This Indenture made the ⟨4 o of July 1683⟩ Between ⟨James Slose Aged 24 years—⟩ of the one party, and ⟨Thomas Bowman—⟩ on the other party, witnesseth, that the said ⟨James Slose⟩ doth thereby covenant, promise, and grant to and with the said ⟨Thomas Bowman⟩ his Executors and Assigns, from the day of the date hereof, until ⟨his⟩ first and next arrival i ⟨n⟩ ⟨ [...]e [...]yland⟩ and after, for and during the term of ⟨Four⟩ years, to serve in such service and imployment, as he the said ⟨Tho Bowman—⟩ or his Assigns shall there imploy ⟨him—⟩ according to the Custom of the Country in the like kind. In consideration whereof, the said ⟨Thomas Bowman—⟩ doth hereby covenant and grant to and with the said ⟨James Slose⟩ to pay for ⟨his⟩ passing, and to find and allow ⟨him⟩ meat, drink, apparel, and lodging, with other necessaries, during the said term, and at the end of the said term to pay unto ⟨him according to y e Custom of y e Country⟩
In witness whereof the parties above mentioned to these Indentures have interchangeably set their Hands and Seals the day and year above written.
Sealed and delivered in the presence of ⟨James Slose [...]⟩