Thirty and two Extremes of these times discovered and reduced to sixteene Golden Meanes, tending to the reducing of Strayers the establishing of Waverers, and the uniting of Judgements and Hearts together in the Truth.
Job. 32. 9. Great men are not alway wise, neither doe the aged understand judgement.
Job 27. 11. I will teach you by the hand of God, that which is with the Almighty will I not conceale.
Job 38. 2. Who is this that darkneth counsell by wordt without knowledge.
1 Old Extreme. I Cannot abide to beare of your whimsicall wayes, and your new lights, which are so much talked of and set up now adayes; for mine owne part I am resolved to go on, and live and die in the old and true Protestant Religion, and doe you take all your whimsicall wayes to your selfe.
2 New Extreme. And I do so esteem of our new wayes, and new lights, that I have no regard at all to any thing that is old, 2 Cor. 5. 17. considering that the Apostle saith, 2 Cor. 4. 6. Old things are past away, behold all things are become new. And that God who commandeth light to shine out of darknesse, hath shined in our hearts to give the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
1 Golden Mean. It is not good so to adhear to any Old truth, as to cast away any clearer discovery thereof, neither is it good so to catch at any new notion as to cast away all Old truths because of a clearer discovery, Jer. 6. 16. but it is good to stand in the wayes and see and aske for the Old paths which is the good way and walke therein, And yet when any clearer discoveries of that light which shineth in a darke place, 2 Pet. 1. 19 comes by meanes of the day-star arising in our hearts, we are not to obscure it; but yet say I to the Law, Isa. 8. 20. and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
3 Old Extreme. Well my desire is that Archbishops, and Bishops, might be restored againe to their places and dignities, and that all things in the Church might be ruled and governed by them and their Officers as they have formerly been in this Kingdome.
4 New Extreme. You speak like an old simple and ignorant man, and do well deserve to be questioned for your speeches, for that were to bring the Saints of God into bondage againe.
2 Golden Mean. Doubtlesse the constitution of a Diocesian Bishop hath no footsteps in the word of God, Luk. 22, 25, 26. and that Lording or Magistraticall power which they have exercised in the Church, 1 Pet. 5. 3. especially of late yeares, hath rather been Antichristian then Christian, and therefore we are not to desire their restoration againe; notwithstanding if any one through ignorance doe wish for such a thing, let us beare with his weaknesse, and endevour to instruct him better.
5 Old Extreme. I wish in mine heart, that the [...]ervice-booke might bée read again in our Churches as it hath formerly béene, for therein as I conceive the true Protestant Religion is contained.
6 New Extreme. But rather then I would come into a congregation where any of the Service-booke is read, I would never come into congregation whilst I lived.
3 Gold. Meane. Ʋndoubtedly the true Protestant Religion is contained in the old and new Testament, and not in the Service-book, and therefore a man may live and die in the true Protestant Religion though hee never hear leafe of the Service-book read in all his life, nor one line of it be read at his death, yet rather then I would omit the hearing of the Word, I would heare much of it read.
7 Old Extreme. I wish in mine heart that every man and womau might be fréely admitted to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper as formerly they have béene.
8 New Extreme. But rather then I would receive the sacrament in the company of any man or woman, whom I doe conceive are carnall, unregenerate, and unconverted, I would never receive the Sacrament whilst I lived.
4 Goulden Meane. Surely none but such as are in the state of grace, are to bee admitted unto the Sacrament of the Lords supper, Rom. 4. 11 it being a seale of the Covenant of grace, notwithstanding though I should bee jealous that such a man or woman were in the state of nature, yet they being admitted by the Eldership, I should rather chuse to thinke that they upon Examination had found more evidences of their being in the state of grace then ever I imagined, and therefore would not omit the receiving of the Sacrament because of their presence there.
9 Old Extreme. I would have all infants that are borne alive, to be Baptized presently, because I am perswaded that none can be saved which die without Baptizme.
10 New Extreme. But I say, that Beleevers are the only subjects of Baptisme; but infants cannot beleeve, and therefore no infant is to bee baptized.
5 Golden Mean. All elect infants shall undoubtedly bee saved though they bee not Baptized, for they are saved by vertue of Christs blood, and not by vertue of Baptisme, neverthelesse I would have all the infants of beleeving parents to be Baptised; Act. 2. 39. Col. 2. 11, 12. first, because the promise is made both to them and their children. Secondly, because Baptisme is come in the roome of Circumcision. Act. 16. 33 34 And thirdly, because we read in the new Testament, that when the Master of the house was turned to the faith, all his whole houshold were Baptized, and that the houshold is taken for man woman and childe, is evident, Gen 18, 19. Genes. 49. 8.
11 Old Extreme. I would not have any man to take upon him to preach or expound, or any way to doe the Oface of a Minister, except he be endewed with humaine learning, and have taken some Degrées in the University, and be ordained and set apart thereunto.
12 New Extreme. But for my part I am so out of conceit with humane Iearning and degrees in Schools, that I could wish every Minister of the Gospell were without them; for I verily thinke a man cannot be a right Gospell Minister that makes any use of them, and I would have every man to whom the Lord hath given any gifts, to take all opportunities to exercise the same either publikely or privately, whether he be ordained or no.
6 Golden Mean. The truth is, that humane learning and degrees in Schooles, neither make a man a Saint, nor an able Minister of the New Testament; and yet considering that the originall of Scripture cannot be attained unto without the gift of Tongues, and that in these last dayes the Lord doth deny men that immediate gift: humane Learning and degrees in Schooles may stand a man in stead; and surely it is lawfull for any gifted man to exercise bis gifts privately, either in his owne Family or elsewhere for the good of others, provided it be not in the time of publike exercise; yea, and publikely also before he be ordained, if he intend to be ordained.
13. Old Ext. Our Minister preacheth now and then for the lawfulnesse of peoples paying Tythes to their Ministers for their maintenance, and urgeth it very much, and I thinke he doth very well in so doing, for surely it is méete that Ministers should be thereby maintained.
14. New Extreame. But though your Minister, and all the Ministers in the Kingdome should presse it never so much, rather then I would give a Minister a penny under the notion of Tythes, I would see him starve for lack of maintenance, for that were in effect to deny the comming of Christ in the flesh.
7. Golden Mean. I would not advise any Minister of the Gospell to require any maintenance under the notion of Tythes, because some men do take offence thereat; neither is it material [...] whether any man give him maintenance under that notion, so he give it him, because the Apostle, Gal. 6. 6, 15 or rather because the Lord by the Apostle saith, Let him that is taught in the Word, communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.
15. Old Extreame. Our Minister doth well deserve maintenance, for he is a very honest painfull man, continually pressing us to repent of our sins, and to do good works according to Gods Commandments.
16. New Extreame. But I should like him much better if he were continually declaring unto you what is the Kingly Office of Christ in his Church, and what Discipline and Government he would have set up there.
8. Golden Mean. But that Minister is best of all to be liked, who doth chiefly indeavour to informe his people in the Mysteries of Jesus Christ; for though to handle the points you speake of, 1 Cor. 2. 2. be sometimes expedient, yet the Doctrine concerning Christ and him crucified, is that one point necessary.
17. Old Extreme. I am perswaded that the Civill Magistrate is to have a hand in reforming the Church, and in ordering and doing all things in the Church, for it is said, Isa. 49. 23. That Kings shall be nursing Fathers, and Quéens nursing Mothers to the Church.
18. New Extreme. I know no other Reformation that Christ requires in his Church, but onely the Reformation of the heart, and I am sure the Civill Magistrate hath no power to do that; and therefore it is cleare to me, that he hath nothing at all to do, neither in nor about the Church of Christ, but onely about the Common-Wealth.
9. Golden Meane. In the Church of Christ, besides the Reformation of the heart, which indeed is the chiefe Reformation, and Christs Worke onely, and not mans, there is required a Reformation of Religion in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government, and this the Civill Magistrate is to have a hand in, by compelling to the meanes, and to the externall acts of Worship and Government, as you may see, Nehem. 13. 31, 32. 2 Chron. 34. 32, 33. and indeed the Civill Magistrate is to do much about the pale of the Church, as to punish the wicked, and encourage the godly, and the like; but how they are to be nursing fathers and nursing mothers to the Church, is, as I conceive, a hard matter rightly to determine.
19. Old Extreame. Some men do talke very much of worshipping God in the Spirit, and not with ontward formes; but for mine owne part I am resolved to stick to my ontward formes of hearing, reading, praying, fasting, and other such like Religious exercises, for I know no other way of worshipping God.
20. New Extreme. But I am all for the Spirituall Worship of God, and to tell you truly, I use no outward formes at all, for I know very well that God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and Truth, Joh. 4. 20.
10. Golden Mean. As we are not to content our selves with outward formes without the inward power, and spirituall Worship of God, so are we not to conceive, that the inward power, and true spirituall Worship of God can be where outward forms are wilfully neglected, when God calls us unto them, therefore surely he doth best that doth both.
21. Old Extreme. I am perswaded that Christians are bound to observe the Sabbath day very strictly, for we are forbidden so much as to kindle a fire on that day, as you may see Exo. 35 3. or to gather a few sticks to lay thereon, as you may see, Num. 15. 35.
22. New Extreme. I finde not in all the whole new Testament any command to keep any Sabbath at all; and therefore I do believe, that now in the daies of the Gospell, every day is to be kept as a Sabbath, and a Christian is not to restraine it to one day more then to another, nor make any difference of daies at all, but all daies are to be alike to him.
11 Golden Meane. Indeed the precise and strict rest of the Jewes on the Sabbath Day was Ceremoniall, and therefore now by Christ so taken away, that a Christian is not so bound to rest but that he may doe workes of urgent necessity, as you may see in the Disciples plucking the eares of Corne, and rubbing them an the Sabbath Day; and our Saviours defending them for so doing, Luk. 6. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. yea, and a Christian may also doe workes of mercy on that day, as you may see, Mat. 12. 11, 12. neverthelesse the first day of the weeke, or Lords Day, is to be kept as a Sabbath to the Lord, for surely Christ had no other reason to bid them pray, Mat. 24. 20. that their flight should not be on the Sabbath Day, but for that it would disturbe and hinder them from attending upon the Worship of God.
23 Old Extreme. I cannot abide your assembling together, and your preaching in private houses, for I am perswaded Gods Word ought not to be preached any where else but in the Church of God.
24 New Extreme. But I had rather heare a Sermon in a private house then in any of your Steeple-houses.
12 Gold. Mean. Certainly the place appointed for Publike Worship cannot properly be called the Church of God, Mat. 18. 20 for the Church of God is, where two or three, or more of the Saints of God are gathered together to worship God, neverthelesse for as much as the Apostle willeth, 1 Cor. 14. 40. that all things be done decently and in order; I thinke is meet we should assemble together to heare the Word, rather in publike then in private, because it is so appointed by authority.
25 Old Extrem. There is much talke now adayes about liberty of Conscience, and many men seeme much to desire it, but for mine owne part I know not what they meane by it, and therefore I regard it not.
26 New Extreme. Liberty of Conscience is so deare and precious a thing to me, and I doe prize it so highly, that I would spend my blood rather then I would want it, for to live without it were to live in slavery.
13 Golden Mean. The Apostle, Gal. 5. 1. willeth Beleevers to stand fast in that liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free, that is, from the yoke of the Cerimoniall Law, and the condemning power of the Morall Law, and this may truly be called, Liberty of Conscience, and this we are to desire and plead for, and yet we must beware that we use not this liberty for an occasion to the flesh, as the same Apostle adviseth, verse 13. and this we shall doe if we truly say with David, Psal. 119. 45. I will walke at liberty, for I seeke thy precepts.
27 Old Extreme. I have heard some men speake, as though there were a great defference to be made betwixt the Old Testament and the New, and much to under-value the Old in comparison of the New; but for mine owne part I doe beleeve that they are both of them the Word of God, and therefore I see no difference that there is to be made betwixt them.
28 New Extreme. But for my part, I doe make such a difference betwixt them that I doe beleeve the Old Testament is utterly to be abolished, and that a Beleever is to have nothing at all to doe with it; for doth not the Apostle say in plaine termes, that the Old Testament is done away, 2 Cor. 3. 11. Heb. 8. 13.
14 Golden Meane. Indeed it is true, the Ceremonies, and the circumstantiall Administrations of the Old Testament are done away, but yet the substance remaines; so that we are not to imagine that the Booke it selfe is done away, for therein is contained the Law of God, and Word of God, even the perfect Will of God, which shall remaine for ever.
29 Old Extreme. Surely the Presbyterian way of Church-Government must needs be now the onely way to Salvation, seeing that Authority is pleased to set it up in this Kingdome.
30 New Extreme. And I am confident that the way which they call the Independant way is the very way to Heaven, for I have been more confidently assured of my Salvation, since I entred into that way then ever I was before.
15 Gold. Meane. Assure your selves that no man shall be saved simply, because he is under such a way of Church-Government, whether it be Episcopacy, Presbitery, or Independant, nor damned simply because he is under any of them; but a man shall be saved if he beleeve truly on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Joh. 3. 38. and damned if he doe not, which way of Church-Government soever he is.
31 Old Extr. I would have every man constrained by Authority to conforme himselfe to the Presbyteriall Government, because it is established by Authority.
32 New Extreme. I would have all men to have liberty of Conscience, of what Opinion or Religion soever they be.
16 Gold. Mean. I would have all men to have liberty of Conscience who are sound and Orthodox as touching Fundamentalls, and godly in their lives and conversations, though they doe not conforme themselves to the Presbiteriall way, but none else.
Printed at London for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Bailey. 1647.