A Testimony of LOVE, in tender Advice and Counsel, to all Young Men, and others, who profess the Truth.
WE, whom God hath raised in the Morning of his Day, to be a Kind of first Fruits unto himself, do, in a living Sense of the Truth, and in a true Respect to the Prosperity and Glory of it, tenderly advise young Men, and others, who are of late Convincement, that you use all Diligence and Circumspection in your several Places and Callings, in Conversation and Practice, to answer that holy Principle, which in Words you do profess, and especially to beware of a false Liberty, which some take to themselves, that Truth allows not of, particularly that of fashioning according to the Course and Custom of this World, which creates a great Offence unto many, who are apt to conclude there is no Stability among us, more than in other Professions, when they see how several conform to, and let in Superfluity, Curiosity, and Costliness in Habit and Apparel, which evidently bespeak the Vanity of such Minds, and become not Men really professing Godliness, whose Adorning is, and always was, inward, in the hidden Man, in the Heart; and, blessed be God, many are settled down in the Sense of it, not being subject to alter and change, but daily denying themselves, take up the Cross to all outward and perishing Things, and being steadfast in the Faith, become Examples of Righteousness, Gravity, and Sincerity, unto others; some of whom, through Carelesness and Negligence, have cooled their Affections and Love to the Truth, whereby they become weak, and grow into a feeble State; sometimes put on gay Cloathing, with sumptuous and costly Array, such as many of us, for Truth's Sake, have denied and put off, which, as it is a Stumbling-Block to those that are without, so an Exercise and Grief to us, who are concerned for the Lord, whose Power and Spirit hath mightily wrought in us, to subdue and bring under the carnal Mind, with its Assections and Lusts, which, in the weighty and serious Life, we exhort you to watch against, and suffer not that, which is unsavoury and corrupt, to arise, nor give Place to it; but by the Spirit resist every Appearance of Evil, and dwell in the seasoning Power, that ye may be as the Salt of the Earth, and Lights to the World, that they, seeing your good Works, and orderly Conversation, may glorify your Father, who is in Heaven.
And, Friends, our further Advice and Counsel to you is, that you keep inward with the Lord, and out of the Hurries and Bustles that are in the World, which we ought not to be concerned in, who are seeking for an heavenly Kingdom, and Immortality, and Glory, far transcending the Splendor and Lustre of this World, which Christ said his Kingdom was not of; but consists in Righteousness and Peace, in which peaceable Spirit of Righteousness we desire all may be found, and not be busied in Matters relating to outward Government and Rule, which belong not to us, but are for such on whom it pleaseth God them to bestow: wherefore we caution all to be careful, that no real Occasion be given, by Words or Actions, for any to be esteemed as Busy-Bodies on that Account; but be ye servent with the Lord, and strong in the Power of his Might, as good Soldiers of Christ, to indure Hardships; suffer, not as evil Doers, but for the Testimony of Faith, [Page] and a good Conscience towards God, and the Crown immortal you shall receive, which is laid up, not only for us, who are at present tribulated and afflicted for Righteousness Sake, but for all them that love the Appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So, to the Word of his Grace, we commend you all for further Counsel and Direction, and, with the tender Salutation of our Love, rest,
- William Ingram
- William Crouch
- Richard Whitpane
- Gilbert Mace.