A TESTIMONY OF THE Ministers in the County of Stafford TO THE Trueth of Jesus Christ, AND TO The Solemn League and Covenant, As also Against the Errours, Heresies, and Blasphemies of these times, and the Toleration of them.

Sent up to the Ministers within the Pro­vince of London, Subscribers of the First TESTIMONY.

LONDON, Printed by John Macock, for George Calvert, at the sign of the Half-Moon in Watlingstreet, near Austine's Gate. 1648.

A TESTIMONIE OF THE Ministers in the County of Stafford TO THE Trueth of Jesus Christ, AND TO The Solemn League and Covenant.

HAving seriously read the Testimony to the Trueth of Jesus Christ, and to the Solemn League and Covenant, as also against the sundry Blasphemies, Heresies, and Errors of these times, which the Ministers of the Province of London have put forth to publike view, and that in such a juncture of time, wherein blasphemous [Page 4] Heresies, and dangerous Schisms did much a­bound; the Patrons of them proudly insulting, and in­dustriously acting for a Toleration of them, we rejoyced much in it, and blessed God for their holy boldness, and religious Zeal in this common Cause; and since di­vers other Provinces have published their pious Testi­monies to the Truth, and their abhorrency of the spread­ing Errors; lest we the Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the County of Stafford, should lie under the imputation of betraying the common Faith, through our silence and neglect of concurrence with our Bre­thren, having the same engagements lying upon us, as upon them; we being Ministers of the Gospel, having lifted up our hand to the most high God; having hum­bled our souls in that Solemn day appointed by the au­thority of Parliament, tendering the wellfare of our peoples souls: And lastly, lest that the diligence of the Adversaries of the Truth, in promoting their perni­tious Doctrines both by their tongues and pens should condemn our negligence. We therefore, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do declare and testifie to all the Churches of Christ, to all our Brethren in the Mini­stry, and to all that unfainedly love the Truth of Jesus Christ.

First, That the sound and elaborate Confession of Faith, which the Assembly of Divines (convened by Au­thority of Parliament,) have presented to the Honorable Houses, is so consonant to the Truth contained in the Scriptures, that we do give our full Consent unto the whole, and to each part thereof.

Secondly, That we do from our very souls abhor, all [Page 5] the Errors, which (to the provoking of God to wrath a­gainst this Kingdom, to the great shame of this Church, once famous for the maintenance of the Truth, and to the grief of all the godly) are lately sprung up grown high, and spread far amongst us, as Antiscripturism, So­cinianism, Anabaptism, Arminianism, Antinominianism, Q [...]aerism, Erastianism, and whatsoever is contrary to sound Doctrine.

Thirdly, That an Universal Toleration so much pleaded for, and earnestly desired by the Sectaries is most sinful, destructive, both to truth and godliness, and in its own nature the mother of all confusion, both in Church and State; wherefore we cannot but bless God, that he hath stirred up the Honorable Houses of Parlia­ment to publish an Ordinance for the punishing of di­vers Heresies, and gross Errors; praying, That all Magi­strates in their several places would be faithful and dili­gent in the execution of the said Ordinance.

Fourthly, Because there cannot be a better damm to prevent the overflowing of all Blasphemies, Heresies, Errors, Schisms, and Prophaness, then such a form of Church-Government which is agreeable to the Word of God. We declare, that we are so fully convinced that that form of Church-Government tendred by the Assembly to the Honorable Houses of Parliament, for their civil sanction is so agreeable to the Word of God, that we can and shall readily subject our selves unto it, when it shall please God to stir up the hearts of those in whose power it is to authorize the same. And be­cause there are some who are of eminent worth, and pie­ty dissenting from us in this particular; we heartily de­sire, [Page 6] that there may be a sweet Accommodation between us and them, which we conceive would be feasible, did they abate of their love to their yet unproved opinion: and had they an higher esteem of peace and unity; espe­cially since they cannot be ignorant, how God hath blast­ed their Congregational way, with Sects, Schisms, Sepa­rations; and Subseparations, to their shame, our grief, and the woful disturbance of the whole Kingdom.

Fiftly, and Lastly, Sithence God hath visited per­sons and Nations with exemplary Judgments for Co­venant-breaking, which we also in this Kingdom may justly fear, because of our guiltiness in that respect; the Solemn League and Covenant being not only violated by most, but decryed by some, and unworthily compared to an Almanack out of date; by which means some in Scotland take advantage to pretend a just ground of wa­ging War against us, (which God in his mercy avert;) We therefore declare, that it is as obligatory upon us now, as at the first taking of the same, and are resolved through Gods gracious assistance to endeavour a sincere observance of it in all particulars all the days of our lives; we knowing that it is not in the power of any to absolve us from it, or to impose any other sense then what is in the plain and literal expression of it. And we hope God will enable us to be as ready to witness a good Confession of the Truth, being thereunto called, with our dearest blood, as now to profess it by the signing of this with our hands.

  • John Taylor Minister of Gods Word at Checkley.
  • Nicholas Paeston Pastor of Kingswinford.
  • [Page 7] Ithiel Smart Minister of Gods Word at Womborne.
  • Thomas Burdall Minister of Gods Word at Walsall.
  • Joseph Sounde Minister of Gods Word.
  • John Jackson Pastor of Madely.
  • Robert Dowley Minister of Gods Word at Elford.
  • George Crosse Pastor of Clifton Camville.
  • William Brooks Assistant to the Pastor of Clifton Cam­vile.
  • Richard Bell Minister of Gods Word in Stafford.
  • Sampson Newton Minister of Chebsey.
  • Thomas Lightfoote Pastor of Uttoxator.
  • Thomas Allsop Minister of the Gospel at Chedle.
  • William Langley Minister of the Gospel at Elaston.
  • Deliverance Phynihouse Minister of Gods Word at Leigh.
  • Iohn Smith Minister of Audley.
  • Alexand. Hoce. Rector de Dreycott en lee Moores.
  • Zachariah Crafton Minister of Newcastle Underline.
  • Isaac Kaeling Minister of Gods Word at Wolstanton.
  • Charles Winne Minister of the Gospel at Penne.
  • Edward Barton Minister of the Gospel at Wodensbury.
  • Richard Bourne Minister of Gods Word at Cannocke.
  • Iohn Bould Pastor of Alrewas.
  • Philip Sharp Preacher of Gods Word at Bromley Regis.
  • Roger Linch Minister of Gods Word at Norton Iuxta Cannock.
  • Edward Nevill Minister of Gods Word at Standon.
  • Nathaniel Hinde Minister of Gods Word at Penckridg
  • Iohn Dolman Minister of Iesus Christ at Brewood.
  • William Iennings Minist. of Gods Word at Church-Eaton
  • [Page 8] Henry Stubbe Rector of Bloore.
  • Francis Bowyer Minister of Leek.
  • Ro. Ward, Minister of Horton.
  • Christopher Turnor de Grindon.
  • Gawin Hamilton Minister of Alstonfield.
  • Thomas Mounteneys Minister of [...]lon.
  • Iohn Bowyer Minister of Biddulph.
  • Francis Storre School-master at Walsall.
  • Samuel Frankland School-master at Lichfeild.

Imprimatur James Cranford. July 14. 1648.


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