Unto all Judges, Jurors, Witnesses, and Seamen, or any other who have been, are, or may be exercised in making Laws against the Innocent, or in trying, judging, or carrying-out of their Native Country such Innocent persons as in conscience towards God cannot stoop to the wills of men, in conforming to their Laws made against the Witness of God in all clean Consciences.
BE it known that the Day of God's Anger is come upon you, wherein his Fury is come into his Face; and that it is not now a time for you to do as your Fathers have done, even to make you merry, and sport your selves over the Life of God in your selves and others: for lo, the Lord God of infinite Love and Long-suffering, is at last arisen in the might of his Power, and in the strength of his Judgments, and will cleanse the Land of Evil-doers, yea his Curse is gone forth and his Plagues are even at the door, to sweep the Earth of, and make it free from Oppressors: In the midst of which Judgments he will remember Mercy, and save his Afflicted People, even those upon whom you have not had mercy, but made their Bodies as dung for the Earth, and would have had their Soul to have bowed unto your perverse wills. But as for you, even you that have spoiled his People, and preyed upon his Heritage, Your Carcasses shall be as dung, and your Strength as thread which the fire hath scorched; yea, and your Life shall be an Abhorrence to the very Children of the next Generation, and a Loathing to the wise-hearted thereof. And to the end you may take notice, how fear surprizeth the hindermost of you, Take the two following Certificates, as a Testimony even against your selves, And be assured, that that Fire which is kindled in your Borders, shall not go out or be extinct till it hath wasted you, and left you neither Son nor Nephew to sit in your Seat of Rule and Judgment, But that shall be given to others more righteous than you, and the Seed in the Oppressed shall possess the Gates of their Enemies: Then shall the Earth yeeld its strength, and the Heavens shall bless the Inhabitants thereof with many blessings which are now withheld by reason of your Abominations.
Furthermore, The intent of the Publication hereof, is, That you may take notice how you are overtaken in your Enterprizes; And also, that if you, or any of you, are, or may for the future be so hardy, as to proceed either to judge and sentence, or when sentenced, to carry the Innocent, these two Testimonies of God's righteous Judgements in the Hearts, as given under the Hands of the Master of one, and the Company of another Ship, may rest as an Aggravation of your Wickednesses, and as a twofold Testimony in Judgment against you.
VVHereas there was seven men, called Quakers, brought on board my Ship, called the Anne of London, by William Edmunds Goaler of Hartford, (viz.) Nicholas Lucas, Henry Feast, Henry Marshal, Francis Prior, John Blendal, Jeremiah Herne, and Samuel Traherne; All which have continued waiting upon my Ship from London to Deal, from the fourteenth of September last until this day; [And I seeing Providence hath much crossed me hitherto, whereby I perceive the Hand of the Lord is against me, that I dare not proceed on my Voyage to carry them, they being Innocent Persons, and no Crime signified against them worthy of Banishment] and that there is a Law in force, That no English-man shall be carried out of his Native Countrey against his will: And also my Men do refuse to go the Voyage if I carry them, which will be much to my hindrance, Men being scarce by reason of the long continued Press: For these Reasons, and many more, I will not carry them. These are therefore to certifie any person or persons that shall question them, or any of them, that they did not make an escape, but I put them on Shore again to go whither they pleased. This is certified under my own hand the tenth day of November, 1664.
- John Clements,
- Master-Mate.
- John Bancks.
- Humfrey Bidlestone.
- Thomas Holyman.
THese are to certifie all and every person, unto whom this present Writing may or shall come; That there was three persons, called Quakers, (viz.) Cannanuel Brittaine, Bartholomew Crooker, and Lewis Rogers, brought on board our Ship, called the Mary Fortune of Bristol, the sixteenth of December, and continued waiting on our Ship until the 23d of the same month; then there came a Stay for all Ships, so we put them on shoar again, and on the 31 of December, we received a Pass from his Royal Highness the Duke of York, to proceed on our Voyage; and then they were brought on our Ship again by John Toogood, Water-Baily, and hath continued on board our Ship unto this present day; And now by reason of the long-continued Press, we could in no-wise deny the taking of them on board, but now going to depart, their cry, and the cry of their Families and Friends are entred into the ears of the Lord, and he hath smitten us, even unto the very heart, saying, Cursed is he that parteth Man and Wife: And moreover, they that oppresseth his people, his Plagues shall follow them whersoever they go; and assuredly we do in part partake of them already, for our Consciences will in nowise let us rest nor be in quiet, for the Lord hath smitten us with a terrible fear, so that we can in no-wise proceed to carry them. And moreover, we do wholly believe, that our most gracious Soveraign doth not in the least intend to destroy his Subjects, because he hath not made void that Law of the Nation, which saith, That no English-man shal be carried out of his Native Country against his will; and he or they that doth so carry them, shall forfeit great penalties. And further, we know that there is a Law in the Barbadoes, That whomsoever doth bring any person or persons unto the aforesaid Island against their will, and not being bound by Indenture, shall be under such penalties as the Law doth inflict upon them, and also be enforced to bring them back unto their habitation again. And we all know that they are Innocent persons, and do desire to walk in the fear of the Lord, and that they are put on-bord our Ship against their wills; neither are they bound by any Indenture, nor hath any one agreed for their Passage: And we find that our Master hath no Order under any ones hand to save him & us from coming under such penalties, that the Law may inflict upon us for carrying of them in this nature. For these Reasons, and many more, we have put them on shore; not that they have made an escape, but that we set them at liberty to go whither they will: As witness our Hands the 7th of January, 1664-65.
- John Lloyd,
- Thomas Hughes,
- Thomas Moody,
- Richard Love,
- William Smith,
- Thomas Sanders,
- Philip Philips,
- William Jones his Mark. W J.