THE Kingdomes Key, TO LOCK OVT, OR LET IN AN ENEMY: OR, Certain Parliamentary Proceedings, concerning the Peninsula of Lovingland, in the County of SVFFOLK.
LONDON, Printed in the Yeare. 1646.
TO The worthily Honoured SPEAKER, of the Honourable House of COMMONS William Lenthall Esquire.
WHat you once vouchsafed to entertain, and promote, I beseech you now maintain & vindicate: God his glory, and the Publique safety is concern'd in it, and calls for it. My Innocencie seekes protection under your integrity: if oppression, or tempta [...]ion, could haue driven, or drawn me to the Enemy, I might with others have enjoyed a slippery felicity: But I praise GOD, He hath given me a courage to maintain my honest resolutions, for my deare, but distressed Countries Welfare, against high, and powerfull Adversaries. The ordinary wayes of my addresse, for redresse of mischiefes, and inconveniencies, being blockt up; I am enforced to take this extraordinary course. If what you find here, proceed from a faithfull heart; the Covenant warrants me you will protect me: if from a foolish, it being an errour of love, you will admonish me: but, if from a false one, severely punish it in
To all True-Lovers of Englands Prosperity.
I Never was ambitious of being a man in Print, thereby to publish my imperfections: But this subject is of that concernment for the common preservation of England, that I shall most willingly expose my life, and fame, to all hazard, and contempt, for the welfare of my Country. I have observed all the windings and turnings of the Jesuited Serpent, in his obstructing of this places security, ever since the beginning of these sad divided times: and if I may have an impartiall hearing, shall discover them. Dunkirk is now in possession of the French, by reason of the Netherlands corresponding with them, in the archieving of it. Soveraign favours tend principally to the enlargement of their own Interests; what this place may prove in a forraigne possession, which is not only an Inlet to a future Conquest, but shall at present contribute most (of any particular place in the Kingdome) to the subversion of the whole Nation, and also engrosse all Northern Traffique. It will not be vast summes, and multitude of lives, that will regain it, if once lost: It may be supposed by some, that these cautions to our friends, may be an instructiō to our enemies. Let such know, that the only obstruction of this businesse, hath proceeded frdm our enemies too much knowledge, and our friends to little, which yet they may improve, and prevent their mischievous designes, and provide for our safety. If the Parliament will yet be pleased, to send down an upright and judicious Commander, one of quick eyes, patient eares, and clean hands, to view the place and report to them; they may secure themselves, awe their enemies, and help their friends, and confederates. And if what is here suggested, be not fully proved and performed, but that I have caused [Page 3]the State to send their Commissioner upon impertinencies, the Bryars of Oppression have n [...]t so bared me, but let the charge be defrayed out of the remainder of my poor estate, rather then the Common-wealth should suffer one penny, by my folly. This is all I can do; if more I could, I would: but it comforts me, that I have in this fulfilled the Covenant; That what I am notable of my selfe to suppresse, or over-come, I shall reveal, and make known, that it may be timely prevented, or removed, which shall be the earnest prayer, and utmost endeavours, of
The Description of Lovingland.
THE Peninsula of Lovingland in the County of Suffolke, in Longitude extends it self 7 mi [...]es, in Latitude 4. It contains 16. Parishes, abounding with all things requirable, either by necessity, or delight, by way of sustentation, or recrea [...]ion: Its blest with a heal [...] full A [...]re: sci [...]uated for a generall accommodation of Trade, having the Sea bordering upon a fourth part of it; the o [...]her parts being begirt with the great Rivers of Yare, and Waurney, by which, the Country commodities are brought unto it, and from thence transported to all transmarine parts.
To survey it in its naturall strength; the whole Peninsula is (as it were) raised into one intire Hi [...]: defended towards the Sea with Cliffs and Sands, and on all parts by Land, surrounded with a spacious levell of low grounds, ami [...]'st which levell runs the fore-named Rivers, discharging themselves (with a third) into the Sea through the said Isla [...]d, by which they are all commanded: So that it is in accessib [...] by Land, four passages excepted, and one by Sea, called New [...]on Gap: which plac [...], not improperly, for its heal [...], fertility, strength, and pleasure, hath antiently been tearmed, little, or Low-England, God having in a smaller character contracted his blessings to the whole Island in this Peninsula.
For the disposition of its Inhabitants, their affections may be easily read in this; That since the b [...]ginning of these sad times, there hath not been one voluntary horse or foot souldier sent out of the whole Island into the Parliaments service; and at this present, the posture of Defence marches but lamely on there.
This place and people in these distracted times, have been taken into consideration by both parties: The Parliament at the instance of Yarmouth, August. 1643. passed an Ordinance in the House of Commons for the fortifying of it, Major Knights (by command) came to view it, the Bayliffes of great Yarmouth were sollicitors, and importunate, to have it put in such a posture, as might render it defensible, both to it self, and them. Sir John Hobart (at Norwich, moved the Earl of Manchester, that hee would stirre up a person of estate (in the said Peninsula) whom he conceived to be too remisse in a matter of such concernment as he (at that time) apprehended it to be. After which, Mr. Miles Corbet (a Member of the House) sent a Captain into it with a Company of Souldiers: The Earl of Manchester most providently sent up to the Parliament, and Committee of both Kingdoms about it: And being sensible of the danger or welfare, the whole Kingdome would be in, either by the losse, or preservation of it, was contented to part with a large proportion, of what was allowed him, for maintenance of the Associated Army.
It is most worthy of a serious deliberation, for what ends all these endeavours have been all these times obstructed, and to recollect by what by-wayes, and under-hand-dealings it hath hitherto been retarded. First, for the Commanders (entrusted with it by the Earl of Manchester) neither envie, nor malice could throw any aspersion upon them (that would leave a blemish behind it) but their Officers were traduced: yet they were such as ventured both their lives and estates first, in the service of the Parliament, in the Association. Then were the souldiers sent by the aforesaid Mr. Corbet branded with strange opinions (purposely to render them odious.) Yet I believe they will hardly be parallel'd for their patience, and integrity: for, from March till August, they received little or no pay; and yet I could never hear, that the Country could charge any one among them, for violently taking any thing, to the value of a chicken.
For the Attempts that have been in it, I shall offer such as come to mind. First, Allen landed many warlike provisions in it, after the Commission of Array should have been set up in it, by divers Knights and Gentlemen assembled in it for that end; but prevented by Lieut-Gen. Cromwel, by whom the aforesaid Allen was then amongst others taker, and committed to custody, and those entrusted with authority promised a care should be taken both of the place, and Alien, which how observed, would be examined. All Papists and Malignants have, and still do resort to it, either for flight, or refuge: many of the most expert Pylots, and Sea-men, have withdrawn themselves into Dunkirke, and continually rob upon the Coasts.
How antient times have esteemed of this place, the ruines of Burrow-Castle, will informe us: For hither the Romanes transplanted their Colonies, and bridled the whole East of England by it. And of late days, the Remainders of the Fortifications raised in Anno 1588. will read a sufficient lecture to us of our noble Predecessours circumspection: So that by our enemies, it hath been esteemed the only place of these parts, worthy of their surprize to defend themselves, and to subdue us: and our owne State hath considered of it, as the principall place of these parts, to be secured against all forraign attempts, least to our irreparable losse it should happen to be violenced from us.
Let it be considered whether lying so conveniently, to subsist of it selfe, and to defend it selfe, and to offend the whole Kingdome (it commanding the whole Trade from the North to London) especially of Fish, and Fuel, if it be not of more importance to France, or Spaine, then the Isles of Rhee and Cales could formerly have been to the English in case they could have surprised either of them; Is it not more worthy of France and Spaines endeavours? being so short a cut as 20. houres Saile from Dunkirke, where many of our chiefe Seamen, and Pylot of these Coasts, are now resident: so as if it should be surprised [Page 11]by them, it is more impregnable then Dunkirke, and wou [...] prove more obnoxious to the English.
Historie hath recorded it as the grand oversight of the Duke De Alua his neglect of the porces adjacent to the Searby which error he irrecoverably lost his Mister the dominion of the Netherlands.
Now it is as worthy consideration, whether it be not likely, as well, as possible, that in these times; our English fugitives, may not surprize the said Pene-Insula with two thousand men, who in three houres may cut through the Isthmus; to let in the Sea, and drowne the Level, till such time as they shall most sufficiently fortifie themselves, and receive all home-bred Malignants unto them, and by sea take in continuall supplies of forraigne Aydes, and being accommodated with Dunkirke Frigots, and other pyraiticall Vessels of which the fugi [...]ives have a ready a considerable number under their command, whether they having joyned these places of Lovingland and Dunkirke (in a recipre call correspondency of each others mu [...]uall assistance) shall not onely infest (but as it were) block up this part of the Ocean, and then what sad consequents it will be accompanied with, as the destruction of the Eastern Association and the straightning of the City of London; will soone appeare.
Remedi [...]s.
Much more may be declated, to illustrate and demonstrate the danger and necessity, to prevent all these imminent dangers: foure hundred foote Souldiers maytained will be a sufficent remedy against ensuing dangers, which Garison would be continued in the most Halcyon dayes (if duly perpended) for the conservation of Peace and Trade.
For the defraying of which charge, I ascertaine my selfe I can open away, that the burden shall be so light, that I am confident none (but lovers of themselves and the world) will repine at. (the meaner sort these hard times being altogether freed.)
Lastly, I submit to all understanding, and upright Judgements and Consciences, whether these motives and inducements were not sufficient (the time and advantages considered) [Page 8]to incite, and stir up our adversaries to attempt it, or to move France or Spaine to retaliate our enterprizes of Rhee, and Ca [...]es.
From these poore sparkes; better judgements may raise a greater light, both to direct our friends out of that obscurity, they have been so long in: and to detect our adversaries in their darkest corners.
These proceedings, and reasons I presented to the Honourable Speaker upon the seventeenth of Februarie, Anno. 1644. by which; his zealous affections for his Countries good were moved to obtaine this ensuing Order to passe the House of Commons the 19. of the same moneth.
Die Mercurii. 19. Feb. 1644.
IT is this day Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that it be referred to the Committee of both Kingd [...]ms, to consider of the Pene-Insula of Lovingland, and whether it may be for the advantage of the Publike, to secure it by fortifications: and in what manner it may best be done, and what will he the necessary charge thereof.
Vpon the passing of this Order, the day after being the twentieth of Februarie; I drew up this following Petition, and the same day preferred it to the Committee of both Kingdoms.
To the Right Honourable Committee of safety of both Kingdoms.
The humble Petition of Iohn Vfflet Gentleman.
THat whereas the Honourable House of Commons upon information received, concerning the danger (and necessity of secureing) of the Pene-Insula of Lovingland, which hath [Page 9]been too long neglected, have by their order bearing d [...]te the ninteenth of this instant February referred it to this Honourable Committee, to consider o [...] [...], to the advantage of the Publike, and to secure it by fortification, and in what manner it may best be done, and what will be the necessarie charge thereof.
May it therefore please this most Honourable Committee to take into your serious consideration accordingly, the present condition of the said Pene- [...]nsula, and after ye are truly, and fully informed by this annexed declaration, which I hope will give such ample sa [...]isfaction, that your Honours will be pleased to dispose of it, to the Kingdoms good, and to the frustrating of our adversaries plots, which have had too long and great an i [...]fluence to obstruct so noble and necessarie a worke; and I shall in all humble duty be bound to pray, &c.
Vpon this Petition, I attended from the delivery of it, till the eight of March, was then dismissed upon the engagement of some of that Country that it should be provided for, which, how performed, if examined; would be found very foule.
I returned home, where for my good intentions, I have been loaden with reproach, contempt, and oppression, yet could not be discouraged, having been formerly imployed in it, and having an eye to all the indirect proceedings that were and are still used to delude the State, and to satisfie the most unworthy desires of such whose ends are chiefly Ambition, and avarice, who have since the begining of these times been the prime hinderers of it, I being acquainted with the subtle and false practises of the chiefe opponents in the affaire, was solicitous how I might make it appear to the State the incertain condition we were in, upon which I drew up a Petition, & certain propositions which I intended to deliver to the Speaker, but by the way I was impris [...]ned by some Committee men of Bury, and all my papers which were sealed up and superscribed to the Honourable Speaker of the House of Commons broken open by them, and delivered into the hands of Sir I. W. the State [...] close enemy and my profest, oppressing adversary, so that they have left me the subject of his malice and hatred; [Page 8] [...] [Page 9] [...] [Page 7] What those Papers were, I sent a List of to Mr. William Ryley, with a Petition to the House of Commons, in a Letter; but never received any account in his proceedings therein. I shall here publish the Letter, Petition, and List, that I may be judged by my Country, for the evill that is in them; because some Caterpillars of the Common-Wealth, would render me odious to my country, for my poor endeavours used herein.
To Mr. William Riley.
J According to your desire, and in discharge of my owne engagement to you, shall give you an account of our Islands estate, and in it of my own sad condition: After I left you, I the day following, being the 2 of July, appeared before the Bury Committee, where I had not so much as a word of rep [...]o [...]f [...] spake unto me, though formerly reputed for a vilde and unworthy person, but am now by them cleered, and enlarged: yet to be abused, reproached, my life endangered, my body imprisoned, my estate by unnecessary charges consumed; and after travelling so many miles at my own charge, and having so powerfull an Adversary, as Sir J.W. who boasts of his Party hee hath in the house, which he deludes, and the Committee he hath p [...]ssess [...]d with mis-informations, these are great discouragements: and row this last exceeds all the rest; for he is become master of all those poor indeavors that I had used for my Countries welfare. I would fain have avoided his g [...]ining of them, and thereupon I presumed to enclose them in a sheet of paper, sealed them up, and directed them to the Speaker. The Committee-men might have trusted [...]im wi [...]h them, when they had imprisoned my person, which was lyable to any punishment, which the State should have censured me to have [...]e [...]rved. I have here inclosed, sent you a List of all the Writing, that were in the Packet, directed to the Speaker. Let them, I beseech you, be demanded; and if there be any thing contained in them, unbeseeming [Page 10]a true lover of his Country, let severe punishment be inflicted upon m [...]. After all these troubles and vexations, I could be well content to sit still, and bewayle my Countries calamities; but that my conscience dictates to me, that GOD (who in his providence, hath reserved me to these times) enjoynes me, not to bind my Talent in a Napkin. You have known me above 20. yeares; yet I hope could never perceive me to be of a factious inclination. Good friend, I cannot at present, but look upon these vast expences of bloud, and treasure, but as the only meanes to give a forraign Foe, that which his own vertue would never ob [...]ain: our own divisions will be the inlet of our miseries; in consideration whereof, I have alwayes had a vigilant eye upon this Peninsula, it being one of the Ardua Arcana Regni, and am confiden, can make it out to the Speaker, that this place is the principall in the Kingdome, either for the French, Spanish, or Netherlands, to begin an invasion. Let the whole Association bel [...]st; this k [...]p [...], may regain it: this, in an enemies p [...]ss [...]ssion, drawes the whole Association with it: besides, straightens the City of London. My griefe would be the less [...], did I not know so mue [...] When onese [...]s his friend contracting his limbes, his eyes staring, and his mouth soming; he may conclude with pitty, that hee hath the Falling-sicknesse: It is not discretion, to prescribe a aure, but to repaire [...]sie sk [...]full Physitiah, I perceive sad SymP [...]omes in the Body politicall, God in mercy inable our State Physi [...]ians, to discharge their duties: Where Justice is not by man executed, God will come with Judgment. Sweer Sir, you in some part were a meanes for my access [...] to the Speaker, and gave mecoragement to goe on in this cause: Suffer nor [...] me to fall, it will, I doub [...] not, be for God his glory, and this Kindomes good Present this inclosed Petition to the Speaker, and stand on longer b [...] me, then I stand for Truth, and my C [...]untries welfree.
On the 6, of this instant moneth, divers Pyrates of Dunkirke aken by u [...], and freed, did take a Boat, and are gone: We are in that secu [...]i [...]y, that to the Sea we haue not a common Watch kept. Be but a meanes, that the Speaker may tak [...] notice, who moved to have the Ordinance passe in the H [...]use of Commons, [Page 12] August 1643 and why it hath bee so opposed. There is not way to discover the Jugling of our Adversaries, but by the eye of judgment. Let but a Commissioner that is upright be sent downe, and he will discover ad the falshoods and mis-informations that have hindered it, to let in our ruine. I know, worthy friend, I am much censured, and maliced for my perseverance in this action, but my encouragements arise from what I have laid my foundation on, which are Truth, Reason, and Experience. I pray prese [...]n respects to Mr. Cole, who will give you all the furtherance that may be in this businesse, to the Speaker. Kind friend, my love to my ensnared country, hath made me to enlarge my self unto you, not doubting in the least, to finde your reciprocall affections to move for the common-good, and to be helpfull to
A Note of such Papers, which were sealed up, and directed to the Speaker, but intercepted by some Committee-men of Bury.
- A Plot of the Peninsula of Lovingland.
- Two Declarations concerning the said Peninsula.
- A Letter of Mr. Wil. Ryleyes.
- A Letter of Sir Iohn Hobarts unto me.
- A Letter of Nich. Pacies.
- A Petition to have been presented to the House.
- A Warrant of the E. of Manchesters to me, which speaks my first employment in this affaire.
- Two Warrants more under the E. of Manchesters hand and seale, that enabled mee to demand foure Pieces of Artillery from Yarmouth, & two from Dunwich, to bee employed for defence of the Island.
- An accusation under my owne hand, against Sir I. W.
- A Captaines accusation against Sir I. W.
- Mr. H.B. senior, his examination against Sir I. W. attested by his Son H.B. junior, G.I.W.K.G.A.
- A Commission from Col. C.F. unto me.
To the Right Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, assembled in the Commons House of Parliament.
The humble Petition of
JOHN UFFLET, Gemleman.
THat your Petitioner, who hath been formerly imployed in the businesse of the Peninsula of Lovingland, by the Earl of Manchester, being confident of his own good intentions toward his country, and being an Inhabitant in the said Peninsula, hath been a constant observer of the place & of all passages that have been used both for, and against securing of it, in these times of danger and necessity; and finding, that his unworthinesse, and disability, for a matter of such weight, did concur with the misprision of others to render it (the 8. of March last) to the Honourable Committee of both Kingdoms as a place not fit to be secured.
May it therfore please this most Honorable House to be moved with the antient practises of the Romans, by the Judgement of the State in Anno. 1588. and the wisdome of this Honourable House, who both by your Ordinance, and Order, have with the rest lookt upon it as the chiefe place in all the Fast parts, that may be a meanes to preserve, or enda [...]g [...]r the whole Kingdome, to send downe an upright, and judicious Commander, to take an exact survey of the place, danger, and necessitie, and to certifie this Honourable House thereof, whereby you may come to the implicite truth, and discover the selfe ends, which have all this time been the onely cause of obstructing this worke, and
The Charge of the Garison will be defrayed with what the Earle of Manchester did formerly allot towards it, if the State [Page 14]shall be pleased to allow of it, which was the monethly payment [...]s of East, and West Fleg, great Yarmouth, and the halfe hundred of L [...]vingland, with the benefit of so much of thesequestration, issuing out of the forenamed places, as was assigned to the Earle of M [...]nchester.
And for present secureing of it, and putting it into a posture of defence, if the State will be pleased to allow fower hundred pounds (beside Ammunition) with the voluntary contributions of the Inhabitants, and that the benefit of 6. dayes workes elapsed, and to come appointed by Statute for repairing high wayes, be converted to the worke of the fortifications, the Island st [...]nding in no great need of repairing high wayes: and what shall want, may be supplied out of the fines of Malignants, and disaffected to the Parliament, as, if Justice may have her due course, there may be many discovered, and some, no means ones.
Here I have faithfully imparted, what I have at any time made knowne concerning this place: some-what more remaines collected by observation; That as yet my heart never made my tongue acquainted with. Oh let not the great Trustees of Engand be displeased if I do heartily pray, that they would be pleased speedily, for a short time to spare the Right Honourable the Earle of Northumberland, and Lieutenant Generall Cromw [...]ll to review this place, that they both have formerly had a sight of, and been in. These are persons of dignity, honour, integri [...]ie, a [...]d abilitie, without exceptions, and they must be great and good that give you a right understanding of this place. If I had any thing in the world to prize above my despised life, I would willingly engage i [...], that neither ye, not themselves will looke upon it as a frui [...]l [...]ss [...] peace, but esteeme of it as one of the prime Jewels of the Kingdome. Whether doth my affection transportane? Pardon, o pardon (ye great ones) the presumption; of your meanest,