate of Canterbury, and the Earle of Straford.
4. Parliament.
32. A fourth Parliament was thereupon shortly after called again, by those complotters meanes, but to a very ill intent, and another Parliament summoned also at the same time by the Earle of Straford in Ireland, both of them onely to levy and procure monies to raise another Army, and wage a new Warre against the Scots,
33. The Ships and goods of our Brethren of Scotland, were, in all parts and ports of this kingdom, and of Ireland, also surprised and seized on for the King; their Commissioners denyed audience to make their just defence to the King, and the whole kingdome of Scotland and England too, hereupon much distracted and distempered with leavying of monies, and imprisoning all among us that refused the same.
34. This Parliament also refusing to comply with the King, Cant, and Straford in this Episcopall warre against the Scots, was soon dissolved and broken up by them and thereupon they returned to their former wayes of waste and confusion, and the very next day after the dissolution thereof some eminent members of both Houses, had their Chambers, and studies, yea their cabinets and very pockets of their wearing cloathes (betimes in the morning before they were out of their beds) searched for letters and writings, and some of them also imprisoned, and a false and most scandalous declaration was published against the House of Commons in the Kings name.
35. A forced Loan of money was attempted in the City of London, to be made a president (if it prevailed there) for the whole kingdom, but some Aldermen refusing, were sorely threatned and imprisoned.
36. In which interim, the Clergies Convocation continuing (notwithstanding the dissolution of the Parliament) new conscience-oppressing Canons were forged, and a strange Oath, with a monstrous &c. in it, was framed for the establishing of the Bishops Hierarchy, with severe punishments on the refusers to take it.
37. In this Convocation sore taxations were also imposed upon the whole Clergie, even no lesse than six Subsidies, besides a bountifull contribution to forward that intended warre against our brethren of Scotland.
38. For the advancing of which said summes for this warre, the popish pontifician party, and their scandalous priests were most free and forward; yea, and a solemn prayer was composed and imposed by the Bishops on their Ministers every where to be used and read in all Churches against the Scots, as rebels and traytors.
39. The papists also in a high measure enjoyed even almost a totall toleration; and a Popes Nuncio suffered among us to act and govern all Romish affaires, yea a kinde of a private popish-parliament kept in the kingdom, and popish jurisdictions erected among them.
40. Commissions were also (secretly) issued out for some great and eminent papists, for martiall Commands, for levying of Souldiers, and strengthening their party with Armes and Ammunition of all sorts, and in great plenty.
41. His Majesties treasure was by these meanes so extreamly exhausted and his revenues so anticipated, that he was inforced to compell (as it were) his own Servants, Judges, and Officers of all sorts, to lend him great summes of money, aad prisons filled with refusers of these and the other illegall payments; yea, many High-Sheriffes summoned into the Starre-chamber, and to the Councill-Board, and some of them imprisoned for not being quick enough in levying Ship-money, and such like intolerable taxations.
[Page]42. In summe, the whole kingdome was now brought into a lamentable and languishing condition of being most miserably bought and sold to any that could give and contribute most of might and malice against us, and no hope of humane help, but dolour [...] desperation and destruction, to be the portion of all.
43. In which interim, our Brethren of Scotland being entred into our kingdome, for their own just defence, the King had advanced his Royall-Standard at York, where the creame of the kingdome, Nobles, and Gentry, being assembled, and a treaty twixt the prime of both Armies had at Rippon, for a faire and peaceable accommodation, the King was, at last, inforced to take his Nobles Counsell, and in the first place, a cessation of Armes agreed on; and then this fifth present Parliament, (the Parliament of Parliaments,) was necessitously resolved on to begin, November [...]. 1640.
5 Parliament, Anno 1640. Novemb. 3.
44. But, behold, a desperate plot and design was herein also, immediately, set on foot, to spo [...]le or poyson it in the very Embrio and constitution of it, in the first c [...]oyce of the Members thereof, by Letters from the King, Queen, malignant and popish Earles, Lords, Knights, and Gentry, posted into all parts of the kingdome, to make a strong party for them: But, by admirable divine providence, this their plot was counterplotted, and wonderfully frustrated, and the Parliament most hopefully congregated and setled.
45. Shortly after, a very formidable Spanish-Fleet, or Armado, appeared on our English narrow Seas, in sight of Dover, and was comming in (as was, on very strong grounds, more than probably conjectured) as a third party, to help to destroy us; the Spaniards hoping, that by this time, we and the Scots were together by the ears, but they were by Gods mercy, beaten off from us by our Neighbours of Holland.
46. In the time of ours and the Scots Armies residing in the North, which was in June 1641. the Popish and malignant Lords and Prelates, fearing the effects of this present Parliament, complotted together to disaffect that our English Army against the Parliament, and indevoured to bring it out of the North, Southward, and so to London, to compell the Parliament to such limits and rules as they thought fit.
47. For the advancing of which designe, the Earle of Straford, then prisoner in the Tower, attempted an escape, with Sir William Belfore, then Leivtenant of the Tower, promising and assuring him twenty thousand pound, and the marriage of his daughter to Sir Williams Son, if he would but consent unto and assist his escape; but loyall Sir William hated such bribes of trechery, and still kept him fast, and so the neck of all that plot was broken.
48. Then, they attempted by foule and false scandals on the Parliament, to intice the Army of the Scots, (then, still in the North) to a newtrality, and to sit still whiles our English army acted the farther designes hatched and hammered still in their heads and hearts, but this plot prevailed not neither. (All these preceding passages, were the confused effects of 15 or 16 yeares of the Kings reig [...].)
Anno 1641. Octob. 23.
49. About this time, that most horrid and inhumane bloody rebellion and monstrous massacring of almost 200000 innocent English Protestants, men, women, and children, brake out in Ireland, namely, about October 23. 1641. (This also being a main branch of this most mischievous design against this Parliament, by Gods wonderfull power) and providence, so firmly fixed and setled, that they knew not how to ruinate it) those accursed Rebels having had their principall encouragements and Commissions to authorize them in that horrid and hideous rebellion from the Court of England, and of purpose to have made England the chiefe seat of the warre, and of all the papists, prelates, and malignants utmost wrath and rage.
50. For the still effecting, and underhand working on, of this wicked designe, the malignant party in private, much prevailing still; the designe now went on, chiefly against the City of London, for which purpose, the noble and loyall Leivtenant of the Tower, Sir William Belfore, was (for his loyalty) displaced by the King, from his Leivtenantship, and popish Lord Cotting [...]on, made Constable of the Tower; but his dangerous designes being soon discovered, he was as soon displaced; and Colonell Lunsford, (not long before, a Newgate-bird, and fitter for Newgate) was made Leivtenant of the Tower; But, he also by the Parliaments petition and importunity to the King, was displaced; and Sir John Byron, a desperate malignant (who afterward proved the most bloody Lord Byron in Ches [...]ire) was made Leivtenant of the Tower, in Lunsfords stead; but he also, on many just jealousies being petitioned against, was at length, with much adoe removed and put out thence, and Sir John Co [...]yers, by the power of the Parliament, was put in his place.
51. About which time, a most wicked fellow▪ sent to Mr. John Pymm (a most pious Patriot of his Country, and then a most eminent member of the House of Commons) a most reviling Letter, therein calling him traytor, and in the said Letter inclosed a plague-sore plaister, thinking thereby to have destroyed him, But, God mightily preserved him from the infection of it.
52. None of all these plots, yet, prevailing against the Parliament, neither in generalls nor particulars, they yet, persist to plot and attempt against it; and about this time found occasions, craftily and causelesly (in secret) to foment many jealousies and jarre [...], to dis-joynt both Houses of Parliament, within themselves; thereby at least, to obstruct and retard their (then) most weighty, and great affaires in Church and State.
[Page]53. The Bishops also themselves had a pestilent plot about this time, to subvert and overthrow the Parliament, by endevouring to get the King to protest against their proceedings in it; But twelve of them were thereupon presently imp [...]ached of high treason, and ten of them imprisoned in the Towre of London, and, afterward, they were all disabled from ever sitting again in the Parliament.
54. After this, the King himself (being guarded with about 500 armed, russianly desperate Cavaliers or Souldiers) violently rushed into the House of Commons, accused five of their most eminent and pious Members of treāson, demanded their persons to be delivered up unto him, intending to destroy all that resisted him therein; but this plot was blessedly crost, by the happy absen [...]e of the Gentlemen; this plot was attempted, Jan. 4. 1641.
Anno 1642.
55. After this, one Binion, a Silkman of London; and the Kentish Malignants, wherein Sir Edward Deering, had a principall hand, framed dangerous and destructive petitions against the proceedings of the Parliament; but were both most justly rejected, and themselves fined and imprisoned for them.
56. Immediately after this, things grew still, worse and worse among the malignants, the King himself in unjust discontent (by the desperate and wicked counsell of that pernicious Cataline, the young Lord Digby) forsakes the Parliament, and getting the Prince to him, leaves London and presently posts into the North, and there attempts to get Hull into his hands, but was happily prevented and bravely opposed by Sir John Hotham, then, in that time of his outward and seeming fidelity.
57. The King being at York, interdicts the Militia, then, set on foot, by the Parliament, for their just safety and defence; endevouring to remove the Term from the City of London, but in both is opposed by the Parliament.
58. The Lords and Gentry of Ireland, and of Scotland too, petition the King, to return to his Parliament, yea and the Gentry and Commons of Yorkeshire do the like, but are all rejected.
59. The King set on foot a most illegall Commission of Array, to clash against the Parliaments Militia, which occasioned much mischief and misery over the whole Kingdom, but the Parl. Militia prevailed in most places and parts of the land.
60. Three letters were intercepted, discovering a most desperat [...] [...]lot against the Parliament by the Royalists, Commissary Wìlmot, Digbie, Jermine, Crofts, and others, which by Gods mercy failed them and came to nothing, but we in taking some of their ships were advantaged thereby.
61. Sir Richard Gurney, then Lord Mayor of the City of London, proving a desperate malignant and Array man, and more apt than able to act for the King, was crost in his desires, and clapt up prisoner in the Tower of London, by the power of the Parliament.
62. Proclamations and Declarations against the Parliaments proceedings were Printed and published and commanded to be read in all the Churches and Chappels over the whole kingdom, within the Kings power.
[Page]63. Sir John Penington, a brave Sea-man, but a desperate malignant, was constituted Admirall of the Seas, for the Kings service, but displaced and dispossessed thereof by the Parliament; and the most noble and loyall Earl of Warwick (notwithstanding the Kings Letter and command to interdict him therein, and to give way to Penington) being put in by the power and authority of the Parliament, and possessed of the Ships, most happily and honourably kept and continued in the place and office for the Parliaments service.
64. Hull having been long besieged by that most mischeivous and atheisticall Marquesse of Newcastle, for the King; and in that interim, one Beck with a known Papist, plotting to have betrayed it, by firing it in foure severall places and then assaulting it; yet Hull, by Gods mighty providence was preserved, and the King after much losse of men and money, enforced to leave and forsake it.
65. The most noble and right honourable Earle of Essex was ordained Lord Generall over all the Parliaments Forces, for the preservation of the kingdom, which he famously and faithfully managed and marshalled, as especially Edge-hill and Newbery, and other places can abundantly witnesse.
66. A plot to have blown up all the Lord Generalls Magazine of powder; and another at Beverley in Yorkeshire, to have slain Sir John Hotham, both intended by one David Alexander, and hired thereunto by the Kings party, but both, by Gods providence timely prevented.
67. Commissions granted to popish Recusants to levy men and armes against the Parliament; but the Parlia: published a Declaration or Protestation to the whole world against the Kings dealings, and most unjust proceedings therein.
68. The King received the most bloody Irish rebels petition, and permitted their persons with great favour and allowance about him; calling, and counting them his good Catholick Subjects; but utterly rejecting the Parliaments petition, (exhibited by the Lord Generall) desiring peace and reconciliation with him.
69. A Treaty of peace was really intended by the Parliament, but meerly pretended and fraudulently for a while, transacted by the Royalists; in which interim, that most bloody bickering at Brainford, was most treacherously committed by the Kings party, and a most wicked piece of villany carryed on therein, but (though with much losse on both sides, but especially on theirs) by Gods great mercy the mischiefe prevented, and the City of London mightily preserved.
70. A dangerous plot against the kingdom, in new High-Sheriffes to be listed by the King, for his better collecting of the 400000 li. Subsidies, intended to have been confirmed to the King in a former Parliament; but, that plot crost by the Parliaments providence, and an Ordinance of Parliament set on foot for the successefull Association of Counties for mutuall defence one of another, against regall injurious taxations and oppressions on them.
71. A wicked design of the Royalists at Oxford and elsewhere, to proceed against the Parliaments prisoners, as traytors, and so to put them to death; by which Doctor Bastwick, and Captain Lilburn, were to have been tryed for their lives; but prevented by an Ordinance of Parliament for execution of a Lex Talionis, and so of executing the Royall prisoners among us.
Anno 1643.
72. A notable plot against the City of London, immediately upon the Cities preferring a petition to the King, by the hands of two trusty Aldermen, and foure Commoners of the said City, in reply to which petition, the King sending as his [Page] messenger, one Captain Hern to the City, and the whole body of the City assembling at a Common-Hall, (as they terme it) in their Guild-Hall, this Hern desires Faire-play above-board of them; But the businesse being found to be a notable designe of the malignant-Citizens against the Parliament and the (then) Lord Mayor of London, and the Government of their City, the honest, and farre major party, cry out in the hearing of Hern, they would live and dye with the Parliament, and so sent Hern away with a flea in his eare.
73. Another plot immediately after, contrived by the King and his agents at Oxford, by a Letter sent by his Majesty to all the Freemen, Journeymen and Apprentices, of the said City to assemble at their severall Halls; and there the Masters and Wardens of all Companies to read the Kings Letter to them, and to perswade them to yeeld to all the Kings commands against the Parliament and City; but this letter was nipt and crost also in the neck and nick of it, and voted by the Parliament to be evill and scandalous.
74. A plot also to betray Bristol into the Royallists hands by one Yeomous and Bowcher, and divers other their associates; but by Gods mercy the plot being timely discovered, and the danger avoyded, those two principall conspirators were by Martiall Law condemned, and hanged, and so the plot utterly frustrated.
75. Cheapeside crosse, Chaering-crosse, and all other crosses, in and about London, utterly demolished and pulled down, and that abominable and blasphemous book of tolerating sports and pastimes on the Lords daies, voted to be burnt, and shortly after accordingly burnt, together with many crucifixes and popish trinckets and trumperies, in the very same place where Cheapeside-crosse stood.
76. M. Prynne sent by the Parliament to the Towre of London, to search the Arch prelate of Canterburies chamber and Study there, where he was prisoner, who accordingly searching his Study, and his pockets of his wearing cloathes (a just requitall of his dealing with Mr. Pryn [...]e and others) found the originall Scotch Service-book, with the Arch Bishops owne hand-writings in it, the cause of all the Scots warres; and his Diary, Devotions, and discoveries under his owne hands of matters of high concernment.
77. The City of London to have been betrayed into the hands of the Royalists, under a pretence of a petition for peace, plotted by Mr. Waller, a member of the H [...]se of Commons, M. Tompkins, Mr. Challenor, and others; and this wicked plot, termed by King Charles in his letter to the Queen, one of his Fine Designes; But God manifested them to be wicked and accursed Designes; and Waller one of the prime complotters, was by the sentence of the Parliament fined 10000 li. in his estate, and sent out of the kingdom into perpetuall banishment, and Tompkins and Challenor hanged in London.
[Page]78. The breaking out of Sir John Hothams rotten-heart and infidelity to the Parliament, in his intended and attempted plot for the betraying of that mighty strong Town of Hull into the Queens hands, which treachery was plotted and contrived between Sir John the father, Captain Hotham his son, and Sir Edward Roades, and began to be suspected, by Sir John Hothams deserting of the most noble Lord Fairfax, by an intercepeed letter of the Queens to the King, and divers other sumptomes of it, but especially by Captain Moyers letter to Mr. Ripley, and Mr. Ripley's faithfull acquainting the Mayor of Hull therewith, and their first seizing on the Block-houses, Castles, and Commanders of them, and at length their apprehending of the persons of Sir John Hotham and Captain Hotham his Son was also apprehended, and both of them beheaded at the Tower of London.
79. A desperate plot for the betraying of the City or Town of Lincolne, by the two Purfries, two Captains of Hull, who let in 60 Cavaliers by night in disguised habits, and who issuing out about 12 of the clock that night, to act their design, where a plain fellow of the Town discharging a piece of Canon upon them, slew 10 of them at one shot, the rest slain and taken by the centinels and Souldiers of the town, and so by Gods mercy the City preserved.
80. The Queen wrote a dangerous letter to the King, to come with all his forces to surprize London; but by Gods over-powring wisedome and good providence, the King refusing that counsell resolved to take Gloucester first, which he siercely assaulted, but was as bravely repulsed, and by Gods blessing on Major Generall Massies fidelity, & magnanimity of spirit, timely aide comming to relieve the town, it was admirably freed, and by the Lord Generalls Army, and the City of Londons Regiments, delivered.
81. A desperate rebellion raised by the Kentish malignants, but by Gods mercy timely suppressed about Tunbridge, by the valour of Colonell Brown, & the wel-affected Gentry of the County of Kent.
82. A Ship bound from Denmark to the King, of about 300 tun, richly laden with armes and ammunition; another Ship bound from Newcastle to Holland, laden with Sea-coale, but in the midst thereof was found between 3 & 4000 li, hid in the coales, sent to buy arms for the King; and a third great ship called the Fellowship, of at least 400 tun, carrying 24 pieces of Ordnance, all these 3 ships taken by the Parlia: ships, & made prize of.
83. The comming in of our brethren of Scotl. with an army of at least 20000 horse and foot, invited thereunto by the Parl: in the bitter depth of winter, when they marched up to the middle in snow, and were forced to bring their Artillery over the ice of the frozen river of Tyne, and the Citizens of London lent the Parliament a 100000 li. for the Scots first pay, ro encourage their advance to help us against the Kings forces.
84. A desperate plot of the Rovalists to starve up the City of London, by breaking into Surrey, Sussex, Kent, & the other associated Counties, but disappointed by the Parl: Victories at Au [...]ton & Alsford, fought by Sir Will: Waller, with the help of the City of Londons regiments; and the Royalists plots to hinder our brethren of Scotl: comming in to our help, by letters and Embassadors sent from France, and messengers from King Charles to inveagle them to keep from us; but all in vain by Gods good providence and mercy to us.
85. The King granted a cessation of arms with the bloody rebels of Ireland, and afterward justified it by a Declaration of his, printed and published at Oxford; but it was remarkably observed, that he never prospered in any of his great designs after it.
86. A Solemn League and Covenant taken by the Lords and Commons in Parl: & by the City of London, and all parts of the kingdom, in the Parliaments power, for a pure reformation of Religion and Church-Government, and a mutuall defence betwixt us and our brethren of Scotland.
[Page]87. A notable plot by the Royalists to have Nottingham town & Castle, betrayed unto them, the Officers therein being proffered above 10000 li. to c [...]nsent to it; but prevented by Gods mercy in the fidelity of Colonell Hutchinson, who was then the Governour thereof.
88. A Generall plot against the Protestant Religion over all Christendom, and the Danes and Hollanders also, contribute to helpe King Charles therein; but God wrought a mighty overture therein by the sudden breaking out of the Danes plot against the Swedes, and their over-running almost all Denmark thereupon.
89. A desperate plot against the City of London, under a pretence of petitioning for peace, acted by Sir Basil Brook, Colonell Read, and one Mr. Riley, & Vilet, 2 Citizens of London, & others, but by Gods providence discovered and prevented.
90. Two desperate plots for the betraying of Ailsbury into the Royalists hands; and another against Southampton, but all three by Gods mercy timely discovered also and prevented.
91. One Mr. Edward Stanford, a Papist, plotted with Captain Backhouse a Capt. of Horse, under Colonell Massie for the betraying of the City of Gloucester into the Enemies hands, and proffered 5000 li. for a reward thereof, 200 li. whereof was paid in hand to the said Captain, but by Gods providence the plot frustrated, and Gloucester safely preserved.
92. Englands great wonder to Gods glory, there being (about May 30. 1644.) six brave armies in the kingdome, on the Parliaments side, and other forces for defence of the City of London, besides.
93. A plot to have betrayed our whole Army in Cornwall in the VVest, but by Gods blessing most of the Souldiers lives were preserved, though with the losse of our Artillery.
94. Sir Alexander Carew, Sir John Hot [...]am Captain Hotham, and the Arch-prelate of Canterbury beheaded on Tower-Hill for treason against the Parliament.
95. A peace onely pretended by the royalists at Uxbridge, and a treacherous petition framed by the malignants of Buckingham shire, wherein one Sir John Lawrence of that County was a great stickler, but the mischief of both was frustrated.
96. A desperate assault on Melcomb-Regis, to have betrayed it into the royalists hands, wherein divers of the malignant Townsmen had a principall hand, and Colonell Goring, and Sir Lewis Dives, were agents therein, but by Gods blessing the plot was frustrated, the Town and Forts recovered, and two ships with rich prize from Rhoan in France, were seized on to make amends for their trouble.
97. Divers Earles and Lords disaffecting the Kings courses, forsook Oxford, and came in and submitted themselves to the Parliament.
98. The King in great distresse after our famous Victory at Nazeby, is forced to fly up and down from Leicester, not knowing where to stay in safety.
99. A desperate plot in the West against the Parliament, by the Clubmen, but by Gods providence turned to the Enemies greatest hurt in the issue.
100. A devillish sudden plot upon Scotland, which was almost over run, by traiterous Montrosse; but as suddenly recovered again, by Gods blessing on Generall David Lesley, and Montrosse discomfitted and beaten away into the mountaines.
101. A Discovery of grosse impiety in the King and his Oxonians, the King pretending a desired & personall treaty with the Parliament, for a wel-grounded peace and yet at that time granted a Commission to the Earle of Glamorgan, to the ruine of all the protestants in Ireland, and so consequently of us in England also.
102. The King before his departure out of Oxford, sends a Commission or Letter to the Marquis of Ormond, to make an absolute peace with those bloody rebels, granting them full profession of their Romish religion, by his voluntary authority, to the shame of himself, and his religion; notwithstanding which Commission or Letter, the King sent a letter to the Parliament, & another to the City of London, protesting in them, that nothing in the world was more desired by him, than that in religion and peace, with all the comfortable fruits of both, they might thenceforth live under him, in all godlinesse and honesty; that foresaid Commission or Letter being discovered to the Parliament, after the sending of those Letters, and thereby the notorious unfaithfulnesse of the King manifested to us.
[Page]102. The King (after that disloyall peace with the bloody Irish) was now at last inforced out of absolute necessity to get out of Oxford in a most disgracefull disguise, as a Servingman to Ashburnham, and by this ignoble escape, to put himself into the hands of our loyall brethren of Scotland for safeguard. Yet he persists and continues at Newcastle in as much obduracy and hardnesse of heart as at the first, and the Lord onely knowes what will become of him, if he return not to God, his people, and Parliament, which the Lord in mercy, worke his heart unto, Amen.
104. The great Seale broken before the Lords and Commons, on Tuesday the 11, of August, 1646.
The Speech of the Lord Louthen, Chancellour of Scotland, to the King at Newcastle, July, 1646.
YOur Majesty was plcased on Monday last to call the Lords of Your Councell and Committee, to acquaint them with the Propositions, and told them before you would deliver Your Answer, You would make the same known to them: The time assigned to the Commissioners stay is so short, and the consequence of your Majesties Answer of so great importance, either for the perservation or ruine of Your Crowne, and Kingdomes, as we could not be answerable to God, nor to that Trust reposed in us unlesse we represent to your Majesty how necessary it is that your Maiesty assent to the Propositions as the [...] of affaires now [...] that the danger and [...] of your refusall will be remedilesse, and b [...]ing on a suddaine ruine and destruction.
I shall begin first with the last, which is the danger and shall next speake a word of the remedy.
The differences betwixt your Majesty and your Parliament (which no man knoweth better than your Majesties selfe,) are growne to such a height, that after many, bloudy battels; the Parliament having your Majesty, all the Forts, Garrisons, and strong holds in their hands, having your Majesties Revenue, Excise, Assessements, Sequestrations, and the Authority to raise all the men and money in the Kingdome, and having, after many victories and great successes, a strong Army on Foot, are now in such a p [...]sture for strength and power: they are in a capacity to doe what they will, both in Church and State. And some are so afraid, and others so unwilling to submit themselves to your Majesties Government, that they desire not you, nor any of your Race, longer to reigne over them: But the people are so wearied of the Warre, and great burthens they doe groane under, are so loath to have Monarchieall Government destroyed, that they dare not attempt to cast it totally off, till once they send Propositions of Peace to your Majesty, least the people (without whose concurrence they are not able to carry on their design) should fall from them; but after so great Warre and trouble, that they may have a perfect security from opposition and Arbitrary power, they have resolved upon the Propositions, which are tendred to your Majesty, as that without which the Kingdome and your people cannot be in safety, and that there cannot be a firme peace upon any other tearmes.
Your Majesties friends in the Houses, and the Commissioners from Scotland, (after much wra [...]ing) did consent to the sending of those Propositions, or to be rated the hinderers of peace, or otherwayes to send no Propositions at all.
And now Sir, if your Majesty (as God fo [...]bid) shall refuse to assent to the Propositions, You will lose all Your friends in the Houses, lose the City, and all the Countrey. And all England will joyne against you as one man; they will processe and depose you, and set up another Government; they will charge us to deliver your Majesty to them, and to render their Garrisons, and remove our Armies out of England, and upon your Maiesties refusall of the propositions, both Kingdomes will be constrained for their mutuall safety, to agree and settle Religion and peace without You, which (to our unspeakable griefe) will ruine your Maiestyy and your posterity, and if your Maiesty refuse our faithfull advice (who desire nothing on Earth more than the preservation of your Maiesties Royall Throne.) And if your Maiesty lose England by your wilfulnesse, You will not be permitted to come and reigne in Scotland.
Sir, we have laid our hands upon our hearts, we have asked Counsell and direction from God, and have had our most serious thoughts upon the remedy, but can finde no other to save your Crowne and Kingdomes, than your Maiesties assenting to the propositions, and dare not say but they are higher in some things, (if it were in our power and option to remedy) than we approved of, but when we see no other meanes for curing the distempers of the Kingdomes, and closing the breach between your Majesty and your Parliament, our most humble and safe advise is, your Majesty will be graciously pleased to assent to them as the onely way to establish your Throne; because your Majesty shall be thereby received againe in your Parliament, with the applause and acclamations of your people, by your Royall presence all friends will be strengthened, and all Enemies, (who feare nothing so much as the granting the propositions) will be weakned; your Maiesty will have a fit opportunity hereafter, to offer such propositions as You and your Parliament in wisedome shall thinke fit, for your Crowne and Kingdome, the Armies will be disbanded, and your people finding the sweet fruit of a peaceable Government: you will gaine their hearts and affections, and that will be your Maiesties strength and glory, and will recover all that you have lost in this time of tempest of trouble.
And if it please God to incline your Royall heart to this advise of your humble, and faithfull servants, who next to the honour and service of God, esteem nothing more pretious, than the safety of your person, and Crowne: our actions shall make it appeare, that we esteem no hazard too great for your Maiesties safety, and that we are willing to sacrifice our lives and fortunes for establishing your Throne and iust Right.
Printed at London by John Dever & [...] Ibbitson, for T. Jenn [...] and are to be sold at the Royall-Exchange. 1646.