Upon His MAIESTIES Comming to HOLMBY.

HOld out brave Charles, & thou shalt winne the Field,
Thou canst not loose thy selfe, unlesse thou yeeld
On such Conditions; as will force thy Hand,
To give away thy Scepter, Crowne, and Land:
And what is worse to hazzard by thy fall,
To loose a greater Crowne, more worth then all.
Thy poore destressed Cavaliers rejoyced,
To heare thy Royall Resolution voyced,
And are content, far more poore to bee,
Then yet they are, so it reflects from Thee:
Thou art our Soveraigne still in spight of hate,
Our Zeale is to thy Person, not thy State.
Wee are not so ambitious to desire,
Our drooping Fortunes, to be mounted higher,
And thou so great a Monarch to our griefe,
Must sue unto thy Subjects, for reliefe:
And wheu they set, and long debate about it,
Must either stay their time, or go without it.
No sacred Prince, thy Friends esteeme Thee more,
In thy distresses then ere they did before;
And though their wings be clipt, their wishes fly,
To Heaven by millions for a fresh supply:
That as thy cause, was so betrayed by Men,
It may by Angels be restored agen.

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