NO MERCƲRIƲS AƲLICƲS; But some merry flashes of Intelligence, with the Pretended PARLIAMENTS Forces besiedging of OXFORD foure miles off, and the terrible taking in of a Mill, instead of the KING and CITIE.

Also the breaking of BOOKER, the Asse-tronomicall London Figure-flinger, his perfidious Prediction failing, and his great Conjunction of Saturne and Iupiter dislocated.


⟨July 10 th. Printed in the Yeare. 1644.

[...] the miserable missed People to believe once more in the unsaving Publique Faith, whereby they may be further cozened of the other 1 or 200000 l. to reward your mighty Commanders, and your Bre­thren the Scots, who do speed as well in the North as the rest have done about Oxford, is not to be feared or doubted.

Thus (Monsieur Bookerus) I have anatomized and skellitonized your railing Pamphlet and ridiculous Prediction: it is known too well, that the expectation of some mischievous events was the ladder on which your meditations mounted. You were believed amongst a company of catacoxcombrian Plebeians, as amongst the Heathen the Delphian Oracle; amongst many you were accounted as the Celestiall Bearward, and that Ʋrsa major and Ʋrsa minor were your Cubbes, the Dog-starre was your Whelpe, for you brought him up of a pup­py. Master Booker, Taurus is your best game. Bull, and that is a Beast of your own breeding, it is supposed you sucked him since the first time he was a Moon-Calfe; Iupiters thunder is your Taber, Mercu­ry is your Bagpiper, and writes your Beare-gar-den Bills, in the forme of Planetary Conjunctions, Charles his Wain is but a Cart to you, and Ariadnes Crown is at your disposall, Hesperus and Vesperus lights you to bed and to breakfast, the Pleiades are your Handmaides, and Castor and Pollux are your Pages.

In a word, I hold thee to be more than mortall, and that the Dra­gon being sicke, and much troubled with the Megrim in the Head, so that Aesculapius was sent by Iupiter to give him a Clister, which being applyed, the Dragon voided thee out of his Taile for a worme. This was once your high estate and estimation, but how art thou fal­len, O thou wonder amongst wise men and widgeons; the seven Planets are highly and implacably offended with thee, and (instead of their influences) they will infuse into thee seven deadly sins, and all the twelve Signes have shut their celestiall Gates against thee, at the command of Saturne and Iupiter, the starres are malevolent pre­tending and portending revenge against thee for belying them, and calling and causing them to witnesse thy lying Conjunctions and trai­terous expositions of them. Aries will brow-beat thee, with bat­tering thy shamelesse Head and Face, and make thee Horne-mad. Taurus will gore thee through the Necke, and hunch thy Lyes into thy Throat; Gemini will bastinado thine armes and shoul­ders with a cudgell called Morbus Gallicus; Cancer shall gnaw thy slinking Stomacke, and (like the worme of conscience) torment thee, [Page 8]he shall crabbedly torment thee, and Crab-lice shall crawle over thee. Leo shall rage hotly, roare terribly, and bite thee horribly in the Dog­dayes. Virgo shall accuse thee for a Rape, for lying with her against her will, and belying of her in thy foisting fustianisme, for which she will vexe thee to the very gutts and belly, with Chollickes, Strangu­ries, Dropsies, Convulsions, and Hippocondraicus. Libra hath weighed thee in his B [...]llance, and findes thee too light, his Aequinoctiall Scales sayes thou wants so many Graines either of Troy or Averde­pois of honesty, that he will possesse thy Reines with the loathsome Gonorea, and thy Kidneys with the Stone more feeling and sensibly than that of the Philosophers. Scorpio (in secret) remembers thee, therefore look to thy Prepuce, be carefull of thy Priapus, for he will have a fling at thy Testiculanorums. Thou hast displeased Sagittarius, in shooting dog-bolts and fooles-bolts in his name, without his leave, for the which he will shut Sciatica shafts into thy Hippes and huckle­bones, and pocky arrowes through thy Thighes. Capricorne will give thee no more Goates milke, and will strike thy knees into such a stif­nesse, that thou shalt never have the grace to bow them to any other Gods than those of the Close Committee. Aquarius, or Aquaticus, will dash and balderdash thee, ducke, sowse, pumpe and plunge thee, in­to the bottomlesse Gulfe of Mare mortuum; or if thou scape that, he will plague thee with Goutes and Crampes, and lastly hurle thee headlong into the perpendicularity of the vast watry Region; where thou shalt irremediably and irrecoverably be crippled in thy feet, root and branch, cap à pe, top and taile by Pisces.

How thinkest thou now of thy selfe (thou quondam wisedome of five Justices) thou hast spun a faire thread, bigge enough to make thee a Gregorian neck-lace, I pray thee do but look in a glasse, and see the figure of we two, I tell thee, (without swearing) that I am very sory for thee, but I could hardly weep to see thee and all thy friends hanged: that's a full point.

Mercurius Aulicus and George Naworth do so farre slight thee and thy for did railing, as the Lion or Mastiffe regards not the barking and bawling of a mangie Curte; onely I my selfe (yea my very selfe) have out of my grace and clemency vouchsafed to descend so low as to honour thee with this mine Answer. If wishes were availeable, I would wish thee to play the lying Knave no more, give over wri­ting of Treason, and incensing People to Rebellion, confesse thy faults in abusing of me, and I perhaps will begge thy pardon.

THese are to signifie, that all Merchants, and o­thers, that are desirous weekly to impart beyond Seas, the certain condition of affaires here, and of the proceedings of the War; they shall have it weekly published in Print, in the French Tongue, and every Thursday at nine of the clocke in the mor­ning: the Reader may have them (if he please) at Master Bournes Shop at the old Exchange: the Title of the thing is Le Mercure Anglois, which a while since was begun and continued for two or three weekes, and finding it much desired, during these three weekes past, that the publishing of it (through some occasions) was discontinued: It shall for the future be continued according to the most certaine, and impartiall Relations of affaires here, to come out at the time and place aforesaid.

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